Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 18: 164 1922. ; . Nepal to Assam as per WCSP; . As per efi thread; Three species are given in Osmaston 1927 (A Forest Flora for Kumaon) as differentiated as: 1A. Corolla glabrous outside …… L. lanceolata 1B. Corolla pubescent outside (minutely hairy)…………….. 2A. Leaves exceeding 5 cms in length, lateral nerves 6-10 pairs …… L. kumaonensis 2B. Leaves not exceeding 5 cms, lateral nerves 4-6 pairs ……………. L. riparia , 1. Bracteole pairs not exceeding hypanthium .. 1. L. ludlowii + Bracteole pairs exceeding hypanthium .. 2 2. Flower-heads terminating short shoots on old wood, overtopped by new growth .. 2. L kumaonensis + Flower heads terminating new growth .. 3 3. Corolla tube less than 11.5mm; main veins of leaf 3-5 pairs …. 3. L. stapfiana + Corolla tube more than 11.5mm; main veins of leaf 5-9 pairs …. 4. L. amoena . As per efi thread: L. kumanonensis: Flowers are 3-5 fascicled on ends of lateral short branches (FOC). L. stapfiana: Flowers are borne in more dense clusters: Inflorescence on current growth; compact clusters of up to 20 flowers at shootapex at upper nodes and at apex of any lateral shoots.. (FBP) . Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.Winkl. : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) This time I guess it is Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.Winkl. Does not seem to match with images of Leptodermis stapfiana at http://biodiversity.bt/observation/show/8671 Appears to be Leptodermis kumaonensis only. Please find below justification and differences between two species: L. kumaonensis: Leaves acuminate, in leaves main veins 6-8 pairs, flower heads terminating short shoots on old wood, over topped by new growths, flowers 3-5 fascicled on ends of lateral short branches, corolla maroon outside and paler within. L. stapfiana: Leaves acute, with main veins 3-5 pairs, flower heads terminate new growth, flowers in compact clusters upto 20 flowers at shoot apex, corolla white to deep maroon or violet, sometimes darkening with age or bicoloured. Therefore images attached are of L. stapfiana. Does this need to be re-worked …? Is it from Bhaktapur or ktm …?? No …! From kathmandu..?? or its outskirts.. Kathmandu outskirts. This is Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. only.
Leptodermis kumaonensis : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) Sharing some pictures of Leptodermis kumaonensis shot at Kakani Nepal on 28 July 2016 at 6000ft. I think it’s not Leptodermis kumaonensis as per images in FOI. It’s Leptodermis lanceolata as per threads herein & as per FOI images. I think … is right. L. lanceolata branches much and flowers appear at the end of long purple stalks. I have always found our plants growing on the slopes hanging down and never on the ground growing tall. Flowers are the same otherwise. Here are a couple of photos of L. lanceolata from here. Thanks, … But pl. see Leptodermis kumaonensis in FOI I agree … that the flowers look different (no pink underneath) but the description in FOI says that flowers ‘appear in axial stalkless clusters’ as in … photos. Lanceolata flowers are at the end of long dangling stalks usually at the end of branches. But I may be making a mistake too. I would let experts decide. If we go by the keys at link (it may be Leptodermis kumaonensis as corolla is clearly pubescent outside) … may also have a re-look of the id of their plant at FOI. Plant at FOI should be Leptodermis stapfiana as per link This should be Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker; because corolla is pubescent outside (clearly visible in attached images) which is glabrous in L. lanceolata. Definitely this is Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. if we go with Flora of Bhutan. Because in L. kumaonensis flower heads are always overtopped by new growths, whereas in L. stapfiana there is no new growth appears over flower heads. Ref: Flora of Bhutan (1999), Vol 2 Part 2. Pages 813-817. Request experts to decide but it does not look like L. stapfiana. … was pointing the plant at FOI to be L. stapfiana & not your plant, which is Leptodermis kumaonensis.
However, on detailed observation of our images, it still agrees better with Leptodermis kumanensis. I am attaching our images from Manipur, and also the picture of Leptodermis kumanonsis from Polunin & Stainton, which we used for identification. Points to note: 1. L. kumanonensis: Flowers are 3-5 fascicled on ends of lateral short branches (FOC). This agrees very well with our images. L. stapfiana: Flowers are borne in more dense clusters: Inflorescence on current growth; compact clusters of up to 20 flowers at shoot apex at upper nodes and at apex of any lateral shoots.. (FBP) 2. Our flower color is not purplish at all. Attachments (4) These images are also of Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis Thanks, …, for deeper analysis. These images are also of Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis This is Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis. Detailed description from Flora of Bhutan is given below: L. stapfiana Winkler; L. scabrida auct. non Hook.f., L. griffithii auct. non Hook.f. Fig. 75d. According to keys in the efi and the leaf shape and size it should be L. kumaonensis ! As per keys at link: Leptodermis kumaonensis has corolla pubescent outside and Leptodermis lanceolata has corolla glabrous outside; OK On further consideration, I agree for Leptodermis kumaonensis We take both your posts and images by … as Leptodermis stapfiana only as per discussions at Leptodermis kumaonensis in FOI Date/Time- 01 May 2016 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- about 2000 metres Siroi hills, Ukhrul district, Manipur Pl. check Leptodermis kumaonensis & discussion under thread: Leptodermis kumaonensis Thanks for the quick id. I feel it may be Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.Winkl. rather than Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker as per keys and details herein. Have you ruled out L. griffithii? L. stapfiana is said to have >10-12 flowers in each axillary bunches. Yes, … Leptodermis griffithii looks different as per images and details herein. Is there a key between the two? Unfortunately, not. Flora of Bhutan has description and illustration of L. stapfiana. Flora of Bhutan says upto 20 flowers in a cluster. It is Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis. . Leptodermis kumaonensis in FOI : 7 posts by 2 authors. I feel images of Leptodermis kumaonensis in FOI looks different from this species as per Rediscovery, distribution and conservation status of Leptodermis riparia R.Parker (Rubiaceae) in Western Himalaya, India Pl. check. I feel it may be Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.Winkl. rather than Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker as per keys and details herein. FOI Link Thank you … for bringing this up again. I have never been fully satisfied with this identification. However, This paper doesn’t carry any image of Leptodermis kumaonensis, only those of Leptodermis reparia. And the key presented is very basic. Can you point me to a description of Leptodermis stapfiana? Meanwhile I could find one image of L. stapfiana at GBIF Thank you …, I found a description of Leptodermis stapfiana. I also made another trip to the same location in 2018, and took more pictures of the plant, and found that the plant is variable even in one habitat. Am convinced now that it is Leptodermis stapfiana. Please see: flowersofindia This is confirmed as Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. Details..
