Memecylon randerianum

Memecylon randerianum S.M.Almeida & M.R.Almeida, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 85(3): 521 , nom. nov. 1989 [1988 publ. 1989].;

Bushy shrubs. Leaves 5-12 x 1.5-4 cm, ovate, apex gradually acute, cordate at base, sessile; nerves obscure. Flowers fascicled in very dense many-flowered cymes; peduncles 1-2 mm long; pedicels short, 1-2 mm long. Calyx tube 1-2 mm long, campanulate, truncate at apex. Petals 1-2 mm long, obovate, blue. Style subulate, c. 3 mm long. Berry 4-5 mm across, globose.

Flowering and fruiting: February-May
Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, and also in sacred groves
Southern Western Ghats (Endemic)
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi


ANDEC42 Please identify this Memecylon sp. : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

Clicked at Amruth Herbal Garden, FRLHT, Bangalore
May 2014
This Memecylon sp. was flowering in a pot. Had grown to about 3 feet in height.

I assume the plant was collected from some place in the western ghats and then propagated in this garden. Can it be Memecylon randeriana?

very nice. cant help with differential but appreciate your pictures

Thank you so much ma’am. This was from before I started going to forests regularly. Hence was pleasantly surprised to find this beauty of a plant flowering in a nursery.

M. randerianum Almeda

Id  requested for the following attachment..
Date/Time-: 12/05/11   –    08:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- tree
Height/Length- 2mtr

looking like Cryptolepis

This Could be Memecylon sp.

… unless … is confident about the plant growing into a tree, my guess: this could be some Asclepiad climber.

My guess is that this could be a species of either Ixora or Memecylon.

Appears close to images at Memecylon depressum Benth.

M. randerianum


ID KNR 03/01/08/23: 2 high res. images.
Please identify this Memecylon species from Kannur District of Kerala. 2/8/23

mostly it is Memecylon randerianum

but when checked in eflora of India it is completely different with the leaf arrangement in the uploads

Around 10  species are reported from Kerala. Hence please check:    and

Memecylon is one of the large genus with about 400 species with complexity.. hence experience is required to deal

M.randerianum almada & almeda

Updated on December 24, 2024

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