Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’;
Common name: Soi Fah Passion Flower • Hindi: झुमका लता Jhumkalata ৰাধিকা• Manipuri: নাচোম Radhika nachom • Bengali: Jhumkalata

Passiflora edulis ? :  10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4).
I think a planted species in Hyderabad, AP on 20/9/08 in KBR National Park.

… I have been considering it as P. incarnata;

I think P. edulis is with paler version of these shades, blending to white at many places … but that is only my thinking.
Comments here would validate what I have at … in fact, I have contributed it to FOI at http://www.flowersofindia.PurplePassionFlower.html

this is 100% Passiflora caerulea
and this is Passiflora edulis

I agree with …, It is Passiflora Incarnata. I have vines of Passiflora edulis and the flowers are paler than this.

…  knows his plants (he is a landscaper by profession) … but there is always some iota of ambiguity when it comes to identifying garden species and varieties.
P. caerulea, I did not considered at all … I was confused between P. edulis and P. incarnata … added to confusion is contradictory images on internet.
If I am remember correctly, on Wikipedia at, the flower picture seen now is different (uploaded on aug 2008) … paler than the one earlier (which was ditto what I have with me on flickr) … but I will not stress on my memory power. And, what we see at is … flower posted here.

There are quite a few PASSIFLORAs is found at FOI, among which:
P. caerulea: http://www.flowersofindia.BluePassionFlower.html
P. edulis: http://www.flowersofindia.Passion%20Fruit.html
P. incarnata: http://www.flowersofindia.PurplePassionFlower.html (This is my contribution, will stand according to what will be discussed in this post)
To kill this ambiguity, I request … and … to comment. (…: I ask you because you reside nearer to these flowers’ nativity).Thanks to … for his comments.

This is how I distinguish between these species of Passionflower:

Passiflora caerulea: Petals below the frilly disk of radiating filaments are much longer than them, and protrude much further than that disk of filaments. There is only one ring of white on the disk of filaments.
Passiflora incarnata: The disk of filaments is purplish even towards the end (shade may vary), and there are two distinct white concentric rings on the disk, separated by purple, towards the center.
Passiflora edulis: Filament disk is always white towards the periphery, and purple towards the center, with no white concentric rings.
Based on this, the pictures posted by … should be of Passiflora incarnata. You can look at the FOI links posted by … for other species under discussion.

In my judegment, on the web, there are a few wrong pictures posted for Passiflora caerulea & Passiflora incarnata (to err is human).

Your post and the picture reminded me of my childhood when we used to pluck these flowers from the creeper on which they grew. we in our innocence called the flower “kaurav and pandav” Note scores of purple petal and the 5 stamens. It has very good and faint frangrance. That was about 5 decades ago in a place called Dewas in MP.

Message on my Wikimedia page identifying it as Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ :
“I have renamed some of your photos, please see: Category:Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’. Uleli (talk) 23:17, 15 February 2014 (UTC) ”
Pl. have a look

Images by tspkumar 



TSP-APR2016-24-324:Images of Passiflora incarnata (Passifloraceae) : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Passiflora incarnata  (Passifloraceae

Habit: A climbing vine

Habitat: Cultivated

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl

Date: 18-05-2014, 17-06-2014 and 27-09-2014

Ref: http://www.flowersofindia.PurplePassionFlower.html

i used to have this, never developed any fruits though. wonder why?

You are right … Even I have not seen it fruiting so far.

As per The Plant List Ver. 1.1 & Tropicos, Passiflora incarnata L. is considered as a syn. of Passiflora edulis Sims
But GRIN considers both as different (last updated in 2013).
I think it is better to follow GRIN in this case.

I agree with you …, even the flowers look very different.

Can you please check this reference (earlier posting in our indiantreepix)  as there is lot of confusion on ID:

I checked upon the link provided by you and am convinced that the images therein are that of P.incarnata and not that of P.edulis

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


efloraofindia 786543 Passion flower creeper at PUNE:
I would like to share the pictures of Passion flower creeper in my garden

Date        13/08/2011 time 4.00pm
Location  District Pune ;State :Maharashtra
Habitat- Garden
Plant Habit-  Climber
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-beautiful purple flowers
Other Information like Fragrance Wonderful sweet fragrance

Passiflora incarnata

This is also called “Krishnakamal” in Marathi

Till today I was under the impression that Passion flower is only of blue colour as I had seen only blue passion flower. But today I learned to my surprise that it is also whitish and red in colour.  I have always wondered
why does the same flower have different colours other eg. like Hibiscus, Rose Any explanation?
I also want to share some interesting info I came across about Krishna kamal/ Passion flower
So, long story behind the name Krishna Kamal. There are (apparently) a 100 of those blue petals – one for each of the Kauravas, and 5 of the green ones in the centre – one for each of the Pandavas. The green bulb in the centre symbolises the Pandava queen Draupadi, and the three filaments are for the holy trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiv. AND the white radial in the centre is the Sudarshan chakra of Lord Krishna.

