Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.Clarke) Pamp., 452 1926. (syn. Artemisia vulgaris var. nilagirica C.B.Clarke); . ar-te-MIZ-ee-uh or ar-teh-MEEZ-ee-uh — named for the Greek goddess Artemis … Dave’s Botanary ¿ nee-luh-GIH-ree-kuh ? — of or from Nilgiri hills . commonly known as: Indian wormwood, Nilgiri mugwort • Assamese: দমনা domona, তংলতি tongloti • Bengali: নাগদানা nagdana • Garo: khel-bijak • Gujarati: નાગદમન nagdaman, નાગદૌના nagdauna • Hindi: दमनक damanak, ध्याम dhyam, दौना dauna, नागदोना nagadona • Kannada: ಮಾಚಿಪತ್ರೆ machipatre • Malayalam: അനന്തൻപച്ച ananta-pacca, കാട്ടുകർപ്പൂരം kattu-kappuram, മക്കിപ്പൂവ് makkippuv, മാസീപത്രി masipatri • Manipuri: লেইবাক ঙৌ leibakngou • Marathi: ढोर दवणा dhor davana, गाठोणा gathona, नागदवण nagadavana • Nepali: तितेपाती titepati • Odia: ନାଗ ଦଅଣା naga daana • Punjabi: ਤਤਵੇਣ tatwen • Sanskrit: दमनक damanaka, नागदमनी nagadamani • Tamil: மாசிபத்திரி maci-pattiri, மக்கீபூ makkipu, திருநாமச்செடி tirunamacceti • Telugu: దవనము davanamu, మాచిపత్రి machi-patri • Tulu: ಮಂಜಪತ್ರೆ manjapatre . … and more names … Odia: ବଳାମୋଟା balamota, ବିଷଦଂଷ୍ଟ୍ରା bishadamshtra, ବିଷାପହା bishapaha, ମହାୟୋଗେଶ୍ବରୀ mahajogeshwari, ରକ୍ତ ପୁଷ୍ପୀ rakta pushpi, ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi, ସର୍ବଗ୍ରହାପହା sarbagrahapaha • Sanskrit: भुजङ्गपर्णिनी bhujangaparnini, ब्रह्मजटा brahmajata, दण्डिन् dandin, दान्त danta, देवशेखर devashekhara, गन्धोत्कट gandhotkata, जटिला jatila, कुलपत्त्र kulapattra, मुनि muni, नागगन्धा nagagandha, नागाह्वा nagahva, पाण्डुराग panduraga, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, पवित्रक pavitraka, पुण्डरीक pundarika, रक्तपुष्पी raktapushpi, ऋषिपुत्रक rsiputraka, सप्तधात्रीक saptadhatrika, तापसपत्त्र tapasapattra, तपस्विपत्त्र tapasvipattra, विनीत vinita, विषापहा vishapaha . Native to: s China, India, Myanmar . Leaves are is bitter in taste and used medicinally. Plant is also used in religious ceremonies and dried stems are used for making brooms. . Leaves are alternate, 5-10cm. ovate, deeply pinnatisect, segments lobed, upper leaves smaller, sessile. . Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Artemisia nilagirica at Bhimashankar WLS :: 05 NOV 11 :: DV05 : 1 image. 2 posts by 2 authors. Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.Clarke) Pamp. ar-te-MIZ-ee-uh — named for the goddess Artemis in Greek mythology … Dave’s Botanary ¿ nee-lah-GEER-ee-kah ? — of or from Nilgiri commonly known as: fleabane, Indian wormwood, mugwort • Assamese: নীলম nilum • Bengali: নাগদানা nagadana • Hindi: दवना davana, नागदोना nagdona • Kannada: manjepatre, urigattige • Konkani: surpin • Malayalam: മക്കീപൂവൂ makkippuvu, മാസീപത്രീ masipatri • Manipuri: লেইবাক ঙৌ leibakngou • Marathi: ढोर दवणा dhor davana • Oriya: dayona • Sanskrit: दमनक damanak, नागदमन nagadaman • Tamil: மக்கீபூ makkippu • Telugu: masipatri Native to: s China, India, Myanmar References: Flowers of India • Flora of China • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar at Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary on 05 NOV 11 Nice upload … Perhaps some one has to find differences between A. nilagirica and A. dubia, both Indian names for A. vulgaris. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Artemisia nilagirica (C. B. Clarke) Pampanini from Chakrata-GS10 : 2 correct images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Dakpathar plant seems A. japonica since the leaves are NOT white tomentose beneath. Chakrata plant seems to have white tomentum beneath to be called A. nilagirica. This is of course provided both plants are reported from these areas. Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Artemisia nilagirica at Nimgiri Fort :: PKA24::: Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. This one is an aromatic shrub around 1 to 2m high, stem leafy. Local name: ” Dhor Dawna, Dawna “. Scientific name: Artemisia nilagirica (A. vulgaris). Family: Asteraceae. Leaves are alternate, 5-10cm. ovate, deeply pinnatisect, segments lobed, upper leaves smaller, sessile. This is common in fields, in hills and slopes. Photographed at Nimgiri. Plant for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Found growing wild in Wayanad, Kerala. The leaves have a pleasant fragrance and its smoke is supposed to keep away mosquitoes. Have also been told that it can grow quite tall and spread out, so suitable for hedges. Artemesia parviflora Roxb. It does not seem to match with images of Artemisia japonica Thunb. (syn. Artemisia parviflora Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Definitely not Artemesia species. If … has other photographs like habit etc. (close up of leaves, flowers etc.). he may send them for proper ID. Leaves aromatic, lobed, and glaucous beneath… I would go with the ID Artemisia. A. nilagirica, perhaps. Thank you all for the inputs. Will try and send some more pics for better identification soon. FOR VALIDATION Artemisia nilagirica :: Bisle Ghat :: 15 NOV 2016 :: DVDEC75 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 5 images. Bisle Ghat Karnataka Date: 15 NOV 2016 … Altitude range: ~ 956 – 139 m (3136 – 456 ft) asl Artemisia ¿ nilagirica ? … (family: Asteraceae) Dear friends, Thanks, …. Pl. also match with images in EFI site. Thanks … I have already read through Artemisia page of eFI, also Digital Flora of Karnataka. For me it appears close to images at Artemisia nilagirica Thanks … I am going with Artemisia nilagirica. ID: Artemisia sp.(?) from Guwahati: Is it Artemisia sp. ? Please ID for it. Appears close to images at Artemisia nilagirica Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – Asteraceae :: ARKNOV-19 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Requesting to please provide ID of this Asteraceae member captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014. Is this some Artemisia sp.? Artemisia – species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) … thank you for sharing. The genus is almost unknown to me. May I know what features in the attached set of photographs suggest it is an asteraceae member? A co-traveller mentioned that it should some Artemisia, but he was not sure. I do not know this plant at all. Your “Type2IMG_5928.jpg” looks very much like Chenopodium panicle/spike. Thank you … for the feedback. Let us wait for any further comments… I am ashamed of myself for passing a dumb comment like, “Your “Type2IMG_5928.jpg” looks very much like Chenopodium panicle/spike.” Extremely sorry for making such inconvenience. Yes, it may be Artemisia sp., like the one at – It may be Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.Clarke) Pamp. as per comparative images at Artemisia . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads:: Artemisia for ID SMP12 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. yes, it looks as Artemisia nilagirica will it match with Artemisia japonica Thunb.? No, looks different from images at Artemisia japonica Yes, this should be Artemisia nilagirica, which is quite a misidentified plant in India. The broad, toothed segments of the leaves are a clear signature. The more common plant with narrow, untoothed leaf segments is Artemisia dubia. In fact, all the plants listed on the eFI page for Artemisia nilagarica page should belong to Artemisia dubia. You can compare with the images of Artemisia dubia at POWO. Thanks, …, for the feedback. But if you see, a lot of observations here ( are from South India, where POWO does