Galium acutum ?

Images by Dinesh Valke (Id by Balkar Singh & Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)


VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 1257 :: small herb with tiny pink flower at Valley of Flowers:
2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowersabout 11000 – 12000 ft

Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: small ground-cover herb, about 20 – 40 cm high; tiny flower: about 3 – 4 mm across

Any Galium sp.???

Yes Galium species. Perhaps fruits should help further.

Two red flowered sp are mentioned in Flora of Chamoli
G hirtifolium if fruits hooked bristly, leaves 4 or G asperifolium if fruits smooth, leaves 6-8
So may be G asperifolium if fruits smooth, leaves 6-8

perhaps your another visit may not be necessary if you go through the interesting discussion in Flora of China

G. hirtifolium is out of question as 6 leaves can easily be counted. It seems G. asperifolium is a very polymorphic species, the white to yellowish flowered populations are all considered as part of this species, whereas red flowered (and larger flower, which struck me from day one) specimens are now treated as a distinct species Galium blinii. Important to note that these red flowered specimens (according to Flora of China) have often been treated as synonym of G. asperifolium var. sikkimense which typically has yellowish-greenish flowers.
Interesting to note that another red-flowered species G. craticulatum as endemic to Bhutan, with totally glabrous stem and sparsely retrorsely scabrid leaves. In one or two leaves in second photograph I can see consipicous retrorsely scabrid leaf margin. Perhaps you can Please find out and enlarge a clear view of stem to see if stem is glabrous or scabrid to confirm it further.


Yes Sir I also shot this plant stem was not glabrous at all. Pls see attached picture.

Thanks … for settling the issue

Looks different from Galium asperifolium Wall., as per images and details herein.
I checked keys in Flora of Bhutan at Galium, but could not find a satisfactory match.

Galium pusillosetosum H.Hara is one possibility as per only GBIF specimen.
BSI Flora of India gives its distribution in Uttarakhand.
Experts may pl. give their views.

Corola lobes are quite different.

Galium species…ABJUL2017/18 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
I have been seeing this tiny plant with needle like leaves on my treks to Triund. This one is photographed at about 2400m. The wine-red flowers resemble those of Rubia. I am not sure what species this is. Poking around on the internet I found the similar looking G. wrightii but learnt that it’s only found in North America and Mexico. Please help identify this.
Galium species?
Mcleodganj-Triund, Dharamshala, HP
2400m approx.
10-11 July 2017

Galium species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

On searching efi site for Galium with Himachal, I found the following matches:

It closely resembles to Galium mollugo Linn. ssp. asperifolium (Wall.) Kitamura in Fauna & Flora of Nepal Himalaya,; G.asperifolium Wall. in Roxb.Fl.Ind.ed.1: 381,1820

To me also appear close to images at Galium asperifolium

Looks different from Galium asperifolium Wall., as per images and details herein.
I checked keys in Flora of Bhutan at Galium, but could not find a satisfactory match.

Galium pusillosetosum H.Hara ??

Yes, possible as per only GBIF specimen.
BSI Flora of India gives its distribution in Uttarakhand.
Experts may pl. give their views.

Description does not seem to match with Flora of China, especially lacking white stem angles, leaves not hispid.


Galium acutum? ABSEP2016/44 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Is this Galium acutum? Please advise.
Triund-Mcleodganj, HP 2700m 03-04 September 2016

Looks close to images under different threads at Galium acutum, but flowers in these threads are not pink. 

Thank you … I have the same confusion. Perhaps the experts will advise.

Pl. see Flora of China also

To me appears close to Galium asperifolium var. asperifolium as per comparative images at Galium

Looks different from Galium asperifolium Wall., as per images and details herein.
I checked keys in Flora of Bhutan at Galium, but could not find a satisfactory match.

Can it be Galium acutum only although corolla is pinkish here instead of white as mentioned in Flora of Pakistan and corolla white, pale greenish, or yellowish as mentioned in Flora of China ?


VoF Week: Galium blinii from the way to Ghangriya:

Galium blinii from the way to Ghangriya
As suggested by … in another thread
pls validate

I think we take it like that till some better option comes.

To me appears close to Galium asperifolium var. asperifolium as per discussions herein and as per comparative images at Galium

Looks different from Galium asperifolium Wall., as per images and details herein.
I checked keys in Flora of Bhutan at Galium, but could not find a satisfactory match.


VOF Week: Rubiaceae sp??? at VoF:
Seen this herb with very small flowers at

Can be Rubia manjith…nice pictures..

Not Rubia for two reasons
Rubia leaves are differentiated into a distinct petiole and broad lamina
Second and more important flowers of Rubia are pentamerous, here they are tetramerous
It is some species of Galium, I hope. Perhaps fruits can help or we find out a species with pink/purple flowers.

Galium sp.

To me appears close to Galium asperifolium var. asperifolium as per discussions herein and as per comparative images at Galium

Looks different from Galium asperifolium Wall., as per images and details herein.
I checked keys in Flora of Bhutan at Galium, but could not find a satisfactory match.

Galium pusillosetosum H.Hara ??

