Piper arnottianum (Miq.) C. DC., Prodr. 16(1): 352. 1869 (Syn: Chavica arnottiana Miq.; Piper hapnium Buch.-Ham. ex Hook. f.; Piper siriboa Herb. Madr. ex Itiner.) as per Nomenclatural notes on Piper Linn. (Piperaceae) from India II PRASANTA KUMAR MUKHERJEE Phytotaxa 338 (1): 017–032 (2018); . INDIA: Tamilnadu, Kerala, Northern Division (?). BANGLADESH, THAILAND (SIAM!) as per Nomenclatural notes on Piper Linn. (Piperaceae) from India II PRASANTA KUMAR MUKHERJEE Phytotaxa 338 (1): 017–032 (2018); . Climbing shrubs; stem warty. Leaves alternate, 6 – 12 x 3 – 6 cm, ovate, cordate at base, acute or acuminate at apex, glabrous above, puberulous along the nerves beneath; basally 5 – 7 nerved; petiole to 3 cm long; leaves of flowering shoots small and oblique at base. Flowers unisexual, in erect cylindrical spikes, yellow; peduncle to 1.5 cm long. Male spikes longer than female. Stamens 2. Ovary globose; stigmas 3-5. Fruiting spikes 4 – 6 cm long. Moist deciduous forests Southern Western Ghats (Endemic) . Piper hapnium Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f. : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors. Thanks for posting this Piper. Some general questions about this pepper: Is this used by people and if so how-medicine/food as a spice etc. Which part of Western Ghats is this found? Are other Pipers-for ex. Piper longum found in the same area as this Piper? How do we identify this Piper if we come across it in the field? Would appreciate if you could clarify these questions. It seems my mail about Piper longum has stirred … The only thing I can say now that my photograph matches with posted earlier on Indiantreepix, but is different from link on the left (Mother Herbs). My plant and that posted earlier on Indiantreepix have broader leaves with clasping base, whereas Mother Herbs….. plant seems to have longer, narrower leaves without clasping base, and a very short petiole. I will try to collect more information when I go to the University tomorrow. I am should I say excited by the enthusiasm of the accomplished members of the group. As everyone in the group knows that I am a novice in the field, I am thrilled like a schoolboy who is attending the first few days of college. When I wrote about P. longum, there were two things in mind: Here are the names of Piper species in Marathi… ‘Piper nigrum’ – ‘काळे मिरे’ ‘Kale Mire’ ‘Piper trioicium’ – पोकळ मिरे’ ‘Pokal Mire’ ‘Piper longum’ – पिंपळी’ ‘Pimpali’ ‘Piper retrofractum’ – मोठी पिंपळी’ ‘Mothi Pimpali’ ‘Piper betle’ – ‘पानवेल’ ‘Panvel’ . Plant for ID | 27Aug11AR01 from Chimmony: This could be Dioscorea or Tinospora. I imagine if any one can id from this condition. May be by digging out the roots/tuber!! Please check Piper longum of Piperaceae as well. May be either Piper longum L. or Piper betle L. as per comparative images at Piper THIS is Piper hapnium . 164 ID wild plant Piper longum: Please ID wild plant, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 02.10.2021, 11.25am Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: climbing or creeping if no support, branches, weak stem 04 diameter, roots on stem nodes, perennial, aromatic taste and smell Height: 04 meters Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, apex, size:10×6cm or less, aromatic Flower: racemose inflorescence, clustered, size:07×5cm or less, off white, non fragrant Fruit: beans green into black size:9×1cm, edible Seed: black, numerous, rigid globular, diameter:2mm Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Pls check Piper. Ok, dear … It is very close to Piper arnottianum. Thank you very much for the ID suggestion, Yes! Looks OK ! Yes, maybe Piper arnottianum (Miq.) C. DC. as suggested by … Yes, it is, thank you very much for ID my plant
. References: Catalogue of life The Plant List Ver.1.1 POWO (Piper retrofractum Vahl) GBIF IBIS Flora (FBI) Kerala Plants India Biodiversity Portal Tropicos Black pepper: piper nigrum – Google Books Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter – Spatial analysis for Piper species distribution in India Nomenclatural notes on Piper Linn. (Piperaceae) from India II PRASANTA KUMAR MUKHERJEE Phytotaxa 338 (1): 017–032 (2018) (Abstract- In continuation of the taxonomic study of the genus Piper from India (Mukherjee, 2017), eighty-four Piper names, reported from India, are considered here for their typification, identity, and nomenclature. The scrutiny led to the recognition of twenty-four species. Thirty-five synonyms are proposed as new ones out of sixty-one treated here. Lectotypes are designated for almost all the species recognised here together with their synonyms or basionyms. Holotypes are mentioned when applicable. Of particular mention are P. hookeri and P. sylvaticum with confused identities and lacking proper typification. Corrections are suggested to earlier lectotypifications for P. hymenophyllum and P. rhytidocarpum. Extension of distribution to India from Myanmar are recorded for three species: P. acutistigmum, P. leptostachyum and P. pothoides.) |
Piper arnottianum
Updated on December 24, 2024