Leucas lavandulifolia

LOO-kus — from the Greek leukos (white) 
AS-per-uh — rough
commonly known as: lavender-leaved leucas • Assamese: দোৰোণ doron • Bengali: দন্ডকলস dandakalas, মধুফুল madhuphul, শ্বেতদ্রোণ shbetadrona • Gujarati: ઝીણાં પાનનો કૂબો zina panno kubo • Hindi: गुमा guma, हलकुसा halkusa • Kachchhi: સનેપનજો ગુમુ sanepanjo gumu • Kannada: ದೆವ್ವ ತುಂಬೆ devva tumbe, ಗಂಟುತುಂಬೆ gantutumbe, ಹಸಿರು ತುಂಬೆ hasiru tumbe, ಹೆದ್ದುಂಬೆ heddumbe, ಕರ್ಜಾಲಿಗಿಡ karjaligida • Konkani: तुंबो ತುಂಬೊ tumbo • Malayalam: രുദ്രപുഷ്പം rudrapushpam, തുമ്പ thumba • Manipuri: ꯃꯌꯡꯂꯝꯕꯨꯝ mayanglambum • Marathi: कुवा kuva • Nepali: गुम्मी gummi • Odia: ଗୟସ gayasa • Sanskrit: द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi, रुद्रपुष्प rudrapushpa • Tamil: தும்பை tumbai • Telugu: పూలతుమ్మి pulatummi • Tulu: ಮಲ್ಲ ತುಂಬೆ malla thumbe
Names further compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/08/leucas-lavandulifolia-sm.html
Native to: s China, India, Nepal, n-e Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indo-China, Malesia
The calyx here (Leucas lavandulifolia) is characteristically very oblique at apex, 8-toothed; teeth irregular/ minute and the posterior teeth is the largest. In L. aspera, the calyx is slightly oblique at apex, 10-toothed; teeth unequal but not as above. Of course there are several other differences such as: hairs on the stems are deflexed in the former and they are spreading in the latter species.
Looking similar to L. aspera in appearance but easily separated by less hairy stem and leaves, leaves remotely crenate, calyx tube faintly ribbed, pubescent, limb distinctly oblique with upper tooth much larger than others which are insignificant.  Verticillasters are less dense In L. aspera stem is hispid, leaves crenale, calyx tube glabrous in basal part hispid in upper, limb slightly oblique with distinct sharp teeth, verticillasters very dense almost globose.
TAXONOMIC STUDY OF THE GENUS LEUCAS R (Bangladesh- 2005)- (Keys- Leucas biflora, cephalotes, indica (syn. of Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. as per The Plant List), zeylanica, ciliata, aspera, vestita & mollissima (syn. of Leucas decemdentata var. decemdentata as per The Plant List)

Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach, Volume 2 By Kumudranjan Naskar(Description & Keys- Leucas lavendulaefolia (lavandulifolia), biflora var. procumbens, aspera, nutans & cephalotes)


Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Leucas aspera (RD_01):
Unidentified butterfly in Leucas aspera *(Willd.). Dron or Doron in Assamese is ethno religious and medicinal plant of Assam

Leucas lavandulifolia, again. The calyx here is characteristically very oblique at apex, 8-toothed; teeth irregular/minute and the posterior teeth is the largest.
In L. aspera, the calyx is slightly oblique at apex, 10-toothed; teeth unequal but not as above.
Of course there are several other differences such as: hairs on the stems are deflexed in the former and they are spreading in the latter species.

This flower is very common in Kerala just after the rains.
Children go and collect these flowers for flower decoration during Onam festival.  It is also the favorite of butterflies.
The butterfly in the photo is a skipper butterfly.  Waiting for the exact ID.

