Pavetta indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 150 1880. (Syn: Ixora tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Thwaites [Illegitimate]; Ixora tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm.; Ixora tomentosa var. roxburghii Kurz; Pavetta indica var. mollis Bremek.; Pavetta indica subsp. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Bennet; Pavetta praecox Bremek.; Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm.; Pavetta tomentosa var. roxburghii (Kurz) Bremek.; Pavetta velutina Wall. [Invalid]); . .
Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm. SN May 22 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm, Fam: Rubiaceae; shrub, wild, near Gudalur ooty, Tamilnadu . Pavetta crassicaulis- syn. Pavetta indica : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Saw these fragrant flowers on the roadside near Anashi WLS, Karnataka, last week of April, ’10. To me it appears like Pavetta indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Hook.f. Pl. confirm . SL 16 101113 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Please ID this small tree with white flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012. Pavetta sp. Probably P. tomentosa? . Tree for Id- 041109JM2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups: 1 correct image as above On 11/10/09 in Ananthagiri HIll forest in Rangareddy district of Andhra Pradesh. please confirm weather the fruits belong to same plant or to some other climber. I took photos thinking both being of the same tree. But now seeing the original pictures, I am having doubts. I think fruits may be belonging to some other climber. I think both of them belong to same species, probably Pavetta tomentosa. I think it matches with the links for Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. (Ixora tomentosa Roxb.; Pavetta indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Smith) Hook. f.) : (illustration FOP), (details FOP) (An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew) I think the first picture (IMG_2868.jpg) represents Pavetta tomentosa as identified by … and the second one represents Hymenodictyon sp. Can it be a small plant of tree Hymenodictyon orixense Wall. (syn. H. excelsum, Cinchona excelsa) as per Forest Folra of A.P.? (a composite pix). I think this represents a small plant of Hymenodictyon orixense .. me too think so, …, about the plant to be H. orixense, at least leaves speak so. .
This is Pavetta tomentosa and the glands are nothing but leaf nodules where the rhizobium bacteria dwells.
MS,Oct ,2021/65 Pavetta sp.(indica?) for id.: Location : Hualtu Date : 08-06-2007 Habit : Shrub Habitat : Wild Appears so, as per keys provided by you in another post. Sir, I think it is Pavetta tomentosa (= P.indica var. tomentosa)
Appears to be some Rubiaceae member. Pavetta tomentosa, Yes, appears close to images at Pavetta indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Hook.f. Rubiaceae Week: 11022012BS-1 Pavetta for id from Renuka Ji lake HP: To me appears close to Pavetta indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Hook.f., as per details herein. Trees for ID- Khandala: 1 correct image as above. the Tree 1 seems to be species of Gymnosporia, could be G. rothiana. Tree 2 could be Pavetta species (a shrub) and Tree 3 looks like Ixora pavetta (= I. arborea). Agreed. Photographs 1 & 2 – Maytenus rothiana Photograph 3 – Pavetta sp. Photograph 4 & 5 – Terminalia sp. most likely T.elliptica [T.crenulata] The tree 3 looks like Terminalia tomentosa (syn. T. alata) I have some doubt regarding first and second photographs. The leaves in the second photographs may not be of tree 1 (Gymnosporia). I agree with … with id of these trees and do agree with the doubt raised by … Why do the second one look like Celastrus to me? Stick by all my ids except the second which is a Flacourtia sp. [as rightly pointed by …] possibly F.indica [Tambat]. date/time:dec.14 location:aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune habitat:wild plant habit:shrub? height:may be 5-6 ft. Pavetta indica? efi page on Pavetta indica Biotik has different kind of P. indica L. – It is not Pavetta indica, In Pavetta the inflorescence is a branched cyme, It may Randia sp Appears to be Randia sps because of crowded opposite leaves, shrub habit and white flowers in clusters. Randia is common in Western Ghat in wild form and grow healthy where rainfall is more Looking like Pavetta crassicaulis Bremek. I do not think your species is Pavetta, please check the attached pic I have modified by reducing only white balance. The style length and stigma is quite unlike that of any pavetta. Moreover your 3rd pic showing inflorescence, though not clear, have flowers with much shorter tube. I think your species has has affinity with Webera of Flora of British India. But presently the genus is known as Tarenna which usually have 5-merous flowers. Many rubiaceae members have been reported and documented in BSI since the days of Fl. Br. Ind., unless I have BSI publication or KEY along with more clear pictures and details I am unable to suggest even the genus. So what is the final ID.? Attaching more pics taken a month earlier from same vicinity. hopefully may help in identification. Pavetta crassicaulis Bremek. Pavetta crassicaulis. IBP From the foliage, it appears close to images at Pavetta indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex Sm.) Hook.f. .
Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm. Family – Rubiaceae Photographed in Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh In June 2022 . References: The Plant List Flora of Pakistan Annonated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Flora of China ICIMOD Ayurvedic Drugs And Their Plant Sources** By V. V. Sivarajan, Indira Balachandran (Description) Fl. China 19: 287–290. 2011. India Biodiversity Portal Illustration: Pavetta tomentosa An Excursion Flora of Central … – Google Books |
Pavetta indica var. tomentosa
Updated on December 24, 2024