Ochna gamblei

Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis, Indian trees 128. 1906 (Syn: (≡) Ochna obtusata var. gamblei (King ex Brandis) Kanis);
Orissa, Assam, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI Flora of India;

Small trees or shrubs with thick, brown or grey, bark and stout brachlets. Leaves alternate, usually clustered at the ends of branchlets, 5-13 x 3-8 cm, elliptic-ovate to obovate, apex rounded to obtuse, rarely acute, base cuneate-rounded to subcordate, narrowed into a short petiole upto 3 mm long, margins obscurely serrate, glaucous, nerves often irregular; stipules lanceolate, 4-6 mm long. Flowers 4 cm across, yellow, fragrant, borne in umbellate panicles; peduncles upto 1.5 cm long; sepals coriaceous, 1.3-2 cm long, elliptic-oblong; petals 5-12, a little longer than the sepals. Fruit compound, consisting of 3-6 drupes, oblong-ovoid, sessile, black when ripe, surrounded by the persistent calyx.

Flowering and fruiting: March-October
Dry rocky areas
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


ANAPR48 Ochna sp. for identification : 16 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (15)

Family: Ochnaceae
Date: 17th April 2015
Place: Nandi Hills, Bangalore, Karnataka

Habit: Shrub/Small tree
Habitat: Scrub forest

Ochna species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

I received this mail on 23rd last month. To my surprise it also remains untouched. I will try with my century and half old lit., for FoC or FoP or eFI doesn’t provide me KEY. I wonder why my modern equipped friends remain silent!

The features I find here are –
  • a tree (maybe a large shrub)
  • flowers are relatively large
  • sepals not much larger than petals
  • anthers many time longer than short filaments
  • style exceeding (not much though) stamens
All these are features of Ochna squarrosa L. of Flora of British India. Leaf shape and margin serration vary.
But, as I said these are old lit., we need modern materials, our modern eFI informs there are taxa like – 1) O. gamblei 2) O. serrulata 3) O. kirkii which I do not know. Don’t wish to find out synonyms to relate them with FBI. Would DNA analysis help?
My concern here is leaf texture, nothing else. You my check if you can find details on O. gamblei (GRIN gives a synonym) which have waxy leaves as per FRLHT. I am not sure if your leaves can be called waxy.
Better wait for experts from your region.

It looks like Ochna obtusata.

Oh! yes, there is naming issue Sir.

So far as my knowledge goes, Ochna obtusata is different and distinct from O. squarrosa. Of course, O. squarrosa sensu FBI, non L. belongs here.

Certainly Sir, that’s why I wrote “All these are features of Ochna squarrosa L. of Flora of British India“.

And I also noted in FBI one of its synonyms was O. obtustata DC.
Now, I do not know what are the differences between squarrosa L. and squarrosa non L. Neither do I know if this plant is the type species or any var. or some other.
However, as I read my points I wrote in earlier mail I notice there is some mistake in point 3, it should be “sepals not much shorter than petals”.

It may be Ochna squerosa-Ramdhan Champa

Thank you …

1) Surajit sir, when I first posted this plant, I did not have access to some local flora which could have helped. I recently got a copy. Here is attached the key to species of Ochna in Karnataka (From Fl. Karnataka C.J. Saldanha). This was published in the 1970s.
2) Based on the key, would you agree that this comes close to Ochna obtusata var. gamblei (Brandis) Kanis? This name does not appear in the plantlist. My reasoning is (as per my observation)- leaves are around 6 cm long, Petals 2-2.3 cm long, most of the leaves rounded at apex and obscurely serrate.
3) And as for the texture of leaves, I am afraid I do not know the difference between coriaceous and waxy. Don’t all leathery leaves seem waxy too and vice versa?
4) Please also see the last attachment from K.M Matthew’s flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic in which Ochna obtusata var obtusata is clubbed with Ochna squarrosa L. In this case, please see the description of Ochna squarrosa L. from Bangalore Flora in which the leaf apex is listed as acute = sam
Attachments (4)

This is why taxonomic revisions become necessary.

I am unable to answer your Q.3. In college I/we didn’t learn taxonomy to genus or species level, our syllabus covered identification of a few family only.
If i google “coriaceous leaf” it gives these pictures.
“Waxy leaf” should be something like leaves of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott.
KEY in Flora of Karnataka (you have attached) informs leaves of var. gamblei are glaucous. So you have now waxy-glaucous leaves just like the colocasia above. I think you can go with Ochna obtusata var. gamblei (Brandis) Kanis.

You have to see the following reference and what they say about the delimitation; if not satisfied, then you have to see the original descriptions and types of all the entities:
Safui & M.P. Nayar in Hajra et al., Fl. India 4: 429. 1997.

Does it mean we have only Ochna obtusata DC., without any var.?

GRIN (updated in 2007) gives Ochna obtusata DC. var. gamblei (King ex Brandis) Kanis as a syn. of Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis
As per The Plant List Ver. 1.1, Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis is unresolved.
Various references under Ochna, also give it as an accepted name.

