Abelmoschus crinitus Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 39 1830. (Syn: Abelmoschus cancellatus Wall. ex Voigt; Abelmoschus fusiformis Wall.; Abelmoschus hainanensis S.Y.Hu; Abelmoschus racemosus Wall.; Hibiscus bodinieri H. Lév.; Hibiscus cancellatus Roxb. ex G.Don [Illegitimate]; Hibiscus cavaleriei H. Lév.; Hibiscus crinitus (Wall.) G. Don); India: Throughout in tropical and subtropical evergreen forests; Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Indo-China and Malesia(Indonesia and Philippines) as per BSI Flora of India;
Abelmoschus crinitus from Pench NSD – 13 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) As per your reply to my Abelmoschus for id – NSD 8, is Abelmoschus crinitus, but as per Flora of India by BSI, in A. crinitus the Capsules not exceeding epicalyx; epicalyx segments 10-16, 2.5 cm long, this information reminds me my pics of Pench. I think my plant from Pench is Abelmoschus crinitus. Experts please confirm it. Fwd: Abelmoschus crinitus from Pench NSD – 13 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : I received only one response, i.e. from …, which supports my id. So I think it is finally Abelmoschus crinitus
wild flower for id – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 13 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1) Date/Time- November Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Kanha NP Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Seen growing wild on the ridges near the rice fields Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Sort of climber Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- hairy Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Yellow Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- various flies Abelmoschus moschatus from Malvaceae? The fruits (appear more or less schizocarpic) discourage me from even identifying it as Abelmoschus. You are right Sir Can you give some suggestions !! This can be Hibiscus trionum. see the picture attached. I think I’m not correct because the leaves are different. The fruits are much more different, remind more of Abutilon. the epicalyx seems to have appendages which points towards few species in Hibiscus. Looks like Abelmoschus crinitus Wow Nayan! That seems to be the right ID! Thanks … You seem to be coming up with right identification at crucial time. I was perhaps confusing the flower beds with fruits and epicalyx with fruit segments. Thanks for solving the riddle once again. Yes …, I was thinking of clarifying with you, realizing from your initial comments that u may have mistaken the epicalyx covered buds with the fruits. But before I could do that, … ID came! Please suggest id of this shrub recorded in wild from Chakrata area.. hopefully this is an Abelmoschus sp... Abelmoschus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Abelmoschus moschatus I hope. Again it is not clear to me if calyx segments split symmetrically or not. Number and length of epicalyx segements is very important to determine a species. It appears to me that 4th pic shows asymmetrical splitting of calyx and thereby suggesting Abelmoschus sp. Since epicalyx segments are equal or even longer (4th pic) than calyx there is a probability of A. crinitus Wall. The second pic shows 8 segments of epicalyx on the visible side, the other side must have a few more. efi pages on Abelmoschus crinitus & Abelmoschus moschatus 2nd pic (tn_Picture 424.jpg) suggests, better if we have had it in higher resolution, it is Abelmoschus species Of 11 species of Abelmoschus (excluding sub-species and varieties) those which have linear epicalyx lobes are –
The above data was taken from the paper “A new species of Abelmoschus Medik. (Malvaceae) from Chhattisgarh India / Shrikant Sutar et al.” Please note FoC and FoP sizes, where available, differ a little. Please also note that another species, A. ficulneus has lanceolate or narrowly ovate epicalyx lobes, 5-6 lobes and each measuring 5-11 x 1-3 mm; but flowers are white turning pink (please also compare to FoP for epicalyx feature of this species). Hope the above helps….
ID requested of DSC8220: Picture taken on 17/07/11 time 07:44 AM place: Asansol (W.B.) Height of the plant around 6 ft. Color of the flower “Lime Yellow” with a dark crimson centre. Without leaves and open flowers! I think it is very difficult to reach a conclusion. The plant in the foreground comes under the family Malvaceae. Please check for sp of Abelmoschus, may be A. crinitus References: |
Abelmoschus crinitus
Updated on December 24, 2024