Peperomia heyneana Miq., Syst. Piperac. 1: 123 123 1843. (Syn: Peperomia ceylanica Miq.; Peperomia duclouxii C. DC.; Peperomia haycockii C.DC.; Peperomia kurzii C.DC.; Peperomia wightiana Miq.; Peperomia zeylanica Miq. ex Walp.; Piper oblongum Wall.); . China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, India, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Mandalay), Nepal, Sikkim, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life; . Three Peperomia species are known in Uttarakhand. These can be differentiated as: 1A. Leaves alternate, thin, membranous ……… P. pellucida 1B. Leaves whorled, thick ………2 2A. Glabrous, diffusely branched, creeping herbs; leaves oblong or obcuneate ….. P. heyneana 2B. Pubescent, densely branched, leafy and tufted herbs; leaves orbicular ……….. P. tetraphylla .
Gori Valley Tour: Succulent Herb for id from Shilling-2 : Peperomia heyneana, with retuse leaf tip and very prominent usually single (rarely up to three) vein. Thanks Sir…through available pics P. heyneana seems to have three leaves per node, this one has four…should we reconsider.. Pl. have a look at this one . Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Piperaceae-Peperomia 1 for id from Gori Valley-NS SEP 08 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4). This succulent herb as also found growing near the one I shared earlier (Peperomia tetraphylla), but this seems different in shape of leaves and their number per node.. interestingly other aspects like plant size, inflorescence size etc. tend to agree.. I am also sharing a picture of both shot together.. please help to reach id.. which pictures are new or for this thread ? all but second picture belong to a different species in my opinion…in second picture too there is a comparison between the plant posted for id and P. tetraphylla.. its not clear “. in second picture too there is a comparison between the plant posted for id and P. tetraphylla.. ‘ ????? my suggestion is in such cases segregate the pictures Thanks …, I got the point, if I would have posted 2nd picture on requirement only, no confusion would have been there… i fail to understand why it can’t be Peperomia heyneana Miq., as have earlier been suggested/identified by … FBI informs it has leaves 3 to 4 nately whorled. Three Peperomia species are known in Uttarakhand. These can be differentiated as: 1A. Leaves alternate, thin, membranous ………………P. pellucida 1B. Leaves whorled, thick …………………2 2A. Glabrous, diffusely branched, creeping herbs; leaves oblong or obcuneate ………..P. heyneana 2B. Pubescent, densely branched, leafy and tufted herbs; leaves orbicular ………………. P. tetraphylla The species here seems to me as P. heyneana which is known to occur in 1400- 2000m altitude range. Thanks … for this help.. Yes, this should be P. heyneana… . Some of the images are repeated in the both ID posts.
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Peperomia heyneana
Updated on December 24, 2024