Pouzolzia hirta

P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta (UP, Himachal, E. Himal, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, W. Bengal, Nagaland, Bihar, Orissa, AP, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Sri Lanka)

Syn: P. bennettiana Wight; P. integrifolia Dalz.; as per Let us identify our Pouzolzia species

Pouzolzia bennettiana Wight (Unresolved), Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: 40 1853. (Syn: Memorialis hispida Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. (Unresolved); Memorialis mysorensis Wedd. (Unresolved); Phenax tomentosa Wight ex Wedd. (Unresolved); Urtica quinquenervis Wall. (Unresolved)) as per The Plant List 1
Keys of Indian Taxa available at Pouzolzia.


Gonostegia hirta
Family: Urticaceae
Loc.: Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (ca 550m)
Uses: Tender leaves are eaten by local people.


VOF Week: Urticaceae for id from the Trek:
This delicate herb was shot from the trek from Gobind Ghat to Ghanghariya…would love to hear about identity of this Urticaceae….is this Pouzolzia pentandra

I think yes. Nice photographs

Pls see this thread also

Thanks for the link … now my plant looks different….

I think it is P hirta

Yes, you are right..thanks a lot..

Yes … We had a long discussion on it when uploaded from Chakrata in the link that you provided. P. pentandra has upper flowering part with highly decreased leaves. The above plant is P. hirta var hirta. I am enclosing important paper on old world Pouzolzia. (it is too big for attachment. I can send to personal email ID if someone wants).


VoF Week: Pouzolzia hirta from way to Ghangriya:
Pouzolzia hirta from way to Ghangriya
pls validate

Yes, looks like same…thanks…

Yes …

Herb for ID (CRF):
Please help me to ID this herb

Date/Time- 24-8-8/ 13.15
Location- Place, Altitude, Manas NP
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb
Height/Length- 10-30cm
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- 5-7cm
Inflorescence Type/ Size-
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-  White

Gonostegia hirta (Urticaceae) I suppose.

Flora of Manipur: Pouzolzia:
Pouzolzia frondosa from Manipur.

This plant reminds me of a incident from my Bachelor classes where one fellow identified it Leucas aspera

Very interesting species, with unique leaves. But could not find any description for it. efloras.org does not report it.

I think the id of this species needs to be verified. I understand that the name Pouzolzia frondoa is synonym of Boehmeria viminea i.e. Pouzolzia viminea and all these are synonymized under P. sanguinea in Fl of Nepal http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=200006428. However the illustration in this link is not matching to my plant. So please help to id my plant.

The name Pouzolzia frondosa doesn’t appear in Flora of British India Vol 5. Medicinal Plants of Manipur by S.C. Sinha reports one species Pouzolzia viminea, but that one has alternately arranged leaves, which are stalked.
If somebody can provide a description for Pouzolzia frondosa, probably the identity can be confirmed.

Pouzolzia frondosa Kuntze is based on Boehmeria frondosa, which is regarded as doubtful synonym of P. viminea in FBI

Boehneria frondosa Don is considered as synonym of Villebrunea frutescens (Thunb.) Blume in Eflora of Pakistan and Oreocnide frutescens (Thunb.) Miquel in eFlora of China. It has alternate, broader elliptic to ovate leaves white tomentose beneath.
Our plant seems to have much narrower leaves nearly linear-lanceolate, opposite and flowers in axillary clusters.
Coincidently both above eFlora cite Boehmeria frondosa as synonym, but none mentions Pouzolzia frondosa, although Kuntze clearly cites Boehmeria frondosa Don. The link has to be clearly established because Pouzolzia has mostly opposite leaves and sessile axillary clusters as seen in our specimens but not in above two eFloras.

may be some Heydiotis

For me it is hard to find any trace of inferior ovary

I find closest match with Pouzolzia hirta now correctly known as Gonostegia hirta.

The plant was uploaded by …. as Pouzolzia frondosa (D. Don) Kuntze. Type type study of basionym Boehmeria frondosa on which this combination was made was shown by Hara to actually belong to genus Oreocnide, and all specimens referable to Pouzolzia sanguinea as suggested by … later on. On detailed analysis I had suggested the plant to be P. hirta and I go by the same statement.
It can’t be P. sanguinea as leaves are toothed in that totally entire here. Your views please


Let us identify our Poulzolzia species: Flora of Manipur: Pouzolzia:
This mail of … is not in my Inbox, and there is no way of resurfacing it from the web. It would be nice if any member can resurface (forward) it from his/her inbox. I am providing the web link
The plant was uploaded by … as Pouzolzia frondosa (D. Don) Kuntze. Type type study of basionym Boehmeria frondosa on which this combination was made was shown by Hara to actually belong to genus Oreocnide, and all specimens referable to Pouzolzia sanguinea as suggested by … later on. On detailed analysis I had suggested the plant to be P. hirta and I go by the same statement.
It can’t be P. sanguinea as leaves are toothed in that totally entire here. Your views please

Gonostegia hirta : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing some pictures of Gonostegia hirta shot at Kakani Nepal  on 28 July 2016 at 6000 ft.