LOO-kus — from the Greek leukos (white)
AS-per-uh — rough
May 27, 2007, Bedse Caves near Lonavala
commonly known as: common leucas • *Hindi*: chhota-halkusa, गोफा gopha, गुमी gumi, गुम्मा gumma • *Kannada*: thumbe • *Malayalam*: tumba, tumpa • * Marathi*: तांब tamba, तुंबी tumbi • *Oriya*: bhutamari • *Sanskrit*: द्रोणपुष्पि dronpushpi • *Tamil*: kadar kumbam, sudarpoo tonri, தூலை tulai,  தும்பை tumpai • *Telugu*: తెల్ల తుమ్మి tella tummi
Native to: s China, India, Nepal, n-e Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indo-China, Malesia
   – [image: tumba (in Malayalam)]<http://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/5781666950/>
… May 29, 2011 along KSH 34 at Londa, Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary,    Karnataka
– [image: Gopha (Hindi: गोफा)]<http://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/3127719643/>
… Dec 20, 2008 at Shirgaon near Chiplun

I think this is L. lavandulifolia (= L. indica). Pl check.

In this set, the first three and last three pictures belong to Leucas lavandulifolia.
The middle three pictures are perhaps of L. zeylanica. This need to be confirmed.
If you have access please refer to the monograph of Leucas by V.Singh.

… it must be as per your thought ….
Many many thanks for pointing to misidentification.
Here are all the views of what are labelled as Leucas aspera at
If possible, at your leisure please validate the other sightings.

… want to know if Leucas lavandulaefolia Rees (= Leucas linifolia Spreng.) is synonym of
Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. (= Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng.)

Images by Surajit Koley – validation by Dinesh Valke & Vijayasankar Raman, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)

The book, “Plant Groups” mentions two Leucas, 1) L. aspera Spreng = L. mollisima Wall. and 2) L. linifolia Spreng = L. lavendulaefolia Nees.
Well, i have taken care while typing the above names, but there is no L. aspera Spreng in the net, except some research papers on bio-chemical aspects of Leucas did mention it. Neither could i find L. lavendulaefolia Nees.
I was about to id it L. aspera (Wild.) Link, but … is there – efi thread and here – efi thread!
Species : Leucas lavandulifolia Smith ?
H & H : small herb of about 1 foot beside rail tracks
Date : 3/11/12, 10.00 a.m.
Place : Hooghly
But where are the L. aspera Spreng and L. lavendulaefolia Nees., mistakes in printing or enties?

… about L. lavendulaefolia Nees … please refer to this post where … has shed light.
(I had queried about L. lavendulaefolia Rees).
… to me your posted plant is indeed Leucas lavandulifolia Smith … my learning from one of … eye-opener ID – the link you already mentioned above efi thread.
Basing my ID by noting the calyx mouth. No ambiguity about the obliqueness … quite pronounced.
You may please yet wait for validating comments.

I agree to both … and … that it is Leucas lavandulifolia.
Excellent pictures and nice observations…

Thank you very much for confirming the ID. … is superb, nothing escapes his scrutiny 🙂
Found the post about names at – efi thread

Thanks for updating me on the species. My observations are based on the photographs / references available from the web and I do not have any books on flora(s). In this connection I wish to add that I am not a professional practicing taxonomist, though I studied taxonomy during my post-graduation decades ago. My knowledge is limited to local urban flora as I look out for the plants in my neighborhood as an hobby. My approach is not deep and can only suggest or point out to certain species, which need to be verified and authenticated by the professional taxonomist(s) in the group.

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm(= Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng)- Leaves glabrous, calyx tube mouth oblique, no linear bracts. This is used for pooja in the south, leaves used in medicine; In Karnataka the leaves are used in cooking.


QUERY: Leucas: lavandulifolia AND lavandulaefolia:
Is Leucas lavandulaefolia Rees. synonym of Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. ?

The author of binomial is Sm. and not Rees. (Please let me know where you found Rees; Rees was author of Publication (Encyclopedia-Cycl.) where this species was published.
as for as -ae and -i are concerned, the recent ruling of code requires that ‘ae’ in the epithet should be changed to ‘i’ routinely.

Many thanks … for resolving my query.
I remember about the ae to i ruling that you had clarified earlier.
The query arose in my mind when no mention of Rees. is found in The Plants List and NPGS/GRIN.
There are quite many results found on searching “Leucas lavandulaefolia Rees.” in Google, especially reflect in pharmacological whitepapers at reputed sites.
Tropicos too seems to show it … http://tropicos.org/Name/17600129
Rees. also finds an entry in two reference books:
1) Indian Medicinal Plants – An illustrated dictionary – by C P Khare
2) The Useful Plants of India – NISCAIR

The Plant List entry of this species on clicking TROPICOS below leads to this entry
The reason that author of publication is Rees, and Smith the author of this binomial published in former’r publication must have led to this confusion.


