Hibiscus platanifolius (Willd.) Sweet , Hort. Brit. (ed. 2) 51 51 1827. (syn. Hibiscuscollinus Roxb.; Hibiscuseriocarpus DeCandolle; Hibiscusgossypinus Baill.; Pavoniaplatanifolia Willd.); Hibiscus platanifolius, from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Synonyms: (from GRIN)
Mallow for ID : 301210 : AK-1: Taken at Dambulla, Sri Lanka on the 16th of November, 2010. Hibiscus platanifolius (Willd.) Sweet (= H. eriocarpus) of Malvaceae, i think. “Maple-leaved mallow” Malvaceae week: RVS1: Hibiscus platanifolius: Hibiscus platanifolius, a straggling shrub with beautiful flowers. Flower picture from Javvadhu hills, Tiruvannamalai dt. (TN), fruit pic from Talakona forest (AP). The leaves just like that of a Platanus, so the specific epithet. what a beauty. The centre of the flower looks like a flower itself. I think I have earlier also uploaded this. It is a potential ornamental plant but only problem is that the fruits have kind of stinging hairs. Hope some improved variety will come in the future.
Hibiscus palatanifolius from sri venkateswera College Tirupati: Hibiscus palatanifolius from Sri Venkateswera College Tirupati Please help me to identify this small tree. I think its a Hibiscus sp. commonly seen along mud-roads and rivers. Leaf: 10 cm across Flower: 8 cm across Place: Megamalai WLS, Theni dist., TN Date: 10 Oct 2013 Alt.: 600 m asl This is Hibiscus platanifolius common in E.ghats, limited to Peninsular India I agree with … id. Its a beautiful wild Hibiscus! Hibiscus? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 MB each. I need to know this plant name… most probably this is Hibiscus sp. Found in Auroville botanical Garden near Pondicherry,Tamil Nadu. Pl. check comparative images at Pl. check images at 231017BHAR2 – White Hibiscus flower : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Found in Pondicherry.
Appears to be planted. I think I replied in some other post on this plant. It is Hibiscus platanifolius; it seems the light pink colour is discoloured due to some environmental factors My reply is in another thread. Wild large Shrub or Small Tree Height-18 feet ( appx) Area- Nallamalais, Easten Ghat, Andhra Pradesh Please help in ID Photographed- November 2020 Hibiscus mutabilis Happy to see the post from my native ma’am, Hibiscus platanifolius only, collected and dissected also, |
Hibiscus platanifolius
Updated on December 24, 2024