Leptodermis kumaonensis Parker Pl. see discussions at SK1507 14 Oct 2018 POWO, CoL and GBIF mentioned about the distribution of L.riparia in the western Nepal but does not look like matching as my sp. is not a erect shrub but rather scandent/ dangling type. If so, I think we should take this as L.riparia as per: Three species are given in Osmaston 1927 (A Forest Flora for Kumaon) as differentiated as: 1A. Corolla glabrous outside ……… L. lanceolata 1B. Corolla pubescent outside (minutely hairy)…………….. 2A. Leaves exceeding 5 cms in length, lateral nerves 6-10 pairs …… L. kumaonensis 2B. Leaves not exceeding 5 cms, lateral nerves 4-6 pairs ……………. L. riparia I will also review other posts at Leptodermis kumaonensis for transfer to L.riparia May I request you to pl. confirm this as Leptodermis riparia as per your publication: I agree with you. Thank you …!!…. Has it been reported from Nepal or in the checklist of flora…?? It is not listed in the Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal (Press, Shrestha and Sutton 2000). I am not sure whether any revised checklist or other volumes of Flora of Nepal have been published in recent years. POWO, CoL and GBIF mentioned the distribution of L.riparia in the western Nepal. Thank you …!!….. Yes they have mentioned, but are there any collected and reported herbarium specimens from central himalayas.. In many cases on distribution mentioned in these links are actually not listed in Nepal. For example, Hoya polyneura has got mention in GBIF with sample collection from east Nepal though no mention in map. As such, this sp. is coming up as a New to Nepal. Along with distribution, you should also check if it matches with any of the listed species. If you feel so, pl. tell us. On further review after going through eFloras and Flora of Bhutan, it is Leptodermis stapfiana H.J.P.Winkl. as per keys at Leptodermis. Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Date: 24 August 2018 Elevation:6500 ft. Habit : Wild Leptodermis ?? Looks rather different. Plant is dangling from a forest wall.. Are petals and sepals and leaves matching? Just my guess but could be some other . At first glance looks close. Thank you …! Still could not finalize ID yet. himalayan leptodermis is popular in the west but all pictures i see now on the net are pinkish flowers and corolla tube seems longer. no body has shown dangling habit for this plant, ie hanging basket growth Yes … confusion is there. One of my friend suggested it as Leptodermis kumaonensis Parker but I am not convinced. Could it be Leptodermis lanceolata Wall ?? Three species are given in Osmaston 1927 (A Forest Flora for Kumaon) as differentiated as: 1A. Corolla glabrous outside …………………………………………………………L. lanceolata 1B. Corolla pubescent outside (minutely hairy)…………….. 2A. Leaves exceeding 5 cms in length, lateral nerves 6-10 pairs …. L. kumaonensis 2B. Leaves not exceeding 5 cms, lateral nerves 4-6 pairs …………… L. riparia Thanks, …, Going by these keys it appears close to L. riparia, but I think it is not listed in Checklist of Nepal. Also similar images identified earlier as Leptodermis kumaonensis as per https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m–-z/r/rubiaceae/leptodermis/leptodermis-kumaonensis Leptodermis kumaonensis as suggested by a friend ?? POWO, CoL and GBIF mentioned about the distribution of L.riparia in the western Nepal but does not look like matching as my sp. is not a erect shrub but rather scandent/ dangling type. Resembles kumaonensis …, But check with complete profiles, I have clicked kumaonensis many times which are erect shrub but this one is scandent dangling from forest wall. So confused. I will go for L. riparia as per keys submitted by …, in this thread. May I request you to pl. also confirm this as Leptodermis riparia as per your publication: This is Leptodermis kumaonensis R.Parker as per keys from Flora of Bhutan at Leptodermis and as per FoC illustration. Enclosing herbarium sp. and sketches received from Natioal Herbarium, Nepal. Please ignore mail. Enclosing herbarium sp. and sketches received from Natioal Herbarium, Nepal. Attachments (11) Which book ? Flora of China! This will also be Leptodermis stapfiana as in your recent post. . Leptodermis stapfiana H. Winkl.: 10 very high res. images. I hope ID is correct Yes, …, as per details at Leptodermis stapfiana
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Leptodermis stapfiana
Updated on December 24, 2024