Plants from gujarat

this is leucas sp
flower white
height 45 to 50 cm

Leucas lavandulifolia.

Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 26112013 :: ARK-01 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured growing on the roadside at Kodanadu near Ooty in November 2013.

It is Leucas lavandulifolia.

Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng. (= L. lavendulaefolia Rees.), Fam: Lamiaceae, Drona pushpi, thumbai
Krishnagiri dam, Tamilnadu, erect aromatic herb, some areas people cooking it, used in medicine
Altitude 450m

Thanks … for showing this species.

Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant at Ooty :: 28012014 :: ARK-26 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments(2).
Requesting to please ID this plant captured by the roadside in Ooty in November 2013.

It looks like Leucas aspera

aspera or linifolia..??…

efi page on Leucas aspera & Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng. is a synonym of Leucas lavandulifolia

It is Leucas linifolia. Leucas aspera will have more bracts and more trichomes.

It looks like Leucas aspera, but please wait for … & others.
I am confused and think we need to recheck all Leucas, e.g. one post by … looks same species as in …

The photograph is Leucas lavandulifolia var. decipiens Hook.f.
this is endemic to Ooty Nilgiris



Leacus ID from Bangladesh SM136 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).

Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Wild

Location: Dhaka City

Leucas aspera.

Close-up of calyx helps. Such a big flowered Leucas should be Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.

Yes, it looks like Leucas lavandulifolia to me too.


Leucas aspera : For validation : Bangalore : 310714 : AK-48 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5).
Kindly confirm id.
Seen growing as a wild weed.

It may be Leucas lavandulifolia

it may be Leucas aspera. (ref: Common indian wild flowers by Isaac Kehimkar)

Calyx lobes glabrous, shorter, bracts and bracteoles not prominent, stem glabrous, leaves longer, dark green, these features are characteristic of Leucas lavendulifolia, it is L. lavendulifolia


Anshi Ghat :: Leucas lavandulifolia :: DVFEB36/69 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
Anshi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 25 MAY 2013 … Altitude: 340 – 380 m asl

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. (family: Lamiaceae)

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.
along KSH34 near Anshi on February 21, 2012

I am always confused with Leucas, thanks for giving us the correct name of this plant.

Thanks … I was under the impression that this plant and all other L. lavendulifolia in my collection were L. aspera, until … threw some light on differences in their calices.

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.
at Goa on December 31, 2011

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.
at Honavar on March 16, 2013

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.
near Molem on February 18, 2012

Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Lamiaceae : Leucas lavendulifolia : Bangalore : 05MAY15 : AK-1 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
My first post under the family fortnight.
Posted earlier, identified by …

Attached are pictures of Leucas lavandulifolia var. decipiens captured around Ooty in November 2013.
Requested to validate the ID.

…, isn’t it the same which one was identified earlier ?

Yes, …, it is the same…somehow missed the earlier posting when posting this….


Req. Leucas Species for ID:
In Telugu this plant is called Tummi (తుమ్మి) Ayurveda: Drona Pushpi.
Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India mentioned it as: Leucas cephalotes, … in Flickr wrote as Leucas lavandulifolia some others as leucas indica.
Whether all these are synonyms for one plant or are they different species.

This is the Common Leucas [Leucas aspera].

My sightings of Leucas lavandulifolia need validation.
I think them to be Leucas lavandulifolia based on description in Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. (Dronapushpi) by V. Singh
But I could be wrong; my sightings could be Leucas aspera.
Both L. lavandulifolia and L. aspera are confusing me.

Your plant is not Leucas cephalotes … the leaves here are linear.
About Leucas indica:

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. (syn. Leucas indica (L.) Vatke [Illegitimate])
Leucas zeylanica var. zeylanica (syn. Leucas indica (L.) R.Br. ex Sm.)

