Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, Bull. Bur. Pl. Industr. U.S.D.A. 248: 25 1912. (Syn: Calyptranthes capitellata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Calyptranthes caryophyllifolia Willd.; Calyptranthes cumini (L.) Pers.; Calyptranthes cuminodora Stokes; Calyptranthes jambolana (Lam.) Willd.; Calyptranthes jambolifera Stokes; Calyptranthes oneillii Lundell; Caryophyllus corticosus Stokes; Caryophyllus jambos Stokes; Eugenia calyptrata Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.; Eugenia caryophyllifolia Lam.; Eugenia cumini (L.) Druce; Eugenia jambolana Lam. ..; Eugenia jambolifera Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.; Eugenia obovata Poir.; Eugenia obtusifolia Roxb.; Eugenia tsoi Merr. & Chun; Jambolifera chinensis Spreng.; Jambolifera coromandelica Houtt.; Jambolifera pedunculata Houtt.; Myrtus corticosa Spreng.; Myrtus cumini L.; Myrtus obovata (Poir.) Spreng.; Syzygium caryophyllifolium (Lam.) DC.; Syzygium cumini var. caryophyllifolium (Lam.) K.K.Khanna; Syzygium cumini var. obtusifolium (Roxb.) K.K.Khanna; Syzygium cumini var. tsoi (Merr. & Chun) H.T.Chang & R.H.Miao; Syzygium jambolanum (Lam.) DC.; Syzygium obovatum (Poir.) DC.; Syzygium obtusifolium (Roxb.) Kostel.); . siz-ZY-gee-um — from the Greek syzygos (joined), referring to the paired leaves KOO-min-ee — from the Greek kyminon (cumin) . commonly known as: black plum, damson plum, duhat plum, Indian blackberry, jambolan, jambolan plum, Java plum, Malabar plum, Portuguese plum • Assamese: জামু jamu, ক’লা জামু kala jamu • Bengali: kala jam • Gujarati: જાંબુ jaambu • Hindi: जामुन jamun • Jaintia: dieng sohthongum • Kannada: ನೇರಳೆ nerale • Khasi: dieng ramai • Konkani: जांबुळ jambul • Malayalam: കാട്ടുചാമ്പ kaattucaampa, ഞാവല് njaaval, ഞാറ njaara, പെരിഞാറ perinjaara • Manipuri: gulamchat, jam • Marathi: जांबूळ jambool • Mizo: hmuipui • Nepalese: जामुनु jamunu, फँड़िर् phanrir • Oriya: jamkoli • Pali: जम्बु jambu • Prakrit: जम्वुलो jambulo, जम्मुलो jammulo • Punjabi: ਜਾਮਣ jaman • Sanskrit: जम्बुलः jambulah, मेघमोदिनी meghamodini • Tamil: கொட்டைநாகம் kottai-nakam, நாவல் naval • Telugu: నేరేడు neredu • Tibetan: dzam-bu • Urdu: جامن jaman . China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), Laos, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Andaman Isl. (Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl.), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kachin, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon), Bhutan, Darjeeling, Java, Pakistan (introduced), Philippines (widespread), Singapore (introduced), Maldives, Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives) (introduced), Queensland, South Africa (introduced), trop. Africa (introduced), Mozambique (introduced), Zimbabwe (introduced), Zambia (introduced), Jamaica (introduced), Haiti (introduced), Dominican Republic (introduced), Cuba (introduced), Taiwan (introduced), Fiji (introduced), New Caledonia (introduced), Guyana (introduced), Surinam (introduced), Belize (introduced), Panama (introduced), Lesser Antilles (introduced) (Antigua (introduced), Guadeloupe (introduced), Martinique (introduced), St. Vincent (introduced)), Venezuela (introduced), Brazil (introduced), Colombia (introduced), Bolivia (introduced), Trinidad & Tobago (introduced), Palau Isl. (introduced) (Babeldaob (introduced), Koror (introduced), Aulupse?el (introduced)), Southern Marianas (introduced) (Guam (introduced)), Tuamotu Arch. (introduced) (Rangiroa Atoll (introduced), Takapoto Atoll (introduced)), Marquesas Isl. (introduced), Society Isl. (introduced) (Tahaa (introduced), Maupiti (introduced)), Tonga (introduced) (Tongatapu (introduced)), Niue (introduced), Cook Isl. (introduced) (Rarotonga (introduced)), Mauritius (introduced), Réunion (introduced), Rodrigues (introduced), Madagascar (introduced), Hawaii (introduced) (Kauai (introduced), Oahu (introduced), Molokai (introduced), Lanai (introduced), Maui (introduced), Hawaii Isl. (introduced)), USA (introduced) (Florida (introduced)) as per Catalogue of Life; . Large tree with elliptic to obovate leaves, up to 12 cm long, branches gray; flowers white in few-flowered panicles; berry purplish-red, ovoid, 10-15 mm long, edible; . TSP-MAY2016-13-342: Images of Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae) : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae) Habit: Tree Habitat: Cultivated, Avenue plantation Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl Date: 16-04-2014, 06-06-2014, 10-06-2014, 15-06-2014 Very good presentation. Thank you for sharing. Wow never seen such a bright red colour in these flowers. Jamun from Panipat – NATIVE, WILD, CULTIVATED :: Myrtaceae (Myrtle family) » Syzygium cumini siz-ZY-gee-um — from the Greek syzygos (joined), referring to the paired leaves KOO-min-ee — from the Greek kyminon (cumin) commonly known as: black plum, damson plum, duhat plum, Indian blackberry, jambolan, jambolan plum, Java plum, Malabar plum, Portuguese plum • Assamese: জামু jamu, ক’লা জামু kala jamu • Bengali: kala jam • Gujarati: જાંબુ jaambu • Hindi: जामुन jamun • Jaintia: dieng sohthongum • Kannada: ನೇರಳೆ nerale • Khasi: dieng ramai • Konkani: जांबुळ jambul • Malayalam: കാട്ടുചാമ്പ kaattucaampa, ഞാവല് njaaval, ഞാറ njaara, പെരിഞാറ perinjaara • Manipuri: gulamchat, jam • Marathi: जांबूळ jambool • Mizo: hmuipui • Nepalese: जामुनु jamunu, फँड़िर् phanrir • Oriya: jamkoli • Pali: जम्बु jambu • Prakrit: जम्वुलो jambulo, जम्मुलो jammulo • Punjabi: ਜਾਮਣ jaman • Sanskrit: जम्बुलः jambulah, मेघमोदिनी meghamodini • Tamil: கொட்டைநாகம் kottai-nakam, நாவல் naval • Telugu: నేరేడు neredu • Tibetan: dzam-bu • Urdu: جامن jaman Native to: India, Indonesia Attachments (4) Fruits & Vegetables Week: Jamun: 4 images. Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels of Myrtaceae Fruits & Vegetables: Syzygium cumini, the Jamun: 3 images. . Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Myrtaceae-Syzygium cumini from Delhi-GSDEC70 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Syn: Eugenia cumini (L.) Druce Jambolana, Jamun Large tree with elliptic to obovate leaves, up to 12 cm long, branches gray; flowers white in few-flowered panicles; berry purplish-red, ovoid, 10-15 mm long, edible Photographed from Delhi. Well known jamun which cures diabetes and it is a NTFP identification no190411sn2: 2 images. Kindly confirm if this is Jamun (syzygium cumini?) or otherwise. Taken at Mulshi, Pune, March11. – Yes I think the first picture is Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels in U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bull. 248: 25. 1912. We call it Duwet or Jamblang. It has a distinctive long peduncle with several pairs of horizontal branches and small flowers forming dense heads at the end of the branchlets. – Yes Sir Jamun ID 220911 SB: 4 images. Location Mumbai Seems to by member of Myrtaceae Most probably Syzygium sps (may be Jamun as well) Was in vegetative stage only. Need further confirmation efloraofindia:”For Id 29092011MR15’’ ?young Jambhul tree Pune: 2 images. Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune I too agree for Jambhul. Matheran Myrtaceae ID help.: Most probably Syzygium cumini The leaves were much broader than S. cumini. S.cumini shows lots of variation in leaf size and shape from place to place. This is Syzygium caryophyllifolia [S.gibsonii]. It is fairly common in Matheran, Mahabaleshwar & Khandala. I hope … meant to say Syzygium caryophyllatum. I reiterate that this is Syzygium caryophyllifolia [S.gibsonii] which is distinct from S. caryophyllatum. I am not known to Syzygium caryophyllifolia [S.gibsonii] But as per the plant list, I could find a similar one, ie. Syzygium caryophyllifolium (Lam.) DC. which is now a synonym of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels . If we look at Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels @ the plant list, we can see lots of synonyms. It might be because of the variation especially in leaves. Have followed Dr. Almeida’s classification in his ‘Flora of Maharashtra’, Vol 2. Accordingly S. caryophyllifolia is distinct from S.cumini. Quoting ” Leaves ovate, acuminate. Fruit sbout 1 cm.long, irregular in shape. In all other characters it resembles S.cumini [L.] Skeels”. Yes this plant is quite different from S. cumini, some author treat them seperate species,, and some treat as synonym.. … I laughed when you wrote..”.I am not known to Syzygium caryophyllifolia [S. gibsonii] “… I tenderly tend to my plants and talk to them, and feed etc.. they perhaps know me… but how could a tree in Matheran know you !!! tell me that…just kidding…. Is ID here based on any features seen in attached image or just from the location? What are leaves and fruits of S. cumini said to be as against this species? I agree with …, that is S. cumini because it has some horizontal pairs of peduncle branches. It was the slender, long petiole of the leaf, leaf venation (whatever seen in the picture), inflorescence and typical flowers that made me to think of S. cumini. As mentioned in the title it is a Common Bronzeback Tree Snake [Dendrelaphis tristis]. It is a diurnal, arboreal, fast moving non-venomous snake. [ For the record – Poison is drunk, Venom has to be injected to be effective eg. snake bites, scorpion stings etc.]. To elaborate further…. Venom is not poisonous, which means that if you drink snake venom it is not going to be effective [unless you have ulcers in your mouth or GI tract]. Here’s a pic of one curious BronzeBack Tree Snake hiding under the roof of our cottage at Jungle Lodges, Bhadra Tiger Reserve, Lakkavally, Karnataka. There were 2 of them there – according to our helpful guide!
