Tetrastigma aplinianum (Collett & Hemsl.) Momiy., Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 2: 79 1971. (syn: Vitis apliniana Collett & Hemsl.);
Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma], ?India as per Catalogue of Life;
SK76AUG11-2016:ID : 6 posts by 2 authors. 6 correct images as above. Thanks, … Appears to be some climber. Isn’t it ? Yes! Could it be Smilax? Tetrastigma leucostaphylum ?? Pl. check with images at https://commons.wikimedia.Tetrastigma_leucostaphylum Here the leaves are 5 pedate but in the link provided the leaves are trifoliate (although some are 5 pedate). Hence I request you to kindly check the same with any authorised flora. I think similar plant with about three four images with pinkish fruit posted by you was identified as some Tetrastigma species. Pl. check.
Pl. check with images at Tetrastigma serrulatum I guess there is mix up of two sp. in the post.
First two images CSC_0782.JPG and DSC_0536.JPG
belongs to Rhamnus napalensis (Wall.) M. A. Lawson and the
remaining images belong to Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch.
Need your validation please !
Ok Image 4,5,6,7 and 8 Yua thomsonii (M.A.Lawson) C.L.Li ??
Syn : Cayratia thomsonii (M.A.Lawson) E.Reid & M.Chandler Looks different from Yua thomsonii as per
https://botanyphoto.botanicalgarden.parthenocissus-thomsonii/ See the leaf attachments. Leaves appears to be always 5 foliate. That takes me to T. serrulatum, if it is slender climber, as per Keys in Flora of Nepal OK …!
It may be Tetrastigma aplinianum (Collett & Hemsl.) Momiyama if it is a robust climber as per keys in Flora of Nepal, as it appears to have unbranched tendrils with lax inflorescence.
I also checked in Keys in Flora of Bhutan at Tetrastigma
I guess you are right …!
. MS March, 2020/23 Cayratia/Tetrastigma sp. ? for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – around 850 kb each.
Location : Ailawng, Mizoram Date : 16-07-2018
Habit : Climber
Habitat : Wild
With pedately 5 foliate leaves, there are three possibilities: Cissus elongata, Cayratia japonica and Tetrastigma Looks different from Cissus elongata as per images and details herein.
Also looks different from Cayratia japonica as per GBIF
I think this is Tetrastigma aplinianum (Collett & Hemsl.) Momiy. as per comparative images at Tetrastigma
. Tetrastigma rumicispermum (M. A. Lawson) Planch. ??? What are the keys? Fruits look different in Tetrastigma rumicispermum (M.A. Lawson) Planch. I will go for Tetrastigma aplinianum (Collett & Hemsl.) Momiy. only. . Location: Taplejung, East Nepal
Date: March 2023
Elevation: 1650-1800 m.
Habit : Wild
Images sent by Sajan Subedi, a friend.
Looks different as fruits are turbinate globose as per keys and images at It could be as suggested by you.
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