Grewia tiliifolia

Grewia tiliifolia Vahl, Symb. Bot. 1: 35 1790. (Syn. Grewia arborea Roxb. ex Rottl. [Illegitimate]);
India: Common in moist and dry deciduous, and semievergreen forests, up to 1400 m. Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Sri Lanka and Tropical E. Africa as per BSI flora of India;
commonly known as: common Indian linden • Bengali: dhamin • Hindi: धामनी dhamani • Kannada: ನಿಮ್ಬೆಗಿಡ nimbegida, ತಡಸಾಲಿ ಹಣ್ಣು tadasaali hannu • Malayalam: ധനുവൃക്ഷം dhanuvrksam • Marathi: धामण dhaman • Sanskrit: धनु व्रिक्ष dhanu vriksha • Tamil: ஊணா una • Telugu: ధనుర్వృక్షము dhanurvrksamu, తడ tada ;
GREW-ee-uh — named for Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712), an English physician and author
til-ee-eye-FOH-lee-uh — having leaves like the Linden (Tilia) tree
Native to: e Africa, s China, India, Myanmar, Indo-China, Malaysia
The leaves are showing a lot of variations. I could spot some sickle shaped foliaceous stipules with some leaves which are characteristic;
BSI Mah flora also says they (stipules) are foliaceous in G.tiliifolia;
Grewia asiatica [Phalsa] is a shrub whereas Grewia tiliaefolia [Dhaman] is a medium-sized tree;

Grewia asiatica 2 : 2 images.
Sending some of my photographs of G.tiliaefolia.

The two are really similar. Brandis (Indian trees) who saw a lot of variation in the species mentioned these differences between the two:
G. asiatica: Leaves broad-cordate, more or less tomentose beneath, stipules linear, buds cylindrical or clavate, flowers large, fruits large
G. tiliaefolia: leaves large, very oblique, nearly glabrous or hoary beneath, stipules leafy, falcate, auriculate.

Pl. help me in identifying this flower.
Location –Yeoor, Thane
Date -07.04.2013

Grewia tiliifolia will be the most probable ID.

Stipules of Grewia tiliaefolia :  Attachments (5).  1 post by 1 author.
Photographed on my property at Shahapur last Sunday as requested by … in the discussion at this link
Will send photographs of the stipules of G.asiatica, G.serrulata & G.nervosa when available later.


Stipules of Grewia tiliaefolia [Dhaman]. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7).
This one is for …

Grewia asiatica : Attachments (3). 15 posts by 9 authors.

This small tree is also flowering on Vetal Tekdi (Pune) at present (15.4.10).
I hope the ID is correct. There are many plants in the area some are 6 feet while the largest are 12-15 feet high or even may be larger.
I was told this same tree by different IDs by many including some botanists, often as Grewia tilifolia and Grewia asiatica.
Requesting for correct ID (Of course if possible by looking at the visible characters in the picture)
Leaf size biggest noted is 18-20cm. Flower size 1 cm.

Yes … I also photographed this plant last week from Herbal Garden in Delhi.

I hope you assumption is correct… Please check from the description provided in the eflora of Pakistan….
Grewia asiatica Linn.
A large shrub or medium sized tree, up to 8 m tall. Stem with greyish-white to brown bark, young shoots stellate tomentose. Leaves with 1-1.5 cm long, stellate hairy, clavate petiole; lamina greyish-tomentose beneath, scabrous above, broadly ovate to almost orbicular, 5-15 cm long and broad, 5 (-6)-costate, obliquely shallow cordate at the base, serrate, acute to obtuse; stipules narrowly oblique-lanceolate or falcate, 1-1.3 cm long, stellate hairy on both sides. Cymes mostly 3-flowered (dischasial), 2-6(-10) together in axillary clusters, peduncles 2-3.5(-5) cm long, densely hairy. Flowers orange-yellow, c. 2 cm across; pedicels 1-1.3 (-1.5) cm long, densely hairy; bracts linear-lanceolate, 3-4 mm long. Sepals oblong, c. 1.2 cm long, 2.5-3(-5) mm broad, hairy outside, glabrous within, acute. Petals oblong, claw c. 2 mm long, with a ring of hairs around whitish gland, limb 4-5 mm long, c. 3 mm broad, irregularly lobed at the apex, orange-yellow. Stamens numerous, filaments 4-6 mm long, orange-yellow, turning purplish, anthers oblong. Ovary globose, strigose; style c. 5 mm long, stigma indistinctly 4-lobed. Drupe dark purple, more or less globose, c. 5-12 mm in diameter, mostly entire or obscurely 2-lobed, hairy, mesocarp fibrous, acidic.