not give any distribution for A.dubia. Yes …, I believe that lack of reporting from south India may be due to widespread misidentification. If you closely follow the description & the few correct herbaria, you can see the difference. An example of correct representation of Artemisia nilagirica, will be the images by Sushant More on GBIF and iNaturalist: In the description of Artemisia nilagirica on FOC, the leaves are supposed to have “…segments 1-3 pairs, ovate or oblong-ovate, usually 1- or 2-serrate, acuminate apically.” The narrow, almost linear segments, of the leaves, which are untoothed, of other plants do not fit this description. This, coupled with the images of Artemisia dubia on POWO, in my opinion, makes a strong case for this view. Also check out this GBIF specimen of Artemisia nilagirica I did notice that there are a few other type of specimens too for Artemisia nilagirica at GBIF. However, I believe that those may be misidentifications. Here are the keys from BSI Flora of India:
And the comparative descriptions from BSI Flora of India:
Further description from Flora of China can also be checked: And the comparative descriptions from Flora of China:
Names of Plants in India :: Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.Clarke) Pamp. : 2 posts by 2 authors. ar-te-MIZ-ee-uh or ar-teh-MEEZ-ee-uh — named for the Greek goddess Artemis … Dave’s Botanary ¿ nee-luh-GIH-ree-kuh ? — of or from Nilgiri hills Commonly known as: Indian wormwood, Nilgiri mugwort • Assamese: দমনা domona, তংলতি tongloti • Bengali: নাগদানা nagdana • Garo: khel-bijak • Gujarati: નાગદમન nagdaman, નાગદૌના nagdauna • Hindi: दमनक damanak, ध्याम dhyam, दौना dauna, नागदोना nagadona • Kannada: ಮಾಚಿಪತ್ರೆ machipatre • Malayalam: അനന്തൻപച്ച ananta-pacca, കാട്ടുകർപ്പൂരം kattu-kappuram, മക്കിപ്പൂവ് makkippuv, മാസീപത്രി masipatri • Manipuri: লেইবাক ঙৌ leibakngou • Marathi: ढोर दवणा dhor davana, गाठोणा gathona, नागदवण nagadavana • Nepali: तितेपाती titepati • Odia: ନାଗ ଦଅଣା naga daana • Punjabi: ਤਤਵੇਣ tatwen • Sanskrit: दमनक damanaka, नागदमनी nagadamani • Tamil: மாசிபத்திரி maci-pattiri, மக்கீபூ makkipu, திருநாமச்செடி tirunamacceti • Telugu: దవనము davanamu, మాచిపత్రి machi-patri • Tulu: ಮಂಜಪತ್ರೆ manjapatre … and more names … Odia: ବଳାମୋଟା balamota, ବିଷଦଂଷ୍ଟ୍ରା bishadamshtra, ବିଷାପହା bishapaha, ମହାୟୋଗେଶ୍ବରୀ mahajogeshwari, ରକ୍ତ ପୁଷ୍ପୀ rakta pushpi, ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi, ସର୍ବଗ୍ରହାପହା sarbagrahapaha • Sanskrit: भुजङ्गपर्णिनी bhujangaparnini, ब्रह्मजटा brahmajata, दण्डिन् dandin, दान्त danta, देवशेखर devashekhara, गन्धोत्कट gandhotkata, जटिला jatila, कुलपत्त्र kulapattra, मुनि muni, नागगन्धा nagagandha, नागाह्वा nagahva, पाण्डुराग panduraga, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, पवित्रक pavitraka, पुण्डरीक pundarika, रक्तपुष्पी raktapushpi, ऋषिपुत्रक rsiputraka, सप्तधात्रीक saptadhatrika, तापसपत्त्र tapasapattra, तपस्विपत्त्र tapasvipattra, विनीत vinita, विषापहा vishapaha botanical names: Artemisia nilagirica (C.B. Clarke) Pamp. … synonyms: Artemisia indica auct. non Willd. • Artemisia vulgaris auct. non L. … Shodhganga … Artemisia vulgaris L. var. nilagirica C.B. Clarke • Artemisia indica sensu Wight non Willd. • Artemisia vulgaris sensu Hook. f. non L. var. nilagirica … Botanical Survey of India November 15, 2016 … along Bisle Ghat, Karnataka Superb efforts, … ¿ nee-luh-GIH-ree-kuh ? — of or from Nilgiri hills commonly known as: Indian wormwood, Nilgiri mugwort • Assamese: দমনা domona, তংলতি tongloti • Bengali: নাগদানা nagdana • Garo: khel-bijak • Gujarati: નાગદમન nagdaman, નાગદૌના nagdauna • Hindi: दमनक damanak, ध्याम dhyam, दौना dauna, नागदोना nagadona • Kannada: ಮಾಚಿಪತ್ರೆ machipatre • Malayalam: അനന്തൻപച്ച ananta-pacca, കര്പ്പൂര