Synonyms referred from The Plants List
About dronapushpi – this is a generic name for most of the species of Leucas.

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should have (ref. FoC) –

  • densely hispid many flowered globose verticillaster
  • hispid linear bracts as long as calyx
  • oblique calyx mouth, calyx hispid outside, teeth straight-triangular-spinescent apex
This species is not Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
This species is L. lavandulifolia Smith.

leucas aspera:
leucas aspera, last week
near a paddy field, goa

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should have (ref. FoC) –

  • densely hispid many flowered globose verticillaster
  • hispid linear bracts as long as calyx
  • oblique calyx mouth, calyx hispid outside, teeth straight-triangular-spinescent apex
This species is not Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
Three species can be confused with are L. aspera (Wiild.) Link; L. zeylanica (L.) R. Br. and L. lavandulifolia Smith.
This species has calyx mouth very oblique and largest upper tooth, so this is also L. lavandulifolia Smith.
DSCN7661a. jpg is not a Leucas.


SYMBIOSIS: 1 correct image.
I find flowers of Leucas aspera (SHWET DRONA) are very popular to butterflies. Attaching an image of Blue Tiger butterfly on Lecus aspera.

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should have (ref. FoC) –

  • densely hispid many flowered globose verticillaster
  • hispid linear bracts as long as calyx
  • oblique calyx mouth, calyx hispid outside, teeth straight-triangular-spinescent apex
This species is not likely to be Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
This species is like to be L. lavandulifolia Smith.

SYMBIOSIS : 351 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Painted Lady butterfly on the flowers of Leucas aspera.

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should have (ref. FoC) –

  • densely hispid many flowered globose verticillaster
  • hispid linear bracts as long as calyx
  • oblique calyx mouth, calyx hispid outside, teeth straight-triangular-spinescent apex
This species is not likely to be Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
This species is like to be L. lavandulifolia Smith.

Konkan, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this herb :: 05JUN014 :: ARK-10 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6).
Requesting to please ID this herb captured in a field near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014.

Its a Leucas sp. Mostly Leucas aspera !!

I am agree with …

Yes. It is Leucas aspera.

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should have (ref. FoC) –

  • densely hispid many flowered globose verticillaster
  • hispid linear bracts as long as calyx
  • oblique calyx mouth, calyx hispid outside, teeth straight-triangular-spinescent apex
This species is not Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
This species is L. lavandulifolia Smith.

Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae :: Leucas aspera :: Konkan :: ARKMAY-22/22 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Attached are pictures of Leucas aspera captured at Konkan in May 2014.

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link should have (ref. FoC) –

  • densely hispid many flowered globose verticillaster
  • hispid linear bracts as long as calyx
  • oblique calyx mouth, calyx hispid outside, teeth straight-triangular-spinescent apex
This species is not Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
This species is L. lavandulifolia Smith.


Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae – Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link Assam – KD 11 MAY 2015 : 12 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (5)
Attached images are Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link. In two images the specimen is infested by Cuscuta reflexa. Date :.2012 & 2013
Location: Assam

Yes …, I know at least this species.

I am afraid this is not L. aspera (Willd.) Link.

At least the Oblique calyx, leaves, floral clusters all suggest L. aspera. It would help if Surajit ji gives reasons for his doubt.

If this is Leucas aspera then the one I have, photographed and submitted twice in the same thread, identified by …, is not Leucas aspera.
And the other I have, identified by …, is not Leucas lavandulifolia.

These repeat episodes are meant for this purpose only, rechecking and improving upon identifications. Your first plant earlier identified as L. aspera I think is L. ciliata (I have written in that thread also) with very long calyx lobes, strongly hispid. Your L. lavandaefolia I think is very distinct in lacking long hairs on calyx and upper calyx lobe being much longer than others as also very weakly crenate repand leaves.
I hope … will help us in resolving the issue.

Actually the Leucas group for India is done by Dr. V. Singh. Dr. Sunoj also worked for Peninsular India. The former published Leucas of India in J Econ Taxon Bot Addl series. I have checked the keys in V. Singh’s work and found … provided characters are tallying mainly the size of the calyx lobe and indumentum characters important to distinguish this species.
Better follow what … provided key characters.