… me too believe this plant to be G. asiatica … commonly known as: phalsa • Bengali: ফলসা phalasa • Gujarati: ફાલસા phalsa • Hindi: फालसा phalsa • Malayalam: പരുഷകമരം parushakamaram • Marathi: पळशी palshi, फालसा phalsa • Punjabi: ਫਾਲਸਾ falsa • Sanskrit: परूषकः paroushak • Tamil: பலிசமரம் palicamaram • Urdu: پهالسا falsa

Uploading some close up of the plant separately.

Grewia asiatica I also agree. This plant is growing in college campus of Govt. P.G. College, Balaghat (M.P.). When I was posted there we used to collect fruits of “Phalsa” and used to make Sharbat and Chatni of the fruits. It gives relief from in the summer.

Pursuing the search about the differentiating characters I checked for the stipules of the plant today. They are foliaceous in G.asiatica which is clearly seen in the attached picture while they are linear lanceolate in G.tiliifolia.
Attaching some pictures showing it and part of the key from Cooke’s flora.
My earlier pictures do not show them clearly.
I would like to request … to show some picture of G.tiliifolia with stipules if he has any such picture in his collection.
The glands near the petals are difficult to recognise from the available pictures.

Sorry again. My interpretation seems to be exactly opposite. Is the plant depicted in the picture G tiliifolia then? Can somebody please elaborate?
BSI Mah flora also says they (stipules) are foliaceous in G.tiliifolia.

G. tiliifolia is a larger tree with smaller leaves compared to G. asiatica. Your second set of pictures show G. asiatica twig because the stipules are linear-lanceolate, they are not leafy and auricled.
Perhaps pics of G. tiliifolia stipules will sort the issue.

The stipules which I tried to photograph in this second set look exactly as if it is a miniature leaf; like a half of a heart shape…? auricle or ear shape? and not linear lanceolate as you say so? Do we have both the plants on Vetal Tekdi? We can check it again.

Where this tree is found in Mumbai?

Grewia asiatica [Phalsa] is a shrub whereas Grewia tiliaefolia [Dhaman] is a medium-sized tree. Also both halves of the laminae of the leaves are more symmetric in Phalsa.
Sending a few of my photographs. [Am sending photographs of G.tiliaefolia in a separate mail].

After searching all the available literature I am convinced that the plant depicted in this mail by me (Both the sets of pictures) is Grewia tiliifolia (And not G.asiatica)
Attaching a table showing the differences compiled together.
If there are any mistakes and errors please correct me.
Agreed that it is a big tree but the species observed by me happen to be small shrub like tree which might attain huge height.

Grewia tiliifolia

Grewia asiatica


G.tilaefolia; Grewia tiliifolia var.leptopetala, G.inequalis


Local Names

Dhaman; Rodgi; Sonsaman; Tadsal(BSI)

Phalsi (BSI); Phalsa

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-

Wild, common in deciduous forests

Cultivated for fruits; also found wild

Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-

Large tree 3-8m(BSI)30-35 Feet; bark pale brown (Cooke)

Large shrub or small tree (BSI; EfP)


Foliaceous (BSI);Leafy falcate,auricled with a rounded lobe on the lower side, veined (Cooke), Leafy falcate auriculate (Brandis)

Not foliaceous, broadly ovate or suborbicular (BSI), Linear lanceolate (Cooke) Linear (Brandis)Hairy narrowly oblique-lanceolate, falcate (EfP) Linear lanceolate acute, Nearly as long as the petiole(Cooke)

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-

1.5-11.583.2-6cm (BSI) Ovate, acuminate at apex; obliquely cordate at base. Margins serrate to crenulate serrate. Glabrescent above, pubescent or tomentose beneath (BSI) 6 nerves on the leaf 3 on the larger and 2 on the smaller side of midrib (Cooke)

