Machilus duthiei

Machilus duthiei King, Fl. Brit. India 5: 861 861 1890. (Syn: Persea duthiei (King) Kosterm.);
Pakistan (Swat, Hazara, Murree), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), N-India, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal, China (SW-Sichuan, Yunnan), SE-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;


Kalatope Tree for id – Al041912:
Is this tree Persea duthiei…??
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit Tree
Habitat wild
Height 15 mts maybe more…
Flowering season April

It looks like Persea duthie, which is on flowering nowdays, and found in shady and moist jungle, ravine, I have taken many shots at the altitute of 2100m. Phoebe lanceolata is also on flowering but it is just Persea duthie


Flora of Chakrata 2012: Machilus duthie for validation:
This one was shot from Chakrata region in May 2012, a mid-sized tree with glabrous leaves, the identification was attempted by refering to Flora Simlensis….
I could identify this as Machilus duthie King, though no fruits could be seen… attaching the illustration from Fl. Sim. for reference. Hoping to get response regarding validation/correction…

Agreed … New name is Persea duthiei

Very nice upload of a Lauraceae member.
Can’t validate but I think you are correct. Attaching an illustration from Flora of Pakistan.


Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Lauraceae-Persea duthiei for sharingg and validation -NS SEP 04 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5).
This small tree was shot from Chakrata area in May 2012.. I could get to id as Persea duthiei Syn. Machilus duthiei.. Please give your inputs and correct/validate the id..

Leaves 5-10 inches long, lateral nerves 12-20 pairs indicate it as P.duthiei.

It looks me Persea duthiei too.

Celastraceae & Sapindaceae Fortnight : Sapindaceae : Litchi chinensis : For Validation : Uttarakhand : 070114 : AK-1 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).
Tree seen on way to Nainital on 23/3/13.
Hope this is the Lychee tree but not sure.
Posting for validation.

I think this is not Litchi because leaf of Litchi is different from this plant.

If not Litchi, could you identify the tree please?

Agree with … It looks different from Litchi inflorescence and leaves.
Let the expert to conclude.
I have no idea what plant it could be.

Could it be Avocado Tree, Persea Americana?

Adding pictures of Persea americana, Avocado taken in Sri Lanka.
I hope these pictures help in the id of the posted tree.
These were taken in Nov,2010.

Appears like Duthie’s Bay Tree

Thanks for the id. It does look like it.


27122014GS2 another tree for ID from Uttarakhand-GSDEC14 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Kindly help in ID of this tree photographed from along Chopta Mandal road in Uttarakhand in June, 2013.

I think the same tree from Baijnath, photographed in April. Attachments (2).

The tree is a Lauraceae member, must be Persea species.

Yes …, Persea duthiei looking at globose young fruits.

Persea duthiei?? AT JAN 2017/03 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Kindly confirm
Persea duthiei??
Medium sized tree
April 2015

efi page on this species: Machilus duthiei                                          

Persea duthei from Uttarakhand pl Validate-GS06112021-2: 3 images.
Persea duthiei (King ex Hook. f.) Kostermans
Distinguished from P. odoratissima in leaves with 10-20 pairs of lateral leaves, linear-oblong sepals, spreading in fruit and globose fruits.
Photographed from Below Chopta, Uttarakhand, 31-5-2013

Accepted name Machilus duthiei King ex Hook.f

Now it is back to Machilus duthie.


SK 3709 21 March 2023:

Location: Ranibari, Kathmandu
Date: 21 March 2023
Altitude: 1370m.
Habitat : Wild

May be from lauraceae.

To me appears close to images at
Pl. check.

I think this is Machilus edulis King ex Hook.f.

I could not find its distribution in Nepal.
Could it be Machilus duthiei King ex Hook.fil. ??—l/l/lauraceae/machilus/machilus-duthiei

Machilus duthiei has 14-20 pairs of lateral nerves of leaves, which it is not.

This may be even a new species!

I feel it looks different from GBIF specimens of Machilus edulis, both in leaves and inflorescence arrangement.

I still it is more closer to images at
(lateral nerves are also in the range of 14 or so)

Here is the key to the species of Machilus in the Indo-Burmese region. Please help yourself. I still think that this plant may prove to be a distinct species, close to M. duthiei.
Key to the species

