Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker, Indian Forester 48: 576 1922.; . S. Tibet to Himalaya as per WCSP; . As per efi thread; Three species are given in Osmaston 1927 (A Forest Flora for Kumaon) as differentiated as: 1A. Corolla glabrous outside ……… L. lanceolata 1B. Corolla pubescent outside (minutely hairy)…………….. 2A. Leaves exceeding 5 cms in length, lateral nerves 6-10 pairs …… L. kumaonensis 2B. Leaves not exceeding 5 cms, lateral nerves 4-6 pairs ……………. L. riparia . As per keys at link: Leptodermis kumaonensis has corolla pubescent outside and Leptodermis lanceolata has corolla glabrous outside; . Keys in Flora of Bhutan by AJC Grierson and D G Long, Vol.2 Part 1 (1999): 1. Bracteole pairs not exceeding hypanthium .. 1. L. ludlowii + Bracteole pairs exceeding hypanthium .. 2 2. Flower-heads terminating short shoots on old wood, overtopped by new growth .. 2. L kumaonensis + Flower heads terminating new growth .. 3 3. Corolla tube less than 11.5mm; main veins of leaf 3-5 pairs …. 3. L. stapfiana + Corolla tube more than 11.5mm; main veins of leaf 5-9 pairs …. 4. L. amoena . As per efi thread: L. kumanonensis: Flowers are 3-5 fascicled on ends of lateral short branches (FOC). L. stapfiana: Flowers are borne in more dense clusters: Inflorescence on current growth; compact clusters of up to 20 flowers at shoot apex at upper nodes and at apex of any lateral shoots.. (FBP) . Shrub 0.5-2.5m tall; young stems glabrous or subglabrous. Leaves lanceolate. rarely elliptic, to 80 x 20mm, much smaller on short shoots, acuminate, attenuate at base both faces ± puberulose, lowre almost white; main veins 6-8 pairs; petioles 5-8mm, pubescent. Stipules carinate above, pubescent below, eciliate. Flower heads narrow, spike like, terminating short shoots covered with stipules below, on old woody only, 2 at each node; bracts all foliaceous long petiolate. Bracteole pairs exceeding calyx at anthesis, divided c halfway with shortly cuspidate lobes o less divided with more truncate lobes. Calyx tube c .5mm; lobes irregular, c .6mm, ciliate, often fimbriate. Corolla infundibular, pubescent and maroon outside, paler within; tube 9-10mm; lobes 3-4mm. Stigmas 5. Fl. June Open hillsides, in sun or half shade. (Attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGoB. 1987 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal) . Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker ?? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (13) – around 600 kb each. Location: Kakani, Nepal Altitude :6600 ft. Date: 20 June 2018 Habit : Wild I also think close to images at Leptodermis kumaonensis Does this need to be re-worked …? This is Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis and as per FoC illustration. SK2075 25 July 2019 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)- around 600 kb each. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur Date: 3 July 2019 Elevation: 2721 m. Habit : Wild Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker ?? I also think so- Leptodermis kumaonensis as per images and details herein. Does this need to be re-worked? These images are also of Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis According to keys in the efi and the leaf shape and size it should be L. kumaonensis ! As per keys at link: Leptodermis kumaonensis has corolla pubescent outside and Leptodermis lanceolata has corolla glabrous outside; For me id is correct as Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis On further consideration, I agree for Leptodermis kumaonensis .
Leptodermis kumaonensis Parker . SK 3615 18 August 2022: 1 very high res. image. Location: Juphal, Dolpa, Nepal Altitude: 2700m. Date: 22 June 1022 Habit : Wild Flower looks like Leptodermis riparia R.Parker, but not sure ! Only one image I have. I think Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker Possible. Altitudinal range for L. kumaonensis matches. . Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker: 6 very high res. images. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 27 July 2024 Altitude: 2517m. Habitat : Wild
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Leptodermis kumaonensis
Updated on December 24, 2024