7.5-16.6-12.5cm (BSI); Ovate to orbiculate (EfP) Acute or subacuminate at apex. Obliquely cordate or rounded at base (BSI). Scabrous (rough) above, tomentose below (EfP). Both half more symmetric. (Neil) Petiole 1/2 inch long thicker at the top (Cooke)

Inflorescence Type/ Size-

Cymose (BSI) Buds obovoid oblong or subglobose, tomentose (Cooke)

Umbellate cymes (BSI) Cymes 3 flowered, peduncle2-3cm (EfP)Buds obovate oblong ribbed, pubescent (Cooke)

Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-

Yellow, stamens many, Petals bifid or notched at apex or entire or slightly emarginate at apex (BSI) Petals half long as sepals, oblong spathulate entire or notched, ovary villous, style longer than stamens(Cooke)

Yellow bracteate, stamens many(BSI) Orange yellow, 2cm across, pedicel 1.5cm, Stamens numerous(EfP) Petals 2/3the length od sepals (Cooke)

Petal gland; Ovary stigma

0.5mm long (BSI) Stigma 4 lobed (EfP) gland 1/3 the length of petal, stigma somewhat irregularly 5 lobed (Cooke)

Petal gland with white hairy margins (BSI) Ovary globose, strigose, stigma indistinctly 4 lobed (EfP) Gland 1/3 the length of petal, ovary villous(Cooke)


0.5-0.7 cm across, entire or 2 lobed, sparsely hirsute (BSI)

Globose,1-2 lobed hairy (BSI)(Cooke)

Fls. And fruits



Great work … I had recently seen flowering of G. tiliaefolia posting separately.

Megamalai :: Tree (Grewia) for identification :: 211113MK003 : Attachments (8 + 2). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Please help me in identifying this tree found in semi-evergreen tracts of Megamalai wls. I can’t take good pictures as the tree was taller as much as 15 metres high. Could this be any Grewia sp.?
Leaf: 10 cm long
Fruit: 2 cm across (edible for arboreal mammals)
Date: 3 Oct 2013
Alt.: 900 m asl
Place: Vellimalai RF, Theni, TN

Grewia disperma?

I do not have good close-ups of fruits or flowers …

I think so too, but pictures are not quite clear enough

As per Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2002):
Grewia serrulata DC., Prodr. 1: 510 1824. (Syn: G. glabra Blume; Grewia disperma auct. non Rottler ex Sprengel; G. laevigata auct. non Vahl; G. multiflora auct. non A.L. Juss.; Grewia sepiaria G.Don);
As per Flora of China: G. serrulata Candolle & G. disperma Rottler ex Sprengel are syn. of Grewia multiflora Jussieu
Grewia disperma Rottb. is shown as an accpeted name as per Flora of Nepal
May I request somebody to pl. clarify in the matter as to what we should follow in efi ?

Grewia tillifolia


Konkan, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this tree :: 29MAY2014 :: ARK-18: 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
Requesting to please ID this tree captured near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014.
Is this some Grewia species?

Grewia tiliifolia Vahl
…, given a chance, please re-visit this tree within a month to taste the delicious sour-sweet fruits ! 

Thank you … for this ID as well. Will definitely taste the fruits…

Agree with … This is Dhaman [Grewia tiliaefolia]. My photographs of this are available at these links :

Thank you … for the links…
This means that I found two Grewia species located very close to each other…

identification no 021114sn1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Please tell me which Grewia is this.

date/time: mar14.
location: ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune
habitat: wild
plant habit: tree
height: about 7-8 ft.

Apparently look likes Grewia tiliifolia

Grewia For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 07DEC14 : AK-22 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Grewia Species seen in Lalbagh on 15/11/14.
Small, cultivated tree with yellow flowers.
For Species id please.

Grewia tiliifolia, Vahl <=> Dhaman Tree


ANAPR07 Grewia sp. for identification  : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11)

Family: Tiliaceae
Date: 5th April 2015
Place: Agumbe, Karnataka

Habit: Tree

Grewia tilifolia perhaps

Thank you …, please see this photo of inflorescence, it seems to be a panicle. I took it for Grewia microcos but Grewia microcos does not have lobed fruits. Please let me know what you think. This Grewia was also a tree.

