Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H.Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 28: 293 1953. (syn: Jussiaea grandiflora Ruiz & Pav.; Jussiaea hirsuta Vell.; Jussiaea hirta (L.) Vahl; Jussiaea macrocarpa Kunth; Jussiaea peruviana L.; Jussiaea peruviana f. hirsuta Hassl.; Jussiaea peruviana var. macrocarpa (Kunth) Bertoni; Jussiaea peruviana f. tomentosa Hassl.; Jussiaea speciosa Ridl.; Jussiaea sprengeri Hort. ex L.H.Bailey; Ludwigia hirta (L.) Gomez de la Maza; Oenothera hirta L.); . Costa Rica, Belize, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Peru, Bolivia (Beni, Cochabamba, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Tarija), N-Brazil (Para), NE-Brazil, WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso), SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, Santa Fe, Tucuman), S-Brazil (Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Chile (O’Higgins, Bio Bio), Paraguay (Alto Parana, Caaguazu, Caazapa, Central, Cordillera), Uruguay (Canelones, Colonia, Paysandu), Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia (Antioquia, Boyac, Caldas, Caquet, Cauca, Cesar, Choc, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Risaralda, Santander, Valle), Venezuela (Anzoategui, Apure, Aragua, Bolivar, Carabobo, Distrito Federal, Guarico, Lara, Merida, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Tachira, Trujillo, Yaracuy, Zulia), Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas, Michoacan, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz), El Salvador, Honduras, Singapore (I), India (I), Java (I), Sri Lanka (I), Sumatra (I), peninsular Thailand (I), Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I)), Mauritius (I), USA (I) (Alabama (I), Florida (I), Georgia (I), Mississippi (I), North Carolina (I), Texas (I)), Australia (New South Wales (I)) as per Catalogue of Life; . India (S. India, S. Andaman and Assam), Indonesia (Java and Sumatra), Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, throughout America excluding southern USA (Arceo, 1979). Native of New World as per The Genus Ludwigia (Onagraceae) in India by I.C. Barua- Rheedea Vol. 20 (1) 59-70 2010; . Polypetalae for id 240510MK2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 15 posts by 6 authors. Please help to id this soft shrub found in the river shore.
Could this be Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven of Onagraceae? Flowers 2 – 3cm across. … the flower size seems to be on larger side for L. octovalvis … have seen them to be about 7 – 12 mm …. not sure about variable size. Petals could be up to 17 mm long and up to 17 mm broad according to Flora of China. Ludwigia octovalvis indeed commonly knon as ” Ban Lavanga” from Onagraceae profusely found in Pachmari region of M.P. A similar Plant is found in waste land of Bengal, It is has a smaller size flower rest looks very similar known as Jussiaea suffruticosa L. Thank you … for clarity on flower size … thus, it does seem to me L. octovalvis … This does not look like Ludwigia octovalvis [L.parviflora]. Will send photographs of L. octovalvis for comparison later if required. It is Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara, (syn: Jussiaea peruviana L., Sp. Pl. 388. 1753. = Jussiaea speciosa Ridley, J. Bot. 59. 1921) For me also this looks more like Ludwigia peruviana (L.) Hara of Onagraceae owing to the presence of Hirsute plant body. As requested. Many thanks … , does this have deciduous bracteoles? Nice Picture/ Request for ID : 231210 : AK-2: Attachments (1) Perhaps a Ludwigia sp. (may be Ludwigia canescence?) please ignore any mistakes in specific epithet. This aquatic plant is Ludwigia peruviana (L.) Hara of Onagraceae. Please refer the earlier post here.
efloraindia: 291111 BRS 220: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request. Location: Sholaiyur, Kerala Date: December, 2006 Habitat: Wild Habit: Shrub Along the road side (Anaaikatti to Sholaiyur road) Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara. Family : Onagraceae. For identification. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Please help with an ID of the shrub species captured at Theerthalli, Shivamogga, Karnataka (july2016). Whole plant full of shiny hairs. Ludwigia peruviana.
Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H.Raven : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. two more -help please – indiantreepix | Google Groups : These two plants are snapped from Wayanad district, Kerala. Please help in identification. Can IMG_0081.jpg be an Onagraceae member like Ludwigia species? IMG_0081.jpg — looks like Ludwigia, and most probably L. hyssopifolia Thanks, … Here are links of Ludwigia hyssopifolia: (picture), (a picture), (details with a picture), (pictures) Appears to be Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H.Hara as per images herein and as per keys at Ludwigia Perhaps DSCF8028.jpg is Crinum ¿ asiaticum ? and IMG_0081.jpg could be Ludwigia peruviana just as … has suggested. Yes, I was talking about 2nd image. . 269 ID wild plant: 12 high res. images. Please ID wild plant, Location: near Ezhattumugham, Paniyeli, Ernakulam Dist. Kerala Altitude: 1500fsl Flower date: 02.01.2022, 04.40pm Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky streamside Plant habit: shrub, erect, branches, hard flaked stem 03 inch base circumference, hairy, perennial Height: 02 meters Leaves: alternate, pinnate, ovate, apex, hairy, size:12×4cm or less Flower: axillary, 4 petals, diameter:03cm, yellow, non fragrant Fruit: Seed: Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Check for Ludwigia species in your area Possibly, it could be Ludwigia peruviana. Not sure. Yes, it is Ludwigia peruviana, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant, . References: The Genus Ludwigia (Onagraceae) in India by I.C. Barua- Rheedea Vol. 20 (1) 59-70 2010 |
Ludwigia peruviana
Updated on December 24, 2024