Galium aparine

Galium aparine L., Sp. Pl. 108 1753. (Syn: Aparine hispida Moench [Illegitimate]; Aparine vulgaris Hill; Asperula aparine (L.) Besser [Illegitimate]; Asterophyllum aparine (L.) Schimp. & Spenn.; Asterophyllum aparine (L.) Schimp. & Spenn.; Crucianella purpurea Wulff ex Steud.; Galion aparinum (L.) St.-Lag.; Galium aculeatissimum Kit. ex Kanitz; Galium adhaerens Gilib. [Invalid]; Galium aparine var. agreste P.D.Sell; Galium aparine var. agreste P.D.Sell; Galium aparine var. fructibushispidis Franch.; Galium aparine var. hirsutum Mert. & W.D.J.Koch; Galium aparine var. intermedium (Mérat) Bonnet; Galium aparine f. intermedium (Mérat) R.J.Moore; Galium aparine var. marinum Fr.; Galium aparine var. microphyllum Clos; Galium aparine var. minor Hook.; Galium aparine var. pseudoaparine (Griseb.) Speg.; Galium aparine var. subglabrum Peterm.; Galium aparine var. verum Wimm. & Grab.; Galium asperum Honck. [Illegitimate]; Galium australe Reiche [Illegitimate]; Galium borbonicum var. makianum Cordem.; Galium charoides Rusby; Galium chilense Hook.f.; Galium chonosense Clos [Illegitimate]; Galium hispidum Willd.; Galium horridum Eckl. & Zeyh. [Illegitimate]; Galium intermedium Mérat [Illegitimate]; Galium lappaceum Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Galium larecajense Wernham; Galium parviflorum Maxim. [Illegitimate]; Galium pseudoaparine Griseb.; Galium segetum K.KochGalium tenerrimum Schur; Galium uliginosum Thunb. [Illegitimate]; Galium uncinatum Gray; Rubia aparine (L.) Baill.);
Macaronesia to Temp. Eurasia as per WCSP;
Afghanistan; Alabama; Alaska; Albania; Alberta; Aleutian Is.; Algeria; Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Argentina South; Arizona; Arkansas; Austria; Azores; Baleares; Baltic States; Belarus; Belgium; Bermuda; Bolivia; British Columbia; Bulgaria; Burundi; California; Canary Is.; Cape Verde; Central European Rus; Chatham Is.; Chile Central; Chile North; Chile South; China North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Colombia; Colorado; Connecticut; Corse; Crozet Is.; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Delaware; Denmark; District of Columbia; Dominican Republic; East Aegean Is.; East European Russia; East Himalaya; Ecuador; Ethiopia; Finland; Florida; France; Froyar; Georgia; Germany; Great Britain; Greece; Greenland; Gulf States; Haiti; Hawaii; Hungary; Iceland; Idaho; Illinois; India; Indiana; Iowa; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Juan Fernndez Is.; Kansas; Kentucky; Kirgizstan; Korea; Kriti; Krym; Labrador; Lebanon-Syria; Libya; Louisiana; Madeira; Maine; Manchuria; Manitoba; Maryland; Masachusettes; Mexican Pacific Is.; Mexico Northeast; Mexico Northwest; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Mongolia; Montana; Morocco; Nansei-shoto; Nebraska; Nepal; Netherlands; Nevada; New Brunswick; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New South Wales; New York; New Zealand North; New Zealand South; Newfoundland; Nigeria; North Carolina; North Dakota; North European Russi; Northwest European R; Norway; Nova Scotia; Ogasawara-shoto; Ohio; Oklahoma; Ontario; Oregon; Pakistan; Palestine; Pennsylvania; Peru; Poland; Portugal; Prince Edward I.; Qubec; Rhode I.; Romania; Sardegna; Saskatchewan; Saudi Arabia; Selvagens; Sicilia; South Australia; South Carolina; South Dakota; South European Russi; Spain; Svalbard; Sweden; Switzerland; Tasmania; Tennessee; Texas; Tibet; Tristan da Cunha; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Ukraine; Uruguay; Utah; Vermont; Victoria; Vietnam; Virginia; Washington; West Himalaya; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming; Yugoslavia; Zare as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Goose Grass, Cleavers, Common bedstraw, Coachweed, Catchweed • Dogri: Khourti, Lauki machheet • Hindi: कुरी Kuri • Nepali: कांगरे झार Kangre Jhar
Annual herb with trailing or climbing stems, with hooked hairs or prickles; leaves in whorls of 6-8, linear, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate to almost obovate, 10-35 mm long, tip mucronate or cuspidate, margin scabrous, upper surface hispid, main vein single with fine lateral nerves; flowers 1.5-2 mm across, white, in 3-flowered axillary cymes on 15-20 mm long peduncle; pedicel elongated to 8 mm in fruit; fruit 3-5 mm across, covered with hooked hairs, mericarps distinct.

