Sonerila tenera Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 215, pl. 45, f. 2 1834. (syn: Cassebeeria brachyandra (Naud.) Kuntze; Cassebeeria tenera (Royle) Kuntze; Sonerila brachyandra Naud.); . China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan) India, Philippines, Vietnam, N-India (Garhwal to Sikkim), Laos, Java, peninsular Malaysia (Langkawi Isl.), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Mandalay), Nepal as per Catalogue of life; .
This herb was shot from among roadside vegetation near the Shilling Area… flowers nearly 1 cm across, pinkish, three petals with acute tip, fruit a hairy capsule …id help requested… Yes another interesting plant, hope to know its ID Looks like an ally of Sonerila (Melastomataceae). Thanks … for the clue.. yes … had also opined the same when we saw this in field… any Sonerila sp. Please check Sonerila erecta (=S.tenera). S.tenera is more common in outer Himalaya upto 1000m altitude. It is sonnerila tennera. Catalogue of life gives both Sonerila erecta Jack (with no distribution in India) and Sonerila tenera Royle as separate species. Checklist of Nepal only mentions Sonerila tenera Royle In view, I am taking our plant as Sonerila tenera Royle
Location: Lacchiwala forest range, Dehradun Sorry for the image quality, the plant was too tiny for my lens! Nov 2014 Here are the fruits. 1 image. Please check for Sonerila erecta (=S.tenera). I agree with … regarding Sonerila erecta Catalogue of life gives both Sonerila erecta Jack (with no distribution in India) and Sonerila tenera Royle as separate species. Checklist of Nepal only mentions Sonerila tenera Royle In view, I am taking our plant as Sonerila tenera Royle Sonerila stricta Hook. : 14 posts by 4 authors. 9 images- around 1 mb to 7 mb. Location: Batase Danda, Palpa Date: 24 September 2019 Elevation:1400 m. Habit : Wild Syn : Sonerila tenera R.Br Attachments (1)- 7 mb. Attachments (4) – 755kb, 897 kb 1 & 2 mb. Attachments (1)- 7 mb. is there any reference you have? I have referred ACFPoN, net, FoI, efi, POWO etc and guessed the ID. I may be wrong. Hope other members would help to validate. To me looks different from Sonerila stricta Hook from GBIF (only two specimens- both look different), Plant illustrations, The Botanical Magazine: Or, Flower Garden Displayed Etc, Volume 74 By William Curtis Enclosing listing from ACFPoN. Check with the keys in Flora of Bhutan. I guess it is matching with Sonerila khasiana C.B.Clarke Flora of Bhutan : S. khasiana Clarke Small herb, stemless. Leaves ovate, 1.4 —2 x 0.9 —l.2cm. acute, truncate to cordate at base, senulate and ciliate, with scattered pilose hairs mainly on upper surface; petiole 10 —32mm, rufous bristles at base. Peduncle 1.6 —5cm. Calyx 1 tubular, 4 – 5mm, lobes c lmm. Petals mauve to red, obovate, acute, 7 —8mm. Stamens 8 —8.5mm; anthers 3.7 —5.2mm. Capsule oblong. Looks different from images of … at Sonerila khasiana There are only 2 more left among the listed 4 . S..maculata looks completely different. S. stricta ? What do you think …? Haven’t come across this spp yet. But doesn’t appear to be either S. stricta or S. tenere, as seen from herbarium sheets available on the net. The leaves here are more basal. If I come across something resembling this, will let you know. Thank you …! I guess there is no chance of resemblance with S.khasiana. I am afraid it won’t turned out to be a new sp.😁! I think close to images at Sonerila tenera Royle
. References: Catalogue of life The Plant List Ver. 1.1 Checklist of Nepal Flora of China (Sonerila erecta Jack) POWO Flowers of India EOL Specimen in GBIF Flickr Novataxa Flowers of India FRLHT India Biodiversity Portal |
Sonerila tenera
Updated on December 24, 2024