There are two validly described species, O. obtusata and O. gamblei (Plant List shows that the identity of O. gamblei is unresolved but such lists in the website are compiled from secondary sources and therefore they often add misgivings). Kanis in Blumea 16: 34. 1968 reduced O. gamblei to a variety of O. obtusata Var. gamblei differs from var. obtusata mainly in the glaucous undersurface of the leaves, obtuse to rounded at apex. I think that this is the appropriate treatment as most of the available specimens can be assigned to the respective varieties using these characters leaving aside some intergredations.
In conclusion, I would like to assign your photographs to Ochna obtusata DC., var. gamblei (King ex Brandis) Kanis. (syn. O. beddomei Gamble).
The association of some misidentified specimens as O. squarrosa with O. obtusata is already clarified.







Fwd: Photos of plant for identification : 7 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (24)
please find the attachments 

Can you help me identify this plant? It seems so familiar but seems to be out of syllabus for me. the plant’s stem is said to show a red coloration when broken.

any loganiaceae member…?

Ochna gamblei, I suppose.

me too support Ochna gamblei

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/345.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/344.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/347.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/342.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/346.JPGFwd: Small tree for identification :: Diospyros? :: MK APR-003 2016 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7)

Please help me to identify this short tree species. Could this be any Diospyros sp.?
Height: 4-5 m
Leaf: up to 10 cm long
Habitat: Dry Scrub
Alt.: 900 m asl
Location: Masingudi, (Mudumalai) Nilgiris, TN
Date: 18 April 2016

This is Ochna species, possibly O.obtusifolia

The tree looks like a member from Clusiaceae
May be Mammea sp.

A guess: Clusiaceae member.

it is not Diospyros. Please check for species of Ochna

Yes, to me too this loos like species of Ochna

thank you all for helping me in id

Ochna obtusifolia Lam. is a synonym of Gomphia obtusifolia DC. as per The Plant list Ver.1.1 .
It’s Type specimen can be seen at http://mediaphoto.mnhn.fr/media/1442349644734kuUpfb2Xd3mbYdri

It could be Ochna obtusata.

This appears close to images at Ochna gamblei


Alagarkoil 080714 TBN 1 for id (? Casearia) / TBN July 1 : 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3).

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date           : 15.06.14
Location     :Alagarkoil hills, Natham Taluk, Dindigul district
Altitude      :approx 700 to 1000 ft

Habitat        :wild

Habit           :small tree
Height         :10 ft

Leaves         :simple / ? dentate
Flowers       :not seen
Fruits           :,seen/? berry

Local name  :not known

Ochna sp.?

I too think it is Ochna sp

Ochna – species in India & eFI with details & some keys

It looks like Ochna sp. to me too.

Ochna heyneana Wt& Arn.  leaves acute at both ends flowers 2-3, subcoriaceous (Gamble J S vol 1)

More pictures of Ochna heyneana at BIOTIK

Single (1-3) axillary flower – Ochna wightiana Wall. (O. lanceolata Spreng.)?

Can you send a close up of the fruits please.

Here are a few cropped images of the fruits. Attachments (2)

Also looks like Casearia corymbosa H.B.K. (syn: Casearia nitida (L.) Jacq.
Please check this link :
Nevertheless, the confirmation is possible only after examining the flowers.

Persistent filaments indicate Ochna, I think.

I think closer to images at Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis

Please help me to identify this Casearia shrub found in dry forests of Megamalai sanctuary.
Plant height about 2 metre.
Fruit: c 1cm long
Place: Megamalai, Theni dist., TN
Date: 29 Sep 2013
Alt.: 500 m asl

Some sp. of Ochna. may be Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis

Please check Ochna integerrima

I think closer to images at Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis


Megamalai :: shrub for ID 170714MK :: 001July : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Please help me to identify this Shrub. Is this any Ochna sp.?
Leaf: 6 cm long
Flower: 2.5 cm across
My plant looks the same as Badri ji’s shrub from Alagarkoil.
Habitat: Dry forest; along roadside
Place: Megamalai wls
Alt.: 500 m asl
Date: 29 September 2013

Some feedback in … post is in another thread

It’s getting complicated, specially after … suggestion in the other thread. Yet the plant in that thread perhaps shows more than 1(3)drupelets, suggesting Ochna species.

This plant may also be Ochna, though I am not sure, for similar immature fruit can be seen in other species (which I do not see in Casearia pics found in the net) –

I think closer to images at Ochna gamblei King ex Brandis


plant pics for id:

– May be, a species of Ochna ?

This appears close to images at Ochna gamblei

Small tree from Yelagiri : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 mb each.
Found this small tree in Yelagiri hills of Eastern ghats.

Gardenia latifolia ??

Not Gardenia …,
Ochna obtusata var gamblei only,


Ochnaceae: Ochna jabotapita L.: 1 high res. image.

synonyms: Ochna squarrosa L., Discladium squarrosum (L.) Tiegh., Ochna nitida Thunb.
location/date: Chilenahalli, Bangalore Distr., Karnataka, July 1997




GRIN  The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved)  Pilikula  India Biodiversity Portal  Biodiversity in India, Volume 2 By T. Pullaiah  BSI Flora of India

Updated on December 24, 2024

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