Thalictrum foliolosum DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 175 175 1817. (Syn: Thalictrum dalingo Buch.-Ham. ex DC.Thalictrum foliolosum Hook. fil. & Thoms. (ambiguous synonym); Thalictrum villosum Jacquem.ex Lecoy.);
N. Pakistan to N. & E. Central India and China (Sichuan, Yunnan): Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), Sikkim, Nepal, China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Thailand, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Mandalay, Shan), Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Leafy Meadow-Rue • Hindi: Mamera • Nepali: बजरा Bajaraa, बन्सुली Bansulee, छाते Chhaate, दाम्पाती Daampaatee, ममिरा Mamiraa, पेन्याले Penyaale, दामपाते Daamapaatee


Family: Ranunculaceae
Loc.: Churdhar Wildlife sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m)
Date: August, 2010

VoF Week :: Thalictrum foliolosum along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail:
Thalictrum foliolosum DC. … (family: Ranunculaceae)1 AUG 12
Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail about 7050 ft

Nice Shots of Mamira

VOF Week: Thalictrum foliolosum?? along “Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail”.:
This particular Thalictrum sp. was seen to be dominating the Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail.
Could this be Thalictrum foliolosum??

Yes to me, …

Yes, nice pics ….

Most of the flowers seem to have dropped their petals?
past their prime, yet the pictures are spectacular.

Good composition. Flowers with many stamens look very beautiful.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum foliolosum along “Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail”.: PKA-Jan-08::: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)
This particular Thalictrum sp. was seen to be dominating the Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail.
Bot. name: Thalictrum foliolosum

Amazing find

Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum foliolosum for confirmation from Chakrata:: NS 2015 Jan-40 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
This is a common one in Chakrata area, I hope this is Thalictrum foliolosum, please validate the id..


Thanks for sharing

Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Thalictrum foliolosum :: Govind Ghat – Ghangaria :: DVJAN19/895 posts by 4 authors.
Thalictrum foliolosum DC.
along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail on August 1, 2012 

Thanks … always a treat to watch your pics…!!


Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum for id from VOF:: NS 2015 Jan-43 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Please provide id inputs for this spreading herb, recorded from area near VOF, Uttrakhand..

Thalictrum foliolosum

Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum foliolosum? from VOF:: NS 2015 Jan-45 MY CONCLUDING POST THIS FORTNIGHT : 4 posts by 3 authors.
This species was also recorded from VOF area, I hope this is Thalictrum foliolosum, please help to conclude..

All your posts were very nice. It’s a treasure to watch!

Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum for id from VOF:: NS 2015 Jan-44 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
This is again from VOF area, please help me to reach the proper id…

This species is Thalictrum foliolosum.

Thalictrum species? ABJUL01/08 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.
Is this a Thalictrum sp.? Please advise.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
11 July 2015

Further research points to T. foliolosum. Please advise.

I agree with your conclusion …, you will few more species this monsoon and after…!!

Thank you … for confirming this. I will keep looking for more Thalictrum species.

Found this tall (about 2.5-3 feet) T. foliolosum  yesterday (3.8.15) and thought I will share. 2 images.

Sharing the seeds of Thalictrum foliolosum. Photos of flowers in this thread earlier. 1 image.

Thalictrum foliolosum DC. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Sharing some pictures I guess is Thalictrum foliolosum DC. shot on 15 August 2015 in Nagarkot Nepal at 6000 ft.
Nepali name :  दाम्पाते Daampaate

Yes Thalictrum foliolosum, nice pics

VOF Week 280812_DS_07:
This one again on the way to VOF, plant about 4 – 5 feet high and drooping yellow tiny flowers with dewdrops were glistering in the morning light.
From earlier posting by others, it seems to me Thalictrum foliolosum. Please confirm.

I hope yes.

Yes Thalictrum foliolosum


SK1302 19 JUL 2018 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 500 kb each.
Location : Chandragiri Hills, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation : 8200 ft.
Date : 28 June 2018
Habit : Wild
Thalictrum foliolosum DC.  ??

May be as per images at Thalictrum foliolosum (I feel some of the threads may be of some other species- not sure).

