Leucas lanata

commonly known as: woolly leucas • Assamese: দোৰোণ doron • Bengali: দ্রোণ dron • Dogri: पहाड़ी फुम्मन pahari phumman • Hindi: बिसखपरा bis-khapra, धुरलू घास dhurlu ghaas, गुमा guma • Kannada: ದ್ರೋಣಪುಷ್ಪಿ dronapushpi • Malayalam: പെരുന്തുമ്പ perumthumpa • Marathi: द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi • Sanskrit: द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi • Tamil: சதும்பை catumpai
Names further compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/08/leucas-lanata-benth.html

Flora of Pakistan (Description & Keys- Leucas nutans, cephalotes, aspera, urticifolia, hyssopifolia, mollissima (syn. of Leucas decemdentata var. decemdentata as per The Plant List & lanata)

Perennial herb covered with woolly tomentum, small 2-5 cm long leaves. crenate along margins; flowers up to 1.2 cm long, in axillary whorls; calyx woolly.

Erect, perennial herbs, with several branches from woody root-stock; branches obtusely 4-gonous, densely woolly or subsilky with erect or spreading hairs. Leaves opposite, 1.5-4 x 0.6-1.7 cm, narrowly ovate-lanceolate or oblong to ovate-oblong, acute or obtuse, crenate-serrate, rounded or slightly narrowed at base, thick, tomentose above, silky beneath, sometimes darker above in dry specimens, veins impressed above, upper ones sometimes sessile, rest shortly petioled. Flower-whorls axillary, many-flowered, densely woolly; bracts setaceous, densely hairy, much shorter than calyx. Calyx-tube 5-9 mm long, tubular, straight, ribbed, densely tomentose outside, pubescent or hairy within in upper one-third part; mouth truncate; true villi absent; sometimes hairs protrude beyond the mouth are confused for villi which are much shorter than teeth; teeth 10, alternately short and long, ca. 1.5 mm long, triangular-subulate. Corolla-tube included or little exserted, hairy outside; upper lip densely bearded with white hairs, smaller than lower. Nutlets ca 1.5 x 1 mm, oblong, 3-angular, truncate at apex, tuberculate, brown; seeds not hairy at the ends. 

Flowering and fruiting: April-November
Scrub jungles
South and South East Asia

Kalatope id al020511a:
Another one for id from the place near the Chamera dam
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 800 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild/ rocky dry terrain
Height 18 inches

Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Leucas lanata from Morni Hills:
Leucas lanata Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 61 1830.
Perennial herb covered with woolly tomentum, small 2-5 cm long leaves. crenate along margins; flowers up to 1.2 cm long, in axillary whorls; calyx woolly.
Photographed from Morni hills in April, 2011


VoF Week :: DV :: 30 JUL 12 – 0137 :: Leucas lanata along NH58 near Tangani:
Leucas lanata Benth. … (family: Lamiaceae)
30 JUL 12
NH58near Tangani, about 4500 ft

VOF Week: Leucas type herb?? —- at Joshimath: 4 images.
Seen this Leucas type herb (Family: Lamiaceae) at Joshimath.

I hope Leucas lanata

… my thought same as …; it must be Leucas lanata.


Leucas species for ID Purandar fort.19/01/2012 SMP1:
I observed this Leucas species on Forts Purandar and Sinhagad in Nov Dec 2011.
Height around 3 feet. The leaves are characteristically wooly. I think this is Leucas Lanata
Please validate.


Leucas sp for ID- 21022014- PKA-Feb47 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Small herb (almost 30 to 35 cm), stem woolly.
Could this be Leucas lanata?? (Family: Lamiaceae)
Date/Time: 28-01-2014 / 11:50AM
Location: Chikmagalur region (Karnataka)

Habitat: Wild

Leucas lanata I suppose

The characters go very well with Leucas lanata. But most of the references of this species are found from Kashmir (Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. P1. W. Pak. & Kash. 615. 1972; Kaul, Weed Fl. Kashmir valley 234. 1986.). Moreover its type locality is Kumaon (“Kamaon”).
In “Flowers of India” it is mentioned that Leucas lanata “is a softly desnely wooly-haired perennial herb found on stony slopes in the Himalayas at altitudes of 700-3000 m”.
The distribution of this species is mentioned from Kashmir to Sikkim, India, China according to Flora of Pakistan.


