Grewia orientalis L., Sp. Pl. 964 1753. (syn: Columbia serratifolia Blanco; Grewia bracteata Miq. ex Mast.; Grewia carpinifolia Wall.; Grewia columnaris Sm.; Grewia furfuracea Salisb.; Grewia orientalis Vahl (ambiguous synonym); Grewia ovalifolia Wight); India (West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, tropical Africa, Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland) as per Catalogue of Life; India: In deciduous and semievergreen forests, fairly common. West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and Tropical Africa as per BSI Flora of India;
Submission of Grewia orientalis : 3 posts by 2 authors. I had gone through Grewia page, I am adding another species ref: It looks like Grewia carpinifolia No, … These are of Grewia orientalis only as per images herein. Images of Grewia rhamnifolia (not Grewia carpinifolia is not found in India as per BSI flora of India and Catalogue of life distribution) are different as can be seen on this link. Please help me in identifying this Grewia shrub. Height: 4 m Leaf surface: sand-paper like Fruit: 1.5 cm across Place: Puducherry suburbs Habitat: hedge of a fallow Alt.: 10 m asl Date: 7 April 2014 Grewia– some species in India & eFI with some keys To me appears close to images at Grewia carpinifolia Juss. It could be Grewia orientalis! I think Grewia rhamnifolia. Said something else by mistake. … may be right in it being Grewia orientalis. May I request … to pl. validate. yes I agree with .., it is Grewia orientalis 18022013 BRS 455: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. confirmation. … some species of Grewia. Is it a tree? or a liana? Woody liana This appears top me a plant of Myrtaceae This is a species of Grewia, belongs to the family Tiliaceae. For the identification of Grewia to species level, we need the fruits also. Without fruits, nobody is able to identify the species. Let us wait for the fruits photographs. The ovary seems to be superior. Hence, probability of Myrtaceae is ruled out. It could be a Grewia species as suggested by … Let us wait and watch for the fruits to develop I think close to images at Grewia carpinifolia Juss. Pl. also see I shall upload a fruit photo in few days for ID. Confirmation. Thanks. That will certainly help. Can it be Grewia bracteata? I think it should be Grewia rhamnifolia as correctly posted by … I think Grewia rhamnifolia as per images and discussions at Submission of Grewia rhamnifolia On further scrutiny, feel these more closer to images at Grewia orientalis Yes, It is Grewia orientalis only
Which Grewia ? — AS_080512: Please help ID the Grewia species: Leaves oblong / lanceolate, 4 to 6” long, margin non-uniformly serrulate 3 basal veins,Inflorescence axillary cymes; The flowers 1.5 to 2” wide , white with greenish tinge in stamens and stigma, sepals 1.5 cm, deeply furrowed and light green outside; white glabrous inside, bent with knee ; petals about a third as long as sepals, not bent , having prominent ovate gland at base; fruit brownish yellow glabrous with few hairs, an obscurely bi-lobed drupe with fibrous rind.and two ‘stones’ Grewia hirsuta… Thanks for the inputs, … and … The deeply ridged buds and sahpe of calyx are distinctive. I dont have access to a description of g.orientalis. If someone could share, that might decide it. G.hirsuta description of Efloras of China and the images avlbl on Efloraof India, and FOI differ in following Leaves long-elliptic or lanceolate; , sepals lanceolate; Flower as seen on EFOI and other images are much smaller, nearly 1/5 to 1/8 of leaf size;: G.oxyphylla has the closest desc. I have seen, from Australian web site, except there the petals are described as being recurved, which is definitely not so in the plant I had observed, and the fruit as being densely hairy, while i had seen the fruit with a thin covering of soft stellate hairs and few long ones. I also feel your images are close to G.orientalis as illustrated at I think matches with high resolution specimen at No, I don’t have seen such species before. Neither it matches with the herbarium images sent by … Need to know the flower and fruits. If feasible, … please do visit the place again and try to get more characters. Pl. see these images. I think Grewia orientalis only as posted recently by … Could you pl. validate this post as Grewia orientalis ? If the fruit is pilose/brisly it is Grewia orientalis; your specimen looks like Grewia orientalis; It is really very difficult to differentiate the two. further buds conical/ culindric, petals not reflexed it is Grewia orientalis; this plant is available abundantly near Chennai … pin pointed differentiators are so useful.