I am totally confused.
As per Flora of China (my only latest source of information are these efloras, and I have been told by Gurcharan Sir that we can rely on them mostly ) :-
plants hispid, calyx slightly oblique at mouth……… = KEY 7
there are two species under KEY-7 = L. aspera & L. zeylanica.
FoC thinks, in L. aspera, calyx tubular……. slightly hispid or sub-glabrous at base, otherwise densely hispid outside, mouth oblique… teeth straight … apex spinescent
There are many pics of L. aspera in the net, I am not to judge who is correct and who is not, one person, from Indonesia, follows the above description – https://www.flickr.com/photos/87453322, I think.
I am really sorry that I have failed and I still fail to see the above features in the set of photographs submitted in this thread.
I will deal with Leucas ciliata in my own thread.
As I said I am very much confused. I am not sure if I should accept the ID of this species as Leucas aspera or I should wait for another repeat episode.
Thank you all for your kind teaching.

Backed by three (maybe four) heavyweights it must be Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link. whether I accept or not! Please go ahead with the ID.

I have to say I think this is Leucas lavandulifolia Smith syn. Leucas linifolia (Roth) Sprengel.

SYMBIOSIS : 769 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a bee visiting flowers of Leucas aspera.

I think it’s not Leucas aspera as pointed out recently by … in your other threads.

Dada, you know it all. But, what is Leucas aspera remains unresolved, because members have varied views.

SYMBIOSIS :770 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a Common Grass Yellow butterfly on the flowers of Leucas aspera (DRON PUSHPA/ HALKUSA).

I think it’s not Leucas aspera as pointed out recently by … in your other threads.

I am confused now. Thanks.

Leucas sp. from Assam KD 01 Aug, 2015 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Attached images may be Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. or  Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link. Please ID the plant.  
Date :04.08.2015
Location: Assam
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus & species : Leucas sp.
Habitat: Grows wild on road side
Habit : Herb

Very oblique non- hispid calyx teeth suggest this is Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.

Leucas lavandulifolia from near Hemavati Reservoir in Hassan, Karnataka-GSOCT01/12 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Leucas lavandulifolia Smith, Cycl. sect. 2, pt. 40. 1812.
Syn: Leonurus indicus N. Burman; Leucas linifolia (Roth) Sprengel; Phlomis linifolia Roth.
Looking similar to L. aspera in appearance but easily separated by less hairy stem and leaves, leaves remotely crenate, calyx tube faintly ribbed, pubescent, limb distinctly oblique with upper tooth much larger than others which are insignificant.  Verticillasters are less dense In L. aspera stem is hispid, leaves crenale, calyx tube glabrous in basal part hispid in upper, limb slightly oblique with distinct sharp teeth, verticillasters very dense almost globose.
Photographed in areas around Hemavati Reservoir in Hassan , Karnataka.

Leucas (Labiate) herb for ID :: MK004 SEP2016 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Please help in identification of this Leucas species from Lamiaceae. It is commonly found on the forest floor of Deciduous forests and the herb can grow up to 2 feet tall.
Location: Bandipur NP (closer to Mudumalai), Karnataka
Elev.: 800 m asl
Date: 20 August 2016

I hope it is Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.

Could this be Leucas lavandulifolia?

Thanks, … for the Id.
I think matches with images at Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. 

Leucas Species For ID : Bangalore : 02DEC16 : AK-6 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Leucas Species seen on 30th Oct, growing wild.
Leucas aspera?

Thanks, …  You can verify with images at EFI site page

This could be Leucas lavandulifolia, posted from a different location in Bangalore, or Leucas aspera.
Experts, kindly validate.

I think better matches with images at Leucas lavandulifolia rather than those at Leucas aspera

‘Leucas lavandulifolia‘ from me, too.

