Koenigia nepalensis D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 74. 1825 (syn: Koenigia filicaulis (Wall. ex Meisn.) Hedberg; Polygonum filicaule Wall. ex Meisn. in Wall.) as per Flora of Pakistan;
Polygonum filicaule Wall. ex Meisn., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 59 1832. (Syn: Koenigia binsarii (Silas & R.D.Gaur) R.D.Gaur (Unresolved); Koenigia filicaulis (Wall. ex Meisn.) Hedberg; Koenigia nepalensis D. Don; Persicaria minuta (Hayata) Nakai; Polygonum binsarii Silas & R.D.Gaur; Polygonum minutum Hayata; Polygonum radicans Hemsl.) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1;
Pakistan to China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Taiwan: China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Taiwan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO (Koenigia filicaulis (Wall. ex Meisn.) Hedberg);
Common name: Nepal Purslane


Koenigia nepalensis (Polygonum filicaule)_RKC_04102011:
In response to the earlier post on Polygonum recumbens by … and …, I am uploading a few photographs of Koenigia nepalensis D. Don
(=Polygonum filicaule Wall ex Meisn.) for more clarification.
Family: Polygonaceae.
Loc.: On way to Churdhar (ca 1500m), Himachal Pradesh
Date: 10th August, 2010

Perhaps we have to find out whether Polygonum filicaule (with both Koeningia filicaule and K. nepalensis as its synonyms according to The Plant List). or Koeningia nepalensis.

I could not get you point! Would you please elaborate?

Flora of Pakistan was published in 2001. Both Flora of China (2003) and The Plant List (2010) recognize P. filicaule as correct name.

Considering Hedberg’s work (1997) on Koenigia (cant attach the PDF here due to big file size), I think the genus deserves a separate status and I would be happy to follow K. nepalensis as an accepted name. Moreover, I am not comfortable with the mixing of Persicaria and Polygonum in Fl. China. Rather, Fl. Pakistan’s treatment is justifiable and is in line with the molecular studies carried out by Kim & Donghue (2008) and others.
Hope to hear from you.

You managed to send the monograph in the previous mail. Yes the molecular data would help in deciding the ultimate status. Let us wait till we find some conclusions. Who knows you being an authority on the group could convince (through your publications) The Plant List and other recent databases to change their listing. After all most scientific community is bound to follow The Plant List.

Thanks for the good words and blessings sir! I am hopeful to convince the group in near future with my work.

Yes … Now Polygonum filicaule.


Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: small decumbent herb growing from road wall, about 10 – 20 cm high; flower about 3 – 5 mm

Some Boraginaceae. Perhaps it would help more if you had cropped the photos and uploaded that plant only (lower right corner in both photographs).

Uploading cropped versions of above photos; hope they help.

Perhaps some Polygonum….

Me too have similar feeling,

Yes surely Polygonum, what was appearing like a Boraginaceae member from a distance. Perhaps P. recumbens.

Could it be Polygonum filicaule? I don’t know of many polygonums with bristly leaves.

… is right! This is definitely Polygonum filicaule (= Koenigia nepalensis) (Polygonaceae).

Vof Week: Polygonum filicaule from way to Hemkund Sahib: 
Polygonum filicaule
from way to Hemkund Sahib

Fwd: Polygonacaeae Fortnight- Koengia nepalensis approch to Churdhar at 3200,m in Sirmour Distt HP : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Shot from Churdjar during our pleasent botanical Tour with Dr Ritesh Chaudjhery and Dr. Lee

Yes, latest name is Polygonum filicaule..

Thanks … for uploading a very clear image of Koenigia nepalensis D.Don.
The detailed study of Hedberg (1997) has already proved Koenigia different from Persicaria. Molecular data also supported this result. The Plant List should be updated.
Koenigia nepalensis D.Don (=Polygonum filicaule Wall. ex Meisn.) as per my opinion too.


Polygonaceae Fortnight:Koenigia nepalensis at VoF “.-PKA24: : :  4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

Seen this herb at VoF.
Bot. name: Koenigia nepalensis  (Family: Polygonaceae).

A nice find indeed…I somehow missed it there…

Polygonaceae Fortnight- Koenigia nepalensis from Chakrata :: NS May 07 : 3 posts by 2 authors.
This small herb was shot from Chakrata region..
I hope the pics belong to Koenigia nepalensis D. Don

Yes! It often grows in association with K. delicatula. Thanks for sharing.

Polygonum filicaule ABSEP2016/20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.
Please validate.
Polygonum filicauleNepal Purslane
Above Ilaqa, HP 3200m and above 03-04 September 2016

I think appears close to images in threads under Koenigia nepalensis, of which it is a synonym.


on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.); Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb17 for Id- JM – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Id needed: 3 images- 1 high res.
please have a look at the attached images.

Captured – Madhmaheshwar UK
alt 3400m

Sonerila ?

Sir, I’m really sorry,  because I just heard this name. I’ve never witnessed it before.

looking forward to more responses

Just a guess. Please check Sonerila tenera Royle. Flowers are not open so it is difficult to ID.

Can you send flower images when it blooms ?

Though leaves look similar to images at Sonerila tenera Royle, I think buds look different.

Please check in Polygonum. Closer to P. numularifolium.

Looks Correct ID. I was thinking of Persicaria earlier.

Kindly check with Koenigia nepalensis, syn: Koenigia filicaulis (Wall. ex Meisn.) Hedberg

I guess it is closer to Koenigia nummularifolia (Meisn.) Mesícek & Soják !

Not K. nummalarifolia. K. n. has distinct reniform/orbicular leaves.

Yes, that is the closest as per


efi thread  Flora of Pakistan (Koenigia nepalensis D. Don) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Koenigia nepalensis D. Don)  Flora of China (Polygonum filicaule Wallich ex Meisner in Wallich) The Plant List Ver.1.1  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  India Biodiversity Portal  POWO  Flowers of India