Neanotis lancifolia

Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 39 1966 (Syn. Anotis lancifolia Hook.f.; Hedyotis lancifolia Dalzell; Neanotis concanensis P.Daniel & Vajr.);
commonly known as: calycose mille graines, starviolet • Marathi: तारागुच्छा taraguchha ;
Native to: Western Ghats (India); ¿ naturalised elsewhere ?;

Could this be Neanotis??:
Picture is taken from Tabletop land, Maharashtra


identification no 120811sn2:
Is it Neanotis montholoni? Taken at Mulshi,Pune in Aug11. Kindly help in id.

Is this Neanotis montholonii ?:
Attached flower was a small, wild variety, which I photographed in Bhugaon, Pune.
Date- 18 th Sep

Is it Neanotis lancifolia (Syn: Hedyotis lancifolia) of Rubiaceae family?

Agree with .. – N. lancifolia.


Kas Week: AVD: 03 October 2012: Neanotis lancifolia:
Attached herewith are images for Neanotis lancifolia

Bunch of Violet coloured Stars– looking great.


Kas week : Neanotis lancifolia SMP:
Neanotis lancifolia

KAS Week DS_061012_03 Neanotis lancifolia:
Star like violet and white flowers near the lake. Kas, 22nd Sep 2012.


KAS Week::(Neanotis lancifolia 09/10/2012-NJ):
Neanotis lancifolia – (Taraguchha – Marathi)


neanotis lancifolia:
neanotis lancifolia, mahabeleshwar
three weeks ago

Rubiaceae Week :: Neanotis lancifolia near Pune and Satara:
Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis
¿ nay-on-OH-tis ? — ¿ pronunciation / meaning ?
lan-sih-FOH-lee-uh — referring to lance-shaped leaves
Aug 7, 2011 … at Lohagad near Malavali, Maharashtra
commonly known as: calycose mille graines, starviolet • Marathi: तारागुच्छा taraguchha
Native to: Western Ghats (India); ¿ naturalised elsewhere ?
References: Flowers of IndiaFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
more views: Aug 7, 2011 … at Lohagad near Malavali, Maharashtra 
Aug 24, 2010 … at Panchagani, Maharashtra
Oct 2, 2009 … near Lion’s Point, off Lonavala, Maharashtra 


Rubiaceae Week :: Neanotis lancifolia at Thoseghar -Satara:
Seen this herb near “Thoseghar Wind Mills, Satara Region”.
Bot. name: Neanotis lancifolia
Family: Rubiaceae
Date/Time: Sept 2007
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb.

Superb capture of the tiny flowers


Neanotis lancifolia—For sharing and validation : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Pic of Star Violet taken at Ambyvalley rd., Lonavala, Mulshi, Pune in Oct12.

Neanotis montholonii :: from Bhimashankar Aug 2013 : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Neanotis montholonii
Observed these herbs at many places near Bhimashankar. Maharashtra.
Please validate.

efi page on Neanotis montholonii

It looks like Neanotis lancifolia as in the thread:s this Neanotis montholonii ? at efi page Neanotis lancifolia

These lovely tiny ground flowers of Neanotis montholoni can be seen in the open area at the base of Kanheri Caves in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.
We did not see these gregarious herbs last year so their seeds must have been dormant until now! Just one of the smaller enigmas of our forests, I suppose!

Lovely pictures, … Here is a link for details of Tanoti, Neanotis montholonii:

I have also observed these in large numbers on Vetal Tekdi,Pune for last few days.

Appears more closer to images at Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis rather than those at Neanotis montholonii (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis

It is interesting to observe the changing face of flora in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai. Last month a small open area below Kanheri Caves was covered by lovely blue flowers of Neanotis montholoni amidst growing spikes of Silver Spiked Cockscomb and the much smaller Common Small Justicia flowers. Yesterday almost the entire area has erupted with the taller plants of the gregarious Common Balsam, Impatiens balsamina. I did not see any N.montholoni flowers.
Isaac Kehimkar calls it succession of flowers. If conditions for one species is ideal then that species takes over and rapidly spreads itself smothering other species.

