Exacum tetragonum var. grande (Klack.) Shahina & Nampy, Int. J. Advanced Res. 4(3): 1677 (2016);
Gentianaceae week: Exacum tetragonum : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
I am very happy to see you in eflora. Hope you will present a excellent week of this family.
Exacum tetragonum collected from Dhoni hills, Palakkad during September 2013.
Yet another species of Exacum. Seems a robust plant. Thanks for showing.
To me appears close to images at Exacum pumilum Griseb. rather than those at Exacum tetragonum Roxb.
This is identified as E. tetragonum var. grande.
A TAXONOMIC REVISION OF EXACUM L. (GENTIANACEAE – EXACEAE) IN SOUTH INDIA. Shahina & Nampy, Int. J. Advanced Res. 4(3): 1677 (2016) (Abstract: The paleotropic genus Exacum (Gentianaceae: Exaceae) is revised for South India, recognizing twelve species and one variety. E. wightianum var. uniflorum is synonymized under E. klackenbergii while E. grande is reduced to the variety of E. tetragonum. Nine out of thirteen taxa (75%) are endemic to the southern Western Ghats while one is critically endangered (E. travancoricum), one endangered (E. tetragonum), one vulnerable (E. courtallense) and six are rare (E. anamallayanum, E. atropurpureum, E. klackenbergii, E. lawii, E. tetragonum var. grande and E. wightianum). The problems in the typification of E. courtallense var. laxiflorum are discussed. Detailed taxonomic descriptions, photoplates and a key to the identification of species in South India are provided.)