efloraindia: 041111 BRS112: 2 images. These are adventitious roots. Have noticed them on several of my trees including Asana [Bridelia spinosa], Karmal [Dillenia pentagyna], Jarul [Lagerstroemia speciosa] and even Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia]. Seen in Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra on 16 & 17 April,09. Fruits much smaller than the Jamuns we get in the market. Some other species? This is Syzygium cumini of Myrtaceae family. . Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Myrtaceae : Syzygium cumini : Mahabaleshwar : 23DEC14 : AK-68 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Syzygium cumini from Narsinghpur Area near Sher River: 4 images. Syzygium cumini from Narsinghpur Area near Sher River After searching a lot on two plants namely Jamun and Jamoya, I reached on following conclusion 1. A fruit generally comes in market in the month of June and July called as Jamun or rai Jamun, bigger in size about 3-4 cm long is botanically S. nervosum 2. fruit generally not sold in market, smaller in size about 1.5 to 2 cm, allmost rounded botanically known as S cumini At few places i could find the name S cumini var microcarpa for smaller fruit plant called as jamoya in north india Here I am attaching pics of Jamoya Expert’s comments pls Interesting observation. If you don’t mind, I would like to know the photograph of S. cumini var. microcarpa, because this var is not included in the IPNI and WCSP. Thank you. pls see the link to me S cumini and S cumini var microcarpa are same thing. The plant treated as S cumini in above link may be S nervosum Syzygium cumini – Jamun Syzygium cumini :: Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight (NSJ-04) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Syzygium cumini (Jamun), Photos taken at Satara yes Appears to be Syzygium cumini Syzygium cumini: Syzigium cumini—for sharing and validation(Repost): 1 image. Compared to black S. cumini, the white one is sweeter, not astringent, rare, and more potential for medicine. Fruit Trees of Bangalore – RA – Syzygium Cumini – Jamun Tree: The evergreen jamun plant is originally from Indonesia and India. Indian mythology describes the Indian subcontinent as an island, ‘situated in the centre of the world’, called Jambudweep. Because of a majority of Jamun (black berry) trees, this island was named as Jambudweep. An evergreen tropical tree, 50 to 100 ft. tall, with oblong opposite leaves that are smooth, glossy and having a terpentine smell. Jamun has fragrant white flowers in branched clusters at stem tips and purplish-black oval edible berries. The leaves are antibacterial, and are used for strengthning the teeth and gums. The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour, tonic, and cooling, and are used in diabities, diarrhoea and ringworm. The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and anthelmintic. Ref. Syzygium cumini – Jamun – Flowers of India Hooghly Today : Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels : Attachments (10). 3 posts by 2 authors. Syzygium tree for identification 260613MK01 : Attachments (11). 4 posts by 3 authors. Please help me in identifying this tree species commonly seen in higher altitudes and wet forests of Nilgiris. The tree height was about 7 m tall. Leaf: 15cm long Fruit: 1.5cm long (smaller than S.cuminii) Location: Kodanad, Nilgiris, TN Alt.: 2000 m asl Date: 20 June 2013 To me, it is Syzygium claviflorum (Roxb.) Wall. ex A.M.Cowan & Cowan Sorry, this is not S. claviflorum, it is Syzygium cumini only. There are a lot of variations in S. cuminii, this is one among them often found it in the higer altitude mountains. Syzygium from Matheran for id: Attachments (7). 3 posts by 2 authors. This Syzygium is one of the dominant species at Matheran. In places it is one of the largest trees. This looks like Syzygium caryophyllifolia [S.gibsonii]. Another common species found there is S.zeylanicum. Will send a photograph of it in a separate mail. Thank you for your reply. I have seen your mention of this in another post. and have read Dr Almeida’s reference to it in his Flora of Mah. Requesting ID of this tree – Jijamata Udyan – Feb 2014 :: 05032014 :: ARK-09 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). Myrtaceae : Syzygium sp. for ID : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). Can be Syzygium cumini… I think, although slightly different, it is still in a range of Syzygium cumini, because it is very variable. Tree for ID (iv) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11). Syzygium cumini (Jamun). SYMBIOSIS : 578 : 1 image. Syzygium sp. for ID : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2 + 3 + 1). This is very close to Syzygium fruticosum Attaching herewith the fruits and leaves of same sp. Fruit : 7-9 mm dia. edible. Date : 14-06-2014 Without close-up of entire flowers and some size stat. I am unable to suggest anything. I may be wrong, but in my opinion Theichhawl.JPG is close to Syzygium fruticosum, while DSC_0321.JPG is very like Syzygium cumini The plant resembles to Syzygium cuminii Location : Lengpui, Mizoram Syzygium species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) This resembles Syzygium fruticosum This looks like S. cumini based on the numerous secondary veins, lateral inflorescences, flowers in clusters up to 8 and oblong –elliptic leaves. Yes it is like S. cumini because the inflorescence branches are horizontal. But the inflorescence branches in the pictures are grooved not terete. The leaf apex is acuminate, not rounded to obtuse and with a short cusp. May be I am wrong. I send you S. cumini for comparison. Thanks, …, As per WCSP, Syzygium fruticosum DC., Prodr. 