Hibiscus cannabinus

Deccan Hemp, Kenaf, Brown Indian Hemp • Hindi: पटसन Patsan, सन San • Manipuri: সৌগৰী Sougri • Marathi: अंबरी Ambari • Tamil: பலுஂகு Palungu, Pulimanji • Malayalam: കംജരു Kanjaru • Telugu: Pimdikura, Gonkura • Kannada: Dirin da rani • Bengali: Patsan, Ambari • Oriya: Kanuriya • Konkani: Ambadi • Gujarati: Sheria • Sanskrit: मचिका Machika, मयूरिका Maryurika, अम्बिका Ambika, Sahasravatamulika;
As per efi thread : Hibiscus furcatus Wall. is the synonym of H. surattensis L., a name used in FBI and still holding true (fork has one spoon shaped appendage and one small erect linear branch; stipules large leafy ear-shaped; leaves 3-5-fid)
Hibiscus furcatus Roxb. described in FBI  and now correctly known as H. hispidissimus Griff. (both forks linear; stipules lanceolate-oblong; leaves entire or 3-lobed)
Hibiscus furcatus Willd., a synonym of  Hibiscus rostellatus Guill. & Perr. an African plant not found in India
Other expected species in India, cultivated or naturalised from this group (forked epicalyx segments) include.
Hibiscus radiatus Willd. epicalyx 8-10, with linear fork segments, stipules linear; leaves deeply 3-5 lobed.
Hibiscus acetosella: epicalyx 9-10, apically forked, leaves irregularly 3-5 lobed.
Hibiscus cannabinus looks similar to above two species but is distinct in deeply 3-7-parted leaves and importantly with epicalyx segments not being forked.


Malvaceae week- Hibiscus cannabinus from Kaithal: The attached pics were taken from Kaithal last year, this plant used to be cultivated few years back for its fibre, now our area has almost totally confined to wheat-rice rotation. For our area, it is pleasure to find this in flowering, which, unfortunately, I could not.
This probably flowers during the first half of the day, and I approached this in the evening. Attaching the pics from Kaithal of Hibiscus cannabinus L.

Here are mine flowers from Village Atta near samalkha (Panipat).
Cultivated for fibres

Attached are pictures of Hibiscus cannabinus captured by the roadside at Thane, Maharashtra in September 2012.

Requested to validate the ID.

Yes … it is H cannabis



Malvaceae Fortnight :: Hibiscus cannabinus :: Thane & Kolhapur :: DVJUL13  : 1 post by 1 author. 8 images.

Hibiscus cannabinus L.
planted at Yeoor Hills on October 22, 2011
in Kolhapur on October 15, 2011


This shrub was seen in field borders of a village, probably planted.
This was earlier cultivated on large scale here, now a days probably not cultivated in our area..

Is this Hibiscus cannabinus ??

looks like it is H. canabis

Could this be Hibiscus cannabinus??
Location: Kolhapur.

Yes … H. canabis, Ambadi in Marathi

Thanks a lot … for the ID.



Malvaceae week – Deccan Hemp? – Bot ID please – 100911 – RK2:  Pic taken at Hebbal Lake,Bangalore on 01-02-09 at 8am.Request Bot ID

Was the flower whitish or creamish?

This was growing wild in all the usual litter strewn around on the lake bank but ofcourse i found it beautiful all
the same!! As far as i recall [ pic has been taken some time back] the flower is more whitish.

Wanted to ask the experts whether the Ran Bhendi also has varities? Because I have noticed whitish, creamish and yellowish flowers. Sometimes the red colour too varies.

I think appears close to images at Hibiscus cannabinus L. 


I need Morphological information about Hibiscus cannabinus, hibiscus Rosa senesis, gossyum, sida acuta burm, abelmoschus esculentus all plants is in family of malvaceae

Its easy. go to our website at https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/

and search in the search window on the right upperhand small window. you will be amazed what all you will discover there. good luck


Hibiscus for ID-MN210912: Sending photos of Hibiscus flower
Kindly identify
Place : Bhopar, Dombivli
Habitat : Wild
Fragrance : NIL
Date : 20.9.2012

To me this looks like Hibiscus cannabinus….


Updated on December 24, 2024

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