Memecylon royenii Blume, Mus. Bot. 1: 360 .; A species found in only six forest localities in Ratnapura District and Native: Sri Lanka (From IUCN Red List (VU) ) Tree for ID confirmation – Bangalore – Is this Memecylon royenii or heynearum? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). This was shot in lalbagh botanical garden, bangalore on 8th march 2014. The name plate on the tree says its a Memecylon heynearum which i feel is an error. One gentleman confirmed this not to be a heynearum and that this is a Memecylon royenii. I need more experts to comment on this an confirm the ID whether its a Memecylon royenii? Kindly help me with this regard. I think it represents Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f. This is neither M. royenii nor M. heyneanum Thanks a lot … Memecylon species is very difficult to identify and there is very less differences between M. umbellatum or M. edule or a M. heyneanum. I referred to the flora of presidency of madras and also the book by Neginahal but i was unable to narrow down properly. It would be very helpful for me if you could give us the keys based on which you narrowed it down to umbellatum and more so how you came to the conclusion that it is neither royenii and heyneanum. A reply from Dr Sivu AR, who is a specialist in Memecylon of the Peninsular India: Memecylon royenii Blume, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno- Batavium 1:360, 1851; Bremer Opera Bot. 50: 19. 1979 and in Dassanayake & Fosberg, Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6:221.1987 this Syzygium plant is a small tree, found in E.ghats; Leaves opposite, 5-8x12cm, flower not seen, fruit about 0.5cm across with a cup like rim of calyx on the fruit; is it Syzygium heyneanum? This is a Memecylon sp. May be Memecylon molestum, flowers not found. Leaves 3-7×1-2.5, thick, coreaceous, veins about 7-8 pairs, incipiently visible.fruit 0.3-0.4mm across; Fwd: Memecylon species from eastern ghats AL5 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1). Thank you …, would you please clarify this species of memecylon also. M. royenii Memecyclon heyneanum : For Validation : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 070914 : AK-5 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4). A small tree, seen on 29/7/14 at Lalbagh. Kindly validate. This seems to be Memecyclon royenii as per another thread. (Tree for ID confirmation – Bangalore – Is this Memecylon royenii or heynearum?) Please confirm. Looks like the same tree. its M. royenii Riparian Tree for identification 161113MK001 : Attachments (9). Please help me in identifying this tree seen along the river course. Is this any Memecylon species? Height: 10 m Leaf: 10 cm long Fruit: 0.7 cm across Place: Megamalai wls., Theni dist., TN Alt.: 800 m asl Date: 01 Oct 2013 Yes quite likely to be Memecylon umbellatum efi page on Memecylon umbellatum Yes, it looks like a Memecylon. Without flowers it is not possible to identify it. M. royenii Plz id this tree: pa40 – 21nov2012: Plz id this tree from Matheran region. I did not see any flowers and fruits in this one also. Hopefuly it is posible to identify from leaves. Tks. It looks like Memecylon sp. I second … that this is Memecylon. The flowering would start soon and I have observed it flowering from January to March end at Matheran. However Matheran is dominated by Anjani trees but the flowering of this beautiful trees is best visible near parking lot, at Dastoori. Thank you … and … I had posted some photos before and that too … had identified as Memecylon. The bark and size of the leafs was slightly different in this so I thought it is another tree. Thank you very much. Can it be Memecylon grande Retz. or Memecylon royenii Blume ? M.royenii Blume
29052018BHAR01 – Memecylon species : 11 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) Found in Jawadhu hills of Eastern ghats. There were huge number of trees. Habit: Tree with height of around 8 meters. I think Memecylon umbellatum Thanks for your response. But it is too big.I have seen it only has small woody shrub of around 3 metres. Also, the leaves are bigger and shape is different. Please check my other postings of Memecylon umbellatum; the leaves are small and different… ok sir thank you; please check e flora of india and other keys. Appears close to images at Memecylon royenii Blume and Memecylon grande Retz. M.royenii blume yes it looks like Memecylon royenei References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved) Wikipedia |
Memecylon royenii
Updated on December 24, 2024