Physalis pruinosa L., Sp. Pl. 1: 184 184 1753. (Syn: Physalis cordifolia Dunal; Physalis maxima Mill.; Physalis nicandroides var. attenuata Waterf.); . Common name: Strawberry Tomato, Ground Cherry, Husk Tomato The two species often confused with each other are differentiated as under: Anthers purple; corolla with 5 brown spots on the throat; fruiting calyx as long as broad and abruptly acuminate at apex; berry tawny orange when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with sessile glands; leaves gray green and coarsely and prominently dentate from base and frequently drying orange or with orange spots ……… Physalis grisea Anthers yellow (without purple tinge); corolla with 5 pale green inconspicuous spots on the throat; fruiting calyx longer than broad and gradually acuminate at apex; berry gray green when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with short stalked glands; leaves light green, coarsely and prominently dentate from middle and frequently drying yellow ….. P. pruinosa. . Physalis for id 110111MK1: Please help to id this Physalis sp. of Solanaceae. Date/Time- 08-01-2011 / 11:20 AM Solanaceae Fortnight:: Physalis for validation from Paonta Sahib-NS Feb 36/36 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) This Physalis with large leaves and small flowers was recorded from near Paonta Sahib, H.P. Can this be Physalis minima ? To me it seems to be Psysalis minima. Namastae….In Telugu language…’nidhan’ means straight or those who think slowly and straight with judgement….I am glad to see the pictures of Physalis posted to eFloraofIndia mail, thanks to … These need to be identified with some perseverance. It is Physalis pruinosa (syn. Physalis maxima). Please see attachment for more info. Attachments (1)- physalis_aps06141.pdf Solanaceae Fortnight:: Physalis for id from VOF -NS Feb 30/30 : 12 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (6) efi page on Physalis lagascae I think you may be right … Please ensure fruiting pedicel less than or equal to 10mm. In lagascae anthers can be blue-margined yellow sometimes; fruiting calyx 10-23mm x 8-20 mm; greenish, usually drying purple-veined; 10 angle-ribbed or 10 ribbed. Physalis peruviana L., tomentose leaf, larger leaves, often found in the hill areas. efi page on Physalis peruviana To me it is Physalis pruinosa L., please upload calyx photograph. efi page on Physalis pruinosa Physalis maxima Miller Gard. Dict. ed. 8. Physalis no. 15. 1768; Gentry & Standley, Flora Guatemala 10: 90. 1974; Singh & Pandey in Indian J. For. 25 (2) : 187-190. 2002. The width of my index and middle fingers put together is more than 3 cm, so is the width of my middle finger and ring finger! Therefore fruiting calyx in the attached picture cannot be less than 3 cm in maturity. Moreover, the very same width of my fingers tells me that fruiting pedicel here is more than 1 cm long. The width of my ring finger is about 1.5 cm. So, the flower in the attached photographs here is also much bigger than the P. lagascae. All the above points indicate that it is not Physalis lagascae Roem. & Schult. Since corolla is not brown or purple spotted/blotched at base region and anthers are not blue-purple it is very unlikely to be P. peruviana L. i’m confused. whose fingers are those in the pictures … Well, Didi, fingers in the pictures are of …, I think! … can tell us how much his fingers differ from mine! The pictures of Physalis belong to Physalis pruinosa (cf. Raju et al., 2007, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 45(2):239-245) VoF Week: Physalis minima from Pipal koti: Physalis minima from Pipal koti Physalis minima does not grow in India Corolla yellow, anthers yellow, fruiting calyx green……P. lagascae Thanks for correction Sir I think on FOI also correction needed. Pls see In Physalis pruinosa in FOI, images are of Physalis peruviana L. and not of Physalis pruinosa L. as per images and details herein. Comparative images can be seen at Physalis. Pl. correct. Images of Physalis peruviana for comparison These are same as in Physalis pruinosa in FOI Pl. see Physalis pruinosa L. – here the corolla is with greenish marks and not of purple colour. Thanks for your mail. I am100% sure that the photos available in FOI under P pruinosa is not P peruviana. I attach few photos with me which shows corolla with green throat. Can you confirm these are P pruinosa ? Yes, … Now posted images are of Physalis pruinosa L. . Physalis pruinosa in FOI : 7 posts by 2 authors. In Physalis pruinosa in FOI, images are of Physalis peruviana L. and not of Physalis pruinosa L. as per images and details herein. Comparative images can be seen at Physalis. Pl. correct. Images of Physalis peruviana for comparison. These are same as in Physalis pruinosa in FOI Pl. see Physalis pruinosa L. – here the corolla is with greenish marks and not of purple colour. Yes, … Now posted images are of Physalis pruinosa L. Now corrected in FOI. This was clicked at Jawhar near Nashik, MH in July 2021. This is the only pic I have. Is it enough to ID. Please check Physalis ! May I request you to post a still higher resolution image, to check the details. It may be Physalis pruinosa L. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Physalis. Attached are close up of the pic already provide. Unfortunately, I do not have any other pics. Does anyone know if the HEIC format of images (taken by an iPhone) are supported by Google groups? If yes, I can provide that image. The HEIC format cannot be seen on a Windows machine. Hence this problem. 2 images. Let us keep it as Physalis pruinosa L. for the time being. OK … Thanks. This ID was also suggested on the fb group. . References: The Plant List GRIN Catalogue of life The myth of “minima” and “maxima”, the species of Physalis in the Indian Subcontinent (2007) by Vatsavaya S RAJU, C S REDDY & K G RAJARAO (Keys-Physalis angulata, Physalis lagascae, Physalis grisea & Physalis pruinosa) |
Physalis pruinosa
Updated on December 24, 2024