Bhagamandala – Thalacauvery Road Karnataka
Date: 22 FEB 2017 … Altitude range: ~ 907 – 1122 m (2976 – 3683 ft) asl
Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. … (family: Lamiaceae)

via Species‎ > ‎L‎ > Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. … family: Lamiaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
LOO-kus — from the Greek leukos (white) … Dave’s Botanary
lav-an-dew-lee-fol-ee-a — with leaves similar to the genus Lavandula (lavender) … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known aslavender-leaved leucas • Gujaratiઝીનાપન્નો કૂબો zina panno kubo • Hindiगुमा gumaहलकुसा halkusa • Kannadaದೆವ್ವ ತುಂಬೆ devva tumbeಗಂಟುತುಂಬೆ gantutumbeಹಸಿರು ತುಂಬೆ hasiru tumbeಕರ್ಜಾಲಿಗಿಡ karjaligida • Konkaniतुंबो tumbo • Malayalamതുമ്പ tumba • Marathiगूमा guma • Nepaliगुम्मी gummi • Odiaଗଯସ gayasa • Sanskritद्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpiरुद्रपुष्प rudrapushpa • Tamilதும்பை tumbai • Teluguపూలతుమ్మి pulatummi• Tuluಮಲ್ಲ ತುಂಬೆ malla thumbe 
botanical namesLeucas lavandulifolia Sm. … synonymsHetrepta lavandulifolia (Sm.) Raf. • Leonurus indicus L. • Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng. • Leucas malabarica W.Theob. • Phlomis linifolia Roth … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
December 31, 2011 … Majorda, Goa 

The Gujarati name of this plant is ઝીણાં પાનનો કૂબો. It is written incorrectly in your post. In Gujarati, કૂબો is the generic name for Leucas spp. and is suggestive of the whorl-like verticillasters characteristic of various Lamiaceae members. The words preceding કૂબો refer to the linear leaves of this particular species.

Thank you very very much … for this validation !! and for the additional information.
Will correct it in my notes right away !!

LOO-kus — from the Greek leukos (white) … Dave’s Botanary
lav-an-dew-lee-fol-ee-a — with leaves similar to the genus Lavandula (lavender) … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: lavender-leaved leucas • Assamese: দোৰোণ doron • Bengali: দন্ডকলস dandakalas, মধুফুল madhuphul, শ্বেতদ্রোণ shbetadrona • Gujarati: ઝીણાં પાનનો કૂબો zina panno kubo • Hindi: गुमा guma, हलकुसा halkusa • Kachchhi: સનેપનજો ગુમુ sanepanjo gumu • Kannada: ದೆವ್ವ ತುಂಬೆ devva tumbe, ಗಂಟುತುಂಬೆ gantutumbe, ಹಸಿರು ತುಂಬೆ hasiru tumbe, ಹೆದ್ದುಂಬೆ heddumbe, ಕರ್ಜಾಲಿಗಿಡ karjaligida • Konkani: तुंबो ತುಂಬೊ tumbo • Malayalam: രുദ്രപുഷ്പം rudrapushpam, തുമ്പ thumba • Manipuri: ꯃꯌꯡꯂꯝꯕꯨꯝ mayanglambum • Marathi: कुवा kuva • Nepali: गुम्मी gummi • Odia: ଗୟସ gayasa • Sanskrit: द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi, रुद्रपुष्प rudrapushpa • Tamil: தும்பை tumbai • Telugu: పూలతుమ్మి pulatummi • Tulu: ಮಲ್ಲ ತುಂಬೆ malla thumbe

