Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Royle ex D.Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 513 1837. (Syn: Ericala argentea Royle ex G.Don; Gentianodes argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Omer, Ali & Qaiser; Varasia argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Soják (Unresolved)); . Common name: Silvery Gentian . Gentiana argentea revisited ABJAN2018/02 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) The following photographs of Gentiana argentea are taken this month at about 1800m. On the same slope, next to this species, is another gentian G. pedicellata (more on this later). The slope faces south and starts receiving the sun at about 8am. The flowers of both species do not open till about 9:30am when the sun has had time to warm the slopes sufficiently. They also close around 3pm, an hour before the sun leave the slope. It leads to the conclusion that temperature plays a definite part in the opening and closing timings of these gentians. Further, on overcast days, the flowers remain unopened and I have observed this for all the three gentians currently in flower (the third being G. capitata). In my observations for the past three years, G. argentea flowers first start appearing in late December to early January. By early March there are a large number of these flowers on our slopes. I haven’t observed closely the time of their disappearance but I will strive to do so this year. So our G. argentea appears in mid-winter and goes on till at least April. I made a few measurements of several plants to average out the dimensions: Flowers are 12mm across (ca 10mm tall) and are pale blue with yellow-green throats. The line-markings are mostly light brown. Sepals, which reach more than halfway up the corolla tube, have cartilaginous edges. The plant is about 2-3cm tall with usually 2-4 branches emerging from the bottom. The leaves are crowded on the stem (making the stem almost invisible), have sharp apices and are recurved. I fail to see them as ‘silvery’. The slope I have photographed them on is heavily grazed and perhaps most herbs don’t grow to their usual height. Most characteristics of our flowering plants meet that of G. argentea but there is always a small possibility that the plant in question is a different species or a variation. Please advise if possible from these pictures whether I should be looking at another species. In the last photo, a sole flower of G. pedicellata is seen next to the larger G. argentea. Gentiana argentea 1800m approx Near Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP, January, 2018. I have been photographing these gentians (perhaps more than once species) since mid-Feb and trying to confirm if these are all G. argentea. The calyx is not as long as the corolla and the stem is not always branching from the base. What are the main characteristics which will establish G. argentea decidedly? Please advise. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 12Feb-4March, 2017 8 images. It is always a pleasure to see your images. There appears mixing of two different plants in this thread. Thank you … I suspected the same as mentioned in my email. Could the first two be G. capitata? Gentiana…perhaps G. argentea? : 3 posts by 2 authors. I will name this Gentiana, G. argentea is OK? Photos prises le 14/04/2016 à 3240met. sur la commune de Bhatwari, Uttarakhand, Inde. May be close as per images at Gentiana argentea, but I am not sure. Gentiana argentea? ABJAN2017/02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Gentiana argentea? Mcleodganj-Triund Trek, 2400m approx. 02 January, 2017 Appears close to images at Gentiana argentea NSD-4 April 2017 Gentiana argentea ?????? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) I think Gentiana argentea but not very sure Please help me to confirm its id. Thanks, … May I request you to pl. post the side view ? Thanks a lot … posting side view. Attachments (1) To me appear close to images at Gentiana argentea
Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Gentiana quadrifaria from Kedarnath by Amber Srivastava for validation-GSJUL08 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). This photograph was uploaded on Indian Flora, Facebook for ID from Kedarnath by Amber Srivastava for ID. As expected immediately two identifications of G. carinata were proposed. Only when I pointed out about absence of fimbriae that similar plants were uploaded from Ooty Nilgiris and identified as G. quadrifaria by Jee Jeevith. It is significant that Flora of Pakistan considers G. quadrifaria of FBI (non Blume) as actually G. pedicellata (D Don) Griseb (treated as Gentianodes pedicellata (D.Don) Omer in eFlora of Pakistan). and this