Phyllanthus indofischeri

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)

Phyllanthus indofischeri Bennet, Indian Forester 109: 221 1983. (Syn: Emblica fischeri Gamble; Phyllanthus cecilfischeri J.L.Ellis [Illegitimate]; Phyllanthus fischeri (Gamble) J.L.Ellis [Illegitimate]);
S. India as per POWO;

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT : Phyllanthaceae : RVS-6 : 4 images. 11 posts by 6 authors.
Phyllanthus indofischeri Bennet
Emblica fischeri Gamble
Phyllanthus cecilfischeri J.L.Ellis
Collected from: Talakona, AP.

I am very happy seeing such nice photos

Thank you so much …
And, we are lucky to have you here coordinating this episode. It is a great learning experience for all of us. We are also delighted to see your fullest involvement, dedication and passion. Hats off to you!

Looks very similar to Phyllanthus emblica. May I know the difference?

Leaves usually 100 or more pairs per branchlet, closely distichous and often overlapping, linear-oblong, 3- 20 x 1 – 5 mm; petioles 0.4 – 1 mm long … 2.P. emblica
Leaves up to 50 pairs per branchlet, not closely distichous, not overlapping, only touching each other, oblong, oblong-elliptic to linear-oblong, 10 – 25 x 2 – 10 mm; petioles 1 – 3 mm long … 3. P. indofischeri

Thanks …, for the key.
P. indofischeri is pretty common in the dry deciduous forests in KA, TN & AP.
Yes, the two species look similar, but distinguishable, and they found growing in similar habitats. In fact, P. indofischeri is more common in few forests such as BRT hills in KA and some pockets of Javvadhu hills in TN and of course in AP, too.
Local tribes prefer the fruits of P. indofischeri over P. emblica due to the larger size and probably better(?) taste are are less fibrous.

Thanks for the details. So both are edible “Amlas”

I liked the presentation of the photos. It is similar to what Dinesh ji does for his photos.
Could you please elaborate how did you insert these pics in the message body. I can only attach the pics and cannot insert them.

Thank you all for your appreciative comments.
…, I just copied … style of presentation. He helped me with the html codes.

It is very helpful to me to share pictures from my flickr account without a need to actually insert/attach images.
This way, by design, I am also forced to provide complete botanical name with author citation etc., which is good 🙂
The concept & design belongs to …!



Phyllanthus for ID :: Satara :: ARKDEC07 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This tree was spotted on the way to Thoseghar Falls near Kas, Satara in Oct 2007. I think it was growing wild.
Is this Phyllanthus emblica only or some close relative.


Thank you for the ID… It can easily be confused to be P. emblica by us laypeople.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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