Eriocapitella hybrida (L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng (Syn: Anemone hybrida (Hort. ex L. H. Bailey) Makino)
Eriocapitella rivularis (Buch. Ham. ex DC.) Christenh. & Byng (syn: Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC.)
Hepatica falconeri (Thoms.) Steward (syn: Anemone falconeri Thoms.)
Anemone species in India:
1. Rau, M.A. 1993. Ranunculaceae. In; Sharma, B.D., Balakrishnan, N.P., Rao, R.R. and Hajra, P.K. (eds.) Flora of India Vol-1. BSI, Calcutta. Pp. 1- 145.
Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 12.10.14:
Species with description & keys in Flora of Pakistan : Anemone obtusiloba var. potentilloides (Camb. ex Berant.) Lauener synonym for Anemonastrum geum subsp. geum
Anemone rivularis Buch. -Ham. in DC. syn. of Eriocapitella rivularis (Buch. Ham. ex DC.) Christenh. & Byng
Anemone tschernjaewii Regel (? Anemone tschernaewii (Czern.) Regel syn. of Anemone tschernjaewii Regel)
Anemone demissa subsp. villosissima (Bruhl) Chaudhary (synonym for Anemonastrum demissum (Hook. fil. & Thoms.) Holub)
Anemone demissa var. demissa Hook. f. & Thoms (synonym for Anemonastrum demissum (Hook. fil. & Thoms.) Holub)
Anemone fuscopurpurea H. Hara (No distribution given in India)
Anemone obtusiloba subsp. nepalensis Chaudhary (No distribution given) synonym for Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. nepalense (R. P. Chaudhry) Mosyakin
Anemone obtusiloba subsp. omalocarpella Bruhl (No distribution given in India) synonym for Anemonastrum polycarpum (W. E. Evans) Mosyakin
Anemone obtusiloba subsp. potentilloides (Cambess. Ex Lauener) Chaudhary synonym for Anemonastrum geum subsp. geum
Anemone obtusiloba var. leiocarpa Tamura (No distribution given) synonym for Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. nepalense (R. P. Chaudhry) Mosyakin
Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. syn. of Eriocapitella rivularis (Buch. Ham. ex DC.) Christenh. & Byng
Anemone rupestris subsp. gelida (Maxim.) Lauener synonym for Anemonastrum rupestre subsp. gelidum (Maxim.) Mosyakin
Anemone rupestris subsp. polycarpa (Evans) W. T. Tang (No distribution given) synonym for Anemonastrum polycarpum (W. E. Evans) Mosyakin
Anemone rupestris subsp. rupestris Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson ambiguous synonym for Anemonastrum rupestre subsp. rupestre
Anemone smithiana Lauener & Panigrahi synonym for Anemonastrum smithianum (Lauener & Panigrahi) J. Holub
Anemone trullifolia Hook. f. & Thomson synonym for Anemonastrum trullifolium (Hook. fil. & Thomson) Mosyakin
Anemone coelestina var. holophylla (Diels) Ziman & B. E. Dutton (synonym for Anemonastrum coelestinum (Franch.) Mosyakin)
Anemone demissa J. D. Hooker & Thomson (synonym for Anemonastrum demissum (Hook. fil. & Thoms.) Holub)
Anemone demissa var. villosissima Bruhl (synonym for Anemonastrum demissum (Hook. fil. & Thoms.) Holub)
Anemone rivularis Buchanan-Hamilton ex de Candolle syn. of Eriocapitella rivularis (Buch. Ham. ex DC.) Christenh. & Byng
Anemone rivularis var. rivularis syn. of Eriocapitella rivularis (Buch. Ham. ex DC.) Christenh. & Byng
Anemone rupestris Wallich ex J. D. Hooker & Thomson ambiguous synonym for Anemonastrum rupestre subsp. rupestre
Anemone rupestris subsp. gelida (Maximowicz) Lauener synonym for Anemonastrum rupestre subsp. gelidum (Maxim.) Mosyakin
Anemone rupestris subsp. rupestris ambiguous synonym for Anemonastrum rupestre subsp. rupestre
Anemone smithiana Lauener & Panigrahi synonym for Anemonastrum smithianum (Lauener & Panigrahi) J. Holub
Anemone trullifolia J. D. Hooker & Thomson synonym for Anemonastrum trullifolium (Hook. fil. & Thomson) Mosyakin
Anemone trullifolia var. trullifolia synonym for Anemonastrum trullifolium (Hook. fil. & Thomson) Mosyakin
Anemone vitifolia Buchanan-Hamilton ex de Candolle syn. of Eriocapitella vitifolia (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Nakai Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986)- Details-
Anemone japonica (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. syn. of Eriocapitella hybrida (L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names … By Umberto Quattrocchi (2012)- Details-
Anemone hupehensis var. japonica (Thunb.) Bowles & Stearn syn. of Eriocapitella hybrida (L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng
Anemone trullifolia J. D. Hooker & Thomson synonym for Anemonastrum trullifolium (Hook. fil. & Thomson) Mosyakin
A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Volume 1 By George Watt (1893)- Details-
Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)- p. 87- Brief deatils & keys–
Anemone narcissiflora var. demissa (Hook.f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnep. is a synonym of Anemone demissa Hook.f. & Thomson
Anemone rupestris Wallich ex J. D. Hooker & Thomson ambiguous synonym for Anemonastrum rupestre subsp. rupestre
Flowers for Trade By V.L.Sheela (2008)- Brief details-
Anemone canadensis L. synonym for Anemonastrum canadense (L.) Mosyakin
Anemone japonica (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. syn. of Eriocapitella hybrida (L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng
Encyclopaedia of world medicinal plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (2006)-
Addit[i]onal Elements in Indian Flora, Volume 1 by U. P. Samaddar, B. Roy – Botanical Survey of India, 1997 633 pages-
Anemone raui Goel & U.C. Bhattach. (Ranunculaceae) in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe. 79 (3): 641-643. 1982 (1983). ………
Anemone (Ranunculaceae) : 5 posts by 2 authors.
