Memecylon edule

Memecylon edule Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 1:59, t. 82. 1795;




Thank you …,
would you please help me in the identification of all these memecylon species. they are collected from eastren ghats of Nellore district area.

0075 –M. umbellatum

3269 &1010159 –M. edule
3794 & 4209 – M. grande.

Request for ID : 241210 : AK-3: 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Taken at Colombo, Sri Lanka on the 19th of November, 2010.

Memecylon sp. probably umbellatum in flower (beginning).

Thanks a lot for resurfacing my long pending post.
Adding two more pictures.
Hope it helps in finding the correct id.
Attachments (2).

M. edule Roxb.





ANMAY17/18 Memecylon sp. for identification : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (9) 
Family: Melastomataceae
Date: 5th March 2015
Place: Hebri, Udupi district, Karnataka

Habit: Shrub (about 5 feet tall)
Habitat: Border of semi-evergreen forest

Can this be Memecylon talbotianum

Excellent photo, one of our students, … working on this group confirmed it is Memecylon talbotianum as the venation is leaves are not prominent. 

Sorry, now our student has seen carefully all the photos and she identified it as Memecylon edule Roxb. common throughout South India. It is not Memecylon talbotianum

Thank you for identifying as M. edule sir.
Can you please provide the differentiating character between M. edule and M. talbotianum?

provided the following differentiating characters. Hope it would be useful to you Memecylon edule Roxb. is widespread in tropical Asia from India to Western Malesia. It has ovate-elliptic leaves 1.5-3.5 inches long with obtuse or acute apex and pedunculate inflorescence and fruits purplish-black.
M. talbotianum Brandis is an endemic species of India which is restricted to Western Ghats. Though it has similar leaves, it can be easily distinguished from the former by its nearly sessile cluster of flowers on leafless nodes and yellowish fruits. In M. edule primary axes, secondary axes and pedicels are prominent. Moreover the leaves in M. edule dries to brownish while in the other leaves turn yellowish in colour.  

Thank you very much … And please thank … too. This is helpful.

Excellent pics … and discussion, a nice plant to find out in wild, hope to see some day..

Thanks … All the common Memecylons can be encountered during mid summer here 🙂




memecylon umbellatum ? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5). I am looking to grow the above trees in my garden. Saplings from nurseries are dying in my garden.
Could you please help me find the seeds? Would be extremely grateful for any suggestions and sources. Happy to pay.

First image is of M. umbellatum, remaining are M. edule varities…..

I am interested to know how did you find the difference between M. umbellatum and M. edule.

He is an expert on this genus. As a laymen I can see the difference in habit & differences related to fruits

I went through the eFI site and then only I asked the question in interest; the site says both the species are synonymous. But I am for sure you are not laymen.You are an expert of experts.

If the inflorescence is more or less sessile (stalkless) and the fruits are ripening blue (pl check Mathew, 1983), then it is Memecylong umbellatumIn M. edule the umbels are long stalked and the fruits are yellowish.
2. When you taste the leaves of M. umbellatum they will be sweet first then slightly sour. This is due to the presence of good amount of starch in the leaves.
After years of looking at this species I have come to the conclusion that M umbellatum and M edule are synonymous. The plant has some local and seasonal variations. Fruit colour depends largely on the season of ripening, and length of stalks varies from tree to tree even in a localised area. 

Thanks, … Pl. see efi site links: Memecylon edule & Memecylon umbellatum

Last two images are of Memecylon umbellatum, not M.edule;

memecylon umbellatum / edule seeds : 5 posts by 2 authors.
I am looking to grow the above trees in my garden. Saplings from nurseries are dying in my garden.
Could you please help me find the seeds? Would be extremely grateful for any suggestions and sources. Happy to pay.

I know this in a nearby place of mine. It is still unripened now. Once ripened and reaches ground I can send it to you.

Attachments (5)

I got the plant saplings itself under the parent tree. But how long you are from Chennai.
If it is North India let’s go with seed option, but wait for 1 month.

Reply from another thread from …:
First image is of M. umbellatum, remaining are M. edule varities…..

A reply from another thread:
Last two images are of Memecylon umbellatum, not M.edule;



Flower for ID – 120512 – RK – 1: Request ID of this v. interesting plant.This resembles AnjaniMemecylon umbellatum. I think tho’ that is a tree. Have not seen those flowers myself. The pics of this plant have been taken by my friend … in Kinigolli Camp, near Mangalore, Karnataka on 27-04-12 at 1.30 pm

looks like it, but experts may want side views to see the attachement and the flower structure??

I think it is Memecylon umbellatum only. In open area such as grasslands it grows as a small tree-large shrub.

I have only these pics. The last pic is cropped to afford a better view of the flowers. I hope i have the good fortune of seeing these flowers some day!Yes do look for them in march april they are jewel like bright spectacular etc

To me looks closer to images at Memecylon edule Roxb.
Pl. validate.



Memecylon sp. 1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- around 500 kb each. 
Memecylon sp. :::forming into fruits

M. edule

Updated on December 24, 2024

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