Yes, possible as per only GBIF specimen.
BSI Flora of India gives its distribution in Uttarakhand.
Experts may pl. give their views.

I think it does not match with the description in Flora of Bhutan as below:

5. G. pusillosetosum Hara
Slender perennial. Stems (5-)12-40cm, 1 caespitose, ascending from often procumbent base, 4-angled with narrow hyaline or whitish wings, glabrous or with scattered spreading non-hooked setiform hairs. Leaves in whorls of (4- )6, sessile or subsessile, membranous, thin, oblanceolate, 3.5-16 >< 0.8-4.2mm, cuspidate or mucronate (cusp/mucro 0.2-0.4mm, sometimes breaking off and leaf appearing obtuse), base attenuate; midvein with long, curved, spreading or 1 erect setiform hairs on both surfaces, lamina (incl. margin) otherwise glabrous; venation penninerved. Flowers in few-flowered terminal cymes on short opposite axillary branches (mostly equal, but lowest pair of branches often unequal); pedicels divaricate, 1-4mm, glabrous. Corolla reddish or purplish (rarely cream with red base), 2-2.5mm diam.; lobes ovate, shortly acuminate, scabrid apically within. Ovary with numerous dense, straight, subappressed, whitish non-hooked hairs. Mericarps subglobose, c 2mm diam., with patent rigid setae 0.5-0.7mm, shortly hooked at apex.
Bhutan: C – Thimphu district (Dotena). Rhododendron aeruginosum scrub, 2750 — 3660m. Late June—late July.
Otherwise known only from C Nepal.


SK 3038 12 October 2021: 8 very high res. images.
Location: Jumla, Nepal
Altitude: 2561m.
Date: 18 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Galium asperifolium var. asperifolium Wall. ??

Yes, as per images at Galium asperifolium Wall.

When we say Galium asperifolium Wall., it means Galium asperifolium var. asperifolium Wall. only.
One and the same thing.
Synonyms shown under any of them, are synonyms for both. 

Looks different from Galium asperifolium Wall., as per images and details herein.
I checked keys in Flora of Bhutan at Galium, but could not find a satisfactory match.

Galium pusillosetosum H.Hara ??

Is it listed in the book ?
Yes, possible as per only GBIF specimen.
Checklist of Nepal gives elevation as 3400-4100 m, while Flora of China gives it as 2100-3900 m.

Not in the book but many additional sp. found which are not listed in the book.
Elevation according to FoH is matching.

I think it does not match with the description in Flora of Bhutan as below:

5. G. pusillosetosum Hara
Slender perennial. Stems (5-)12-40cm, 1 caespitose, ascending from often procumbent base, 4-angled with narrow hyaline or whitish wings, glabrous or with scattered spreading non-hooked setiform hairs. Leaves in whorls of (4- )6, sessile or subsessile, membranous, thin, oblanceolate, 3.5-16 >< 0.8-4.2mm, cuspidate or mucronate (cusp/mucro 0.2-0.4mm, sometimes breaking off and leaf appearing obtuse), base attenuate; midvein with long, curved, spreading or 1 erect setiform hairs on both surfaces, lamina (incl. margin) otherwise glabrous; venation penninerved. Flowers in few-flowered terminal cymes on short opposite axillary branches (mostly equal, but lowest pair of branches often unequal); pedicels divaricate, 1-4mm, glabrous. Corolla reddish or purplish (rarely cream with red base), 2-2.5mm diam.; lobes ovate, shortly acuminate, scabrid apically within. Ovary with numerous dense, straight, subappressed, whitish non-hooked hairs. Mericarps subglobose, c 2mm diam., with patent rigid setae 0.5-0.7mm, shortly hooked at apex.
Bhutan: C – Thimphu district (Dotena). Rhododendron aeruginosum scrub, 2750 — 3660m. Late June—late July.
Otherwise known only from C Nepal.

Galium rebae R.R.Mill ???

Looks different as per description and as per only GBIF specimen.

Please read below comment of mine on this post by …
VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 1257 :: small herb with tiny pink flower at Valley of Flowers (
Dinesh ji perhaps your another visit may not be necessary if you go through the interesting discussion in Flora of China
G. hirtifolium is out of question as 6 leaves can easily be counted. It seems G. asperifolium is a very polymorphic species, the white to yellowish flowered populations are all considered as part of this species, whereas red flowered (and larger flower, which struck me from day one) specimens are now treated as a distinct species Galium blinii. Important to note that these red flowered specimens (according to Flora of China) have often been treated as synonym of G. asperifolium var. sikkimense which typically has yellowish-greenish flowers.
Interesting to note that another red-flowered species  G. craticulatum  as endemic to Bhutan. with totally glabrous stem and sparsely retrorsely scabrid leaves. In one or two leaves in second photograph I can see consipicous retrorsely scabrid leaf margin. Perhaps you can Please find out and enlarge a clear view of stem to see if stem is glabrous or scabrid to confirm it further.

Enclosing the latest listing of Galium sp. for Nepal. According to this, Galium rebae R.R.Mill has got distribution for Nepal.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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