Iris variegata L., Sp. Pl. 38 1753. (Syn: Iris benacensis A.Kern. ex Stapf; Iris flavescens Delile; Iris lepida Heuff.; Iris leucographa A.Kern.; Iris limbata Besser ex Steud.; Iris mangaliae Prodán; Iris reginae Horvat & M.D.Horvat; Iris rudskyi Horvat & M.D.Horvat; Iris × squalens subsp. lepida (Heuff.) Nyman; Iris variegata var. foienii Prodán & Buia; Iris variegata subsp. leucographa (A.Kern.) Nyman; Iris variegata var. pontica Prodán; Iris variegata var. tirnavae Prodán & Buia); C. & SE. Europe to Ukraine as per WCSP; Iris variegata L., Sp. pl. 1:38. 1753 syn: Iris amoena Redoute; Iris flavescens Redoute Similar looking to common bearded Iris germanica but shorter growing, barely up to 45 cm, with flowering stems almost as tall as leaves, branched; leaves sword shaped up to 25 mm wide, distinctly nerved; flowers yellow variegated with purple or chesnut, in 1-4 clusters each spathe usually 2-3-flowered; spathe-valves green, inflated, rarely very narrowly scarious margined; perianth tube 20-25 mm long; falls obovate-oblong, nearly 20 mm wide, yellow with purple or chestnut veins, darker coloured towards the apex, beard yellow forming a central line in lower part; standards erect, yellow, with brown veined claw; capsule 22-28 mm long, 10-13 mm broad, 6-ribbed. Cultivated in gardens in Kashmir, suitable for beds due to low height. Photographed from Herbal Garden Kashmir.
Gorgeous… So brightly colored lily This Iris species was photographed in a flower bed of Indian army. Plants are 10-15 inches tall. Never seen it in wild in Uttarakhand; probably cultivated species. Please suggest the ID. This is the first time i see this beautiful flower of an unknown genus. One hort. named as “LORELEY” looks similar. But size should be a little large (a cm or two would fit- !). But there is closely looking cultivar too which are unidentified – (please scroll below to see look alike). Perhaps these are all originated from Iris germanica L. Yes … Your links suggest it as Iris x germanica L. and I now feel that it is a cultivated plant only. I think it should be Iris variegata- efi thread I also have some of my specimens under I. germanica (may be wrongly). This should help I. germanica: Flowering stems longer than leaves; leaves 3-4 cm wide; perianth tube 2.5 cm long. I. variegata: Flowering stems shorter or equalling leaves; leaves 2 cm wide; perianth tube 2 cm long Thank you … This thread introduces me to a new genus (though I have a copy of Polunin & Stainton!). Now, it appears to me it is closer to … id, at least as per height of the plant (besides those differences keyed in by Sir) – Interestingly, as per FoNA and KEW Iris x germanica itself is a hybrid of I. variegata and KEW thinks the former is a low growing one with many cultivars.
Iris germanica from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Iris germanica from Kashmir, one of the most popular species grown in a variety of colour combinations. Photographed from Gulmarg on June 20, 2010 Common Names: German flag, German Iris Nice catch Sir ji, probably this plant was uploaded by Nalini Ji a month ago. Yes …, a very common plant References: |
Iris variegata (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024