ANOCT34 Which Leucas sp.? : 7 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5).
Nandi Hills
1st October 2014

Leucas lanata, perhaps.

As suggested by …, please check for L. lanata in efi.

Yes from me too.

Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKOCT-25 :  3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Requesting to please provide ID of this plant captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Some Leucas species?

Leucas lanataDhurlughas in Mandi, Himachal.

Leucas lanata Benth.
at Ratangad on January 14, 2012

Leucas lanata Benth.
along National Highway No. 58 near Chamoli on July 30, 2012

Leucas lanata Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 61 1830.
Perennial herb covered with woolly tomentum, small 2-5 cm long leaves. crenate along margins; flowers up to 1.2 cm long, in axillary whorls; calyx woolly.
Photographed from Morni hills in April, 2011

Feedback from another thread:
I hesitate to say that I think the species in this thread looks likeefi thread
But calyx teeth of the above species is shorter in efi thread
and in efi thread (Alka Ji) efi thread (repeat post of Alka Ji, validated by Dr. Sunoj Ji efi thread).
I think this species in this thread is L. mollissima or one of its var.

Feedback from another thread:
“I do not find difference with this species and the one linked at efi thread
But I do find difference with efi thread
Maybe my illusion!

Though minutes ago I gave my view on a similar looking species in Nidhan
Sir’s thread but I would like to admit that I have no clear idea on
differences between L. lanata (inlc. its var.) and L. mollissima (incl. its var.).
Since L. lanata is not distributed in this part of West Bengal (as per Bengal Plants) I am yet to learn the differences clearly.


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae, Leucas lanata from Chakrata-GSMAY15/18 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Leucas lanata photographed from Chakrata Tigerfall Road.


Attached are pictures of Leucas lanata captured at Satara in October 2014.
Requested to validate the ID.

Yes it is Leucas lanata only

yes, It looks like Leucas lanata

Please check for the important character of the species (L. lanata) : The plant is a softly desnely wooly-haired perennial herb. Leaves are densely covered with woolly hairs so that they appear silvery. This is the most distinguishing feature. It is difficult to check this character from your photograph. This species is commonly found in lower ranges of Himalayas (700 – 3000 m).

Thanks for specifying the distinguishing feature, will check this on the next visit…

From another thread:
“The identification of … is correct as … from Calicut university confirms.”

ANJUN01/01 Leucas lanata Benth. (Churdhar Trip 01) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Family: Lamiaceae
Date: 23rd May 2015
Place: Renuka Ji-Haripurdhar Route, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Herb


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Leucas for id from Gori Valley- NS May 58/58 : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
This was recorded during my Gori valley tour.. please suggest which species of Leucas this can be…

Leucas species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional
floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

It looks like Leucas lanatus an exotic species

Leucas angulosa

efi page on Leucas lanata & Leucas angularis

but, this is different from efi thread. For L. lanta Benth. please check Alka Ji’s thread which was further validated in efi thread 1 and in efi thread 2

The plant looks different from both plants one uploaded by … (which has long slender calyx teeth) and …
(which has white lanate leaves). To me above plant looks to be L.

May I humbly say that it has probability of L. lanata Bneth. Haines thinks the species has variable indumentum and in  certain var. affinity to L. montana Spreng.

This is what ISRO thinks of Leucas aspera – nrsc. Leaves are quite different here.

