Leucas aspera

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 113 1822. (syn. Leucas dimidiata (Roth) Spreng.; Leucas dimidiata Benth.; Leucas minahassae Koord. [Invalid]; Leucas obliqua Buch.-Ham. ex Dillwyn; Leucas plukenetii (Roth) Spreng.; Phlomis aspera Willd.; Phlomis dimidiata Roth; Phlomis esculenta Roxb.; Phlomis obliqua Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f.; Phlomis plukenetii Roth);
pansi-pansi, Common Leucas • Hindi: छोटा हल्कुसा Chhota halkusa, गॊफा Gophaa • Manipuri: Mayanglambum • Marathi: Tamba • Tamil: தும்பை Thumbai • Malayalam: Tumba • Telugu: Thummi​ (తుమ్మి) • Kannada: Tumbe guda • Bengali: Ghal ghase • Oriya: Bhutamari • Konkani: Tumbo • Sanskrit: द्रोणपुष्पी Dronapushpi;
The calyx (Leucas lavandulifolia) is characteristically very oblique at apex, 8-toothed; teeth irregular/ minute and the posterior teeth is the largest. In L. aspera, the calyx is slightly oblique at apex, 10-toothed; teeth unequal but not as above. Of course there are several other differences such as: hairs on the stems are deflexed in the former and they are spreading in the latter species.
TAXONOMIC STUDY OF THE GENUS LEUCAS R (Bangladesh- 2005)- (Keys- Leucas biflora, cephalotes, indica (syn. of Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. as per The Plant List), zeylanica, ciliata, aspera, vestita & mollissima (syn. of Leucas decemdentata var. decemdentata as per The Plant List)
Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (Description & Keys- Leucas biflora, stricta, cephalotes, aspera, zeylanica & nutans
Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach, Volume 2 By Kumudranjan Naskar(Description & Keys- Leucas lavendulaefolia (lavandulifolia), biflora var. procumbens, aspera, nutans & cephalotes
Flora of Pakistan (Description & Keys- Leucas nutans, cephalotes, aspera, urticifolia, hyssopifolia, mollissima (syn. of Leucas decemdentata var. decemdentata as per The Plant List) & lanata)

Etymology no.5
Leucas aspera- Lamiaceae
Leucas – Leuca- white (may represent the colour of the flower)
aspera– rough (surface texture of the leaf).



Hooghly Today : Leucas aspera (Willdenow) Link:
It took me more than an hour to decide not to use “?” in the title of this post. So, i think this is Leucas aspera (Willdenow) Link, a small herb (less than a foot) beside rail-tracks.

Is it Lepidagathis ?

I am not sure, I thought it could be a Leucas species, since the flowers as well as the plant resembles the illustrations at – http://plantillustrations.org/taxa.php?id_taxon=5081.

I think Leucas aspera.

I think I have more clear pictures of this plant, recorded sometimes later after this first upload. Will search my hard-disk and post in this thread.

Attaching new set of this plant, recorded at the same place and of same population.

Lovely pictures indeed, I hope the id is right..Leucas aspera

Thank you very much Sir, two earlier threads helped me much.

In light of upload by … this could be L. ciliata (longer calyx lobes; hispid).

The problem is that learning from here, in this group, I teach, rather give opinion, to my friends in other groups, my students, (sometimes my colleagues too!). Now, I will have to recall whom did I impart knowledge regarding id of Leucas since 2013. Okay… that’s my job, eFI is not at all responsible for that.
Following are the Indian sites which think what Leucas ciliata can be –

It’s hard to believe that the species in this thread is same. But, you are my teacher here and I am bound to accept your verdict.

We on the basis of photographs can only give our opinion only, and not verdict. We learn from each other.


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae, Leucas sp. from Hooghly-skMAY01/02 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
These photographs of a wild herb were recorded on 06-Oct-2014

Leucas species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

The leaves are covered with hairs (wooly).
Could be L.lanata as seen in this link http://www.botanicayjardines.com/leucas-lanata/.

It is Leucas aspera only,

Thank you very much Sir, many thanks to …



It is Leucas aspera (Willd.) Linn.; not Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249907/

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should be correct, the Linnaen name is wrong. Actually Willdenow published around 1800 and the name in parenthesis indicate it is the original author who coined the species name. If I remember correctly, Willd. published it Under Phlomis a genus and Link transferred later to the Leucas genus.
I understand being a non-Botanist you may face some nomenclatural rules, but I request you to see the Taxonomic websites like ipni.org; theplantlist.org.

Thank you very much for the correct accepted name. I understand that the authors made an inadvertent mistake in the paper.


Leucas aspera : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7)
This is not the photographs of a live specimen, but only history!


ID Request 160813SG-A :  Attachments (3). 8 posts by 7 authors.
Help ID of following herb found in our Tur crop; photo on 16Aug13

This is also a species of Leucas, possibly also the Common Leucas [L.aspera].

Yes Leucas, probably L. cephalotes…

L. aspera

Yes …; leucas aspera.

… confusing. Why not Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. ?

Thank you … On checking available information (to me) I feel that your id suggestion L.lavandulifolia may be right.

This species looks like Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link to me.


