Swietenia macrophylla

Common name: Big-Leaf Mahogany, Bastard Mahogany, Honduras mahogany • Malayalam: mahagony • Telugu: Mahagani, Peddakulamaghani
Keys according to the Bengal Plants:
i) leaflets 3 in. long or more; capsule 7 in. long or longer —— S. macrophylla
ii) leaflets 1.5 in. long or less; capsule 4 in. long or less —— S. mahagony

One of the two species grow in India (other one being Spanish Mahogany- Swietenia mahogoni, I posted earlier), its leaves are paripinnate with small greenish-white flowers in small open clusters among the leaves (not shown in the picture). Though more hardy & growing quickly, it lacks the handsome spreading nature of Spanish Mahogany.
Pictures taken at Joka, Kolkata recently.
For more information, please click on the link below:

Images by tspkumar

TSPNOV2015-89-132: Images of Swietenia mahagoni (Meliaceae) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Swietenia mahagoni (Meliaceae

Ref: Flora of Karnataka

Habit: Deciduous tree 

Habitat: Cultivated 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl 

Date: 26-05-2014, 19-06-2014 and 24-03-2015

very nice. we have many on the streets and in KolBotG in shibpur there is a whole avenue of them… in proper season their seeds float down with the wind.

Nice to know that … its a popular avenue tree, said to be introduced in the eighteenth century in India.

I agree …, The seeds are picked up by the local people which are said to have antidiabetic property.  I checked with the local market (dealers of raw Ayurvedic medicine) in Kolkata and found that they are selling them at very high price. And nothing special to be mentioned about the timber.

I think it is Swietenia macrophylla due to its larger leaves & fruit compared to Swietenia mahagoni (whose leaves are of the size of Neem leaves)

i buy a bag or two from them every couple of years for a friend from a market near my neighbourhood.
that’s generally fifity rupees for a supply that would last a person about a year.
the pickers in kolkbotg pick the unopened fruits and then they leave them to open up how do they get them down.
i do not know.
but i have seen their women carry baskets on head.
it happens around 6 am if you can get in then.


This is what a typical mahogany looks like in its young age (less than 10 years). These are very common now even in private gardens. But which Swietenia is it?

Species : Swietenia macrophylla ?

Bengali name : MEHOGONY

Date : 10-03-2012, 10.27 a.m.

Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB

ID help : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swietenia_macrophylla

I think you are correct

Big-Leaf Mahogany is a large deciduous tree, growing up to 45-60 m tall and 80 cm trunk diameter. The trunk is straight and cylindrical, slightly grooved, with well-developed spurs. The open, rounded crown has thick, rising branches, and thick, dense foliage. 
The leaves are usually paripinnate, sometimes imparipinnate, 12-45 cm long, and made up of 3-6 pairs of ovate or ovate-lanceshaped leaflets. The leaflets are asymmetric, 5-12 cm long, and 2-5 cm wide, with pointed or long pointed tip. 
The tree prefers rich, deep, and well-drained soils, with moisture available most of the year. Whether the tree is deciduous or evergreen depends on water availability. 
Big-Leaf Mahogany is native to Southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil.

Hooghly : Swietenia macrophylla King: Attachments (5)
Attaching photos of Swietenia macrophylla King, found yesterday. It is now very common on roadside as well as in private properties. It is interesting to note that the leaflets can be sub-opposite too!

Swietenia macrophylla indeed.
We also have these on roadsides in Pune too many a times labelled as Mahogany trees. No new plantations in recent years though.
I always confused these with S.mahogany. Only size of the leaflets is a major difference I suppose

Yes, …, according to the Bengal Plants :-

i) leaflets 1.5 in. long or less; capsule 4 in. long or less —— mahagony
ii) leaflets 3 in. long or more; capsule 7 in. long or longer —— macrophylla
Intensive plantation programmes during the past 15 yrs in our state have resulted so many mahogany trees in our locality. While S. macrophylla found its places both on roadside and in private properties the S. mahagony can be found chiefly on roadside.

I am not sure of the species, because though I have seen both, the macrophylla and the mahagoni, know the difference, but I have never seen the fruit or seeds of mahagoni. Both the species can be found on roadside, and in private property here.
My colleague Arnab Banerjee takes it to me today.
Since I have never seen mahagoni fruiting, and Sir Prain also recorded, “flowers freely but fruits very sparingly” I take this as fruit & seeds of S. macrophylla.
Attachments (5)

Swietenia for sure but which one? seems the numbers of seeds inside the pod may vary intra species so that’s no help, mostly detailed key would help esp that which described the seedpod in great detail.. KBoytG Shib has both vareities and they should be fruiting by now ..next month for sure

I kept it in the staffroom, Didi, if nobody touches it I would give stats on Monday, which may resolve the issue.