തുമ്പ thumba
  • Many thanks to Sam Kuzhalanattu for help with this name … efloraofindia
  • തുമ്പ thumba = the generic name for species of Leucas
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯃꯌꯡꯂꯝꯕꯨꯝ mayanglambum
  • Flowers of India
  • The Economic Plants of Manipur and their Uses, S. Sukumar Singh (Manipur, 2006)
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कुवा kuva
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
गुम्मी gummi
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଗୟସ gayasa
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi
रुद्रपुष्प rudrapushpa
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
தும்பை tumbai
  • for Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng. … Five Hundred Indian Plants by Messrs. C. Stolz and G. Plebst, Basel Mission, Mangalore
  • தும்பை tumbai = the generic name for species of Leucas
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
పూలతుమ్మి pulatummi
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಮಲ್ಲ ತುಂಬೆ malla thumbe
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in States and Union Territories of India ~~~~~
throughout plains of India
~~~~~ Variant Spellings ~~~~~
  • lavandulifolia = lavandulaefolia
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Correct English spelling of തുമ്പ is thumba.


Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link ??? : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

Location: Siliguri, India
Date: 25 May  2017
Altitude: 400 ft.
Nepali Names : गुम्मा Gummaa / दनेफु Danephu / द्रोणपुश्पि Dronapushpi / गुमपाते Gumapaate

Hope the species may be Leucas lavandulifolia Smith.

Thanks, …  One can see differences between these closely related species at EFI site page of either of the species.

Agree with …: Leucas lavandulifolia as per images herein

Thank you … Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.
Leucas indica (L.) R. Br. ex Vatke (Syn.)
Nepali Names : गुम्मी Gummi / गान्टे  फूल Gaante Phool 

Please remove Nepali names for this sp.


Leucas aspera : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Leucas aspera,
This was seen growing besides the road that passes thru Chinnar WLS, Kerala
Chinnar straddles the Nilgiris and falls in the rain shadow area of the Western Ghats

Seems to be Leucas lavandulifolia Sm

what are the key features that differentiate the two, …

…, thank you for pointing this out. 
…, I am pasting an earlier discussion below. 
The calyx here (Leucas lavandulifolia) is characteristically very oblique at apex, 8-toothed; teeth irregular/ minute and the posterior teeth is the largest. In L. aspera, the calyx is slightly oblique at apex, 10-toothed; teeth unequal but not as above. Of course there are several other differences such ashairs on the stems are deflexed in the former and they are spreading in the latter species.
Looking similar to L. aspera in appearance but easily separated by less hairy stem and leaves, leaves remotely crenate, calyx tube faintly ribbed, pubescent, limb distinctly oblique with upper tooth much larger than others which are insignificant.  Verticillasters are less dense In L. aspera stem is hispid, leaves crenale, calyx tube glabrous in basal part hispid in upper, limb slightly oblique with distinct sharp teeth, verticillasters very dense almost globose.

Thanks, I’ll check them out.

Flower for Id – 27122018SH2.-Some species of Leucas ? : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 mb.
Flower for id pl. Some species of Leucas ?
Location – Wayanad (Kerala)
Date – November. 2018

Pl. check comparative images at Leucas

Thanks … It looks like Leucas lavandulifolia because of the leaf shape from my other images.

I am having doubts. May I request you to pl. post your other images.

Attachments (2) – 1 mb each.

Surely Leucas sp.

Yes. most likely to be Leucas lavandulifolia



On 7/9/08 at Gandipet, Hyderabad, AP; Bannarghatta Forest area, Bangalore outskirts-rocky area.17-09-09; at Anashi WLS, karnataka, last week of April, ’10;Wild Flower for ID-190909-RK-2 – indiantreepix | Google GroupsLeucas aspera – efloraofindia | Google Groups

SYMBIOSIS : 1376 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of female Common Emigrant butterfly visiting flowers of Leucas aspera (DRON)

I think more closer to Leucas lavandulifolia rather than those at Leucas aspera

SYMBIOSIS : 1396 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collahe of Honey bee visiting flowers of  Leucas aspera..

This is Leucas lavandulifolia and not Leucas aspera as per keys and details herein.

i cant make up my mind. do you by any chance have more pictures of the plant?

Family: Lamiaceae
Date: April 2015
Place: Hassan District, Karnataka

Habit: Herb

Leucas species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.

It is

Leucas zeylanica var. zeylanica.
Syn. Leucas indica (L.)R.Br. ex Sm.

efi page on Leucas zeylanica ? & Leucas lavandulifolia 

