Orthosiphon thymiflorus

Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen, Reinwardtia 5: 42 1959. (syn. Ocimum suffrutescens Schumach.; Ocimum thonningii Schumach. & Thonn.; Ocimum thymiflorum Roth; Ocimum triste Roth; Orthosiphon australis Vatke; Orthosiphon buryi S.Moore; Orthosiphon calaminthoides Baker; Orthosiphon glabratus Benth. .;  Orthosiphon heterochrous Briq.; Orthosiphon hildebrandtii Baker [Illegitimate]; Orthosiphon inconcinnus Briq.; Orthosiphon iodocalyx Briq.; Orthosiphon liebrechtsiauum Briq.; Orthosiphon longipes Baker; Orthosiphon marmoritis (Hance) Dunn; Orthosiphon mollis Baker; Orthosiphon mombasicus Baker; Orthosiphon neglectus Briq.; Orthosiphon petiolaris Miq.; Orthosiphon rabaiensis S.Moore; Orthosiphon silvicola Gürke; Orthosiphon sinensis Hemsl.; Orthosiphon somalensis Vatke; Orthosiphon suffrutescens (Schumach.) J.K.Morton; Orthosiphon tenuifrons Briq.; Orthosiphon thymiflorus var. viscosus (Benth.) Sleesen; Orthosiphon tomentosus var. glabratus (Benth.) Hook.f.; Orthosiphon usambarensis Gürke; Orthosiphon viatorum S.Moore; Orthosiphon viscosus Benth.; Orthosiphon wilmsii Gürke ..; Plectranthus marmoritis Hance; Plectranthus thymiflorus (Roth) Spreng.; Plectranthus tristis (Roth) Spreng.);
Cilannipattam (Mal & Tam); Pratanika (Sanskrit);
In O. pallidus the white flower-tube is almost as long as the calyx, whereas in O. rubicundus the white flower-tube is twice as long as the calyx.
In Orthosiphon pallidus, the corolla is as long as the calyx. The differentiating point between thymiflorous and rubicundus is leaf morphology. In rubicundus the leaf has very short petiole-up to 4mm or the leaf is almost sessile, and in thymiflorous petiole is longer-about 1 to 3cm;

Plant ID : Attachments (4). 12 posts by 5 authors.
Requesting ID of a plant, photographed in SGNP near Kahneri Caves- Mumbai – on 23-8-09.

Some ocimum Species.

It is Orthosiphon pallidus locally called Jyoti.

just check with Orthosiphon thymiflorus ( Roth.) Van der Sleesen in Reinwardtia 5: 42, 1959; Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 2: 745, 2001; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 4: 172, 2003; Pradhan et al, Fl. SGNP 515, 2005.

Actually I think it is Orthosiphon pallidum var. glabrum.

I think it’s Orthosiphon rubicundus as per earlier thread: efi thread

I agree with you that it is not Orthosiphon pallidus, as the corolla is twice as long as the calyx.
The differentiating point between thymiflorous and rubicundus is leaf morphology. In rubicundus the leaf has very short petiole-up to 4mm or the leaf is almost sessile, and
in thymiflorous petiole is longer-about 1 to 3cm.
In the photographs posted by me long petiole is distinctly seen. So I think it is Orthosiphon thymiflorous.
I am posting now photographs of a herb which I think is orthosiphon rubicundus, as the corolla is twice as long as the calyx & the leaves are almost sessile. The photograph is taken near Kaas plateau-Satara Maharashtra , on 12-9-09.

If … contention is correct, then species in the
earlier thread should also be Orthosiphon thymiflorous & not Orthosiphon rubicundus: efi thread

Is the photo in FOI site (http://www.flowersofindia.net/) is Orthosiphon thymiflorous or Orthosiphon rubicundus in view of discussion in this thread & in view of the views in this from … as above?


Plz id this shrub / herb: pa5 – 25oct2012:
Plz id this plant with small flowers growing wild in Yeoor region.

This is Jyoti [Orthosiphon pallidus]. Will send my photographs of this later.

Plz id this shrub / herb: pa5 – 25oct2012: Checked my photographs and Dr. Almeida’s ‘Flora of Maharashtra’. My apologies. This is not Orthosiphon pallidus but O.thymiflorus. Sending my photographs.

I forgot to inform that I got a private reply from … on the 25th oct. and he too identified it as
Orthosiphon thymiflorus. Thank you again.

further research shows that this too is considered medicinal..

Orthosiphon thymiflorous : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.
Orthosiphon thymiflorous, Sanjay Gandhi NP
16 august 2013
growing commonly along the road
ided with help from an earlier mail in this group

For sharing: Mumbai :26072013 : ARK-02 : July 2013 : Attachments (8). 11 posts by 5 authors.
Captured this Orthosiphon rubicundus in SGNP, Mumbai in July 2013.
Could you please confirm the ID?


I think it is Plectranthus ?

Is it not Orthosiphon thymiflorus as per keys available therein. (The differentiating point between thymiflorous and rubicundus is leaf morphology. In rubicundus the leaf has very short petiole-up to 4mm or the leaf is almost sessile, and in thymiflorous petiole is longer-about 1 to 3cm😉

As no further feedback, I am taking it as Orthosiphon thymiflorus.

Thank you … for the follow up…
Also, I note that this is Orthosiphon thymiflorus and not Orthosiphon rubicundus

I stand corrected, it’s Orthosiphon thymiflorus.
The above webpage needs to be reviewed


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae :: Orthosiphon thymiflorus :: SGNP, Shilonda :: ARKMAY-48/48 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Attached are pictures of Orthosiphon thymiflorus captured at SGNP, Shilonda in July 2013.


Id please (mixed thread): 1 correct Attachments.

Please identify the plant.
This is a perennial herb reaching 1m height.
I think this might be a member of the genus Orthosiphon.

Orthosiphon labiatus I hope !!

… me too think it to be species of Orthosiphon … have seen O. rubicundus in Western Ghats (vicinity of Mumbai and Thane).
Cannot ascertain species.

I think it should be Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen 


Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Orthosiphon rubicundus : SGNP,Mumbai : 20MAY15 : AK-60 : 60/62 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Seen during TAW in SGNP, Mumbai.

I think it should be Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen as per images & keys herein.


Orthosiphon rubicundus (D.Don) Benth.
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on various dates 
August 11, 2007
November 30, 2009
December 4, 2009
July 10, 2010  

I think it should be Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen as per images & keys herein.

Thanks … for validating this ID … I will go with Orthosiphon thymiflorus until it get validates otherwise, which I think has rare chance.
Will correct my notes soon.


Sevvel02 – 30 September – Kallar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – Orthosiphon thymiflorus to EFI. : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)- around 450 kb each.
Adding my photos to the collection… Orthosiphon thymiflorus photographed in Kallar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu at about 500 m altitude. 

very nice. do you by any chance have a whole plant habit pic and back of the leaves? if you do, can we see them please?

Looks correct ID.

yes a Lamiaceae. nice pics


at SGNP, Borivli, mumbai in the last week of Sept 09; in SGNP near Kahneri Caves- Mumbai -on 23-8-09; Unid plant_SGNP_Sept 09_SSN 4 – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Lamiaceae plant for id: 2 images.
Request for I’d of a Lamiaceae plant from forest of Bilaspur. Photographed n July, 2022.

Can it be Orthosiphon thymiflorus? Need views from experts.

yes …, you are right

Orthosiphon marmoritis (Hance) Dunn =Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen

Updated on December 24, 2024

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