It is really troublesome! Certainly this is the big leaved one, but data/description found in those old literature or in the latest info in the web is quite contradictory/very much confusing.
Attached here the fruit and seed pics, leaves of macrophylla and leaves of mahagony. I have never seen fruits or flowers on mahagony. I see both the species almost everyday, because a couple of those trees are planted along the roadside I cycle everyday to school.
I also paste some link here for further/future use –



Swietenia For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 221213 : AK-31 : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 4 authors.
Mahogany Tree with fruits seen at Lalbagh on 21/11/13.
For species id please.

Juat visit Indian Botanic Garden Howrah and find 100 years old plants. The market value of each plant will be Rs 1.5 lakhs each.

efi page on Swietenia mahagoni & Swietenia macrophylla

this is S. macrophylla. the leaflets are larger than the one of S. mahogany


Kindly identify this tree.
Date/Time-        15/05/2011       03:00PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-     Aarey Milk colony, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Altitude :Sea level
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-:  Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  : Huge tree
Height/Length- 30Mtrs approx
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-  as seen in picture
Inflorescence Type/ Size- not seen
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- not seen
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- not seen

Its Swietenia macrophylla King from family Meliaceae.

What difference you can make out from this foto between S. mahogany and S. macrophylla..

A little that I know about this genus from a few specimens in Delhi, S. macrophylla has dark green glossy leaflets, usually 8-12 in number, lanceolate, long-acuminate, leaves are 15-35 cm long. In S. mahogany they are lighter green, 4-10 in number, ovate-lanceolate, leaves 10-20 cm long.
Looking at mostly 6-8 leaflets seen here, their shape and colour, I would like to go with S. mahogany.

I will also go with S. mahogany

Looks like a plant of Meliaceae

yes it is Its Swietenia macrophylla King the leaflets being larger than that of S. mohagany. both these trees can be observed near Univeristy of Mumbai Churchgate. S.  macrophylla is near Institute of Science opposite Eros circle, where as S. mohagany is just opposite to Session Court.


identification of a large tree from panjab university chandigrh : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
habit:-large size tree, leaves alternate
fruit a large drupe
along roadside as a avenue tree
place:-PU, chandigarh

Nice photos,  … Could be Swietenia mahogani or macrophylla.

Swietenia macrophylla  Family Meliaceae

Swietenia Species For ID : Meliaceae : Bangalore : 06DEC16 : AK-17 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Cultivated tree seen on 1st Nov.

I think Sweetinia microphallus. Pl. Check the spellings.

Thanks … Correct name Swietenia macrophylla


Fruit for Id – ID03042017SH2 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Fruit for Id pl.
Location – BPT Garden (Sagar Upvan), Colaba, Mumbai
Date- 10.03.2017

Looks for Sweitenia macrophylla

Thanks, …, But it is this fruit like growth ?
I also feel that these images match with images at Swietenia macrophylla

I think the Woody part has withered off early… Hence it is giving such appearance.. Leaves looks like s.marophylla


Swietenia macrophylla King : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Location: Kolkata, India
Date: 8 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft.


Fruit for Id -ID19112017SH2 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Fruit for Id pl.
Location – Botanical Garden, Kolkata
Date – November 2017

Swietenia mahagony/ macrophylla.

Thanks, ..  I think Swietenia mahagony

Sorry. I told it wrongly.
It should be Swietenia macrophylla as leaves appears to be large as is the fruit.


Khaya senegalensis and Swietenia mahogani – indiantreepix | Google Groups :
Khaya senegalensis and Swietenia mahogani
Both these are Mahogany trees of Meliaceae family.
Khaya is the african variety while Swietenia is probably more native (Probably means: in India for a longer time than other one)
At least in Pune the first one is seen planted in large number by the roadside due to its pale but bright evergreen colour and the Swietenia is becoming less common…..literally one has to search for an occasional saved tree (at least in city)It has a darker green foliage and pointed curved leaves……….You can see the earlier photographs by …

2nd image is of Sweetinia macropylla as per another thread.

Swietenia mahagoni – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image.
Swietenia mahagoni flowering 23March 2007in Pune, Maharashtra

Sweetinia macropylla as per another thread.


Ailanthus : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- one mb each.

How to distinguish between Ailanthus altissima and Ailanthus triphysa? Is there any key for Ailanthus?
Please identify the tree.
Photographs are taken on 29 MAR 2018
Location: 12° 56′ 08.5″ N 77° 37′ 39.6″ E in Bengaluru’s Kormangala area (pin code 560034)
Leaf: Margin entire, paripinnate
My guess: Ailanthus  (Species needs identification).
The tree is in bloom now. (End of March).

Chukrasia tabularis. Meliaceae. Close up of leaf needed for sure id

Flowers seem to be resembling Chukrasia while leaves do look like Ailanthus triphysa.
Can size and close up of flowers be  posted?

