Triumfetta rotundifolia Lam., Encycl. 3: 421 1792.; . India: Central and Peninsular India; Myanmar as per BSI Flora of India; . Shrubs, branchlets stellate tomentose. Leaves to 3 x 2 cm, orbicular-rhomboid, obtuse, base cuneate, serrate; petiole to 2 cm. Racemes interrupted; sepals 5, ca 3 mm, oblong, stellate tomentose; petals 5, 4 mm, obovate, ciliate; ovary spherical, prickled. Capsule 5 mm across, ovoid, woolly. Flowering and fruiting: November-February Wastelands South Asia Triumfetta sp for Id from Panipat Untla village As pics were taken about one year back (6-10-10) Not much idea about this wild growing plant also the possibility of mixing up of two plants cannot be ruled out pls check with Triumfetta rotundifolia.. its may be T.rotundifolia Number of Stamens is more then 15 is also help to confirm Triumfetta rotundifolia Tiliaceae for identification for identification 210314MK :: March009 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6). Please help me in identifying this small shrub found in a fallow land. Is this a Tiliaceae? Leaf: 3cm across Fruit: 1 cm long Habitat: dry fallow land Alt.: 115 m asl Date: 05 March 2013 Place: Vettangudi Bird Sanctuary, Sivagangai dist., TN Xanthium strumarium …, this is from Tiliaceae.. any Triumfetta sp. perhaps the fruit picture led … to conclude otherwise…. Agreeing with … It may be Triumfetta rotundifolia. Thanks a lot for confirming …
Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 46 :: Triumfetta for id from Panipat: NS August 31/31 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Triumfeta rotundifolia ID Request 261214SG : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). Please help identify this bush plant spread to 2-3ft with 1-2ft ht with woody stem and branches, found on border of sugarcane field at Tembhurni, Maharashtra. Photographed 19Jan14. A Triumfetta species…. Triumfetta species with keys Looks like Triumfetta annua. the fruits seems to be young. Triumfetta rotundifolia: I’d confirm : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)- 2 mb and 3 mb. Triumfetta rotundifolia Attachments (1) – 1 mb. To me also appear close to images at Triumfetta rotundifolia Need ID of this Triumfetta sp. : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6) Need ID of this Triumfetta sp. 12 November 19 Morena, M.P. Triumfetta rotundifolia I agree Yes. Yet to see. Need help with yellow-flowered and burred annual : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)- around 1100 kb each. Triumfetta rhomboids! Yes. Very common weed here especially in wastelands after rains / during rainy season No, this is Triumfetta rotundifolia Lam. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Triumfetta Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. has 10 stamens and leaves a bit different.
Urena lobata L. I could not guess this one. Is it correct? Please check ! Triumfetta rotundifolia only, Thanks for the correction. Yes, the leaves look convincing. I think it is looking like Triumfetta rhomboidea there are clear rounded leaves, not rhomboidea, it’s rotundifolia only,
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Triumfetta rotundifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024