Sonerila rheedi

Sonerila rheedi Wight & Arn.,  Prodr. (1834) p. 321;

Common name: Rheed’s Sonerila • Malayalam:

Sonerila rheedi Wight & Arn. 

Wight Arn. Prodr. (1834) p. 321 (not Wall. Cat. 4096). A small herb 4-6 in. high ; stem distinct, quadrangular, sparsely clothed with weak hairs. Leaves 1.1/4-3 by 5/8-1.1/2 in., ovate, remotely bristle-serrate, often tinged with purple, the upper surface sparsely clothed with short thick bristles, the lower surface paler and usually with minute scaly points, base subcordate or rounded ; petioles 1/2-1.1/2 in. long, usually with a few scattered weak hairs. Flowers 4-8, crowded, subumbellate on terminal or axillary peduncles which are sometimes 2.1/2 in. long ; pedicels 1/8-1/6 in. long, hairy. Calyx 3/16-1/4 in. long, hairy ; lobes triangular, deciduous. Petals violet, 1/3 in. long, oblong-obovate, acute. Anthers 3/16 in. long, bright-yellow, subulate, sagittate at the base. Capsule 1/8-1/6 in. long. Seeds with raised points. Grah. Cat. p. 71. Sonerila Wallichii, Woodr. in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 11 (1898) p. 637.—Flowers : July-Aug. 
Triana (Trans. Linn. Soc. v. 28 [1873] p. 77) and, following him, Mr. C. B. Clarke (Hook. f. Fl. B. 1. v. 2, p. 538) reduce this plant to S. Wallichii (Benn. Pl. Jav. Rar. p. 215) and cite S. Rheedii, Wall., 4096, as equivalent to S. Rheedei, Wight & Arn. Cogniaux (DC. Monogr. Phan. v. 7, p. 512) follows Mr. Clarke with a query, while the ‘ Index Kewensis retains S. Rheedii as a separate species, citing both Wall, and Wight & Arn. The two plants, S. Rheedei, Wight & Arn,, and S. Rheedii, Wall., are, however, quite distinct and belong to different sections, the first having a stem and the latter (S. Rheedii, Wall.), which is conspecific with S. Wallichii, Benn., and with S. acaulis, Bedd. (Trans. Linn. Soc. v. 25 [1866] p. 216), being entirely stemless. S. Rheedei, Wight & Arn., should properly take its place in Fl. B. I. after no. 32, S. maculata, Roxb., to which it is nearly allied. Konkan : S. Konkan, Nimmo ex Graham. Kanara : Karwar, Talbot, 10 !—Distrib.  
(From The Flora of the Bombay Presidency (1903) from  IBIS Flora)

Images by Dinesh Valke (Inserted by J.M.Garg) 



Agumbe Ghat :: Sonerila FOR ID :: DVJAN24

 : 8 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
Agumbe Ghat (part of Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary)Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka

Date: 28 DEC 2014 Altitude: about 600 m asl at crest, about 250 m asl at foothill
ID please.
The tiny flower measured just about 3 – 4 mm across. The plant was on wet slope (almost wall).
Sonerila ¿ species ? (family: Melastomataceae)

Please check Sonerila tenera.

It is Sonerila rheedei. (The plant shows very much variations especially the leaves and stem)




Sonerila from south for identification : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb. 

This one from karnataka pleas identify 

Pl. also check with comparative images at Sonerila

This seems to be S. rheedei. 


Sonerila for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please ID of this Melastomaceae

Karnataka near Kudremukh date Nov 2010

Pl. also see comparative images at Sonerila  

Could be Sonerila rheedii Wight & Arn. (Melastomataceae)



Fwd: Sonerila sp. : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) – 1MB or more each.

Please identify this 

It is from Kerala



Attachments (2) – 1MB or more each.

Thanks, … Pl. check with images at Sonerila rheedi Wight & Arn. as per comparative images at Sonerila

Sonerila rheedei




The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved)
 Tropicos  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 3 By T. Pullaiah, K. Sri Ramamurthy (Sonerila rheedii– 2007- Details with keys) IBIS Flora 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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