Its hard to make out the species of this plant. To me it looks like Passiflora caerulea.
Neelkamal or KrishnaKamal is actually not passion flower as per my knowledge, it should be some blue water lilly as per logic.

To me this plant does not look like Passiflora caerulea in which leaves are usually 5-lobed (number of lobes if taxonomic character in this genus) and stipules large and reniform (linear here). This could be P. incarnata but not typical one in which petals are not ornamented, it is perhaps a cultivar of it. I have both from California and would upload them soon.

This may not be P. caerulea as I said it’s difficult to conclude from these pics. There are many hybrids and similar looking species. Passiflora caerulea may not necessarily have 5 lobed leaves as per its description. Number of lobes may vary according to the age of the plant as well as the nutrients available as per my personal experience of growing some species of Passiflora.

There is a good key for some species in eFlora of China and eFlora of Pakistan, as also in Bailey Manual of Cultivated Plants (my copy is at Delhi). Yes P. caerulea may have lesser or more lobes but not in all leaves, majority would be 5-lobed. And yes large reniform stipules can’t be ignored.

Nice to read the story. In childhood had heard it. but had forgotten.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Flora of Panipat: Passiflora incarnata from Arya P G College Campus Panipat Haryana:
Passiflora incarnata
Rakhi Flower Bel from Arya PG College Campus panipat haryana
Family: Passifloraceae

recently I have planted one red colour (I was by the nursery man it is red) Pasiflora. It is growing very nicely. If it flowers i will send it’s photo.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Passiflora incarnata:

I would like to share an ornamental flower adorning our main gate. I am not sure if the species ID is correct but received confirmation from some outer source.
Date/Time- 22/04/2009, 10.03 a.m.
Location- Nalikul (Hooghly District), West Bengal (latitude 22.83°N, longitude 88.16°E)
Habitat- Ornamental
Plant Habit- Climber
Remark – This flower is an example to illustrate flower is a modified shoot. I have also illustrated this, sometimes in 2009, at –

Beautiful Catch of Rakhiflower

Thank you, Sir, we call it ‘JHUMKO-LATA’ in Bengali.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Flower identification : 3 posts by 3 authors.

During a recent trip to Rajasthan, I came across this wonderful flower, and was amazed by its construction, colours, and ofcourse the faint sweet scent emanating from it.
This flower happened to close after sunset, and open-up during the day.
The flower is located at the WelcomHeritage Maharani Bagh Orchard Retreat, Ranakpur, Rajasthan.

Could you please help me with its identification?

This is a Passiflora sp. of course very beautiful. ..

It is Passiflora incarnata, I think.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

june15sk39/44 — Passiflora sp. (a LHP) : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (8)
This vine has a woody base having a diameter of almost twice of my wrist! It is about 20 yrs old. I have never seen it producing fruits. The flowers are beautifully fragrant.
My earlier thread was accepted as Passiflora edulis Sims. But, why it doesn’t produce fruits?
Tawny Coster butterfly is not uncommon in Hooghly, but I haven’t seen them around my home. Last few days one or two was visiting this vine regularly. Today i recorded some photographs.
Also attached here an old photograph of flower.

Received id from …- Passiflora caerulea.

Attached here elaborate features of this species. The question remains though – why it doesn’t produce fruits!The glands at the top of the petiole, margin of lamina, character of stipule, character of bracts (with glands), petiole & pedicel and corona length etc suggest this is Passiflora incarnata L. (ref. FoP; and maybe P. edulis of FoC) not P. caerulea L. as Bimal Da suggested
Attachments (8)

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


SYMBIOSIS: (mixed thread): This is the time for all Passion Flowers. We have got three types of Passion Flowers in our garden at cooch behar. Passiflora caerulea, Passiflora quadrangularis and Passiflora holosericea all are in bloom now. Bees are very fond of the flowers of Passiflora holosericea. I have seen Sunbirds on all the three Passion Flowers mentioned. Attaching an image in which female of a Purple Sunbird is on the flower of Pasiflora caerulea.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

SYMBIOSIS :607 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Attaching an image of a male Purple Sun-bird on the flower of Passiflora caerulea.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

PASSIFLORA CAERULEA/LEOPARD LACE-WING : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).
Passiflora Sp is host plant for Leopard Lace-wing butterfly. A series of images are attached to show the life cycle of this beautiful butterfly.

