Impatiens gardneriana Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3: t. 1050 1846. (Syn: Impatiens setosa Hook.f. & Thomson);

Annual, 30-40 cm high; stems creeping at base and rooting, ascending branched or not. Leaves opposite and whorled, ovate-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, cuneate at base, serrate at margin, acuminate at apex, 3-12 x 1-4 cm, ciliate at margin towards base, sparsely pubescent; petioles 1.2-3.5 cm long, pubescent. Peduncles filiform, 2-3.5 cm long, glabrous. Flowers axillary, solitary or in fascicles, ca 2.5 cm across, pink. Lateral sepals ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate. Lip cymbiform; spur curved upwards, ca 1.8 cm long, slender. Standard suborbicular-obovate, apiculate, dorsally keeled. Wings 2-lobed; lobes obovate, distal lobe larger. Capsules terete, ca 1.5 cm long; seeds hairy.

Flowering and fruiting: July-November
Along margins of evergreen forests
Southern Western Ghats (Endemic)
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi

ANSEPT40 Impatiens sp. for ID : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).

Charmady Ghat
14th September 2014

I feel it is Impatiens gardneriana Wight.

Yes, it is Impatiens gardneriana!

Yes I agree with the identification by …

TSPOCT2015-26:Images of Impatiens gardneriana shared : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
It is my pleasure to share a few images of Impatiens gardneriana (Balsaminaceae) endemic to the Western Ghats of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
IUCN Threat Status: Endangered-EN ( B1 ab iii ) 
Habit: terrestial-epiphytic herb 
Habitat: Evergreen forest fringe 
Sighting: Gutti-Devaramane, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1400 msl
Date: 12-08-2015
ID help: Dr.V.Bhaskar

I wonder where all these plants were hiding so far!


Charmadi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 12 NOV 2016 … Altitude: explored between: 873 – 976 m (2863 – 3201 ft) asl
Impatiens ¿ dasysperma / talbotii ? … (family: Balsaminaceae)

Dear friends,
I think this must be Impatiens dasysperma; please validate if the pictures afford relevant aspects for ID.

efi page on Impatiens dasysperma with images 

this is I. gardneriana


121-TSP-ID-11DEC2016-2:Impatiens sp @ Kottigehara for ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly examine and identify this Impatiens sp (Balsaminaceae) 


Habitat:Wild,evergreen forest fringe 

Sighting:Kottigehara,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1000 msl 


Thanks, … Pl. Also Check with comparative images in EFI site.

I have seen similar Impatiens (most probably could be I. dasysperma) along Charmadi Ghat, Kemmangundi Road … I have posted my query for validation.

Impatiens gardneriana.


242 ID wild plant Balsaminas: 15 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Dist. Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 27.10.2021, 01.35pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: small shrub, erect, branches, weak fleshy stem 01cm base diameter, annual
Height: 02.5 feet
Leaves: whorled, ovate, oblong, apex, hairy, size:10×3cm
Flower: axillary, diameter:02cm, pink, non fragrant
Fruit: drupe ovoid green, size:16×5mm
Seed: brown 8 nos., ovate, size:1.5×1mm
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Impatiens dasysperma Wight??

Flower is very close to Impatiens dasysperma, dear …, but leaves are not matching

I think more close to images at Impatiens gardneriana

Yes, it is more close to Impatiens gardneriana, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


ID KZD 01/11/22: 1 image.
Please identify the species of the Balsam from Kozhikode district of Kerala. 1/11/22

Impatiens dasysperma Wight

Is it the same sir? …..marginal hairs look stiff and distinct.
1 image

Impatiens gardneriana Wight
Had you posted all the images earlier there would have been no confusion.

Yes as per images at

ID WYD 10/01/11/22:
Please identify this Balsam from Wayanad district of Kerala. 01/11/22

Impatiens gardneriana Wight

Yes, appears close to images at—l/b/balsaminaceae/impatiens/impatiens-gardneriana


IDKZD 06/10/11/22: 2 images.
Please identify this herb from Kozhikode district of Kerala. 11/11/22

Pl. check

Impatiens flaccida Arn.

I have doubts as per images at
Any image showing spur?

I think a side view showing spur etc. is required. Pl. post, if you have.



The Plant List Ver.1.1  GRIN  Flora of Karnataka  India Biodiversity Portal  Plant illustrations