The following linked page from one China forum shows images of what they think of L. aspera, L. mollissima and L. mollissima var. chinensis. Please move over the pointer to see larger resolution. Please note the page has images of species of other families as well – http://www.planta.cn/forum/viewtopic.php?p=153968

Leucas aspera from Vietnam – vqgnuichua (host site – http://www.vqgnuichua.vn/hinhanh.aspx?id=2)

Herb. of both, L. angularis and L. lanata can be viewed in KEW, there is one L. eriostoma var. lanata too.
If I am to select one id for this species, I would rather stress on
leaves, specially leaf margin which is crenate here. Another feature of
leaves here it is somewhat ovate-oblong. Another feature is number of
nerves in the middle pic. These leaf features are unlike other threads
of L. lanata, L. mollissima, L. angularis. Number of flowers in whorl is significantly greater…..
My personal view is – it is probably L. lanata Benth. as in

Leucas angularis Wall. ex Benth. is confined to Kerala and TN (ref. Monograph…).
This is, to my understanding, Leucas lanata Wall. ex Benth. var. lanata.

Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Leucas aspera for validation from Morni Hills- NS May 78/78 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This herb was recorded from Morni Hills, please validate or correct the id.. Leucas aspera..

Certainly not Leucas aspera in view of recent discussions.

It looks like Leucas chinensis (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm.

Perhaps by this time it is clear that this species cannot be L. aspera; please also note as per the monograph L. chinensis (Retz.) R. Br. is confined to South India – AP, Karnataka, TN and Kerala. Neither it can be L. biflora (no. of flowers and distribution are the reason).
My view is it has to be one of L. decemdentata var. decemdentata or L. lanata var. lanata ………depends first on stem hair character.
For its sessile upper leaves and lamina I would say L, lanata var. lanata, sometimes feature photographs are needed than better photography.

Please also note one of the feature of L. chinensis is calyx mouth abruptly dilated.


ANMAY03/29 Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Please identify this herb (2) : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments(3)

Family: Lamiaceae
Date: 31st October 2014
Place: Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand

Habit: Herb
Which Leucas sp. is this?

Leucas species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

I think this can be Leucas mollissima Wall. But I do not have much literature to access from currently.
I think … can confirm about this as he has loaded great photographs of Leucas mollissima Wall. on 20th Jan.

I fail to see Leucas mollissima Wall. page in the subpages-list of eFI dbase.
Taking note of leaf, calyx, stem features of this species I find –

  • similar looking species had been identified as L. lanata Benth. in eFI; but there are several accepted threads where L. lanata Benth. looks different. As per FBI, I am sorry to refer old lit., calyx teeth of L. lanata Benth. though variable are short
  • as per FoC, L. chinensis (Retz,) R. Br. and L. mollissima var. chinensis Benth. are two different taxa. Calyx teeth in the 2nd are alternately long and short. Rawat Sir would be able to tell us if the species is found there.
  • a suggestive link of L. mollissimahttp://www.cvh.org.cn/db/data_photos/data_index.php?id=1&page=55&order=photoID. But, I am not telling that this link proves anything.

Thank you

Leucas nutans

I wholeheartedly admit that …, being experienced, familiar with numerous diverse species across families, professional, is much more capable of identifying any species than me.

In fact it didn’t occur me that this species can be L. nutans (Roth) Spreng. since FoC didn’t feature it.
Now, FBI informs me that the species is also distributed in N & NW India and FoP features this.
Sir Prain and Haines think L. nutans (Roth.) Spreng. has –
  • calyx-mouth oblique
Haines and FoP informs L. nutans (Roth.) Spreng. has –
  • bracts ovate-lanceolate equal to or somewhat shorter than calyx
One point in favour is curved calyx; cannot say if it is strong enough.
This much I can say. And I very much thank …

To my understanding it is not Leucas nutans (Roth.) Spreng. (must have foliaceous lanceolate bracts).

It has to be one of –

  • obtusely 4-gonous stem with erect or spreading hairs = lanata var. lanata
  • 4-gonous stem with deflexed or deflexed & spreading hair = decemdentata var. decemdentata
I fail to decide stem character of this species.
My guess, not guaranteed, is L. lanata var. lanata.

I will go with what you have said sir, keeping in mind the alternatives. Thank you.


Hindi name of Leucas lanata : 5 posts by 3 authors.
At ENVIS – FRLHT, a name bis kapra is listed for Leucas lanata; same name is found in a study paper.
Would it be written as: बिस कपड़ा ? Please help.

Thanks, …  What can be the meaning?