Very nice sequence, … Thanks for sharing.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

OBSERVATION : LEOPARD LACE WING/PASSIFLORA :  1 post by 1 author. Attachments (19).
I observed a female Leopard Lace wing butterfly hovering over a Passiflora caerulea plant during first week of October. I knew from my experience that she is to lay eggs. But I could not locate the site where she laid eggs. But on 08-10-14 I saw small larva on the leaves of the host plant. I followed the growth of the larva from that day on. When they were mature enough to form pupa, I brought few of them on the balcony of my house. I had interesting observation. I supplied them with leaves of Passiflora caerulea, Passiflora holosericea and Passiflora quadrangularis and I found they ate all these types of leaves (of course literature on the subject says that Passiflora sp is the host plant for this butterfly). I was able to target on two larva. One of them turned to a pupa on 21-10-2014 and the other on 22-10-2014. On the 10th day of the pupa a male butterfly emerged from the first pupa and a female butterfly emerged from the second Pupa. This sequence is attached as 19 images.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

PASSIFLORA/LEOPARD LACE WING: ARELATIONSHIP : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Passiflora caerulea is not only an interesting plant, it is a host plant for Leopard Lace wing butterfly. Recently I could record detail life cycle of Leopard Lacewing with some 400 images. I could capture as many as 8 butterfly (4 male and 4 female) emerging from the pupa in a period of 2 hours.
Attaching 6 images of the sequence.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

I am studying the life cycle of Leopard lace wing for almost 10 years. I have not seen so many butterflies coming out during November 2015 – March 2016 earlier. The host plant was taxed heavily to support so many larvae in such a short period. Gradually the plant lost its leaves to feed the ever hungry larvae.
To my surprise I found that the larvae started feeding on the bark of the host plant. I have not seen such thing earlier. A situation arose when only the main trunk of the plant remain with some bark rest all were eaten by larvae. I thought the plant is lost for ever. But on 7-3 2016 I found new leaves coming out of the main trunk.
It was  a relief.
This event is uploaded on a series of 12 images.

Thrilling observation!

Your posts on life cycle of Leopard lace wing are really marvellous.

Very nice and biological trimming and thinning of the Passiflora climber. Thanks a lot for sharing. Wonderful pics.

Its interesting that Passiflora caerulea is not a native plant for India but this butterfly is. I imagive what could have been its original diet plant?

Great documentation as always

i somehow missed it. making hospital rounds then i guess. the re-emerging leaves after the twig was eaten to the core is very encouraging.

this is yet another outstanding documentation by you !!! this is likely to be new host plant for the said butterfly sp.! so please contribute your observation to Indian Foundation for Butterflies you deserve appreciation there as well. it will surely boost others who document butterfly ethology & ecology. Please send me your images without watermarks I can format & process them in behalf of you with your name.

Wonderful piece of natural history. Appreciate your dedication and passion. Thank you so much …

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

Re: OBSERVATION : LIFE CYCLE OF LEOPARD LACE WING ( APRIL 2016 ) : 4 posts by 4 authors.
I am observing life cycle of Leopard Lace Wing for last 10 years. Since November 2015 I have recorded this event few times. I have not seen emergence of so many butterflies earlier. In April 2016 I collected some mature larva from Passiflora caerulea (Host Plant). Some of them turned into pupa on 22-4-2016. And these pupa released butterflies on 29-4-2016 ( evening ) and 30-4-2016 (early in the morning). Following points were noted
( a ) This is the first time I saw release of a Leopard Lace Wing in the evening time and flew away within one hour of its release.
( b ) This is the first time I saw release of a Leopard Lace Wing on the 8 th day of life in pupa. Generally it takes 10 days.
( c ) This is the first time I saw release of Leopard Lace Wing early in the morning. ( Around 3.20 AM ).
 ( d ) This is the first time I saw release of seven Leopard Lace Wing all of them were female.
Attaching 5 images on the subject.

Great observations …! I appreciate your work ! Keep it up such documentations!

simply superb. a lot of work. is this what you were getting up so early for? your hardwork ===, my enjoying a unique process…

Host plant should be Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein, as per your other observations.