I don’t belive it has panicle infl., … need original images 1 and 2

I am so sorry for the confusion … This is not a panicle! While clicking photos, we pulled off the leaves and this caused confusion for me. Thank you for clarifying.
Here are the original images of the habit. 

It look likes Grewia tilifolia to me!!

Bot. name: Grewia tiliifolia
Family:  Tiliaceae
Local name: Dhaman
Location: Mumbai
Fruits: approx  8mm to 10mm, two lobed


Grewia tiliifolia


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Grewia sp??- ::Maharashtra :: PKAJUL93:: : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
One more Grewia sp? Location not able to recollect,

Grewia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Grewia tiliifolia possibly

Grewia tiliaefolia

Malvaceae Fortnight::Grewia asiaticia NSJ 24 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Grewia asiaticia (Marathi – Phalsa) from Mumbai

I will prefer G.tiliifolia!!


Grewia tiliifolia

Once again beautiful photographs! Thank you … for sharing.


Small Tree For ID : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 04AUG15 : AK-8 : 08/08 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Could be Grewia Species?
Unfortunately, I have only one picture.

Possibly Grewia tiliifolia!!

Thanks for a possible id. Hope to get it validated.

Grewia—-asiatica or tiliifolia : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
I am confused. Validation required I have assumed it is tiliifolia.

To me also these appear close to images at Grewia tiliifolia

Yes it is Grewia tilifolia.
Grewia asiatica has almost orbicular leaves. 

Grewia species for id: 5 images.
Today @ CEC, Goregoan, Mumbai. Kept wavering between G. asiatica and G. iliifolia/ tiliaefolia, finally decided to pass on the burden of the id to the group! The images are from 2 separate plants a few metres apart. 

Both are Dhaman [Grewia tiliaefolia].

grewia tillaefolia: 3 + 2 images.
Grewia tillaefolia, dhaman as it is called locally. Leaves and blooms. This tree is commonly growing wild in alibaug. My place, alibaug, yesterday.

The leaves are showing a lot of variations. I could spot some sickle shaped foliaceous stipules with some leaves which are characteristic.

phalsa is grewia asiatica, similar but not the same. haven’t seen it growing wild in the Bombay area.
the fruits turn red and then a dark purple.
have planted a few phalsa saplings.
dhaman of course is growing wild. some of the dhaman plants have started fruiting
attaching photigraphs of the fruit.

Kindly identify this tree.
Date/Time-        15/05/2011       02:30PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-     Aarey Milk colony, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Altitude :Sea level
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-:  Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  : Small tree
Height/Length- 20fts approx
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-  as seen in picture
Inflorescence Type/ Size- as seen in picture
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- as seen in picture
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- as seen in picture

This is Dhaman [Grewia tiliaefolia].


Grewia for ID : Sanchi,Madhya Pradesh : 191212 : AK-1: 3 images.
Grewis species seen near Sanchi Stupa on 7/7/2007.
A big tree with bright yellow flowers.
Couldn’t get more closer to the flowers.

This is Dhaman [Grewia tiliaefolia]. My photographs of this are available at this link

Thanks for confirming this Grewia.
It was lying unidentified for a very long time.
I was not able to make out whether it was Dhaman or Phalsa.

Requesting identification of this wild plant from Chinchoti. It is flowering now (25.3.13). Cud it be Grewia asiatica?

Grewia asiatica

Thanks a lot … for validating so quickly. I forgot to mention that the leaves are only 4 – 5 cms long in case it is necessary.

If you have access to the plant will you please take the closeup photographs of the stipules which are seen here. It is very important to have details of stipules in Grewia to differentiate it from Grewia tilliifolia. No one has shared good photographs of stipules so far on the group. It will be good in our data because they are seen here. Please refer to our old discuusion about the differences.

To me this is more likely to be Dhaman [Grewia tiliaefolia]. Phalsa [G.asiatica] is mainly cultivated and rarely occurs in the wild state. Please check these links

Thanks a lot … for the links to the photos. I have a doubt reg. the leaf size, the leaves of Grewia tiliaefolia in your links seem to be quite big while the plant I saw had small leaves of about 4 cms only.
…, I am attaching a cropped photo showing the stipules. Sorry it is grainy but hopefully it helps for finalizing the id.