Thank you …! I shall check them.
Nepali Names : जरा Bajaraa / बन्सुली Bansulee / छाते Chhaate  / दाम्पाती Daampaatee / ममिरा Mamiraa / पेन्याले Penyaale / दामपाते  Daamapaatee

Flower blooming stage!
Location : Godawari Botanical Garden, Nepal

Elevation : 5000 ft.
Date : 24 July 2018
Habit : Cultivated
Attachments (3)


Saw these near Ghangaria on the way to VOF Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Identified as Thalictrum foliolosum based on efi pics. Kindly validate.

To me also appear close to images at Thalictrum foliolosum


Thalictrum foliolosum DC. : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (8)- around 600 kb each.
Location:  Phulchoki, Lalitpur 
Date:  3 July 2019
Elevation:  2387 m.
Habit : Wild

Location:  Phulchoki, Lalitpur
Date:  3 July 2019
Elevation:  2415 m.
Habit : Wild
Attachments (4)- around 700 kb each. 


Thalictrum foliolosum DC.: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 2030 m.
Date: 28 June 2021
Habit : Wild



Habitat: along forest path on mountain slope
Habit: herb about 1 m high; flower about 10 – 12 mm across

Agree with Thalictrum cultratum

This is Thalictrum foliolosum, as per images and details herein.
It is different from Thalictrum cultratum Wall., as per references herein.

Thalictrum foliolosum from Valley
Pls validate

iT IS Thalictrum cultratum

Yes. This is Thalictrum foliolosum only, as per images and details herein.
It is different from Thalictrum cultratum Wall., as per references herein.


VOF Week: Thalictrum cultratum ??? at VoF:
Could this be Thalictrum cultratum?? (Family: Ranunculaceae).
Location: VoF.

Yes, it is Thalictrum cultratum

This is Thalictrum foliolosum, as per images and details herein.
It is different from Thalictrum cultratum Wall., as per references herein.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Thalictrum cultratum at VoF : PKA-Jan-12 :: : : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Thalictrum cultratum. (Family: Ranunculaceae ).
Location: VoF.

Beautiful! The picture in FOH is not very clear. Good documentation. Great efforts. Thanks for sharing so many Ranunculaceae members.

This is Thalictrum foliolosum, as per images and details herein.
It is different from Thalictrum cultratum Wall., as per references herein.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Thalictrum cultratum :: VoF :: DVJAN16/86 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.

Thalictrum cultratum Wall.
at Valley of Flowers on August 2, 2012 

Very good photographs …

This is Thalictrum foliolosum, as per images and details herein.
It is different from Thalictrum cultratum Wall., as per references herein.


Ranunculaceae Week: Thalictrum reniforme (?)_RKC_04_020511:  I had posted this plant long back on eFlora and it was identified as Thalictrum neurocarpum. Apologies for posting bad quality of photographs.
A/C to Tropicos, the accepted name is T. reniforme which is distributed in China, Bhutan and Nepal. I would be happy if the identity and its distribution in India is confirmed.
Name: Thalictrum reniforme Wall. (?)
Family: Ranunculaceae
Loc.: Churdhar Wildlife sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m)
Date: August, 2010

Some earlier relevant feedback (from earlier thread):
Seems to be Thalictrum neurocarpum