Bis has two meanings in Hindi:
विष = poison
बीस = twenty
Kapra = cloth.

I do not know the meaning, …

बिस could be विष (poison) OR lesser possibility as the number twenty, and कपड़ा could be कपडा (cloth) – frankly I have no idea whether these guesses are any good. Not able to connect Leucas plant to either poison or cloth. This name is certainly a local name popular in at least the two villages (Utpalta and Kwarka) of Chakrata Forest Division, as the study paper reads.
I referred V. Singh’s Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. This name is not listed – perhaps is not much known.
Names listed for Hindi are dhurlu ghaas (some dhurlu grass) and the generic name गुमा guma
I am not sure how dhurlu is spelled in Devanagari, will need help.
The name is known in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh … found in a ethnobotanical paper.
I was writing my thoughts while we received … response. Our thoughts match !


Nepali name(s) for Leucas lanata : 4 posts by 2 authors.
Please help with Nepali name(s) for Leucas lanata, if any.

No from my side. Sorry !

Okay …, thank you. Just took a chance – I had gone through all your posts of Leucas. None of them had any mention. 🙂

Did not find in any books also !


Manipuri name of Leucas lanata : 3 posts by 2 authors.

Please help with the Manipuri name chandrongaam for Leucas lanata in native script,
Reference: Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. by V. Singh

Well, I have my doubts on this. Leucas lanata is not found in Manipur, so a local name seems unlikely. Flowers of the Himalaya gives the distribution from Kashmir to C. Nepal. The two books I have on the plants of Manipur, list Leucas aspera, L. ciliata and L. lavandulaefolia. And all these are called Mayang-lambum …
never heard the name chandrongaam
If I get any more feedback from local people in Manipur, will let you know.

via Species‎ > ‎L‎ > Leucas lanata Benth. … family: Lamiaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
LOO-kus — from the Greek leukos (white) … Dave’s Botanary
la-NA-tuh — woolly … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known aswoolly leucas • Assameseদোৰোণ doron • Hindiधुरलू घास dhurlu ghaasगुमा guma • Malayalamപെരുന്തുമ്പ peruntumpa • Sanskritद्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi 
botanical namesLeucas lanata Benth. … synonymsLeucas collina Dalzell • Marrubium mollissimum D.Don … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
July 30, 2012 … along NH 58 near Chamoli 

LOO-kus — from the Greek leukos (white) … Dave’s Botanary
la-NA-tuh — woolly … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: woolly leucas • Assamese: দোৰোণ doron • Bengali: দ্রোণ dron • Dogri: पहाड़ी फुम्मन pahari phumman • Hindi: बिसखपरा bis-khapra, धुरलू घास dhurlu ghaas, गुमा guma • Kannada: ದ್ರೋಣಪುಷ್ಪಿ dronapushpi • Malayalam: പെരുന്തുമ്പ perumthumpa • Marathi: द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi • Sanskrit: द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi • Tamil: சதும்பை catumpai
botanical namesLeucas lanata Benth. … heterotypic synonymsLeucas collina Dalzell • Leucas lanata var. nagpurensis C.B.Clarke ex Haines • Marrubium mollissimum D.Don … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
woolly leucas
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
দোৰোণ doron
  • Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. by V. Singh
  • or দ্ৰোণ dron … XOBDO – A descriptive multilingual dictionary by the people, for the people and of the people of north-east India
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
দ্রোণ dron
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
पहाड़ी फुम्मन pahari phumman
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बिसखपरा bis-khapra
धुरलू घास dhurlu ghaas, गुमा guma
  • Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. by V. Singh
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ದ್ರೋಣಪುಷ್ಪಿ dronapushpi
  • name borrowed from Sanskrit, for want of name; ದ್ರೋಣ drona = cup, vessel; ಪುಷ್ಪಿ pushpi = flower; a generic name given to most species of Leucas, of which the flower alludes to cup-like structure, especially the calyx
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
പെരുന്തുമ്പ perumthumpa
  • Many thanks to Vinaya Raj V R for help with this name … facebook
  • Many thanks to Sam Kuzhalanattu for help with this name … efloraofindia … പെരും perum = big; തുമ്പ thumpa = a generic name given to Leucas species
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi
  • name borrowed from Sanskrit, for want of name; द्रोण drona = cup, vessel; पुष्पी pushpi = flower; a generic name given to most species of Leucas, of which the flower alludes to cup-like structure, especially the calyx
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
द्रोणपुष्पी dronapushpi
  • Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. by V. Singh
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
சதும்பை catumpai
  • name borrowed of the Malabar catamint, Anisomeles malabarica, for want of name; சதும்பை catumpai = a very soft woolly plant; தும்பை tumpai = a generic name given to most of Leucas species … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in States and Union Territories of India ~~~~~
Assam, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, *Rajasthan, *Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ x ~~~~~