I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Anemone (Pl. click). Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful. Any comments/ corrections are welcome. I have compiled and added the list of Indian species. Thanks a lot, … I think the following also needs to be added to the list: I have added the names indicated by you except A. geum subsp. ovalifolia (Bruhl) R.P.Chaudhary which is a synonym of A. geum H.Lev. and also not mentioned in Flora of India. Fwd: Beware MISIDENTIFIED plants found on google image searches : 1 post by 1 author.
My informal research suggests that AT LEAST 50% of plants in cultivation under/ labelled as species from the Himalaya have been misidentified – whether from Seed Exchanges or Commercial Sources. There are even misidentifications in the major BOTANIC and BOTANICAL gardens. So just because a name is given on a label or on google is NOT a guarantee.
I shall give you some examples with ANEMONE which I have just been checking the entries for on eFI.
If one checks with THE PLANT LIST – which is a VERY useful reference but one must realise that the GOOGLE IMAGES part simply accesses (without prior permission) ANYTHING under that name on the internet.
As the MAJORITY of images which come up are from NURSERIES or PRIVATE GARDENS in the West, whose proprietors/owners are NOT trained in plant identification, it is hardly surprising that a SIGNFICANT proportion are MISIDENTIFIED. A photo taken in the WILD is more likely to be correctly identified but this is not always the case.
Anemone vitifolia
I suspect that ALMOST all images labelled as this are in fact garden hybrids – incl. the OTHERWISE reliable Berlin Botanic Garden! Many of the plants in this garden have been raised directly from wild-collected seed and there is a nearby herbarium which IN SOME CASES checks identifications.
The only correct entries are the line drawing from Flora of Pakistan and Flowers of India site (which were taken in the wild).
Anemone tetrasepala
Again, ALMOST all the images under this name are misidentified. In this case it is not due to hybridisation (though one should be aware this can happen in cultivation). As this has proven not to be easy-to-grow in Western gardens, FEW nurseries are able to propagate it or offer it for sale, making their CLAIMS to be cultivating it likely to be FALSE.
A majority of the images have been taken in the wild in Uttarakhand and are Anemone polyanthes.
The second image (poor quality) is of Anemone rivularis!
The sixth image I am uncertain what this is.
The ninth image is of a line drawing from ‘Flora of Pakistan’ which is correctly identified.
The thirteenth image MIGHT be correct but does not show the lower foliage nor tell us where the video was taken
The fourteenth appears to be Anemone rivularis!
Anemone obtusifolia
For this species, I consider MOST of the images are correctly identified, though have my doubts about one or two.
Anemone rupicola
For this species some images are correctly identified, others are DEFINITELY not.
Anemone rivularis
Most, if not all, of the images of this have been correctly identified. This species is easily grown and propagated plus is found extensively in the Himalaya, so I EXPECETED this to be the case.
Fwd: Anemones in Lahaul-Spiti : 1 post by 1 author.
According to ‘Flora of Lahaul-Spiti’ (Aswal & Mehrotra, 1999) there are 5 Anemones recorded from this region.
I am not in agreement with this.
I accept that A.obtusiloba is common on the Rohtang Pass, especially on the Kulu-side (where the yellow-flowered form is found at about 3600m or so) but this is NOT part of Lahaul. Unless A.obtusiloba is recorded from Lahaul proper it should not have been within this flora.
Much the same applies to A.polyanthes (which I have seen on the top of the pass itself) but unless this plant has been recorded from Lahaul-proper, it should not have been within this flora.
I do accept A.rivularis as I have seen it in the lower Miyah Nullah. Aswal collected it at Sissu.
I also accept that Aswal found A.rupicola on the Baralacha La – he says frequent on glacial slopes. Not that I have seen it on Baralacha myself.
As for what he calls Anemone wallichiana, which Aswal never found himself but this was collected in the past by Bor at Kardang, I know this as Pulsatilla wallichiana.
The authors also list 2 doubtful species:
Both of these had been recorded from Lahaul by Chowdhery & Wadwha in ‘Flora of Himachal Pradesh Analysis’ (1984).
Anemone coronaria var. biflora – which Stewart listed as A.biflora. Rau considered this is confined to Jammu & Kashmir. Stewart records this from Pakistan as well. There is doubt about how to distinguish between A.biflora and A.tschernjaewii (which Stewart gave as a synonym for A.biflora).
Anemone falconeri – no specimen of this is in the Dehra Dun herbarium and was not seen by the authors.
Stewart recorded it as common in forest in Kashmir in early Spring. Some include this within Hepatica.
Anemone, Anemonastrum, Eriocapitella & Hepatica (Ranunculaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author.
Pl. go through Anemone, Anemonastrum, Eriocapitella & Hepatica (Ranunculaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. If you find any incorrect identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genus (for incorporation in the website) to, it will be really nice.
Anemonastrum (Anemone)
Updated on December 24, 2024