Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 33: 463 1886. (syn: Koelreuteria bipinnata var. apiculata How & Ho; Koelreuteria bipinnata var. bipinnata ; Koelreuteria bipinnata var. puberula Chun; Koelreuteria integrifoliola Merr.); . China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan) as per Catalogue of Life; . Keys available in Flora of China and Meyer, F. G. 1972. Revision of Keolreuteria in BHL; . Sapindaceae Fortnight: Koelreuteria bipinnata from Delhi-GS24 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3). ‘Closely related species K. elegans is hard to distinguish with more oblique leaf base and long acuminate leaflets.’ Thanks … I hope you will upload (or must have already done that, I have not been able to see all mails due to family commitments) that species to show us the visual differences. Please see leaves in link Thank you Sir for nice pictures. I am sending herewith a paper about the revision of Koelreuteria as an attached file. I hope it may help also. As per another thread, you confirmed it to be K. elegans. Perhaps we may have to still work further. Meyer, F. G. 1972. Revision of Keolreuteria. Journal of Arnold Arboretum 57(2) : 129- 166. Please find the article in the following link. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/11016195#page/137/mode/1up Thanks … for the paper. . Koelreuteria bipinnata from Delhi : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 4 authors. Koelreuteria bipinnata from Delhi, characterised by bipinnate leaves, pale purplish ovoid fruits turning brown at maturity (in K. paniculata the leaves are unipinnate with unequally cut leaflets and narrow conical fruits). Closely related species K. elegans is hard to distinguish with more oblique leaf base and long acuminate leaflets. Photographed in October 2009 from Delhi University. http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=93327&flora_id=2 Thanks for sharing. I needed this id since a long long time :). I think I need to learn from you how to pronounce this name… Thanks … Perhaps we will have to keep K. elegans still in mind. The web pictures only confuse further. I hope to check further when it flowers. K. bipinnata has usually 4 petals, whereas K. elegans has 5. I believe that this is Koelreuteria elegans ssp. elegans. It shares commonality with K. elegans ssp. formosana here in California. In Florida, it is the only one commonly planted or seen as an escapee. It appears more tolerant of near-tropical conditions than both K. elegans ssp. formosana and “true” K. bipinnata. Thanks Kenneth for confirmation/correction More discussions in another thread. Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Avenue tree for ID 12082010 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. The tree appears to be Koelreuteria apiculata (Rehd. & Wils) Rehd. Family: Sapindaceae Also the flowers that you saw are actually the fruit. If you do have the photos of the flowers that you have described, that would be of help. I was also to ID but held back because to me the leaves appeared bippiate. In K. paniculata (syn: K. apiculata) the leaves are unipinnate with some leaflets deeply cut to different degrees. Thank you for the ID, it does tally with the illustrations available. Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Unidied Tree : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors. Would appreciate if someone could identify this tree. I suppose Koelreuteria paniculata Thanks for sharing this pic. I am seeing this for the first time. Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata ID request SP0119102015 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Don’t know the location, can somebody identify this tree Combretaceae…? I am pretty sure it is Koelreuteria…species not too sure..[ref..Pradip Krishen ..Trees of Delhi…page 304 and 339] It seems like Koelreuteria paniculata. Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Plant for Id : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors. Posting plant IDGAS25092010 from Chandigarh for ID. Date/Time — 25-09-2010 4.30 P.M. Location — Chandigarh Habitat —Garden Type — Tree Is it Koelreuteria elegance —Meliaceae family? Koelreuteria elegans Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata
Koelreuteria elegans in Mumbai : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 4 authors. I found some Unusual Loner Species of trees, very quietly and silently, flowering or fruiting in Mumbai’s gardens or lonely lanes…….. One of them ‘Koelreuteria elegans’ is in Colabawoods garden, next to Hotel President in Colaba. I am sure it is Koelreuteria but not sure about the species, please correct me if I am wrong. Wonderful pictures … Matches well with the description of K. elegans in Trees of Delhi. I think day before I saw this tree in bloom in JNU at the Life Science Faculty Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Koelreuteria elegans hopefully : Attachments (6). 5 posts by 2 authors. Koelreuteria elegans for validation chandigarh, last week. (25.9.13) it has been planted by the administration as an avenue tree I think another similar confusing species is Koelreuteria paniculata with 4 petals, while Koelreuteria elegans has 5 petals as per discussions therein in one of the flowers in the bottom left corners five petals can be seen hopefully that will help fixing the id Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight:: Sapindaceae: My Closing Post- Koelreuteria elegans from KUK-NS 20 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors. This large tree stands near Department of Botany, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.. perhaps this is rightly identified as Koelreuteria elegans.. Nice pictures of the elegant tree! Thanks … after seeing upload by …, I think I have to go closer and should have a relook… Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Cultivated tree :: ARKNOV-63 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7) Requesting to please validate ID of this tree captured in a bungalow compound at Dharamshala, HP in October 2014. Is this Koelreuteria elegans? Koelreuteria sp. of Sapindaceae The plant seems to be Koelreuteria elagnus It is Koeleuteria apiculata– Chinese rain tree. A very good avenue tree. Adds beauty to the landscape through its yellow flowers in large panicles & thereafter by red fruits- together for 2-3 months. How do we differentiate between K. elegans and K. apiculata? efi page on Koelreuteria elegans & Koelreuteria paniculata (syn: Koelreuteria apiculata Rehder & E. H. Wilson) Koelreuteria paniculata & K. apiculata are same. Thank you … for the feedback.. Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Keys available in Flora of China and Meyer, F. G. 1972. Revision of Keolreuteria in BHL . Koelreuteria elegans in FOI : 3 posts by 2 authors. I think Koelreuteria elegans in FOI appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Keys available in Flora of China and Meyer, F. G. 1972. Revision of Keolreuteria in BHL You are right. I checked with other images of the Koelreuteria from Delhi that I have – the flowers have 4 petals, a distinguishing feature of Koelreuteria bipinnata. Koelreuteria paniculata from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra.. : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (9) Here am uploading some images of Koelreuteria paniculata from Kurukshetra University taken on September 2018…!! Appears closer to images and details at Koelreuteria bipinnata Koelreuteria Species For ID : California : 22OCT14 : AK-22 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) I think it is Koelreuteria bipinnata. Thanks for the Species id. The whole tree with red (ripe) pods look good, did you take whole tree pic? called golden rain tree k. paniculata are much loved but this k. bipinnata is feared to be invasive esp in hot moist states… in southern cal may not be so , yet. I could find some more pictures, one of the whole tree….a young one. There has been some confusion in Identification in the past between Koelreuteria elegans & Koelreuteria bipinnata ? . IDENTIFICATION OF FLOWER: 4 high res. images. Leaves simillar to Neem tree The flowers are of Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. (Sapindaceae) Yes, this genus was on my mind, but could not recollect the name. I think it may be Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch. (pinnate leaves), as per images and details herein. But leaves are required for its confirmation. Leaves are unipinnate in Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. ok Sir thanks for identifying 🙏 I also find the same it is Koelreutia paniculata..i will try to attach the images of leaves in future whenever i got the chance for clicking it The details are few, but I think this is Koelreuteria paniculata I think it may be Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch. (pinnate leaves), as per images and details herein. But leaves are required for its confirmation. Leaves are unipinnate in Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. Our paper on Koelreuteria paniculata in 1974 and the Herbarium sheet from Srinagar, Kashmir
. References: Catalogue of Life POWO The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos GRIN Flora of China (keys) FOC illustration Meyer, F. G. 1972. Revision of Keolreuteria in BHL (with keys) |
Koelreuteria bipinnata (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024