Rotala rosea (Poiret) C. D. K. Cook ex H. Hara, Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal. 2: 173. 1979. (Syn: Ammannia rosea Poiret, Encycl., Suppl. 1: 329. 1810; A. leptopetala Blume; A. littorea Miquel; A. pentandra Roxburgh; Rotala leptopetala (Blume) Koehne; R. littorea (Miquel) Nakai; R. pentandra (Roxburgh) Blatter & Hallberg.) as per Flora of China ;

Amphibious or marshy annuals; stem erect or creeping, simple or branched, to 20 cm tall. Leaves decussate, 8 – 20 x 3 – 6 mm, linear-lanceolate to ovate, cuneate to obtuse at the base, apex acute or obtuse. Flowers monomorphic, sessile, solitary in the axils of the bractiform leaves. Bracteoles 0.5-1 mm long, linear or filiform, not exceeding the calyx tube. Calyx tube c. 1.5 mm long, campanulate; lobes 5, minute, triangular, the alternating appendages subulate, equalling the lobes. Petals 5, pink, c. 0.5 mm long, obovate. Stamens 5, included, inserted just below the middle of calyx tube. Ovary globose; stigma capitate. Capsule c. 2 mm across, globose, 3-valved, exceeding the calyx. Seeds sub-ovoid, brownish.

Flowering and fruiting: August-February
Along streams and marshy areas in grasslands
Indo-Malesia and East Asia

Is this Rotala rosea? : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.
This herb was seen in a very wet place at Matheran on 9th July 2013.
Is is Rotala rosea?

Rotala species with some keys   

Yes it is Rotala rosea

Thank you so much …, thanks to your expert identifications I am getting a clearer idea of the Rotala species.

Rotala sp for ID-200811-PKA1: 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5).
 Seen this Rotala sp. at CBD Hills.
Date/Time: 20-08-2011 / 10:00AM
Location: CBD Hills, Navi Mumbai
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

May be R. rosea. I photographed it from Kashmir rice fields a few days back.

I always thought this one was R. densiflora. It should have 5 calyx lobes and I can’t quite see in these pics. We should wait for … to see these Rotala spp.

It is seemingly Rotala rosea. Please confirm if the flower is pentamerous, five sepal lobes, five small petals in between the sepal lobes and five stamens.

It is something related to R. rosea. Provide details for correct identification.


Rotala Sp?? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Help me in identification of  this herb.
Location: panvel
Date: 16-08-09

Appears more closer to images at Rotala rosea (Poiret) C. D. K. Cook ex H. Hara as per comparative images at ‎Rotala


Plants from Assam KD Dec 2018 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- 1 mb or more.
Attached images are Rotala sp. Pl. Id the sp.
Date :15.12..2018
Location: Assam

Family : Lythraceae 
Genus & species : Rotala sp.
Habitat: Grows wild on paddy field
Habit :  Herb

Ammannia baccifera??

To me appears close to Rotala rosea (Poiret) C. D. K. Cook ex H. Hara as per comparative images at Rotala
Looks different from images at Ammannia baccifera L.


Rotala sp.——for id : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help in Id. of this plant in water logged area. I can relate it to R. densiflora. confirmation needed. Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Off lonavala, pune in september 17.

Ammannia baccifera L. ??

No …; Rotala only.

I think close to Rotala rosea (Poiret) C. D. K. Cook ex H. Hara as per comparative images at Rotala

Yes looks like it. thanks

Devgad, Kokan, MH :: Rotala for ID :: ARK2021-066: 8 images.
This was seen growing on the lateritic plateau near Devgad, coastal Kokan, MH in Aug 2021.
Requesting to please provide ID.

Ammannia baccifera L.

I agree with … ID. It is seen on the tank bund here; rather a very common plant.

I think Rotala rosea as per images and details herein.
Looks different from images at Ammannia baccifera

SK 3109 05 November 2021: 3 very high res. images.
Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 1053m.
Date: 29 August 2021
Habit : Wild

Seems to Ammannia

May be. It was growing flat at the lakeside !

Does not look like match with any Ammannia from Nepal !

If possible try to get closeups

These are only images ! Surprised that stems are not erect rather flat on floor but looks like Ammannia or Rotala ??

Yes, …, Check with Rotala rosea,

I checked all but not convinced with any !

Appears to be some species of Rotala only, as per comparative image sherein.
Pl. also check Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne

I checked all but not fully convinced. Leaves look here more linear !

The image is not that of Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne, but presumably Rotala rosea (Poiret) C.D.K. Cook

Two sp. are listed in the book of Karnali Province (Related locality)
R. densiflora and rotundifola.
Any possibility of R. densiflora ??

Yes, Rotala rosea is more likely as per images and details herein and as per distribution in Checklist of Nepal and POWO.

Enclosing herbarium images of the sp.
3 high res. images.


Kas Week : AK19072009:
Observed at a lake, off Kas-Bamnoli road. Is it some Rotala species??

… yes to species of Rotala (family Lythraceae).

How about Rotala rotundifolia?

If this is a submerged aquatic herb then this would be Rotala ritchiei, a rare plant. It is difficult to catch this in flowers but they are small, pink and axillary. Good, a rare plant came on.

It’s not Rotala richiei or rotundifolia it must be Rotala sahyadrica

Seemingly it look like Rotala rosea but can be clarified only by getting the  floral details.

Unknown herb-1 from Assam -Jan.2014 :  6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
Attached images are unknown herb from Assam. Please ID the plant.  
Date :30.12.2013
Location: Assam
Family : ?
Genus & species : ??
Habitat: Grows wild on bank of the river
Habit :Very small herb    

Sp. of Rotala

Rotala species so far in efi

Superficially it looks like Rotala rosea. But there are much variation in R. rosea complex. there are new species like R. meenkulamensis which are allied to R. rosea. For correct identity please provide characters.

It’s Rotala rosea (Poir.) C.D.K.Cook


Hooghly : Ammannia pentandra Roxb. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).

It’s Rotala rosea (Poir.) C.D.K.Cook


ID KNR 05/01/08/23.: 1 image.
Please identify this herb from Kannur district of Kerala.1/8/23




A New Species of Rotala L. (Lythraceae) from Kerala by K. Subrahmanya Prasad and K. Raveendran (Keys of 25 species found in India of which 15 are endemic to Paninsular India 

Flora of China  Tropicos  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal