Euonymus lucidus D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 191 1825. (Syn: Euonymus japonicus Wall.; Euonymus pendulus Wall.; Pragmatropa pendula (Wall.) Pierre; Vyenomus pendula (Wall.) Presl) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Frilly Flower Spindle Tree • Hindi: भमबेली Bhambeli, भरमेला Bharmela, Chopra, धमेला Dhamela • Sanskrit: bhillotaka

Euonymus pendulus (syn. E. lucidus D.Don) is a species of Euonymus native to the Himalaya region, from Pakistan east to northern Assam.[1][2][3]
It is an evergreen shrub or small tree, which grows to be 6–10 m tall with a dense, spreading crown and corky grey bark. The leaves are glossy green and often bronze-red when newly opened. They are lanceolate to narrow ovate, 5–12 cm long and 2–3 cm broad, with a serrated margin. The flowers are small, with four white petals approximately 4 mm long. The fruit produced by the plant are three or four-lobed berry-like capsules which are 15 mm broad. Each contains three or four seeds surrounded by fleshy orange-red arils.[1][4][5]
(From Wikipedia on 21.1.14)

Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight:: Celastraceae: Euonymus sp. from Himachal Pradesh-GSG05 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Euonymus pendulus from Shimla district

This tree is growing in and around IAAS, Shimla..
perhaps this is Euonymus sp. please help to conclude..
the seeds are more fleshy and bright than E. tingens..

It is Euonymus lucidus syn E. pendulus.

Euonymus lucidus ABMAY01/03 : 9 posts by 6 authors. 6 images.
Walking to town yesterday, I spotted this small tree far behind a fence. I took a couple of photographs and cropped them to see the flowers and leaves closely. After looking at the pictures on the computer, I am of the opinion that the tree is a Spindle Tree, Euonymus lucidus. Please advise.
Today I managed to scramble down the slope to get close to the tree and took a couple of close-ups on my phone. The flowers seem to confirm my initial guess.
Euonymus lucidus (syn: E. pendulus)
Near Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
8-9 May 2016

Very beautiful pics …

Thank you … Am I correct in identifying the tree as Euonymus lucidus?

The typical Celastraceae flower pattern is nicely seen. Good pictures.

I think it matches with images at Euonymus pendulus Wall., W. Roxburgh, Fl. ind. 2:406. 1824 (Syn: Euonymus lucidus D. Don );     

Family: Celastraceae
Date: May 2015
Place: Renukaji-Haripurdhar route
Habit: Short tree
Altitude: 2000 metres above sea level

Place: Renukaji-Haripurdhar route, Himachal Pradesh

Well, …, flowers of your specimen is 5-merous …. you will have to search for other species –

Can it be Euonymous lucidus??

Euonymus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

Entirely unknown genus to me.
On E. hamilltonianus this is what we have in BSI and this is FoC’s account (check FoC key – I think id is not possible.
On E. lucidus this is what we have in BSI and in FoC. Please note unlike BSI FoC informs the fruit can be 5 lobed. Please also note BSi referred the attached literature (if I do not make mistake). A close inspection of pics 6, 7, 8 will reveal obtuse sepal, both sepal and petals are fimbriate. I think id is possible.
But …… Entirely unknown genus to me!!!

Well, here is the literature. Attachments (1)

Also notable is stamens are nearly as long as petals, in this set of pics.

I think closer to the images of Euonymus pendulus Wall., W. Roxburgh

Yes, … This is what I have written in this thread on 18/09/2015. Euonymus lucidus D.Don is an accepted name and E. pendulus Wall. [Invalid] and E. pendulus Wall. Ex M.A. Lawson are synonyms.

Euonymus lucidus AT MAR 2017/07 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Beautiful new foliage of Euonymus lucidus D.Don
Syn. Euonymus pendulus Wall. [Invalid]
April 2014

Very beautiful.

Thank you, … This red coloured new foliage appears really very beautiful in the jungles of Shimla.

Euonymus lucidus AT JUNE 2017/03 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Euonymus lucidus D.Don
Syn. Euonymus pendulus
Family:         Celastraceae
April and Nov.

Lovely shots

I had posted this plant only for your reference. I’ll check my archives for flowering twigs later on.


AKNOV01 Euonymus tingens ? :  5 posts by 4 authors. No images seen now.
Location : Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand 

Can be Euonymus pendulus?

It is Euronymous lucidus syn. E. pendulous. Not E. tingens.

Thank you very much … May i know what the differentiating character is for these two species?

you have uploaded beautiful photograph it Euonymus pendulus because the leaves from upper side are glabrous being pecular feature of this species

i’m sorry but can one see hair in these pictures?

The leaves uploaded are quite glabrous from daxial side while the margins are serrate


SK 3698 12 March 2023: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 11 March 2023
Altitude: 1936m.
Habitat : Wild 

Seems to be Xylosma sp.

Xylosma controversa Clos ?? But leaf margin serration looks different.

Yes, looks different as per images at

Inflorescence looks like that in Lauraceae, but could not find any match:

May check Euonymus fimbriatus

Leaves are rather glossy and the elevation does not match as well.

Could it be Euonymus lucidus D.Don syn : Euonymus pendulus Wall.
And the location is also similar according to the herbarium image.

Yes, E. pendulus.

Should be Cryptocarya, possibly C. amygdalina.

It has been identified as Euonymus lucidus D.Don syn : Euonymus pendulus Wall. 

C. amygdalina leaf does not have serrate leaves, but this species does.

I too agree with …, For Euonymus.

Yes, appears close to images at


Euonymus lucidus D.Don: 7 high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 08 July 2023
Altitude: 1936m.
Habitat : Wild 


SK 3901 28 November 2023: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur 
Date: 20 November 2023
Elevation: 2360 m.
Habit : Wild
Which Euonymus ?

I think close to images at

Yes …  Euonymus lucidus D. Don !



Euonymus lucidus D.Don: 5 high res. images.
Location: Phulchoki, Nepal.
Altitude: 2576m.
Date: 13 November 2022
Habit : Wild