3: 260 (1828) is a syn. of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, Bull. Bur. Pl. Industr. U.S.D.A. 248: 25 (1912). I am sorry I didn’t read WCSP, in Syzygium fruticosum DC. is an accepted name. We can see the differences of both in some floras. There should be some agreement which concept is suitable. In a broad sense, they can be lumped because there are only some minor differences. S. cumini itself is variable, it can be small, big, variable leaves, with red or white fruits etc. Syzygium cumini—for sharing and validation : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each. Yes it is nice flowers of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, please resize your future uploads. why resize? what’s wrong with these The images are 1.6MB big size. It floods the mails and sometimes takes time to open. ok. I didn’t realize. opened very quickly here. so the possibility did not strike me Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Myrtaceae- Syzygium sp?? at Malvan-PKA-DEC58: : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Is it a big tree or a shrub? Photograps seems to Syzgium cumini Its a big tree. I too think this could be S. cumini. Thanks … Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight:: Myrtaceae:: Syzygium cumini from Kaithal- NS 43 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Wow, beautiful.. seeds are an important med for blood sugar regulation tasty fruit too. What tree?/ABDEC43 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Taking it further from yesterday, I found this small tree in lower Dharamshala. Looks a little like Jamun (Syzygium cumini) but the leaf shape is odd. Please advise. Dharamshala, HP 1500m 21 December 2014 This is “Jamun” only, as you suggested, leaf abnormalities are very common in this tree, due to growing in tough growing conditions and insect attacks.. Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: December 11- 24,2014 SN 16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight :: Myrtaceae :: Syzygium cumini :: Jijamata Udyan :: ARKDEC-36 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5). I think picture 3, 5, & 7 are correct. But picture 1 and 2 are from different species. Thanks … for the correction… As you mentioned, the first 2 pics have a different time from the 3rd pic. The 5th and 7th have a different date/time. All these trees are in the same cultivated government garden. If the 1st and 2nd pic are not S. cumini, could you please provide the ID for the same? Attaching some cropped pics… Attachments (3) Are both from the same tree? If so, then I am wrong. But why the leaves are different? Let’s see the following cropped pics. Picture A has very clear major lateral veins and intramarginal vein. While picture B doesn’t. I think picture A is hybrid of S. samarangense and S. aqueum. Thanks very much … for the detailed analysis… quickest would be to look at the times you took the pictures if from the same tree they would be within the same minute of close by if a different tree would be separated by the time it took you and the group to walk to the next tree or trees and group leader to tell you what you were looking at… Thanks … for the tips…
Flora of Madh: Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels – Flowers, Fruits, Leaves : VG-APR-20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Sharing some photographs of the flowers, fruits, and the leaves of Syzygium cumini in the wild. Photographed on Madh Hill (North Mumbai) in March 2015. Excellent pics again … FLOWERS/PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS ; JAM -1/AAM -3/ KAASH -3 : 1 post by 1 author. 1 correct image as above. Attaching translated version of another song of Tagore, in which JAM , AAM , KAASH are mentioned. ANMAR52/74 Syzygium cumini var. axillare : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) Family: Myrtaceae I think this is Syzygium gardneri Thwaites as per the key. Kindly validate efi page on Syzygium gardneri ? Yes, it looks like Syzygium gardneri to me. S. cumini has a hypanthium about 2-3 x 2-2.5 mm. Inflorescences are lateral in axils of fallen leaves on older stems or less often terminal or axillary. Thank you very much … If possible, I will visit again in the coming month in order to get clearer photographs of the inflorescence. In the meanwhile, would it be possible to provide any key for all the var. of S. cumini? I am in the process of compiling a complete revision of Syzygium for India. Any input and/or images of species is always appreciated and contributions would be acknowledged and/or provided with co authorship. With respect to S. cumini – personally it’s a