I think the posted tree can be Swietenia macrophylla, flowers as well as foliage does not look like Chukrasia to me


Fwd: Chukrasia : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 800 kb each.
More photos of leaves for confirmation of species

Hospet, KA :: Swietenia for validation :: ARK2020-050 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each.
Saw this tree in a resort complex in Hospet, KA in October 2019.
Guess, this is Swietenia macrophylla
Requested to please validate.

Correct ID. Swietenia macrophylla King

At the outset it looks like S.macrophylla as suggested by … Nevertheless, please check the e-flora site for the difference between S.macrophylla  & S.mahagoni, as they look alike in photographs. Need to check the measurement of leaves and fruits physically for proper ID.
Here in Southern Karnataka there are plenty (as avenue  trees) in my place (Mysore). But Forest department nursery mentions it as S. mahogany. 

Thanks … The main difference as per efi is the size of the leaflets and I think, based on the same, this is S. macrophylla.
Would greatly appreciate feedback from others as well.

This is Swietenia macrophylla only.

Tree for ID : Bangalore : 25JAN20 : AK-32 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
A tree seen yesterday in Bangalore.

Could be some Meliaceae seeds?

Please send if you have any other photographs  showing  clear pictures of the fruit and foliage showing  leaf arrangement.

I could click more pictures yesterday.
Attachments (4)

Looks like Broad Leaf Mahogany, False Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) seeds on tree. But need to examine physically the foliage & seeds characters. Pl check this link. Your photos have a resemblance : 123rf

I too agree with … It is Swietenia sp. only, Meliaceae,

I agree with … at first glance.

Hospet, KA :: Swietenia for validation :: ARK2020-050 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 mb each.
Saw this tree in a resort complex in Hospet, KA in October 2019.
Guess, this is Swietenia macrophylla
Requested to please validate.

Correct ID. Swietenia macrophylla King

At the outset it looks like S.macrophylla as suggested by … Nevertheless, please check the e-flora site for the difference between S.macrophylla & S.mahagoni, as they look alike in photographs. Need to check the measurement of leaves and fruits physically for proper ID.

Here in  Southern Karnataka there are plenty (as avenue trees) in my place (Mysore). But Forest department nursery mentions it as S. mahogany. 

Thanks … The main difference as per efi is the size of the leaflets and I think, based on the same, this is S. macrophylla.
Would greatly appreciate feedback from others as well.

This is Swietenia macrophylla only.


SK 2428 03 February 2020 : 7 posts by 3 authors. 2 images- 5 to 6 mb each.

Location :  Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 08 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Cultivated

Swietenia sp, Meliaceae,

Thanks, ..  Yes, Appears to be S. macrophyla.

Thank you … Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. ??

No. Leaves and fruit are much bigger.

OK …!


Tree for ID : Mumbai : 26APR21 : AK-21: 3 images.
Tree seen in Mumbai last week.

It reminds me of Swietenia mahogani

You may be right since there are many Mahogany trees in this area.

Please post the picture of the  foliage showing clearly the leaves .

These are the only images I have.

Pl. post a high resolution image to check the details.

Adding the images.
3 high res. images.

As leaves appear to be large, it maybe Swietenia macrophylla

Yes, it may be. I could not decide, but the bark reminds me of S. mahogani.

Bark of old trees of Swietenia macrophylla is also like this, as per images herein.

I could click pictures of the leaves today.
Hope these help.
3 images.

Swietania  mahogany &  S. macrophylla  are common trees in South India and grown as avenue trees. But I have never seen such type of leaves anywhere either in Tamil Nadu or Karnataka. I am surprised to see these variations if at all the ID is correct.

Just going on the trees I know of these two species the one in your photos has an overall look of S. mahogani. As … has mentioned the leaves look large so he may be correct. If I could see the tree I could be sure.


Please Identify.I have seen this in Konkan under farmers tree plantation drive: 1 high res. image.

Check Mahagony.

Most likely to be Large leaf Mahagony: Swietenia macrophylla


Id of Fruit -ID11012024SH1: 2 high res. images.

Fruit for Id pl.
Location – Coonoor, Tamilnadu
Date – December 2023

Swietenia macrophylla G.King !

Yes sir


Meliaceae: Swietenia macrophylla: 3 high res. images.
Swietenia macrophylla from Banaswadi Karnataka on 14/02/2024


Id of Tree- ID20122024SH1: 2 high res. images.

Tree for Id pl.
Location – Mumbai
Date – December 2024

Swietenia macrophylla King ?

The shape of the leaves as I surmise from the pictures,
It seems it fits more with Swietenia mahogany better.

Yes, I too think it resembles Swietenia mahogany.

It is Swietenia macrophylla
Its common
Swietenia mahogany is endangered and has small leaves compared to macrophylla and bark also different in the two species


Updated on February 3, 2025

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