June15sk12/12 : Leucas spp. in West Bengal : 4 posts by 1 author

Of the 10 spp. distributed in West Bengal I attach herewith what I think Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link. The photographs used in the plate is from two earlier threads, recorded at same place at different time (January,’13 & Oct.,’14), of same community, but possibly of two progeny.
Attachments (1)

Leucas : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Is it Leucas aspera– belonging o the Fam. Labiatae (Lamiaceae)?

The plant in the attached photo is Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng.

A reply from another thread:
“One uploaded by … is clearly not L. cephalotes. It appears L. aspera

Yes it appears to be L. aspera.
By the way, this is something I would like to put in general, it would be nice if we take images with scales. Close-ups of flower, inflorescence, fruit and leaves as much as possible should be captured with an accompanying scale for later analysis.

sorry I can not open the link. So far I remember I posted a plant which I thought belonged to L. aspera (I did not mention cephalotes). Thanks for the mail and glad to hear from you.


Re: Correction in eflora page : 3 posts by 2 authors.
In the above page Telugu name is wrongly written as Thumma (Acacia nilotica / babul). Correct name is Thummi​ (తుమ్మి)

Thanks, … I have made the correction pl.

Thanks very much … for the correct name. 

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link, Fam: Lamiaceae
aromatic herb,
Denkanikota, Krishnagiri DT, Tamilnadu 850m altitude
Medicinal and used for pooja

This one will fall under the first part of my comment – “To me, except for two or three threads where pictures are not at all clear to identify the species, ……”
It has very probability of being L. aspera (Willd.) Link, but better pictures are needed.

Looks different from other images at Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link
Also looks different from images at Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng.

Leucas aspera


Mudkavi, KA :: Another Leucas for ID :: ARK2020-041 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Saw this plant by the roadside near Mudkavi, KA in October 2019.
Requested to please ID.

Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/l/lamiaceae/leucas

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link as per comparative images at Leucas

This is Leucas aspera


Leucas species for id : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 814 kb and 2 mb.

Posting again as images not appearing.
Clicked on Sep 2nd, Neemrana (Rajasthan)

Check with Leucas lavendulifolia

I feel it may be Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link as per comparative images at Leucas
It is definitely not Leucas lavandulifolia as per images and details herein.

Pardon me for my low understanding of botanical terminology. What does it mean when the calyx mouth is oblique? I’m not sure what the term oblique means in this context. Would be great if someone could explain

Thanks, … Pl. see any calyx image at Leucas lavandulifolia and you will understand (i.e. calyx mouth is on an incline).

It is L. aspera



Herb from Chitrakoot : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 4 authors.

Please bear with poor photo
Leucas … probably cephalotes ??

Date/Time : 10 December 2009
Location Place : Chitrakoot (MP) Altitude : … GPS :
Habitat : Herbal Garden Type : cultivated
Plant Habit : Herb … Height : small plant upto 40 CM … Length :
Leaves Type : … Shape : Lanceolate … Size :
Inflorescence Type : Globose terminal Verticillaster … Size : 2-4 cm

The plant in the attached photo is …………..
Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 2: 743. 1825.
[Syn: Phlomis cephalotes Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 262. 1821; Leucas capitata Desfontaines.]
Herbs annual, to 90 cm tall. Stems hispid. Leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 5-10 cm, membranous, pubescent, base cuneate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acute. Verticillasters terminal, globose, many flowered, to 5 cm in diam.; bracts narrow lanceolate, overlapping, concealing calyces. Calyx tubular, ca. 2 cm, slightly curved, softly pubescent; teeth very short, subulate.

“I think … is right
it looks like Leucas cephalotes from lamiaceae

Could it be a dried up plant of Leucas Indica?
Please check the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/amithes/3386432033/

I think inflorescence and leaf morphology does not match with Leuca indica

Appears to be close to  Leucas aspera  


Leucas cephalotes,

Thanks, …, for the id.
Yes, appears close to images at  Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng.

Seems L. aspera

Looks like Leucas Aspera, very common in Kerala.


SL 248 211213 : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 3 authors.
Please ID this medicinal herb. Leucas sp.? Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.

Leucas zeylanica?

Following may be of some help:

Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (Description & Keys- Leucas biflora, stricta, cephalotesaspera, zeylanica nutans)

I think it is close to the images at Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link


One more picture

Leucas lavandulifolia looks very likely.

efi page on Leucas lavandulifolia

It looks like Leucas aspera

efi page on Leucas aspera

To me, except for two or three threads where pictures are not at all clear to identify the species, none of the threads accepted as L. aspera is L. aspera (Willd.) Link, no matter who identified those threads.
The picture in this thread doesn’t have enough resolution to determine species level id.

Looks matching !

I think it looks different from images at Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link

The Munnar photo is L. aspera only


Leucas Species for ID : Nasik : 12DEC21 : AK – 14: 2 images.
Leucas Species seen growing wild.

L. aspera


Lamiacae: Leucas aspera Link: 1 high res. image.
synonyms: Leucas dimidiata Benth., Phlomis aspera Willd., Leucas plukenetii (Roth) Spreng.
location/date: Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994





Updated on December 24, 2024

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