SYMBIOSIS : 834 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a Common Emigrant butterfly visiting a flower of Passiflora caerulea.

sorry dekhte pachhi na

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

SYMBIOSIS : 838 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a bumble bee visiting flower of Passiflora caerulea.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY( SYMBIOSIS 844 ) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a Scarlet Sunbird (M/J) visiting flower of Passiflora caerulea.

Same to you, … and to all members of efloraofindia family

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: SOME FLOWERS IN OUR GARDEN AT COOCH BEHAR : APRIL2017 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of four species of flowers in our garden. I have sweet memories about these flowers. Image Passion flower takes me to Netrakona (now in Bangladesh), I used to collect buds from the climber in the evening and put them in a bowl of water and most of them used to bloom in the morning before my eyes and sweet smell used to fill the room. I saw Honeysuckle for the first time in Dehradun (1974). The look of the flower and fragrance was to my liking. Rhynchostylis retusa (KOPOP FLOWER of Assam, used by girls to decorate hair during Bihu dance). Magnolia grandiflora does not require any introduction. I saw huge trees of Magnolia grandiflora in Shilong. I never saw such big trees of the species at any other place.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 918 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of Purple Sunbird visiting a flower of Passiflora caerulea (PASSION FLOWER).

wow too good !!!

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 919 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a female Purple Sunbird visiting a flower of Passiflora caerulea. (PASSION FLOWER)

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 923 : 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Passiflora caerulea (PASSION FLOWER) which is being visited by a bee and a male Purple Sunbird.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: STORY OF A PLANT : ( PASSION FLOWER ) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

          In an earlier post on Flowers In Our Garden, I wrote about Gloiosa superba (GLORY LILY). I wrote about my introduction to that plant and where all I have seen that plant and how it has come to our garden. My friend Brig. Rajbir Singh wrote suggested that I should have a series on stories like this (as I am having a series Symbiosis). In fact some of the plants in our garden has got some story. To day I am trying to narrate a story of Passion Flower.
         My love with Passion Flower started some time in 1958 at Netrakona (now in Bangladesh). In front of the Municipality office in that town there was a climber with beautiful blue flowers with sweet fragrance. The plant attracted me. I used to pluck mature flower buds in the evening (I was a 5th standard student) and used to put those buds in a bowl of water and the buds used to open up in the morning. I used to see those opening in front of my eyes. They used
to float around  (as if swimming with happiness) with sweet fragrance filling the room. The experience can not be narrated (at least I can’t do that). At that time I knew it as JUMKOLATA. Some people in Bangladesh call it as “SITAR KANER JHUMKA” (Meaning JUMKA of Sita’s ear). I left my home town in 1964. Next I saw this plant at Pachmarhi. There was one in the Military Hospital, one in the rock garden near AMALTAS and one at Bharat Scout. They grow from suckers (by this time I knew that it is Passiflora caerulea). I got a sapling from the plant at Bharat Scout. It was planted in one of my friend’s house at Cooch Behar. It was in bloom for a year but died due to neglect.
        In 1981 I was at Chail and came across another type of Passion flower (people call it as RAKHI FLOWER).
In 2001 I was at Tezpur and found different  types of Passion flower (including Passiflora caerulea). In Assam they call this flower as “PANDAV-KOURAV” and some people call it as “SHANKH-CHAKRA-GADA-PADMAA”
      In christen literature Passiflora has a special place.
I brought a sapling from Tezpur in 2002 and planted the same in our garden. It has flourished and bears many flowers at this time of the year. This plant introduced me to the life cycle of a beautiful butterfly Leopard Lace Wing.
It also helped me in my series on symbiosis.
Attaching a collage of the flower in our garden

Thanks a lot, …  It is really really nice. If you can write like this, it should go on.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 943 : Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Red spot jezebel visiting flowers of Passiflora caerulea.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 952 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Tailed Jay visiting flowers of Passiflora caerulea (PASSION FLOWER/ JHUMKO LATA/ PANDAV-KOURAV/ SHANKH-CHAKRA-GADA-PADMA/ RAKHI PHUL).

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: PASSIFLORA CAERULEA ( A JOURNEY ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Passiflora caerulea (PASSION FLOWER/ JHUMKOLATA).

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Fwd: IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
here is a collage which will speak for itself.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


passion flower – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 1 image
Passion flower- Passiflora foetida grown in my sister’s garden Ahmedabad  –!9/07/08
It is found in many colours but the passion fruit-thejuice of which is very healthy is from the white variety only
It is also called Kaurav Pandav flower. The five pandavas are obvious but have’nt yet counted the kauravas!