Your observation at SGNP may be termed as ‘succession‘.
However, the description that you have given for meaning of ‘succession’ is not correct.  When different seasonal plant species emerge, flower, fruit & die in a short span, and allow some other plant species to emerge and grow, one after the other that is called ‘succession’.  You can see this at Valley of Flowers where the summer season is very short and gives very liittle time for all seasonal plants to complete their life cycle.  Here various plants have evolved to grow in succession in the same region. Their span of life cycle also becomes short.  In a way they create their own seasonal niches and keep evolving. You should observe the VOF for a longer duration and you will be able to see amazing dynamic succession of plants.
There is change in flowering pattern, almost every fortnight.
However, when plants take over the region and do not allow the original vegetation to grow, it is called ‘invasion’.  That is how weeds take over even forest patches.

Appears more closer to images at Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis rather than those at Neanotis montholonii (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis

Ratnagiri fort in Aug 2006; Yeoor Hills (Sanjay Gandhi National Park)- 25 JUL 09; 04th Aug., 2009: Matheran; at Thoseghar, District-Satara, Maharashtra- 14th August 2009; near Hedvi in Konkan region of Maharashtra – Sept.’09?; 22.8.10- Near Sunset point, Matheran;

¿ Oldenlandia (Hedyotis) / Spermacoce (Borreria) / Neanotis / any else ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Id pl – Ratnagiti Aug 06 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
flower for ID27080MN – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Need ID for a flower. – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Request for ID Thoseghar 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Neanotis Lancifolia – indiantreepix | Google Groups

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set1%20IMG_5847.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set1%20IMG_5858.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set2%20IMG_6248.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set2%20IMG_6209.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set1%20IMG_5859.JPG /wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set2IMG_6208.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set1%20IMG_5845.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Neanotis%20lancifolia%20-%20Set1%20IMG_5869.JPG

Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation :: ARKNOV-07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8). 
Requesting to please validate ID of these delicate flowers captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
They were captured at 2 different locations – named Set 1 and Set 2
Are they both Neanotis lancifolia?

As far as I believe N.lancifolia is a taller plant 0.5 to 1 m tall. whereas N.montholini is a smaller plant 10 -20 cm high. Another small herb N.latifolia is also 15-30cm high. with purplish to reddish stem.
For deeper study the characters of capsule dehiscing whether loculicidally or septicidally and other details is necessary.

Thanks … for the feedback..
This plant was not very tall, may be 10-20 cm high, but unfortunately, I do not have the pics of the capsules.

These flowers are similar to the ones identified as Neanotis lancifolia in my recent post.
They look similar and have been captured in the same area, requested to please validate.

Yes. Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis as per comparative images at Neanotis


Satara, MH :: Neanotis (?) for ID :: ARK2020-013 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Saw this tiny flowers at Kas in Satara. MH in October 2019.
Are they some Neanotis species?
Requested to please provide ID.

Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-27 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Requesting to please provide ID of this small plant captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Are these Neanotis lancifolia, although a little deformed?

the leaves does not look like lance shaped. i checked in Flowersofindia. looks like some other species

Thank you … for the feedback… Do you think, this could be something else?

These flowers are similar to the ones identified as Neanotis lancifolia in my recent post.
They look similar, requested to please validate.

Thanks, …, You seems to be right as per Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis


ID: four-petaled purplish flower: 3 images.
Black soil

This is close to images at Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis


Need plant ID: 1 image.

Need plant ID

This I think is


Plant for ID: 1 image.

Need plant ID

Image content is not sufficient for ID. Flower images are not clear. Need habitat, leaf images showing venation , stem

images for ID !
By the way, Neanotis !

Looks like this one:

Has it got distribution ?

I think more closer to images at


Updated on December 24, 2024

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