The correct English spelling is Perumthumpa. Here perum means big, thumpa means Leucas.


Gujarati name of Leucas lanata : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. by V. Singh – has a name – danda kalas in Gujarati for Leucas lanata.
Please help me with the name in native script, and other name(s) if any.

I am not sure if this is the Gujarati name of this plant. In some sources, “danda kalas” has been recorded as the Bengali name of Leucas asperaL. indica, and L. lavandulifolia! Also couldn’t find a mention of this plant in the sources I checked pertaining to the flora of Gujarat. I really don’t know.

Thanks very very much dear …
Yes, on searching, the name is found to belong to Bengal, Tripura.
Must surely be an error in the Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br.


Hindi name of Leucas lanata : 6 posts by 3 authors.
At ENVIS – FRLHT, a name bis kapra is listed for Leucas lanata; same name is found in a study paper.
Would it be written as: बिस कपड़ा ? Please help.

Thanks, …  What can be the meaning?

Bis has two meanings in Hindi:
विष = poison
बीस = twenty
Kapra = cloth.

I do not know the meaning, …
बिस could be विष (poison) OR lesser possibility as the number twenty, and कपड़ा could be कपडा (cloth) – frankly I have no idea whether these guesses are any good. Not able to connect Leucas plant to either poison or cloth. This name is certainly a local name popular in at least the two villages (Utpalta and Kwarka) of Chakrata Forest Division, as the study paper reads.
I referred V. Singh’s Monograph on Indian Leucas R.Br. This name is not listed – perhaps is not much known.
Names listed for Hindi are dhurlu ghaas (some dhurlu grass) and the generic name गुमा guma
I am not sure how dhurlu is spelled in Devanagari, will need help.
The name is known in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh … found in a ethnobotanical paper.
I was writing my thoughts while we received … response. Our thoughts match !

Today, while re-compiling names for Leucas lanata, I stumbled across the name बिसखपरा bis-khapra OR बिसखोपरा bis-khopra of which the literal meaning is “poison-headed”.

The name is not listing Leucas lanata, rather lists: Trianthema pentandra, or T. obcordatum; the plant Mezoneurum cucullatum (Desfontaines), or Cæsalpinia cucullata (Roxb.) … (copy-pasted as-is from the dictionary).
Leucas lanata … was not able to find if it was of any health hazard; the plant is used as an antidote for reptile poison.
Reference article: Champati, Bibhuti & Jena, Sudipta & Ray, Asit & Mohanty, Swagat & Sahoo, Ambika & Das, Prabhat & Kar, Subrat & Sahoo, Tirthabrata & Nayak, Sanghamitra & Panda, Pratap. (2023). Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Leucas lanata. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 59. 386-388. 10.1007/s10600-023-04001-y.


I’d requested for this plant: 2 high res. images.
Location: Rajouri J and k

Check Leucas sp.

When were these images clicked?
Do you have any other images ?
Some possibility is there of it being Leucas lanata Benth. as per comparative images at Leucas as per images and details herein.

Most probably it is L. lanata


SK 3112 06 November 2021: 7 very high res. images.
Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 732m.
Date:13 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Leucas lanata Benth. ??

looks like L. lanata


Leucas lanata Benth.: 9 very high res. images.

Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude:  1256 m.
Date: 13 August 2021
Habit : Wild 

Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude:  834 m.
9 very high res. images.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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