morphological variable species across its range and I not in favour of recognising subspecific taxa (varieties or subspecies) at the moment. Cultivation and hybridisation also contribute to a morphologically heterogenous group and a poorly defined geographical distribution. Thanks, …, You may see images of Syzygium here (in efloraofindia) under different species by clicking on the threads (links) therein. If you require any, pl. let us know. MS April,2016/18 Syzygium sp. for Id. : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Location : Tuidam, Mizoram Syzygium species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Looks like a Syzygium species to me too. It looks like the real jamun we call it duwet. But wait until it fruits. Fruits of Syzygium sp. Attachments (1) To me it is Duwet cilik (small jamun). Small S. cumini or S. fruticosum because the peduncle branches are sulcate, unlike the large S. cumini which is terete. 60-TSP-ID-10MAY2016-1:Syzygium sp @ the foothills of Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly identify this Syzygium sp. The Digital Flora of Karnataka lists as many as 28 species of Syzygium. I could not decipher the keys. Ref: Could this be Syzygium cumini…??? Habit: Tree Habitat: Wild, Semi-evergreen forest fringe. Sighting: Foothills of Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1300 msl Date: 20-02-2016 Again S.cumini. There are different morphological forms at different altitude for this species Kindly identify this Syzygium sp (Myrtaceae) Habit: Tree Habitat: Wild, Shola forest fringe Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700 msl Date: 26-03-2015 Syzygium cumini
Jamun tree S.cuminii severely affected by pest? : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) Pl. Find the attached file contain photo of Jamun tree S.cuminii severely affected by pest?. Any one help further details of the same. Location: Coimbatore Any clear pictures, … Syzygium cumini—for sharing : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Pic taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala pune in April 15 This one was also next to the other trees I posted before this. The leaves are symmetrical and shiny. Please advise. Dharamshala, HP 1500m 21 December 2014 The plant uploaded is beautiful but it is very difficult to identify the plant without its reproductive characters Kindly make it a point and inform every contributor to upload the plants along with reproductive characters especially with flower and fruits Leaves look like syzigium cuminii… I think close to images at Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Syzygium cumini?/ABDEC44 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(3) Jamun (Syzygium cumini)?–Please confirm. Dharamshala, HP 1500m 21 December 2014 It seems to be Syzygium sp. but the fruits are main characteristic feature for identification of proper species. So please upload the fruits I think close to images at Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight :: Myrtaceae :: Syzygium cumini :: Mumbai :: ARKDEC-38 :17 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5) What a nice complete set of pictures look at the fruits in the last picture and you will have your correct diagnosis Thank you … for your feedback… The fruits in pic “Syzygium cumini_3.jpg” do not look like S. cumini. i was hoping you would discover the id all on your own by now and be exhilarated by it… Hint… … and a someone else has shown these in last couple of years here and during this family episode also… but…. you perhaps don’t have time to look at other people’s cases… SO here it goes… I have both, GOLAP-JAM retains its calyx lobes, leaves are rather oblong, flowers are significantly bigger, whereas KALO-JAM fruits are not globose. There is another, but leaves are different – Wikipedia Thanks … for your feedback…. I still think this is not S. jambos, I have eaten jambos fruits… … I think you may be on the right tract with s caryophyllatum.. the calyx lobes are subdued in the pic 5 above… Based on the type specimens, I think picture no 3 is almost similar to Syzygium excavatum. But this name was considered as S. claviflorum which is much different. Please do not rule out S. guineense also, there are several ssp., branches are often drooping, fruits are roundish to oval to elliptic and whitish green when immature and turning shiny purple-black, but the species grows in moist area. Syzygium cumini in the Mumbai area displays a bewildering variation in size and shape of leaf, the size, shape and taste of fruit, the size of flowers and the time of flowering as well as the size of the tree and the bark. Thank you everyone for the feedback…. I really have a task on hand, these trees are in a cultivated garden maintained by my needs to take special permission to enter the premises…and that may not be easy In any case, I will try to revisit this places for a few pics… Yes, …, both the trees are just next to a small overlooking the lake and the other about 5 mts from the edge of the lake. You are a treasure I think close to images at Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Syzygium Species For ID : Nasik : 19MAY17 : AK-14 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Syzygium cumini? Pl. check with images at Syzygium cumini I think close to images at Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels . Syzygium for id : 4 images. 