Ochna kirkii (Introduced)

Ochna kirkii Oliv., Fl. Trop. Afr. 1: 317 1868. (syn: Diporidium kirkii (Oliv.) Kuntze; Ochna carvalhi Engl.; Polythecium carvalhi (Engl.) van Tiegh.; Polythecium kirkii (Oliv.) van Tiegh.);
S-Kenya, E-Tanzania, N-Mozambique, Society Isl. (introduced) (Tahiti (introduced), Bora Bora (introduced)), Trinidad & Tobago (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life;


ID Please: 211111 CR01:
Please identify
Venue: IUCAA Girawali Observatory, Ghodegao
Date: 211111

Ochna species.

Looks like Ochna kirkii

I think Ochna kirkii as per images and details as below:

Re: Ochna species : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
My name is … and I am working with Madras Crocodile Bank Chennai, This is my first post on this group.
Can any identify what species of Ochna this is. Is it Ochna obtusa. If more pictures of specific part of the tree is needed, I get that. 

Ochna serrulata

Thank you … I guess I need to wait and watch if the sepals turn red, right? Is this an ornamental plant that people plant in India?
3 images.

I agree that your original photos look like Ochna obtusata.

This also appears to be Ochna obtusata as per images and details herein.

While searching for the ID of another plant species i chanced upon the id of this one!
Species : Ochna obtusata DC.
Habit & Habitat : shrub or small tree
Date : 25-05-12, 12.55 p.m.
Place : Alipore Agri-Hort. Soc., Calcutta
ID help :

forgot to tell u in winter has yellow flowers

Initially i thought the 1st pic is the flower and also had doubt if pic6 and pic7 were of different plant…. he he.

attached pics of fruits of Ochna obtusata Syn. Ochna squarrosa

local name : रामधन चंपा
Family : Ochnaceae
Seeds are initially green which turn black later.

I have not seen this colour flower of this cultivar, saw only the yellow flowered.


can u help identify: 2 images.
this tree is from mumbai

–  Appears to be Ochna serrulata

Sorry. I think Ochna kirkii as per images and details as below:

I too wanted help with identification. I think it’s the same as the pics I have attached. I could not make out if the pink ones were the calyx.
An asian koel flew from the tree when I went to take pics. Do they feed on the fruits? Height of the tree : about 15 feet

Location: Wheatcrofts Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai.
Date pics taken: 25 Nov 2010
Leaves : Serrated edges
4 images.

– Yes it is Ochna serrulata—family OCHNACEAE A. DC.  planted in gardens.

I think Ochna obtusata as per images and details herein.

would be grateful for an identitification
prince of wales museum, mumbai

look like Ochna kirkii

Ochna obtusata is bigger than O. kirkii, O. kirkii is a shrub.. …, if u want to see O. obtusata visit Rani baug… it just behind the Dillenia indica..

Ochna serrulata common in Mumbai gardens

I think Ochna obtusata as per images and details herein.

Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request.
Location: Nadukuppam, Vilupuram Dist.
Date: 30.12.2012
Habitat: garden
Habit: Small tree

Ochna serrulata…

What a nice fruit pic
I always seem to get to the garden when one or two fruits remain …never can catch all.. you have done it….

I think Ochna obtusata as per images and details herein.

Sorry. I think Ochna kirkii as per images and details as below:

ANNOV26/26 Gomphia serrata (Gaertn.) Kanis : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Family: Ochnaceae
Date: 13th September 2015
Place: Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, Ernakulam District, Kerala

Habit: Short Tree
Habitat: Semi-evergreen forest

I think Ochna obtusata as per images and details herein.

Sorry. I think Ochna kirkii as per images and details as below:

Plant for ID – 261012 – RK: 7 images.
Request ID of yet another interesting plant i came across in Lalbagh. Did not have any flowers.
Pics taken 14/10/12 in the morning at Lalbagh, Bangalore.

This is the Mickey Mouse Plant [Ochna wightiana].

Thank you so much for the ID, Dr:) Looked up flowersofindia & it was a pleasure seeing the beautiful flowers:)

For eFI members here is the link:

I think Ochna obtusata as per images and details herein. 


Identification – March 15 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)- around 500 kb each.
Please identify this small tree. It has ovate-elliptic leaves with very small hairs at its margins, underside of leaves have small prickles; yellow flowers – looks like Malpighia sp. flowers. Seeds are borne on the reddish disc.

ochna sp
further classification lets wait for a taxonomist

Ochna species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Beautiful plant. Check for Ochna obtusata (Ochnaceae)

It is Ochna integerrima leaves with close serration.

Is it a cultivated plant as Biotik does not give any range in peninsular India ?

Yes it is a cultivated plant. The photos were taken at Aranya Bhavan, Mysore.


pls help me to identify this sps: 1 image- 4 mb.

This is a species of Ochna possibly O.obtusata.

I think Ochna kirkii as per images and details as below:


011212 BRS 410 for id:
Pl. find the attached photo for id. request.
Location: Coimbatore, Race Course
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Small tree

Is this Clerodendrum ?

Any Ochna sp.?

I too think this is an Ochna species (Family Ochnaceae). Does it have yellow flowers?

One of the Ochna species. Check the characters for species level

I think Ochna kirkii as per images and details as below:

re:climber for id 20080804_1 (mixed thread) :
please help identify this flower I saw in a park in ernakulam.

It is an Ochna spp. possibly the Mickey-Mouse plant [O.squarrosa].

Leaves look sessile & more like Ochna kirkii. It may pl. be confirmed. Pl. see the links for details & a few pictures: http://www.hear.org/Pier/species/ochna_kirkii.htm,

It is Ochna krikii.

Ochna wightiana in FOI : 3 posts by 1 author.

Ochna wightiana in FOI is either Ochna kirkii (Introduced) or Ochna obtusata (most likely although images of leaves are not clear) as per images and details herein.
Ochna wightiana is a synonym for Ochna lanceolata Spreng.

Corrected now.

Tree for ID, Hyderabad Telangana NAW-JAN19-03 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this tree with shiny leaves, yellow flowers and red fruit. Photographed in a house in Hyderabad city.

…, please take a look at /species/m—z/o/ochnaceae/ochna/ochna-kirkii-1 as per efloraofindia.

Ochna integerrima (Lour.) Merr. ??

Should we go with Ochna integerrima? It seems you have compared morphological characters and matching.
i was trying to get morphological information of Ochna integerrima, but could not get. Is there some link or book which has original morphological description from the owner taxanomists who named this species?

Was trying to get morphological description of Ochna integerrima, which could not get yet.

I just compared with my collection and net images. May be there is some other opinions from experts.

Have you looked at Ochna serrulata?

Pl. check comparative images at

I also think Ochna kirkii Oliv. as per comparative images at Ochna, as suggested by …

Identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- one of 1 Mb.
Kindly identify this plant.
Date/Time- 16 NOV 2018
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13° 22′ 11.36” N 103° 51′ 5.44” E
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Height/Length- 120 cm. 

the vietnamese mickey mouse plant.
bristles on leaf edges, leaves wider than o serrulata the mickey mouse plant
Ochna thomasiana or Ochna integerrima most likely


Ochna kirkii Oliv. : 12 posts by 3 authors. 8 images- 7 to 8 mb each.
Location :  Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 09 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Cultivated

For me the ID is correct.

ochna sp



Ochnaceae: Ochna kirkii: 9 high res. images.
Ochna kirkii,
Form Andhra University Botanical Garden, Andhra University campus, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh


Updated on December 24, 2024

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