Your nice picture of Passion Flower is reminding me the famous song of Fraternity Brothers titled “Passion Flower”. I found this youtube link about this song.

I think this is Passiflora caerulea….
Following link shows its fruit, but in India, I never heard this particular species fruiting. I even tried pollinating myself and failed

I agree with … The one in our office (ATREE) also dosent set fruit, in spite of me did the manual pollination. But I have seen fruit on plants in the higher altitudes of Kerala. I have seen and tasted the fruits in Kanthallor near Eravikulan National Park. It is tastier

We call it Krishna Kamal and I have not seen it fruiting in our area.  But the fragrance of flower is heavenly.

I think this is Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and details herein.

A picture of Purple Passion Flower.
It was taken at Sula Vineyards, Nasik on the 11th July,07.
Wanted to share it with all of you.

Looks like Lord Krishna’s chakra… Beautiful shot!




This is great. Seems like Passiflora caerulea to me….attaching some closeup and abstract shots of this flower…hope you will like them…..
3 images.

Passiflora caerulea indeed !! the Passion flower seems to be the genus of the day and each and every photos are amazing

I think this is Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and details herein.

031111PD07 Passiflora for ID Flora of Orissa:
sharing another image of Passiflora which i had taken from a garden, Is this Passiflora incarnata ?
Name of the species: Passiflora incarnata ?
Family: Passifloraceae
Place of collection: bhubaneswar, Orissa
Altitude: 100 m above msl
Habit: climber
Habitat: Garden

As far as I know in Passiflora incarnata the leaves have serrate margin which in missing out here. Hence I am not very confident in determining this plant as the one.

You are a real gem. You have not only put us to work to find identity of this plant, but also one uploaded by …, and also similar photographs of mine from California which I had identified as P. incarnata
efi thread
Yes true P. incarnata has leaves with weakly toothed margin

I think I got it, Passiflora x alatocaerulea
Here is the relevant portion of key from Bailey Manual of cultivated plants
Petals white or pink
Outer rays of corona about as long as petals; leaves serrate
Fruit yellow when ripe; leaves dull above ……………… P. incarnata
Fruit deep purple when ripe; leaves shining above …………… P. edulis
Outer rays of corona distinctly shorter than petals; leaves entire
Leaves 5-7 lobed ………………. P. caerulea
Leaves 3-lobed …………….. P. alatocaerulea
I have both P. caerulea and P. x alatocaerulea from California. I will upload them soon.

Sir My plant is with weakly toothed margins pls see attached pics

Yes … Not only that, the corona scales are equalling or longer than petals

Sir So mine is P. incarnata?

yes …

…I have worked on Passifloras for almost one year and seen many live plants.
I have never seen a plant with perfect entire leaves except for suberosa. And then the lobes keep increasing as age of the plant, except for suberosa and foetida. Most of the times they seem to be having 3 lobes, thought much older plant with good nutrition do give 5 or above lobes.
Passiflora caerulea and alato-caerulea can be differentiated on the basis of size of the flower. Alato-caerulea is much bigger than caerulea.
Passiflora edulis has green fruits with purple dots and in another hybrid of this the fruits are yellow and hence so named as P. edulis flavicarpa. This is the only species that gives perfect fruits with viable seeds and you can even germinate the seeds very easily.
P. incarnata, as far as I remember never gives fruit in India, dont know why.
To me a true incarnata is the one in which the ends of coronal hairs are wavy and in caerulea it is straight.
Leaves are longer than width in caerulea where as broader than length in incarnata.

To me, … plant is P. caerulea.
…. plant is yet to open and I cant see the whole leaf so I cant comment.

The morphology of the leaves was to be compared with fully open leaves in normal condition and not just the lobes.

Having seen my Passiflora alato-caerulea from California I fear the above plant has still to find a name. The corona seems to be longer than petals, a chacter that can’t be ignored in this genus.



efloraofindia:” Id 03062012MR1’’ need your help; how do I save the Passiflora sp and the ?caterpillars @ Pune:
3rd June 2012 Pune
3-4 days back I saw some ? eggs on the Passiflora sp at my home. Today in the morning luckily I witnessed the actual hatching of these ?caterpillars from these beautiful transparent ? cocoons. It was a moment to remember. On the opposite leaf I saw a yellow purple insect ( I have know idea as to what it is) looking in this direction; and then came a ? wasp moving within these caterpillars and cocoons. I have absolutely no idea about the relation between these 3. Will these grow big and eat away the leaves? What do I do to preserve the plant and the caterpillars too? Would very much appreciate your help.