6 posts by 4 authors. This could be Syzygium cordifolium I think Syzygium cumini. I found S. cumini at Bennarghatta forests aplenty but with lots of variations. Please refer the following sites. Difficult to find the id without flower and fruit, I guess S. fruticosum Hooghly Today : JAAM PHATKAA, an eco friendly toy ! : Attachments (9). 8 posts by 4 authors. I played with it and many of my friends too, of course not the city folk! All you need is KONCHI and some fruits of this wild JAMBUL tree. Now, what is the English of KONCHI ?! Well, it’s a slim part of a bamboo culm! And … inspired me, indirectly, to sketch my toy! It is based on air pressure, fruits are used as bullets as well as the head of the piston! As for the species, i am not sure. It is a wild medium sized tree, with numerous fruits, about 15cm leaves, and small flowers. Nobody eats this wild fruit and we call it BON-JAAM. The species might be Eugenia fruticosa Roxb. Oh! Very interesting piece of information. The photographs are also excellent. This is a new species for me. Thank you Sir To me, this is Syzygium assimile Thwaites Thank you very much for id suggestion. But, i could not find much data in the net. I’m not sure if this species can be S. assimile Thwaites. Because – 2) a site also informs the same – 3) another variety is again in Srilanka – 4) a search for Syzygium assimile, in India yields nothing, except another post in our group. So, please have a relook. It is quite possible that this plant is some other than S. fruticosum. All i could find is a few herbarium – S. assimile – Europeana Eugenia fruticosa (DC.) Roxb. is a syn. of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, Bull. Bur. Pl. Industr. U.S.D.A. 248: 25 (1912). To me also appear close to images at Syzygium cumini Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: December 11- 24,2014 SN 07 : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) Syzygium laetum (Buch. – Ham.) Gandhi, fruits collected from Kundha area of Nilgiris, Tamilnadu This the fruit of Syzygium caryophyllatum (L.) Alston and not Syzygium laetum (Buch. – Ham.) Gandhi, little confusion happen while uploading. Sorry friends, the Id is still wrong it is Syzygium densiflorum Wall ex. Wight & Arn. Looks different from images at Biotik To me appears like fruits of highly variable species of Syzygium cumini as per images herein. Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight:: Myrtaceae:: Syzygium jambos from Panipat- NS 41 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5). This is a commonly planted tree, the fruits are acrid, smaller and ripe earlier here, than the valuable “Jamun” … This is called “Jamoa” in our area.. Please validate, as the identification may require reconsideration, in light of some uploads from southern parts of India… Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston
no … this is not rose apple or Syzygium jambos. rose apple’s flower bearing stalk and hence fruit bearing stalk never forks into what looks like 90 deg imitating Christ on the cross pattern… your figure number 4 this is something I dont see.. dont remember seeing… you may have to run the key for all syzygiums to find that one branching pattern … but now sure the keys ever mention things like that… that fig 4 remind sme of the Maltese cross so much… I cant help .. dont have akey or how to go about getting it down to branching of the flower spike… may be somebody from the south universities could see this and help I think this is a cultivar of Syzygium cumini, but I am not sure because there is no leaf I will post comparative pics of leaves of this cultivar as well the edible one in nearest available chance.. Syzygium jambos has free petals, in these pictures the patals are calyptrate. On the other hand, the stamens are too short for jambos. So I think it is not S. jambos. We should wait for the leaves and fruits. Rai Jamun is a tree which is very simiar to Jamun. It is a tree growing up to 15 m tall. Bark is grayish brown, thick. Leaf blade is oblong to elliptic, 11-17 cm long, 4.5-7 cm wide, thinly leathery. Jamun leaves, on the other hand, are more leathery. Number of secondary veins is much smaller than that in Jamun leaves. Flowers arise on branches, in panicles, 6-12 cm long. Buds are oval, about 5 × 3.5 mm. Buds of Jamun are more round. Fruit is violet to black when mature, broadly ovoid. Flowering: April-June. This tree is called as Jamun in most part of North India and on this fruit appears before S cumini which is called as Jamoya rather than Jamun. On S cumini fruits appears in the month of August and September. Fruits of S nervosum are larger