Gonostegia pentandra? ABJUL01/28 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 5 images.
On my walk to the lower town of Dharamshala I found this creeper at about 1650m. Could this be Gonostegia pentandra
Gonostegia pentandra
Below Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
21 July 2016.

I think does not match with images at Pouzolzia pentandra

Pouzolzia species with keys in efi

I think it should be P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta (Images by Nidhan Singh (Id by Balkar Singh), Raju Das (id by Ritesh Kumar Choudhary), Balkar Singh (validated by Nidhan Singh & Gurcharan Singh) & Ritesh Kumar Choudhary & as per keys at Pouzolzia

Thank you … It does appear very close.

SK456 26 MAR-2017:ID : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Phedi, Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 8 July 2016
Altitude: 5000 ft.


Nice pics … I think Pouzolzia hirta.. Urticaceae

Pouzolzia hirta (Bl.) Hassk. (accepted name)
Gonostegia hirta (Bl.) Miq. (synonym)
Nepali Names : अटेर्नो Aterno / चिप्ले Chiple / चिप्ले लहरा Chiple Laharaa / मास लहरे Maas Lahare / काँगुइल Kaanguil

GBIF, CoL and WFO says Gonostegia hirta (Blume) Miq. is the accepted name where as POWO says Gonostegia triandra Miq. is the accepted name which looks different.
Pouzolzia hirta (Bl.) Hassk.  is mentioned as syn. only.

I think id is OK.
When you see so many synonyms as at POWO, it itself means a lot of variations.


Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hassk.) Miq. ??? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: 12 Mile, Kalimpong, India
Date: 23 May  2017
Altitude: 4000 ft.

Yes, to me also the pics belong to Gonostegia hirta..!!

Nepali Names : अटेर्नु Aternu  अटेनु Atenu / चिप्ले लहरा Chiple Laharaa / मास लहरे Maas Lahare / चिप्ले घाँस Chiple Ghaans


Gonostegia pentandra ABJUL2017/25 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
I found this growing among the corn in local fields at around 1850m. I think this is Gonostegia pentandra. Please advise.
Gonostegia pentandra
Near Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP
23 July 2017

To me looks different from images at P. pentandra (Roxb.) Benn. & R. Br. ssp. pentandra
Pl. check with images at P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta as per comparative images at ‎Pouzolzia

Thank you … for pointing this out. I will have a closer look soon.


Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hassk.) Miq. ??? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal
Date: 6 September 2017
Elevation : 7700 ft.

Yes appears closest to P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta as per comparative images at Pouzolzia

I could not find  P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta listed in Nepal. Only 
Pouzolzia hirta (Blume) Hassk. syn : Gonostegia hirta (Blume) Miq.

When nothing is specified, it means var. hirta only.

Pouzolzia ghirta (Bl.) Hassk. ???? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) – around 600 kb each.
Location:  Soureni, India 
Date: 7 May  2018
Altitude: 4000 ft
Habit : Wild

I think you meant to say hirta.

Yes …

I also think closer to images at P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta as per comparative images at Pouzolzia


SK1253 03 JUL 2018 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8)- around 600 kb each.
Location:  Kalimpong, WB, India
Date: 15 May 2018
Altitude: 4100 ft.
Habit : Wild
Which Pilea sp. ?

I think looks different from Pilea.

I need to check then.

Please check Gonostegia hirta

Any chances of it being Pouzolzia spp??

I guess it is Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hassk.) Miq.

Thanks, …, for the id.
I also think close to images at P. hirta (L.) Hassk. var. hirta


Pouzolzia hirta (Bl.) Hassk. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 500 kb each.
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude : 6000 ft.
Date: 18 July 2018
Habit : Wild
Syn: Gonostegia hirta (Bl.) Miq.


SK2023 03 July 2019 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 700 kb each.
Location: Chalnakhel, Kathmandu
Date: 24 June 2019
Elevation: 1370 m.
Habit : Wild
Gonostegia hirta (Hassk.) Miq. ?
Syn : Pouzolzia hirta Hassk.

Yes, I checked and guessed so.

Plant of Indonesia: 3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
We would like to know the following plant please. It is from Mt Slamet.

Pouzolzia hirta (Bl.) Hassk. ??

Thanks … You are right.


Let us identify our Pouzolzia species The Plant List 1 (Pouzolzia bennettiana Wight (Unresolved))
Flora of Pakistan (Pouzolzia hirta (Blume) Hassk.)
Flora of China (Gonostegia hirta (Blume) Miquel with Urtica hirta Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 495. 1826; Driessenia sinensis H. Léveillé; Memorialis hirta (Blume) Weddell; Pouzolzia hirta (Blume) Hasskarl. as synonyms) 
Updated on December 24, 2024

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