I am very happy to know that the plant is thriving around Chennai, as I read a comment on Wikipedia that its status is VU. It is Grewia orientalis only Grewia oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC (= Grewia emarginata Wight & Arn), from scrub jungle area of Krishnagiri dt Tamilnadu at an altitude of 800m. Thanks, … I am confused with the taxonomy of Grewia oppositifolia as per links below: Grewia oppositifolia Buch – Ham ex D.Don (= Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret) as per the following: G. oppositifolia Buch.- Ham. ex D. Don as per Flora of India vol-3 published by BSI Kolkata P. Daniel & M. Chandrabose (1993) An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995) – Grewia oppositifolia Buch – Ham ex DC. with Grewia marginata Wight & Arn. as a syn. Grewia oppositifolia Buch – Ham ex Roxb. as per From Floral Database of Tamilnadu Grewia oppositifolia ROXB. as per FRLHT Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993) – Grewia oppositifolia ROXB. (different from Grewia oppositifolia Buch) Further The Plant List mentions the following: Grewia oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC. (accepted) with Grewia emarginata Wight & Arn. as a syn. Grewia oppositifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. is a synonym of Grewia optiva J.R.Drumm. ex Burret Are all these one & the same plant or different ? Ironically, G. oppositifolia is having ‘alternate’ leaves! Btw, is it G. optiva? Grewia optiva is not reported in any of the regional floras. Of course Sir, It is Grewia oppositifolia Roxb. ex. Dc. very common and i have collected from Kothagiri and murdhmalai hills of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I think it is not Grewia oppositifolia. I attached two images of Grewia oppositifolia for your perusal Attachments (2) Images by … appears close to images at Grewia damine Gaertn. 1st one is Grewia oppositifolia and Second image look like member of family Alangiaceae : Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin May I request for somebody to pl. clarify my doubts as below. Need some more time …, many things are there to highlight!!! For time being I can say this is Grewia species. Thanks, … Waiting for your research. It appears to be Grewia orientalis to me!
Yes It is Grewia orientalis; I am attaching a closeup of the flower; the disk is angular, hairy; petals not reflected; further leaf structure also suggests it as Grewia orientalis Attachments (1)
Grewia orientalis at FOI are of Grewia bracteata : 2 posts by 1 author. I think images of Grewia orientalis in FOI are of Grewia bracteata as per /species/m—z/m/malvaceae/grewia/grewia-bracteata Pl. see images of Grewia orientalis in efi site. Changes made
Id of Grewia sp. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Help is required to identify the attached Grewia sp. A shrub with punches of flowers. Old flowers brownish. observed at Vellore, Amirthi Forest. Pl. check Grewia orientalis on efi site. Thanks for immediate response. Inflorescence pattern do not match with G orientalis. As per description Flowers in axillary, 1 – 3-flowered cyme. But in my post 4-6 flowers are found in each peduncle and clustered at the end of the branchlets. And leaf base is not oblique-cordata. The bud, flower and fruit characters strongly are of Grewia orientalis; it is also a variable species; inflorescence -1 to few 1-3 flowered cymes on a short peduncle are also common in Grewia orientalis thank you for the qiery
Identification of Grewia sp : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Pl help me to identify the attached specimen of Grewia sp It was recorded at Kalakkad, Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, Western Ghats. Grewia umbellifera?? Pl. check It is Grewia orientalis References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 IPNI |
Grewia orientalis
Updated on December 24, 2024