Smilax lanceifolia

Nepal to Taiwan and W. Malesia as per WCSP;
Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; Borneo; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; Hainan; India; Laos; Malaya; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicobar Is.; Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

Climbers; stem branched, terete, 1–2 m, woody; branchlets occasionally zigzagged. Leaves 6–17 × 2–8 cm, lanceolate to ovate-oblong,; petiole 1–2(–2.5) cm, narrowly winged for 1/5–1/4 its length; abscission zone at middle; tendrils usually present. Inflorescence of 1(or 2) umbels, basally prophyllate; peduncle 1–1.5 cm, proximally articulate; umbels of both sexes densely 20–30-flowered, base slightly thickened. Male flowers: tepals yellowish green, 3–4.5 × ca. 1 mm; stamens 3–4 mm. Female flowers: tepals 1.5–2 × ca. 0.6 mm; staminodes 6. Berries yellowish red to black, globose, 6–7 mm in diam.

Flowering and fruiting: January-November
Degraded forest areas
Himalayas, Myanmar and China
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. ?? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 600 kb each.

Location:  Sukhiapokhari, Darjeeling, India 
Date: 12 May  2018
Altitude: 7200 ft
Habit : Wild
Or its subspecies ??

To me looks different from images at Smilax lanceifolia
Pl. check other species at Smilax

There is no match.

This has been confirmed as Smilax lanceifolia Roxb.!

Confirmed by whom ?

This has been confirmed by Mr. Sajan Subedi who has done a dissertation on Revision of the Genus Smilax. L. in Nepal.

Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 750 kb each.
Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 July  2019
Elevation: 1613 m.
Habit : Wild 

any flowers?

Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. ???
This one not flowering yet !

Yes, stipules appears similar to Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. ??? and to those at SK1593 23 Nov 2018

Yes …! This one is sub sp. , is not it ?

Any validation of this from Mr. Sajan Subedi ?

Yes …! As stated !

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 July  2019
Elevation: 1613 m.
Habit : Wild 
Another plant nearby earlier one posted yesterday !
Attachments (9)

I think the growth at the bottom of the petiole may be young flower buds as per FOC illustration 

Any validation of this from Mr. Sajan Subedi ?

Yes ! As stated ! 

SK1593 23 Nov 2018 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong 
Date: 2 November 2018
Elevation: 1300 ft.
Habit : Wild
Which Smilax ??

This should be Smilax lancefolia var. opaca.

Thank you … Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. var. opaca A. DC.

Any validation of this from Mr. Sajan Subedi ?

Not this one !


Smilax lanceifolia Roxb.: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Altitude: 1611 m.
Date: 09 December 2021 
Habit : Wild
Nepali Names: Saano Kukur Daaino सानो कुकुरडाइनो / Chopachinee चोपचिनी  / Kubiraaino कुबिराइनो


Smilax wallichii Kunth: 7 images.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 July  2019
Elevation: 1577 m.
Habit : Wild

As per distribution in BSI Flora of India and POWO, it is more likely to be Smilax zeylanica
Keys between the two will help further.
Pl. check.

this was already posted in efi as Smilax lanceifolia

Looks like Smilax lanceifolia

MS, Feb.,2023/05 Smailax sp. ? for id:
Location : Ailawng, Mizoram

Altitude : ca. 1,300 m.
Date : 14-02-2023
Habit : Climber
Habitat : Wild

Cannot see images of flowers clearly while enlarging. Always the same problem.
However, it looks like Smilax lanceifolia Roxb.

Pl. post high res. images.

2 high res. images.


Smilax lanceifolia Roxb.: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Suryavinayak, Bhaktapur, Nepal 
Date: 02 March 2023
Elevation: 1364 m.
Habit : Wild


Smilax lanceifolia Roxb.: 9 very high res. images.

Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
Date: 09 January 2024 
Elevation: 1451 m.
Habit : Wild

Correct Nepali Names : चोपचिनी / Chopachinee / सानो  कुकुरडाइनु Saano Kukuradaainu / कुबिराइनो Kubiraaino


Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI eMonocot  GBIF (with type specimen) Flora of China FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora Kerala plants Useful Tropical Plants  Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary By C.P. Khare  Hong Kong Plant Database

Updated on December 24, 2024

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