The leaves featured in your photographs are all at the end of branches and appear to be young leaves.

OK. Thanks a lot … for the explanation. I suppose it is Grewia tiliaefolia then. There were hardly any leaves and the few present were small sized.
…, looking forward to your comments on the stipules, do they also qualify for Grewia tiliaefolia?


Requesting ID of a Grewia species: 26032013: ARK-01 : 8 images. 4 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting ID of this medium sized Grewia (around 20-25 feet in height).
Captured in Mumbai over 2-3 days in Mar 2013 

This is also Dhaman [Grewia tiliaefolia] with new leaves.

Forgot to mention – the tree will have a pale brown, knotty trunk.

GREW-ee-uh — named for Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712), an English    physician and author
a-see-AT-ee-kuh — of or from Asia
[image: Grewia asiatica]<…>
Mar 31, 2007 along NH3, near Padghe
commonly known as: phalsa • *Bengali*: ফলসা phalasa • *Gujarati*: ફાલસા phalsa • *Hindi*: फालसा phalsa • *Malayalam*: പരുഷകമരം parushakamaram • * Marathi*: पळशी palshi, फालसा phalsa • *Punjabi*: ਫਾਲਸਾ falsa • *Sanskrit*: परूषकः paroushak • *Tamil*: பலிசமரம் palicamaram • *Urdu*: پهالسا falsa
Native to: India, Nepal, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand

[image: Phalsa]<…>…
Jul 21, 2007 at Vaghbil, Thane
[image: Grewia
Feb 28, 2010 in premises of Shivneri fort
[image: Grewia
Feb 28, 2010 in premises of Shivneri fort
… more views:…

Can these images be of Grewia tiliifolia Vahl as Peduncles much longer than petioles in Grewia asiatica as per keys in BSI Flora of India ?

I’ll go with Grewia tiliifolia, length of peduncle is very variable, not a good character.

Thanks, … I agree with you

Many thanks …; I will revise my notes with corrected ID.


Malvaceae week : Grewia tiliifolia:
Former Tiliaceae member. A common plant around Pune growing wild especially on nearby hills.

Yes have seen it. Is it called Ghoti?

it look like G. asiatica… i may be wrong, but pls check..

Grewia but may not be tiliifolia

I too think that this could be G. asiatica rather than G. tilliifolia of Malvaceae family, but still confisive.
The peduncles looks longer than that of the petioles. In G. tilliifolia the peduncles are shorter than the petioles.
Kindly check further.

I haven’t got a key in which both the species are included.

I will like to go with Grewia tiliifolia Vahl as per keys in BSI Flora of India
… may kindly have a look.
In following threads of the same plant, it has been identified as Grewia tiliifolia Vahl only:

Yes, it is!


Is this Grewia abutilifolia?:

Attaching photos for Id confirmation.
Type: Medium tree
Height: 15-20 feet.
Location: IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
Flowers: were not present.

Yesterday, I happen to see its flowers. Attaching its photo.

Grewia species …need mature fruit as well for species confirmation …

I think close to images at Grewia tiliifolia Vahl

It closer to Grewia tilifolia although need to see more details.


Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 54 :: Grewia sp. from Himachal: NS August 39/39 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Please provide inputs for id of this tree, seen in H.P. near Renuka Ji..

Grewia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Need some fruiting images, most probably Grewia asiatica

need some more image, but primarily looks as G. tilifolia  

Thank you for sharing. I have no idea of what this species can be.

I would like to go with Grewia tiliifolia as per images herein.

Yes, for time being will keep in Grewia tilifolia though I have said G. asiatica firstly.
It is a complex!!
Dhaman is a moderate-sized to large tree, attaining a bole length of about 30 ft. and a girth of 7 ft. or more. 
Bark grey or dark brown; leaves stipulate, ovate with oblique base, acuminate, crenate-dentate; 
flowers small, borne on thick axillary peduncles;
drupe globose and of the size of a pea, 2-4 lobed, black and edible. 
Dhaman is a very close cousin of Phalsa. The yellow flower resembles the true Phalsa flower very much. The main difference is in the leaves. The leaves of Dhaman are oblique heart-shaped, a characteristic shared by the Linden trees, which belong to the genus Tilia
The botanical name tiliifolia means, leaves resembling Tilia.
Flowering: April.
Ref. Flowers of India

did you get the flowers and fruits on different or the same day…?