By evening all the caterpillars gathered at the corner of the leaf up and below the leaf. As you can see in the pic attached they had started voraciously eating into the leaf. Next morning it was even worse. There is grass around my house so I cut the leaf at the stalk and placed it within the grass. I think they would survive there and my plant too was saved.

The caterpillars are most likely to be of the Tawny Coster butterfly. Host plants are generally specific for butterflies. Sometimes butterflies have multiple host plants as in this case – caterpillars of this butterfly can also survive on Aporoso lindleyana, Adenia hondala and other species of Passiflora.
From the grass where you have placed them the caterpillars will either have to find their way back to the host plant or perish.

I agree with what   …  just wrote ….it was not a favor to your plant either…
every living thing depends on some other living thing… like we do on vegetables… so do these caterpillars on your plant… they should be taken as part of web of life, not removed…
watching them grow is another delight that one missed this way… sorry …. …
you are lucky to have a garden in a city with a lawn/grass and flowering plants… with its own web of life…
enjoy it … while it happens to you or your plants… you would have been rewarded with butterflies…
better luck and understanding next time
Live and learn is my motto…

Thanks for your reply. I did not know that host plants are generally specific for butterflies. In the past I had 5-6 very healthy Impatiens plants. One day I saw huge fat green caterpillars voraciously feeding on them. I was happy and decided to let them be there. But they were such voracious eaters that they did not leave a single leaf on the plants and I lost all the plants. I felt very sad. Having these memories I decided that both should live and put them on the grass. … how many days do these caterpillars take to become a butterfly and would they eat up the whole plant and would the plant survive?. If I know these answers at least in the future I will do the correct thing. Or as … says they should be taken as part of web of life, But if the plant perishes it hurts too… It is tough to decide

well done …, this is the way to learn and live peacefully with the creatures that were on the earth before we got here and will be here after we as a species move on, or evolve into something else or die out because of our own toxins…





May 2013
I am happy to inform that Tawny coster has laid eggs again on the plant in different batches. Because of the guidance from … I let them be on the plant and I can see eggs, larva and caterpillars. Also it is flowering . I hope to see the full life cycle. Attaching pictures of the same

Very good observations. Hope to see the complete cycle.

Plant is Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’


Fwd: SONG OF THE RAIN : KAHLIL GIBRAN : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of rain drenched flowers with a poetry on the subject by Kahlil Gibran, printed on it.

SYMBIOSIS : 850 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a female purple Sun-bird on the flower of Passiflora loefgrenii ( ? ). I saw this plant for the first time at Tezpur and brought a sapling from there. It survived here for few years and died.

LEOPARD LACE WING UNDER STRESS ( AN OBSERVATION ) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
I was following the life cycle of Leopard Lacewing since 2003. I was easy as two important host plant species for this beautiful butterfly are present in our garden. These are Passiflora caerulea and Passiflora holosericea. Every year I used two record life cycle of this butterfly twice a year. Last time I recorded it was in 2016. After that year i have not seen this event, even though the hosts are there.
The following changes took place in the area around. In the name of development hundreds of trees of different species have vanished from the area where there were grass cover have turned into exposed earth or cover with tarmac. These changes have affected at least one species of butterfly (Leopard Lacewing). Such a beautiful species which allowed me to take thousands of images of different stages of life cycle.
… told me to put this observation on record. Attaching few images of the host plants and stages of life cycle of Leopard Lace wing.

wonderful. inspiring. i wish we all could do it. this is citizen scientist at the best. i salute you
lets send it to as many people as i can think of to get conversation going
ecologically this following sentence in your note is noteworthy. when you told me this I was stunned.
i quote “Last time I recorded it was in 2016. After that year i have not seen this event, even though the hosts are there.” end quote
thats why i hoped you will document this. put it out in the universe. ecologists must make a note of it and work to find solutions.
if the insects not survive, humans will not either.

Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ as per images and references herein.


Rakshabandhan greetings with Passiflora incarnata: 3 images- 1 high res.
I wish you a day filled with many happy returns. Happy Rakshabandhan.
I am attaching images of Passiflora incarnata L./ Rakhi bel

Correct id is Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’, as per images and details herein.
It looks different from images at Passiflora incarnata (Introduced)



Updated on December 24, 2024

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