as compared to S cumini. Taking it as Syzium cumini as per discussions in thread: Syzigium Syzigium : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors. I think the id is right … S. nervosum is the common “Jamun”, flowers and fruits earlier than S. cumini in our area, they are not to be confused even vegetatively.. as you can see in your pics, the leaves are broader in S. nervosum, moreover they are dark green compared to paler in S. cumini. I have never seen the living S. nervosum. When I checked the type specimen of S. nervosum from Kew Herbarium, in fact the leaves are lanceolate like your first and second pictures, but I am sure everything may be variable. On checking distribution of S. nervosum, it is not found in the area as per the following: Also images look different at On perusal of numerous posts/ images in efi at Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels & views of members and experts, this species shows lot of variation both in fruit & leaf shape & size. Considering all this I feel we may take both the posted plants as Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Location : Pokhara, Nepal Date : 8 August 2017 Elevation : 2600 ft. Myrtaceae? Cleistocalyx operculatus Thank you …! Syzygium nervosum A.Cunn. ex DC. Syn: Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. & L.M.Perry Nepali Names : क्यामुना Kyaamunaa / फनीर Phaneer / फनेर Phaner Taking it as Syzium cumini as per discussions in thread: Syzigium Thank you …! Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels . Syzygium nervosum in FOI: 1 post by 1 author. SK1025 18 MAR-2018 : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) – around 500 kb each. Location: Swayambhunath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 16 March 2018 Habit : Wild Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels ?? Seems to be Syzygium cumini. Yes but elevation is not matching ! But there is hardly any difference in 4000 ft. and 5000 ft. Otherwise also elevation of Kathmandu may not matter as it may be cultivated. OK …, thank you ! Nepali Names : जामुन Jaamun / कालो जामुन Kaalo Jaamun / फ़णिर Phanir / जाम्बु Jaambu / जमुना Jamunaa Wild tree near Sagara, Karnataka, fruits small, long Thanks, …, We do not have this species so far in efi. It needs to be properly validated. No …, will try. Does your image look similar to those at biotik I am not sure. Doubtful ID. Need to check the flowers & fruits I think, this is smaller than densiflorum. To me it is closer to S cumini, which is very variable. I don’t think … post belongs to S.densiflorum. It looks like some forms of S. cuminii???? Syzygium cumini? Maagaanium RF Kanchipuram district Tamilnadu Aug18 Unripened fruits are white in color… And small in size Yes I agree with … It is S. cumini
Syzygium cumini (l.) skeels : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)- around 400 kb each. Location: Kowloon Park, Hong Kong Date: 16 August 2018 Elevation:125 ft. Habit : Cultivated Nepali Name : जामुन Jaamun yes. nice catch: the flowers when the rest of the tree is already fruiting I have infact never seen a Jamun in HK. May beit is planted somewhere, but this is not the season. It was labelled … ! I shall show you the tree in my next visit 😁 ! Then it must be planted. But still as you know, this is not the season for jamun. never say never. i have seen it in several places in southern California. one was a old orchard planted by an opthalmologist, long dead, even brought back a fallen fruit back home and planted it in california it sprouted, lived for a year or so, then died during severe santa ana winds from the pacific. so never say never somebody somewhere must have taken fruits, planted seeds by design or carelessly thrown a viable seed. also hong kiong was british territory, they must have planted many many indian trees there, just as they brought the jackfruit and breadfruit here. ps: about fruiting season, yes it has ended but my neighbour’s kalo jaam was still fruiting on august 23rd. i took a couple of pictures because it seemed out of season or the tail end. i just looked up the date. mangoes brought to hong kong around 1900 Syzygium cumini brought to hong kong ??? no, apparently it has been there all along it says fruits eaten in south china. hong kong is south china I said never saw, because I had been looking for it. Because, of all the fruits that i love to eat, Jamun is one of them. But, it is only fruit which I have not even seen in market or in wild 🙂 sorry to hear that may be the book i referred to meant mainland south china Please take a look at – … had shared pictures of Syzygium cumini from Mahabaleshwar. Sorry for invoking the thread. There are few points about this Syzygium cumini tree which … posted and about kala jamun tree fruits we eat. 1. Why fruits of Syzygium cumini from Mahabaleshwar are so small ?. Is it because cultivated one has more nurishment provided or both are different species? Pl. see efi page on this species. There is so much of variation in this species.
