Wild Jasmine • Hindi: बनमल्लिका Banmallika • Tamil: Kattumalligai • Malayalam: Kattumallika • Telugu: Adavimalli • Kannada: Kananamallika, Adavimallige • Sanskrit: वनमल्लिका Vanamallika, Asphota;
India, Sri Lanka, Andaman Is. as per WCSP;

Evergreen, slender woody twiner, vine or straggling shrub. Young shoots minutely puberulent or rarely glabrous. Leaves simple, opposite, subcoriaceous, (ovate-)lanceolate-narrowly lanceolate, (1-)2-4(-7)x(0.7-)1-2(-4) cm, glabrous except for minute puberulence on the midrib above; petiole (1.5-)3-5(-10) mm long, minutely puberulent above, or rarely glabrous, the opposite pairs forming a slight ridge round the stem; lamina base rounded or attenuate into the petiole; apex(obtuse-)acute(-long acute) with small apiculum; margin entire; venation (3-) 4-5 pairs of lateral veins, the first pair sometimes obscure, the second and subsequent uniting to form a submarginal vein, or venation sometimes obscure, no acrodomatia. Inflorescence glabrous, terminal on side shoots, 1 or 3-flowered, sometimes supported by a flower from the axil of each of the subtending pair of leaves; pedicels (5-)12-20(-25) mm long. Calyx tube 1.5-2 mm long, lobes 5-7, filiform, 2-4(-6)mm long, minutely puberulent on the inner surface. Corolla hypocrateriform, white with exterior of tube often pinkish-vinaceous, at least in bud, fragrant, tube 12-17(-20) mm long, lobes 8-9, narrow, acute, 12-17(-20) x 2-4 mm. Fruit a paired berry, 7-8 x 10 mm, black when ripe.

Flowering and fruiting: November-March
Scrub jungles and sacred groves in the plains
Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal

Jasminum angustifolium is a species of jasmine. Wild Jasmine is a small climbing shrub.

Stem is smooth but branchlets minutely pubescent. Oppositely arranged, simple leaves are very variable even on the same plant. Leaves are 1-3 cm long, 7-20 mm broad, elliptic-ovate. The smooth leaves are acute, base obtuse or almost rounded. One inch across white, star-like flowers are exquisitely fragrant. The flowers are either solitary or more usually in threes. Petals 7 or 8, but can be more in number. Petals are linear, obtuse, very acute. Carpels two usually well developed. Flowering: June–August.[1]
This flower, and Jasminum grandiflorum play a central role in Buddhist and Hindu temple floral offerings, garlands etc.
(From Wikipedia)

Please confirm if it is Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum,
Found in scrubs near foot hills in E.ghats, a low scandent shrub,
petals only 5, calyx lobes 5-7, >5mm enlarged during fruit development.

I think it is Jasminum ritchii

efi page on Jasminum ritchiei 

To me looks different from images at Jasminum ritchiei
I also feel these are closer to images at Jasminum angustifolium (L.) Willd.



Scandent shrub w/ black shiny fruit — Pls id AS-19Oct2012-1: Seen in the wild, Chennai outskirts, fruiting in early October.
Unarmed low growing shrub, Pls help id

Any Jasminum sp.?

To me appears close to images at Jasminum angustifolium (L.) Willd.

yes it is fruit of Jasminum angustifolium

Yes confirmed, matches description (Sasidharan) and images on eflora site. But the image on Wikipedia is wrong….. maybe someone should inform them.   

Puducherry  near sea coast

Date: October 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl

Jasminum angustifolium var. sessiliflorum  (Vahl) P.S.Green

why sessiliflorum?

It struck me too.
The description at e-flora of Karaikal District says: Cymes or subcorymbs axillary or terminal. Flowers ca. 4 cm across, white; bracts subulate-linear, 2.5 mm long; pedicel filiform.
Hope someone helps in knowing why sessiliflorum.

Pedicels look much longer than those at your links, otherwise it looks Ok.
Pl. check description, if they are long also.

I referred Karaikal Flora because Karaikal is in Puducherry.
There they have listed only var. sessiflorum.
Description in other sites –
Cymes 3-flowered, peduncled or sessile; pedicel 2 cm long; … India Biodiversity PortalKerala Plants
And a research note at JSTOR (restricted access) shows a limited note – may be to our help … Notes on Two Jasmines from South India & Ceylon

Also check
There is no illustration / photos / description in second link.
…, do you think it is just Jasminum angustifolium ?
Dear …, any thoughts ?

After … id and details in … thread as per Gamble at 23112019EPT27 and as per Flora of Peninsular India & Notes on Two Jasmines from South India & Ceylon, I feel your images may be of Jasminum angustifolium only.

Thank you very much … for this validation. I will go with Jasminum angustifolium. Will correct my notes shortly.

Jasminum classification based on calyx length, no of flowers in cyme, peduncle etc; calyx and leaves are quite different in J.angustifolium; hence I feel a thorough revision of Jasminum is needed; keep it for further study without assigning to J.angustifolium

Thank you very much … Will keep the label as Jasminum sp.

For the time being ‘J.angustifolium ?’ will be better.

OK, sure, …

from Nilambur, Malappuram dt, Kerala state. on 24/4/2010

To me looks different from images at Jasminum multiflorum  

To me looks close to images at Jasminum laurifolium var. laurifolium

May be Jasminum angustifolium as per images and details herein.




Identification of Jasminum species : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- 1 Mb each
Please help me to identify the attached Jasminum sp.
Found in the Katpadi Forest, Area, Vellore Dist, Tamilnadu on 25-06-15.
It is a vine. The outer perianth is pink in colour and the inner one is whitish. Fruit is bi-lobed. I could smell very mild aroma. 
The description match with jasminum multipartitum. But is not mentioned any where to be found in India.

Jasminum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) 

Pl check for Jasminum polyanthum.  There are many varieties in this species.

I think that Jasminum polyanthum has Unipinnate compund leaf whereas the specimen in question has simple opposite leaves.

Thanks … for the info. Please check in the Flora of Tamil Nadu/ consult …, Madras Christian College.

PL. check with images at
To me appears close.

Or if cultivated, it may be Jasminum laurifolium var. laurifolium as per images and details herein.

yes it is Jasminum laurfolia var laurifolia only

Thanks for the ID. The plant in question is NOT CULTIVATED. Observed as WILD in the Reserved Forest.

… has identified it as Jasminum angustifolium as posted by him in the end at 23112019EPT27

yes it is Jasminum angustifolium