Hibiscus cannabinus L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10 2: 1149 1759. (Syn: Abelmoschus congener Walp.; Abelmoschus verrucosus Walp.; Furcaria cannabina Ulbr.; Furcaria cavanillesii Kostel.; Hibiscus congener Schumach. & Thonn. (unresolved); Hibiscus malangensis Baker f.; Hibiscus obtusatus Schumach. (unresolved); Hibiscus vanderystii De Wild.; Hibiscus vitifolius Mill. [Illegitimate]; Hibiscus wightianus Wall. (unresolved)); . Deccan Hemp, Kenaf, Brown Indian Hemp • Hindi: पटसन Patsan, सन San • Manipuri: সৌগৰী Sougri • Marathi: अंबरी Ambari • Tamil: பலுஂகு Palungu, Pulimanji • Malayalam: കംജരു Kanjaru • Telugu: Pimdikura, Gonkura • Kannada: Dirin da rani • Bengali: Patsan, Ambari • Oriya: Kanuriya • Konkani: Ambadi • Gujarati: Sheria • Sanskrit: मचिका Machika, मयूरिका Maryurika, अम्बिका Ambika, Sahasravatamulika; . As per efi thread : Hibiscus furcatus Wall. is the synonym of H. surattensis L., a name used in FBI and still holding true (fork has one spoon shaped appendage and one small erect linear branch; stipules large leafy ear-shaped; leaves 3-5-fid) Hibiscus furcatus Roxb. described in FBI and now correctly known as H. hispidissimus Griff. (both forks linear; stipules lanceolate-oblong; leaves entire or 3-lobed) Hibiscus furcatus Willd., a synonym of Hibiscus rostellatus Guill. & Perr. an African plant not found in India Other expected species in India, cultivated or naturalised from this group (forked epicalyx segments) include. Hibiscus radiatus Willd. epicalyx 8-10, with linear fork segments, stipules linear; leaves deeply 3-5 lobed. Hibiscus acetosella: epicalyx 9-10, apically forked, leaves irregularly 3-5 lobed. Hibiscus cannabinus looks similar to above two species but is distinct in deeply 3-7-parted leaves and importantly with epicalyx segments not being forked. Malvaceae week- Hibiscus cannabinus from Kaithal: The attached pics were taken from Kaithal last year, this plant used to be cultivated few years back for its fibre, now our area has almost totally confined to wheat-rice rotation. For our area, it is pleasure to find this in flowering, which, unfortunately, I could not. Here are mine flowers from Village Atta near samalkha (Panipat). Malvaceae (incl. Tiliaceae) Fortnight :: Malvaceae :: Hibiscus cannabinus :: Thane :: ARKJUL-02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Attached are pictures of Hibiscus cannabinus captured by the roadside at Thane, Maharashtra in September 2012. Requested to validate the ID. Yes … it is H cannabis Malvaceae Fortnight :: Hibiscus cannabinus :: Thane & Kolhapur :: DVJUL13 : 1 post by 1 author. 8 images. Hibiscus cannabinus L. planted at Yeoor Hills on October 22, 2011 in Kolhapur on October 15, 2011 Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 28:: For validation from Kaithal: NS August 13/13 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) This shrub was seen in field borders of a village, probably planted. This was earlier cultivated on large scale here, now a days probably not cultivated in our area.. Is this Hibiscus cannabinus ?? looks like it is H. canabis
Malvaceae Fortnight :: Hibiscus cannabinus??- ::Kolhapur :: PKAJUL90:: : : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Could this be Hibiscus cannabinus?? Location: Kolhapur. Yes … H. canabis, Ambadi in Marathi Thanks a lot … for the ID.
Malvaceae week – Deccan Hemp? – Bot ID please – 100911 – RK2: Pic taken at Hebbal Lake,Bangalore on 01-02-09 at 8am.Request Bot ID Was the flower whitish or creamish? This was growing wild in all the usual litter strewn around on the lake bank but ofcourse i found it beautiful all Wanted to ask the experts whether the Ran Bhendi also has varities? Because I have noticed whitish, creamish and yellowish flowers. Sometimes the red colour too varies. I need Morphological information about Hibiscus cannabinus, hibiscus Rosa senesis, gossyum, sida acuta burm, abelmoschus esculentus all plants is in family of malvaceae Its easy. go to our website at https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/ and search in the search window on the right upperhand small window. you will be amazed what all you will discover there. good luck Hibiscus for ID-MN210912: Sending photos of Hibiscus flower To me this looks like Hibiscus cannabinus…. . References: |
Hibiscus cannabinus
Updated on December 24, 2024