Same day

I think these images may be of Grewia asiatica L. as Peduncles much longer than petioles as per keys in BSI Flora of India

May be Grewia tiliifolia Vahl only being a tree.

It is called dhaaman locally.  dhanvan and dhanvang are its sanskrit name. also called dhanurvriksh which means that it was used to make dhanush (bow) due to its specific strength.


Requesting ID of this small tree of Grewia species: 10042012 : ARK-02 :  Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Attaching photographs of flowering and fruiting of Grewia species.
Requesting ID – confusion between Grewia tiliifolia and Grewia flavesvens

I think it is Grewia tiliiaefolia by the shape of leaves and long peduncled fruits.

Thank you … for ID confirmation…

I think these images may be of Grewia asiatica L. as Peduncles much longer than petioles as per keys in BSI Flora of India

May be Grewia tiliifolia Vahl only being a tree




identification no021112sn1: Please tell me which Grewia is it?

location:ambyvalley road,lonavala/mulshi,pune
plant habit:tree
height:about 8-9ft.

Grewia asiatica

Images are too small and it is difficult to see the comparative size of petiole and peduncle for proper id.
Can be either Grewia asiatica or tillifolia?
Pl. post better and larger images, showing these aspects for proper id.

It is Grewia tiliifolia. 


For identification- NS1-310712- From Pune:
This shrub was photographed at a hill, in Bhugaon, outskirts of Pune.
Please help in Id.
Habit- Shrub , (height abt 15 feet.)
Habitat- Wild
Leaves- stalked, cordate with toothed margins.
Buds and stem were tomentose.
Flowers- yellow-orange. ( size- 1.5 cm ).

Grewia sp May be Grewia damine 

Most of these small trees/shrubs around Pune hills are Grewia tiliifolia. So I think this has to be it (With limited characters in above pictures.)
Oh I can observe some leafy auricle shaped stipules which are characteristic of the species.

To me it look like Grewia asiatica (Phalsa in Marathi), family TiliaceaeCommon in Pune

Grewia sp definitely and you have given three probable IDs-
Grewia damine, Grewia tiliifoli and Grewia asiatica.
How can one differentiate btw/n all these?

I have discuused with many taxonomists. It is confirmed by … from the stipule characters as G.tiliifolia.
Attaching a key from Cooke’s flora.

I still go with G. asiatica,, (G. tiliifolia or Dhaman in Marathi never shows tomentose leaves in mature condition)

I will also go with Grewia asiatica L.

Appears to be Grewia tilifolia.

Thanks, … On what basis as it appears to be Shrub like and peduncle longer than pedicle?

Grewia for identification 171217sn1 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
I am not sure which Grewia species is this. I am not sure if it is good enough for id.
date: 240614
location: Aamby valley Rd., Lonavala, Pune
habitat: wild

Though images are insufficient, I will like to go with Grewia tiliifolia Vahl as per images herein

It appears to be Grewia tilifolia!

Grewia for id no171217sn2 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Another old photos for id.
location:Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune
habitat: wild

Though images are insufficient, I will like to go with Grewia tiliifolia Vahl as per images herein.

It appears to be a Grewia tilifolia!


Grewia tiliaefolia RA : 2 posts by 1 author.
Saw the flowering of Grewia tiliaefolia at Kulgi WLS. Karnataka in last week of April ’10.

Nice shot … Have you ever tasted the fruits of Grewia tiliaefolia. They are very delicious and used for making Sharbat and Chatany. Falsa fruit.

Thank you … Yes had Phalsa (Falsa ) sharbat many times but not the chutney though ! But isn’t Phalsa from G. asiatica?

I think these images may be of Grewia asiatica L. as Peduncles much longer than petioles as per keys in BSI Flora of India

May be Grewia tiliifolia Vahl only as it appears to be a big tree.