On seeing so many species photographs (innumerable) posted on this group, I am really amazed at the biodiversity of this species. It is very  very confusing and I shudder to suggest the ID. I think this is a fit case to make a detailed study (M.Sc project work or Ph.D dissertation by an educational institution/ University Botany (taxonomy) department) and publish the detailed analysis.

… I am unable to differntiate between Leucas zeylanica var. zeylanica and Leucas lavandulifolia right now.

In one KEY goes like FoC –

  • calyx prominently/very oblique = lavandulifolia
  • calyx slightly oblique = zeylanica

Hope this helps

Thank you sir. I would say it is only slightly oblique but will leave it at a maybe between the two species. Will keep the key in mind though.

Maybe you are correct …, it’s not necessary that my thought would be same as your

I will go for Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. as Leucas zeylanica looks different as per Plant illustration as per keys in Flora of China

Well, Sir, I expressed my view at that time efi thread. I have nothing new to say.

Yes it is Leucas lavendulifolia Sm.

This is Leucas lavandulifolia

Leucas Species for ID : Bangalore : 24JAN20 : AK-29 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Leucas Species seen growing wild this week. (24.1.20)
For Species id please.

Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T.Aiton

I think Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. as per comparative images at Leucas

Thanks … Earlier posted from Bangalore was also the same.

MS/MAY/2020/6 ID of Leucas sps. : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Confirmation of the ID of Leucas aspera .

Photographed in Chennai last week (15.5.20)
Location backyard of a house

Leucas lavandulifolia??

One more closeup sent herewith.
Attachments (1)

Thanks, …, for the id.
Yes, appears to be Leucas lavandulifolia as per images and details herein.

Okey sir. L. aspera

Thanks, …, But teeth are different in Leucas aspera

Sir. Yes, I was also confused. but I hope teeth number is 10, and assumed it is aspera. But calyx teeth nature shows it to be lavandulifolia. (upper teeth). Could you give photo of calyx  enlarged.

Forwarding another closer image.

This picture shows it to be L. lavandulifolia.

Thanks … I will go with the ID suggested by … & you.


MS/ID/AUGUST/2020/10 – ID of Leucas spes. : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 3 mb each.
Please ID the Leucas species photographed in Chennai last week (19.9.20)

2 more photographs

Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T.Aiton??

I think more close to Leucas lavandulifolia rather than Leucas zeylanica

Thanks … Can you please point out the key identification characters to differentiate it from L.zeylanica.

The calyx here (Leucas lavandulifolia) is characteristically very oblique at apex, 8-toothed; teeth irregular/ minute and the posterior teeth is the largest.
It is not so in Leucas zeylanica
There are other differences too. 

Many species look alike and difficult to differentiate. Hence, it would be helpful if somebody in the group prepares a comprehensive key for identification of all the species of Leaucas.

Yes, …
I am trying my best to put photographic keys in the form of comparative images (which are generally more helpful compared to keys in words). However, I am also trying to add  word keys where ever possible and as and when time permits.
Others are most welcome to join me in this endeavour.
But there is no doubt about your id, in this post.


Goa, August 2021 :: Leucas lavandifolia :: ARK2021-127: 7 images.
Leucas lavandifolium from Varca, South  Goa clicked in August 2021


Leucas sp. from Assam KD 02 Jun 2022: 4 images.
Attached images are Leucas sp. from Assam.
Please ID the species. Images are taken by Mobile phone.

Date : 02.06.2022
Location: Assam
Family : Lamiaceae
Genus & species : Leucas sp.
Habit :  Herb
Habitat : Growing on road side 
Corolla : Corolla not bilipped, it is three lobed.

Pl. check https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/11/leucas/

This is close to images at Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.


Leucas sp. from Assam KD 04 Jun’22: 5 images.
Attached images are Leucas sp. from Assam. Please ID the Sp.

Date : 13.06.22
Location: Assam
Family : Lamiaceae
Genus & species : Leucas sp.
Habit : Herb  
Flower : Bilipped, lower lip splitted

To me appears close to images at Leucas lavandulifolia Sm.

L. lavandulifolia.
splitting of corolla is a common phenomenon


Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T.Aiton: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Kichak Badh, Jhapa, East Nepal
Date: 02 January 2023
Elevation: 60 m.

Habitat: Wild

Nepali Names : गुम्मी Gummee / गान्टे फूल Gaante Phool

Yes, appears close to images at

L. lavandulifolia

Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. Syn : Leucas indica (L.) Vatke
Any journals updating this genus ?


Updated on December 24, 2024

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