തുളസി karpoora thulasi, കാട്ടുകർപ്പൂരം kattu-kappuram, മക്കിപ്പൂവ് makkippuv, മാസീപത്രി masipatri • Manipuri: ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛꯉꯧ leibakngou • Marathi: ढोर दवणा dhor davana, गाठोणा gathona, नागदवण nagadavana, सुरपीण surpin • Nepali: तितेपाती titepati • Odia: ବଳାମୋଟା balamota, ବିଷଦଂଷ୍ଟ୍ରା bishadamshtra, ବିଷାପହା bishapaha, ମହାୟୋଗେଶ୍ବରୀ mahajogeshwari, ନାଗ ଦଅଣା naga daana, ରକ୍ତ ପୁଷ୍ପୀ rakta pushpi, ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi, ସର୍ବଗ୍ରହାପହା sarbagrahapaha • Punjabi: ਤਤਵੇਣ tatwen • Sanskrit: भुजङ्गपर्णिनी bhujangaparnini, ब्रह्मजटा brahmajata, दमनक damanaka, दण्डिन् dandin, दान्त danta, देवशेखर devashekhara, गन्धोत्कट gandhotkata, जटिला jatila, कुलपत्त्र kulapattra, मुनि muni, नागदमनी nagadamani, नागगन्धा nagagandha, नागाह्वा nagahva, पाण्डुराग panduraga, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, पवित्रक pavitraka, पुण्डरीक pundarika, रक्तपुष्पी raktapushpi, ऋषिपुत्रक rsiputraka, सप्तधात्रीक saptadhatrika, तापसपत्त्र tapasapattra, तपस्विपत्त्र tapasvipattra, विनीत vinita, विषापहा vishapaha • Tamil: மாசிபத்திரி maci-pattiri, மக்கீபூ makkipu, திருநாமச்செடி tirunamacceti • Telugu: దవనము davanamu, మాచిపత్రి machi-patri • Tulu: ಮಂಜಪತ್ರೆ manjapatre . botanical names: Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.Clarke) Pamp. … synonyms: Artemisia vulgaris var. nilagirica C.B.Clarke … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ Indian wormwood
Nilgiri mugwort
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ দমনা domona OR দবনা dobona, তংলতি tongloti
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ নাগদানা nagdana
~~~~~ GARO ~~~~~ khel-bijak
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ નાગદમન nagdaman
નાગદૌના nagdauna HINDI दमनक damanak
ध्याम dhyam
दौना dauna
नागदोना nagadona
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಮಾಚಿಪತ್ರೆ machipatre
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ അനന്തൻപച്ച ananta-pacca കര്പ്പൂര തുളസി karpoora thulasi
കാട്ടുകർപ്പൂരം kattu-kappuram മക്കിപ്പൂവ് makkippuv
മാസീപത്രി masipatri
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛꯉꯧ leibakngou ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ ढोर दवणा dhor davana
गाठोणा gathona
नागदवण nagadavana
सुरपीण surpin ~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ तितेपाती titepati
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ବଳାମୋଟା balamota, ବିଷଦଂଷ୍ଟ୍ରା bishadamshtra, ବିଷାପହା bishapaha, ମହାୟୋଗେଶ୍ବରୀ mahajogeshwari, ନାଗ ଦଅଣା naga daana, ରକ୍ତ ପୁଷ୍ପୀ rakta pushpi, ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi, or ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପା shakrapushpa, ସର୍ବଗ୍ରହାପହା sarbagrahapaha
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~ ਤਤਵੇਣ tatwen
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ दमनक damanaka
नागदमनी nagadamani
भुजङ्गपर्णिनी bhujangaparnini, ब्रह्मजटा brahmajata, दण्डिन् dandin, दान्त danta, देवशेखर devashekhara, गन्धोत्कट gandhotkata, जटिला jatila, कुलपत्त्र kulapattra, मुनि muni, नागगन्धा nagagandha, नागाह्वा nagahva, पाण्डुराग panduraga, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, पवित्रक pavitraka, पुण्डरीक pundarika, रक्तपुष्पी raktapushpi, ऋषिपुत्रक rsiputraka, सप्तधात्रीक saptadhatrika, तापसपत्त्र tapasapattra, तपस्विपत्त्र tapasvipattra, विनीत vinita, विषापहा vishapaha
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ மாசிபத்திரி maci-pattiri
மக்கீபூ makkipu
திருநாமச்செடி tirunamacceti
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ దవనము davanamu మాచిపత్రి machi-patri
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಮಂಜಪತ್ರೆ manjapatre
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at . . References: |
Artemisia nilagirica
Updated on December 24, 2024