statement in Flora is significant “In general appearance, it resembles Qaisera carinata (D.Don) Omer. However, Gentianodes pedicellata (D.Don) Omer et al. lacks fmbriae in corolla throat. Similarly the plicae are entire in Gentianodes pedicellata (D.Don) Omer et al. and calycine lobes are reflexed.” Please validate identification efi page on Gentiana quadrifaria Thanks, …, G. quadrifaria is not listed in Uttartakhand in A CENSUS OF GENTIANA L. IN INDIA by Sharmistha Gupta, Ambarish Mukherjee and Madhusudan Mondal- ISBN : 978-93-5067-867-1- Systematics of Fiowering Plants. (2012) It may be Gentiana argentea. Yes Gentiana argentea, if we believe third picture on Flowers of India Thanks, …, As per FOP, Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Griseb. in DC. is shown as a syn. of Gentianodes argentea While in FON, Tropicos, A CENSUS OF GENTIANA L. IN INDIA by Sharmistha Gupta, Ambarish Mukherjee and Madhusudan Mondal- ISBN : 978-93-5067-867-1- Systematics of Fiowering Plants. (2012) & Indian Gentianaceae: A Check-list By Sunita Garg (1988), it is shown as Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Griseb. only. The Plant list gives it as unresolved- Gentiana argentea (D. Don) Griseb. Pl. clarify which one to follow. I think we can ignore this entry of The Plant List Ericalia argentea Royle ex D. Don is the basionym on which Flora of Pakistan based Gentianodes argentea (Royle ex D. Don). Same is basis of Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D. Don) Royle ex D Don, considered as accepted name in Plant List
Kalatope id – al 020310: 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Here is something I thought to be from Gentian family… Location Kalatope sanctuary Gentiana depressa D. Don?? Yes, Gentiana depressa Does not seem to match with Gentiana depressa as per range & images at http://encyclopaedia.alpinegardensociety.G.depressa I think it appears close to images at Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Royle ex D.Don . Gentiana ornata?/ABMAR15 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Gentiana ornata–Please confirm. Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 12 March 2015 wanted to tell : very pretty flowers and i was waiting for someone to validate your id may be … will Does not match with Gentiana ornata as per images & range as per the following: To me it appears close to images at Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Royle ex D.Don Thank you … This is another old post. I agree it is likely G.argentea. For this Gentiana I doubt….perhaps G. ornate? Photo prise le 14/04/2016 à 3770met. sur la commune de Bhatwari, Uttarakhand, Inde. Gentiana species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) From Western Himalayas, it looks like Gentiana carinata which has petals and lobules of the same size. Thank you very much for your answer. I had not paid attention to the location that eliminates G. ornata. So I note Gentiana carinata. Looks different from images at Gentiana carinata (D.Don) Griseb. due to lack of fimbriate corolla. Can it be Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Royle ex D.Don as per images herein Gentiana argentea Royle ex D.Don (fr. Churdhar) : VG-JUL-11 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Sharing some images of Gentiana argentea from our recent trek to Churdhar Peak. Photographed very close to the summit on 27 May 2015. very nice close up
I found this gentian on 5 March on the same route where I found the Calanthe. The leaves here look different from the G. argentea. Which species could it be? Please advise. Above Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP 1950m 5 March 2017. efi pages on Gentiana (with comparative images & other details) & Gentiana argentea As you are working on Western Himlayan Gentiana, may I request you to pl. help in this id. I place this species as Gentiana argentea. Variation range yet to solve in my future circumscription for this species. . Gentiana clarkei from Chopta Forest, Uttarakhand-GS30122021-1: 4 high res. images. Gentiana clarkei Kusn, Syn: G. pygmaea C B Clarke Photographed from Chopta Forest, Uttarakhand, 1-6-2013 Maybe as per images at Gentiana clarkei Kusn. The plant habit seems different, when thoroughly observe the vegetative and reproductive characters, it looks similar to Gentiana argentea. . SK 3618 19 August 2022: 2 very high res. images. Location: Juphal, Dolpa, Nepal Altitude: 2500m. Date: 22 June 1022 Habit : Wild Gentiana sp. Pl. check I think close to images at Gentiana argentea (Royle ex D.Don) Royle ex D.Don May I have your opinion on : Yes matching, you can consider it as G.argentea as it is found in many polymorphic shapes. |
Gentiana argentea
Updated on December 24, 2024