Picture taken in Durgapur (W.B.)
Date 07/10/2012
Tree of height around 10 ft., in full bloom, Soft & nice scent, buzzing with different types of Butterflies, bees & insects.

The only pictures with somewhat similarities i could find is http://www.nature-museum.net/Data/2010/.JPG …. source – http://www.planta.cn/forum/viewtopicdd2bff

… some species of Bridelia ?

Searched and found two scented Bridelia – 1) B. monoica and 2) B. nicobarica – http://www.nationaalherbarium.nl/Bridelia.htm/
Images of the first –
There is no scented Streblus, i couldn’t find one.
So, it is more likely to be a Bridelia, though i never came over any yet.

Agree with … for a sp. of Bridelia
Perhaps, Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume.
The flowers are scented.. And as per my knowledge, the leaves are with patches, as if eaten by some caterpillar.

No. Bridelia stipularis is a climber.  The flowers are too immature.

Bridelia montana

Yes …!

Thanks, …, for the id. Yes, appears close images at Bridelia montana

Bridelia verrucosaHaines.

It would be interesting to know differences between Bridelia montana (Roxb.) Willd. and B. verrucosa Haines, while both are recorded from Eastern Himalayas, latter extends to Uttarakhand.

Well, Bridelia montana is characterized by being entirely glabrous,  and the  ovary and fruits are bilocular. However, in B. verrucosa, the young parts are reddish-velutinous to tomentose while the ovary and fruits are 1-locular.
The attached image is not sufficient to identify the species with certainty with the above mentioned characters but to the best of my knowledge, only Bridelia verrucosa is reported to occur in the dry deciduous forests and shrubberies around the Durgapur area of West Bengal.

To me appears more closer to images at Bridelia tomentosa Blume

In absence of any tomentum, I take this as Bridelia verrucosa.

But the leaf shape is different as per images at Bridelia verrucosa

Better images required.