Species Id: 02-07-2010-DKV 1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Terminalia catappa – efloraofindia | Google Groups Jamun – efloraofindia | Google Groups ¿ Swietenia mahagoni ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups . Syzygium for ID:: Ooty :: VK3 22 March 2019 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each. Location: Upper Bhavani, Ooty Date: 22 March 2019 Elevation: 1895 m. Habit : Wild Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels ? More likely to be Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels as per comparative images at Syzygium Syzygium for ID:: Ooty :: VK3 22 March 2019 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Upper Bhavani, Ooty Date: 22 March 2019 Elevation: 1895 m. Habit : Wild Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels ? More likely to be Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels as per comparative images at Syzygium . MS /April/2020/6 ID the plant Syzigium cuminii ? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) May be as per Syzygium cumini. Pl. show us the complete leaf. Sorry … The photo was received from a friend who wanted the ID. He has no other photos. . Syzygium Species for ID : Bangalore : 19OCT20 : AK-32 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels . MS, Jan., 2021/11 Syzygium sp. for id.: 2 images. Syzygium cumini . Seen this tree at Pratapgad near Mahabaleshwar, MH in March 2020. Requested to please ID. Syzygium alternifolium Walp. ?? I think this is S.cumini only s per comparative images at Syzygium . Syzygium sp. for id.: Location : Tuidam, Mizoram Date : 12-04-2016 Habit : Tree Habitat : Wild Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels I think yes as per his earlier posts at Myrtaceae : Syzygium sp. for ID MS April, 2016 / 07 Syzygium sp. for ID MS April,2016/18 Syzygium sp. for Id. MS, Jan., 2021/11 Syzygium sp. for id. .
Altitude : ca.1,350 m Date : 16-01-2023 Habit : Tree Habitat : Wild Pl. check It is known as Gulab jamun in olden-days in Calcutta It may be I think going by keys, it should be only. . Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV239: 7 images. . Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV248: 6 images. Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 10:01 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl . FOR VALIDATION :: Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV252: 3 images. . Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2008 · JUN23 DV274: 1 image. . Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jul 21, 2007 · JUN23 DV350: 1 image. . SK 3752 21 June 2023 – Myrtaceae: 10 high res. images. Location: Rukum, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 900m. Habit : Wild Syzygium ?? Syzygium nervosum DC. ?? I think the following only: . SK 3761 24 June 2023: 5 high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 500m. Habit : Wild Syzygium …..????? I think close to images at . SK 3744 15 June 2023 – Myrtaceae: 5 high res. images. Location: Rukum East, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 1200m. Habit : Wild Which Syzygium ?? Pl. check Appears to be . SK 3772 27 June 2023: 6 high res. images. Location: Palpa Deurali, Palpa, Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation: 838 m. Habit : Wild Syzygium… ??? Appears to be . SK 3751 20 June 2023: 6 images. Location: Rukum, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 900m. Habit : Wild Syzygium cumini? . Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels: 4 high res. images. Location: Rukumgad Hydropower, Rukum West, Nepal Date: 31 May 2023 Elevation: 1400 m. Habit : Wild . Myrtaceae: Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels: 1 high res. image. . Regarding identification of the syzygium species collected from Khurda Odisha on May 24: 4 high res. images. Pl. check with Syzygium cumini, the most common and variable species. Looks good to me ! . Syzygium sp_ Goa for identification: 3 images- 1 high res. Sharing a Syzygium sp from Southern Goa for identification. I thought Syzygium caryophyllatum but it seems like a bigger tree and leaves appear different/ larger thanS. caryophyllatum. Location- Forest area Canacona, South Goa Habit-Wild Tree, height 7-8 m approximate Photographed – April 2023 Flowering with lots of bees on it. Please confirm which Syzygium sp it is. Maybe
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Syzygium cumini
Updated on December 24, 2024