Tree Grewia for ID :: Jammu :: JUL2018 MK003 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Please help ID this Grewia species. I could not get good pictures in low light. The trees have been cultivated along the edges of agricultural field; also have been lopped for fodder.
Habitat: agricultural fences / edges
Date: 31 May 2018
Place: Jammu rural, J & K
Altitude: 330 m asl

As images are not clear, posting of a few original images is advisable.
Closest I can go with these images is Grewia tiliifolia Vahl as per comparative images at Grewia
But can not be confirmed.

16052019NVR1 Shrub for ID : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Location: At Ratnagiri fort area

Date ?? Elevation ?? Wild ??

Date of observation :10th May
Elevation: 5m
Probably wild, growing around the fort area

Grewia sp.!!!

Grewia asiatica L.

Just guess!

I think more closer to images at Grewia tiliifolia Vahl as per comparative images at Grewia

It is indeed Grewia tiliifolia Vahl.


Tree for ID : Nasik : 29JAN22 : AK – 45: 3 images.
A small tree seen at the base of Borgad Conservation Reserve.

The local name was given as Tiwas.
This seems to be Ougeinia oojeinensis.
Experts, kindly verify.

More like some Grewia sp. This has alternate, simple leaves.
Ougeinia has trifoliate leaves.

Please check for Grewia tiliifolia ???

Grewia tiliafolia,

Yes, likely to be Grewia tiliifolia Vahl, as per images and details herein.


315 ID wild tree Grewia: 15 high res. images.
Please ID wild tree,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400 fsl
Flower date: 11.03.2022, 07.30 am
Habitat: wild, moisture, shady
Plant habit: tree, erect, branches, hard woody stem 40 inches base diameter, rough bark, bracts on young stem, long lasting
Height: 07 meters
Leaves: alternate, apex, heart shaped, lite glossy, serrated margins, purpled young leaves, size up to:18×9 cm
Flower:  axillary racemose, clustered, 05 petals, diameter: 12 mm, yellow, fragrant
Fruit: berries globular green into pink, diameter:07mm, edible fruit sweet with lite sour, delicious
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

Pl. check

Grewia tiliafolia

Yes, it is Grewia tiliifolia, dear …, thank you very much for ID my tree


Grewia Species for ID : Nasik : 20MAY22 : AK – 08: 6 images.
Grewia plant seen at the base of Borgad Conservation Reserve this month (20.5.22).
Very few flowers, mostly fruits.

I think close to images at Grewia tiliifolia Vahl

Its Grewia tilifolia


Id for this tree on Matheran Trek: 1 very high res. images.
On trek to Matheran (around 2500 ft.), Maharashtra on 4.2.23.
Appears common on the way.
Appears to be from Malvaceae.

perhaps Grewia tiliifolia; I am not sure.

I think another set of images as attached may also be from the same species.
3 high res. images.

My guess remains the same – Grewia tiliifolia; but not sure.

I agree with …


Grewia tiliifolia Vahl :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 12, 2008 · JUN23 DV204: 1 image.
Grewia tiliifolia Vahl
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 12, 2008 · 11:57 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Grewia tiliifolia Vahl. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2008 · JUN23 DV282: 2 images.

Grewia tiliifolia Vahl.
Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2008 · 3:24 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist.
Earlier uploaded at efloraofindia


Grewia tiliifolia Vahl. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 1, 2007 · JUN23 DV308: 1 image.

Grewia tiliifolia Vahl.
Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 1, 2007 · 1:35 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist.
Observations of the same tree, at different times: Apr 12, 2008 • Jan 6, 2008


Grewia tiliifolia Vahl :: Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 7, 2007 · JUN23 DV326: 1 image.

Grewia tiliifolia Vahl
Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 7, 2007 · 2:12 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Observations of the same tree, at different times: Jan 6, 2008 • Dec 1, 2007 … many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the IDs of both observations in iNaturalist.


Malvaceae: Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl: 1 image.
location/date: Semadoh, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


Help For identification of Grewia species.: 5 high res. images.
Sir, can you help me identify the attached Grewia photographs I collected from Kolhapur?

Grewia asiatica L.

But sir according to the flora of kolhapur stipules of Grewia asiatica is linear , this species has auricular stipules

Please check ! Grewia tiliifolia Vahl

Yes … It is G. tillifolia




Updated on December 24, 2024

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