Strobilanthes carnatica Carine, J.M.Alexander & Scotland;
India (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka) as per Catalogue of Life;

idwntification of strobilantes sp: 2 high res. images.
Pl help me to identify the strobilanthes sp observed in Yelagiri Hills, at about 800 ft, MSL

Could not find a match as per comparative images at

I am afraid I don’t know the Indian peninsular species so well and I can’t identify this. I can say many species that it isn’t but that is not very helpful, I am afraid.

Strobilanthes carnatica

Does it not look different from images at

But it is without doubt S carnatica …. I dont know the correct id of the other images you shown to me. Of course, that would be fit more akin to S consanguinea? It is a complex species



Catalogue of Life   GBIF Specimen  IBIS Flora

A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum sensu Bremekamp) (Acanthaceae) by Mark A. Carine and others- Kew Bulletin 59(1):1–25 · January 2004