Kalatope Dam side id Al041312:
A tiny flower for id from Chamera Dam side…
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 1200 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 12-18 inches
Season April
I think I sighted this plant last year too at higher altitudes…

This is a Galium species, may be G. rotundifolium..

….. I think this is G. acutum which I also found at higher altitudes.. but flowering in September… My mistake in repetition, but your id reminded me of … id of this…

This is neither G. rotundifolium (now known as G. elegans, which has hooked hairs on fruits but leaves are 3-nerved) nor G. acutum (which has smaller leaves and smooth fruits). This one should be Galium aparine.

Galium aparine from Harwan, Kashmir:
Galium aparine L., Sp. P1. 108. 1753.
Common names: catchweed bedstraw, cleavers, goose-grass, stickywilly

Annual climbing herb with strongly angular stems with recurved prickly hairs, usually 6 leaves at each node, leaves narrowly oblanceolate-elliptic, cuspidate at apex, scabrid on surface; flowers usually on stout peduncles in 3-flowered cymes, white; fruits on long peduncles, 3-5 mm, covered with long curved hairs, mericarps almost free.
Photographed from Harwan, Kashmir in June

Nice pictures of a very different looking Rubiaceae family member.

Many thanks for sharing Galium aparine sir. Very beautiful. This is a new plant for me as we have only two species of Galium in Orissa. G. aspererifolium and G. mollugo.


Rubiaceae Week: Galium aparine from Kashmir:
Galium aparine L., Sp. P1. 108. 1753.
Annual herb with trailing or climbing stems, with hooked hairs or prickles; leaves in whorls of 6-8, linear, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate to almost obovate, 10-35 mm long, tip mucronate or cuspidate, margin scabrous, upper surface hispid, main vein single with fine lateral nerves; flowers 1.5-2 mm across, white, in 3-flowered axillary cymes on 15-20 mm long peduncle; pedicel elongated to 8 mm in fruit; fruit 3-5 mm across, covered with hooked hairs, mericarps distinct. 
Common in Kashmir among roadside herbs and shrubs and in wastelands. Photographed from Harwan, Kashmir 

This is simply superb. Informative post with Excellent photos.



Wild Plant For ID : Uttarakhand : 300614 : AK-58 :  3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
A small wild plant seen in the Naukuchiatal area last year on 23/3/14.

Sorry for the very bad quality of picture taken in a hurry.
There was a pink flower which has come blurred.
Is it possible to id?

The plant with solitary axillary pink flower and pinnately compound leaf (out of focus) is Vicia sativa (Fabaceae) and the plant with hairy fruits and whorled leaves is Galium aparine (Rubiaceae).

Thanks for pointing out there are two different plants in the picture.
I had stopped to take pictures of Silk Cotton with Golden Yellow flowers, posted earlier.
Just happened to see the pink flower.
Sorry for the bad picture quality.


Fwd: Galium aparine L. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- 2 MB each.
Galium aparine L.
Locality: Muling, Lahaul Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India
Altitude: 3004m

Key to species: Fruits clothed with hooked hairs or bristles; leaves 1 nerved from base, in whorls for 6-8; stems prickly along the angles.

SK 3402 11 April 2022:  5 very high res. images.

Location: Gorran Haven, St. Austell, UK
Altitude: 43m.
Date: 02 April 2022
Habit : Wild
Galium aparine L. ??

Yes Galium aparine….. common names include cleavers, catchweed and sticky willy among others

Your pics are superb.. really sharp and clear.
I must go and re do mine.
3 images.

To me appears close to images and references at Galium verum subsp. verum
Looks different from images and references at Galium aparine L.

Both a extremely common weeds in UK.
I still stand by my id of Galium aparine… sorry!
Galium aparine is easy to tell…
Quote…”Easily told from other Bedstraw species by very rough feel – clings to clothing. It clings like Velcro.
Galium verum I know equally well …..common name Bedstraw.
I do not believe it is a match.
The leaves are much finer.
Quote….  “If no flowers, can be told from other Bedstraws by leaves having downturned margins.
Other features: Stems have no prickles on angles. Leaves dark green above, pale beneath.”
See my images below showing the pale underside and downturned margins.
Google search

I further checked up.
You are right.

Herb for ID – from Uttarakhand : Attachments (3- around 2 MB each). 2 posts by 2 authors.
The herb was photographed at an altitude of about 3500 m asl near Harsil growing on dry open slopes. Please help in Identification.

Looks like Galium. Reminds of Galium verum

Closest I can go as per comparative images at Galium is Galium tricornutum
But I am doubtful.

I think Galium verum.

Thanks, … Yes, you are right as per GBIF as per specimen.

On second thought G. spurium, stems are angular.

Thanks, …,
I think it may be Galium verum only as per GBIF specimens as below:

I think this will be Galium aparine as per discussions at SK 3402 11 April 2022



Updated on December 24, 2024

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