1a.Shoots subtended by a ring of bud scale scars; leaves usually crowded towards tips of branchlets ………………………….. 2
 b.Shoots not subtended by a ring of bud scale scars; leaves usually not crowded towards tips of branchlets but evenly spaced …………………………… 11
2a.Panicle branches and perianth segments glabrous or sparsely puberulous ……………  3
  b.Panicle branchlets and perianth segments tomentose to villous or densely pubescent … 5
3a.Lateral nerves of leaves 14–20 pairs; pedicels 5–10 mm long; fruits globose, 2.5–3 cm in diameter ………………… 2. M. clarkeana
 b.Lateral nerves of leaves 8–15 pairs; pedicels 3–5 mm long; fruits ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, 0.7–1.6 × 0.5–1 cm ………………………. 4
4a.Tertiary nerves and minor nervules of leaves iicuous on both surfaces; panicles 3–5 cm long; fruits ca 7 × 5 mm …………………… 10. M. kingii
 b.Tertiary nerves of leaves prominent above, faint to prominent beneath; minor nervules finely reticulate-pitted and prominent on the upper surface, inconspicuous to somewhat prominent beneath; fruits 12–16 × 8–10 mm ……………………..  15. M. odoratissima
5a.Leaves mostly cuneate-obovate to oblanceolate; lateral nerves stout, strongly raised beneath; fruits 3.5–4.5 cm in diameter ……………………………………. 6. M. edulis
 b.Leaves mostly oblong-elliptic or narrowly so or sometimes obovate to oblanceolate (M. gamblei); lateral nerves slender, faint to prominent but not strongly raised beneath; fruits (unknown in M. dubia) up to 1.5 (–2.5) cm in diameter ………………. 6
6a.Lateral nerves of leaves 14–25 pairs ……………..  7
 b.Lateral nerves of leaves 7–12 pairs …………………….  8
7a.Lateral nerves of leaves 14–20 pairs; fruits 0.8–1.2 cm in diameter; fruiting pedicels 5–6 mm long ……………….   5. M. duthiei
 b.Lateral nerves of leaves 18–25 pairs; fruits 2–2.5 cm in diameter; fruiting pedicels 8–12 mm long …………………………    20. M. sharmae
8a.Mature leaves tomentellous beneath; minor nervules conspicuously and finely reticulate-areolate on the upper surface ……………………………  22. M. tomentosa
 b.Mature leaves sparsely pubescent to glabrous beneath; minor nervules inconspicuous and obscure on the upper surface …………………… 9
9a.Leaves 5–6 cm broad, apiculate at apex; panicles up to 16 cm long ………. 4. M. dubia
 b.Leaves 2–4 cm broad, apiculate to acuminate at apex; panicles 3–10 cm long …….  10
10a.Fruits 10–15 mm in diameter; fruiting pedicels 5–10 mm long; leaves often turning dark reddish brown on both surfaces on drying …………………………….  11. M. kurzii
  b.Fruits 8–10 mm in diameter; fruiting pedicels 4–5 mm long; leaves turning pale brown or greenish-brown on both surfaces on drying …………………………  8. M. gamblei
11a.Panicle branchlets and perianth segments tomentose to villous or densely pubescent..  12
   b.Panicle branches and perianth segments glabrous or sparsely puberulous …………..   15
12a.Leaves stiffly coriaceous; lateral nerves faint above; panicles 4–6 mm long …………………….. 18. M. russellii
   b.Leaves thinly coriaceous; lateral nerves prominent above; panicles 7–28 cm long …. 13
13a.Leaves usually unequal and rounded to obtuse at base, rounded to obtuse at apex; fruits 1–1.6 (–2) cm in diameter …………………….  14.1. M. macrantha var. macrantha
   b.Leaves equal and cuneate to acute at base, acute, apiculate to acuminate at apex; fruits 0.6–1 (–1.2) cm in diameter …………………….. 14
14a.Leaves apiculate to acuminate at apex; lateral nerves 5–9 pairs; panicle branches tomentose to villous …………………………….. 14.2. M. macrantha var. glaucescens
   b.Leaves acute to apiculate at apex; lateral nerves 8–12 pairs; panicle branches sericeous ………………………. 19. M. sericea
15a.Leaves unequal and rounded to obtuse at base …………… 16
   b.Leaves more or  less equal and cuneate to acute at base ……………………………… 17
16a.Leaves 2.5–5.5 cm broad, glossy above, curved downwards along margins, acute to apiculate at apex; panicles sparsely branched ……………. 7. M. fruticosap.p.
   b.Leaves 5.5–10.5 cm broad, not glossy above, flat along margins, apiculate to acuminate at apex; panicles profusely branched ……………     21. M. sikkimensis
17a.Leaves predominantly obovate, obovate-oblong to obovate-elliptic …….. 12. M. listeri
   b.Leaves predominantly oblong-elliptic to lanceolate-oblong ……………………….   18
18a.Leaves 14–35 × 4–10 cm; minor nervules conspicuously foveolate-reticulate on the upper surface ………………………….  17. M. robusta
   b.Leaves 6–17 × 2–5.5 cm; minor nervules inconspicuous to faint or if prominent then not foveolate-reticulate on the upper surface ………………………………………     19
19a.Leaves flat along margins ………………………….  20
   b.Leaves curved downwards along margins ……………………………………………. 22
20a.Fruiting tepals reflexed …………………………  13. M. lohitensis
   b.Fruiting tepals clasping the base of fruits, reflexed at apex only ……………………. 21
 21a.Trees, 10–30 m high; leaves thinly to thickly coriaceous, glabrous on the undersurface …………………………. 3. M. declinata
   b.Trees, 4–5 m high; leaves chartaceous, sparsely appressed puberulous on the undersurface ……………………… 9. M. hedgei
22a.Leaves apiculate to acuminate at apex; fruits ellipsoid, 1.5–2 × 1–1.3 cm ……………………………  16. M. parviflora
  b.Leaves obtuse, acute to apiculate at apex; fruits globose, 0.8–1 cm in diameter …….. 23
23a.Leaves 2–2.5 cm broad, cuneate at base; lateral nerves 10–14 pairs … 1. M. bhaskarii
  b.Leaves 2.5–5.5 cm broad, obtuse to rounded or acute at base; lateral nerves 6–12 pairs …………………………………  7. M. fruticosap.p.

Correct Nepali Names : काठे काउलो Kaathe Kaaulo / माहिलो काउलो Maahilo Kaaulo

SK 3716 08 April 2023: 8 very high res. images.

Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 1975m.
Date : 8 April 2023
Habitat : Wild
Lauraceae for ID !

Very close to Persea macrantha

Machilus again, if not Phoebe (distinguishable by fruits only). I will check the species.

If the ID is correct according to …,  new name should be Machilus glaucescens Wight ??

Machilus odoratissima Nees.

Why not Machilus duthiei King ?

Please consult the key to the species of Machilus which I sent earlier and you will have your species.

I consulted these.
To me, leaf nerves look like 16 or more.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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