Exacum lawii C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 4: 98 1883. (Syn: Exacum sessile C.B.Clarke) ;
Law’s Persian Violet • Malayalam: Manali • Marathi: लहान चिरायत Lahan chirayat • Tamil: Marukozhunthu;
Calyx winged : E. pumilum
Calyx not winged : E. lawii

KAS Week::(Gentianaceae Sp. – 09/10/2012-NJ):
Gentianaceae sp from KAS. Photo taken in third week of September.

Calyx not winged hence Exacum lawii.


KAS Week DS_091012_04:
sorry that I have got this poor image and only one image of this tiny blue flower.
from Kas 22nd Sep 2012.
Can it be identified?

This is Exacum lawii.
The image posted by you is more than help ful for identifying this plant. Since the identification is on winged calyx.
Calyx winged : E. pumilum
Calyx not winged : E. lawii

It will be helpful if anyone can post some images of E. pumilum showing the winged calyx

You can see wings on calyx lobes of buds in the attached image of E. pumilum. Besides E. pumilum flowers are larger than E. lawii.


Exacum lawii ??? :  Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Seen this small herb (around 10cm) at Raigad Fort (Maharashtra).
Date / time: 21-09-2013 / 10:15AM
Habitat: Wild; in grassland
Habit: Herb (10 cm in ht),
Leaves Opposite, small (approx 8 to 10mm); sessile and thick.
Could this be Exacum lawii???

Agree with you. This is E.lawii since the calyx is not winged.
The key is on calyx :
Calyx wingd : E.pumilium
Calyx not wingd : E.lawii

Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae :: Exacum pumilum at Kamshet Region::PKA7 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).
Seen this herb at a grassland in Kusur Plateau, (near kamshet), Maharashtra
Local name of flower: Jambhali chirayat
Bot name: Exacum pumilum
Its a monsoon herb around 15cm high.

Its Exacum lawii C.B. Clarke

Thanks … Thanks … for correcting the ID..


Seen this herb at a grassland in Kusur Plateau, (near kamshet), Maharashtra
Local name of flower: Jambhali chirayat
Scientific name: Exacum pumilum
Its a monsoon herb around 15cm high.

Exacum lawii C.B. Clarke as per another thread.


Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation :: ARKOCT-18 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Requesting to please validate ID – Exacum pumilum – of these blue flowers captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Also, what are the spiny things that are seen in the photograph?

Yes it is Exacum pumilum Griseb.

Thanks … for the confirmation…. Any idea about those spiny things? 

This should be Exacum lawii though calyx (not winged) can’t be seen in the pictures. E pumilum flowers are in cymes and E lawii flowers are solitary on slender peduncles

Thank you … for the ID…
Attaching a cropped pic of the flower showing the calyx I think….
Will this help in conclusively arriving at the ID?

Exacum lawii : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Exacum lawii
calyx is not winged and the flowers are solitary
Kaas plateau
second week of October 2016


Kas week : Exacum pumilum SMP:
Exacum pumilum

On second thought …it may be Exacum lawii.

This could be indeed E.lawii. But as the key is on winged calyx, the id still remains unconfirmed.

Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae :: Exacum sp.?? at Raigad::PKA36 : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Exacum. sp from Raigad Fort (Maharashtra).

I think this may be Exacum pedunculatum from Gentianaceae

Exacum pumilum Griseb is reported from Flora Raigad dt.

I think close to images at Exacum lawii C.B.Clarke



341 ID wild plant Lindernia: 11 high res. images
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 13.07.2022, 04.55pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky misty hill, wind
Plant habit: erect, branches, slender weak fleshy quadrangular stem 02mm diameter, annual
Height: 08cm
Leaves: opposite, heart shaped, soft fleshy, apex, glossy, size up to:02×1cm
Flower: axillary, 04 petals, diameter:09mm, violet, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Pl. check https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/01/exacum/

Thank you very much dear …, for the ID and link provided.  It is more close to Exacum lawii,

Yes, to me also appears close to images and details at Exacum lawii C.B.Clarke

It is observed that my ID request 391 is more close to E. lawii and my request 341 is visible as different from the current ID confirmation E. lawii? (is it an another species?) as per another thread.

I think both appears to same as at

Ok dear …, but both 341 & 391 are seeing as different beauties


341 ID wild plant Lindernia: 11 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 13.07.2022, 04.55pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky misty hill, wind
Plant habit: erect, branches, slender weak fleshy quadrangular stem 02mm diameter, annual
Height: 08cm
Leaves: opposite, heart shaped, soft fleshy, apex, glossy, size up to:02×1cm
Flower: axillary, 04 petals, diameter:09mm, violet, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Pl. check https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/01/exacum/

Thank you very much dear …i, for the ID and link provided. It is more close to Exacum lawii,

Yes, to me also appears close to images and details at Exacum lawii C.B.Clarke