After further critical look it appears that plant may either be T. chelidonii or T. reniforme, and needs to be rechecked again. Unfortunately there seems to be lot of contradiction between FBI and eFl of China, former reporting greenish white flowers in reniforme; according to FBI flowers are larger in T. chelidonii (25 mm diam.; only 8-12 mm in T. reniforme), but according to eFl of China sepals are 9-13 x 6-10 mm in T. reniforme and 5-8 x 2.5-4 mm in T. chelidonii. Again eFl China reports achene stipe as 0.6 mm long (achene 4 mm) in T. chelidonii and 1.5 mm (achene 6 mm) in reniforme. FBI reports stipe as long as achene in both. The illustration of eFl. of China, however, shows much smaller achene with stipe almost as long in T. reniform, and much larger achene and very short stipe in T. chelidonii
Also Fl. China reports 6-8 carpels in T. chelidonii and 15-20 in T. reniforme. FBI reports achenes numerous in T. chelidonii and only 6-8 in T. reniforme.
But the two consistent characters which need to be verified are plants, leaves, pedicels glabrous in T. chelidonii and glandular-pubescent in T. reniforme. Also there are axillary buds in T. chelidonii but absent in T. reniforme
T. chelidonii                                                                     T.reniforme
1. Plants Glabrous                                                              Plants glandular pubescent
2. Cauline leaves with axillary buds                                       Cauline leaves without axilary buds
3. Leaflets glabrous                                                             Leafletsglandular-pubescent beneath
4. Pedicel 4-10 mm long, glabrous                                        Pedicel8-25 mm long, glandular pubescent
5. Sepals lilac or purple (FBI), pinkish (eFl China)                   Sepals greenish-white (FBI), reddish pink (eFl )
6. Flowers 25mm dia (FBI), sepals 5-8 x 2.5-4 mm (eFl)         Flowers8-12 mm dia (FBI), 9-13 x 6-10 mm (eFl)
7. Carpels6-8, style shorter than ovary                                  Carpels15-20, style slightly longer than ovary
8. Achenes numerous, stalk as long (FBI)                              Achenes 6-8 , stalk as long (FBI)
8. Achene 4mm with 0.6 mm long stipe                                 Achene 6 mm long with 1.5 mm long stipe

T. chelidonii or T. reniforme ?
May I request you to pl. have a look.

Elevation 1500m. is correct ?

I don’t think this sp. to be T.reniforme nor T.chelidonii
The plant here size looks quite smaller which should be much taller about 1meters in both species moreover sepal is not ovate in this sp. which should be otherwise at least 3-5mm wide in both these sp. whereas its quite narrow in this case moreover stamens are having quite long filaments in this sp….
I checked for all 13 spp. of Thalictrum mentioned in Flora of HP but still is not able to find any proper match…

I find these close to images at Thalictrum foliolosum DC.

SK594 25 JUN-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- around 550 kb each.
Location: Muktinath, Nepal
Date: 11 April  2017
Altitude: 12000 ft

Thalictrum cultratum Wall.

It is a guess only.

Does not matches with images at Thalictrum cultratum

Thalictrum squamiferum Lecoy. ??

I am doubtful as per

OK …! Leaf pattern indicates to some Thalictrum sp.

Does these links have any resemblance ??

May be, but I am not totally convinced.
This is the closest I can find:

OK …!

I think it looks different.

I find these more closer to images at Thalictrum foliolosum DC.

I am not sure ! May be young stage !


Thalictrum sp from Paddar valley J&K:
Kindly validate the ID

Can this plant be Thalictrum foliolosum
Family: Ranunculaceae
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Date: 2nd August 2011
Altitude: 3300 metes asl

I hope you will have to develop habit of taking close ups of flower and fruit, very important in this genus

Yes Sir, I will do the same in next seasons

You have such a wonderful collection but unfortunately you did’t have good camera.
But now you know the locations. It would be wonderful if somebody will travel the same path of yours in the same season to get maximum of rich Himalayan flora.

I am pursuing my M.Phil in Environmental Sciences at Jammu University since March 2011. My study area is my native place in Greater Himalayan region of J&K called Paddar valley in between the valley of Pangi in H.P and Zanskar in Ladakh and Kishtwar High altitude National Park J&K. This area is rich in floral faunal diversity with no roads and electricity till date.
I have visited only 3 times in June, July and August 2011 for field study and photographed about 500 plant species but being a layman with no background of taxanomy and low quality camera the quality of photographs is not good. But I want to continue my Ph.D in the same field and I have decided to buy a good camera for the next visits. I am also unfortunate to have no expert in my deptt. in concerned field. But my passion for plant diversity forced me to choose the field. I am learning a lot from EFI especially … If possible I would also like to register in a good institution for my Ph.D. in order to have quality research. Many many thanks EFI for helping me a lot.

Yes, appears close to images at Thalictrum foliolosum DC.


Thalictrum cultratum in FOI:
Images of Thalictrum cultratum in FOI by Thingnam ji, are of Thalictrum foliolosum, as per images and details herein.

It is different from Thalictrum cultratum Wall., as per references herein.
Pl. correct.

Corrected now.

